The Sun and His Nuisances

By amoonforbright

81.1K 4.8K 1.6K

"Alright. Well, in preparing their will, we talked about who would take care of their children in the unlikel... More

Life is full of surprises, isn't it Win?
Well, Win hates me. Period.
What am I? Uncle Bright?
I can't do this anymore, Bright.
Why are you like this, Metawin?
It's pumpkin time, Win!
I'm not your fan, Bright
It's okay, Win. I'm here now.
A Tale of the Sun
My Nuisances
Life as We Know It
Our Magical Beginning

The Connoisseur and The Businessman

6.4K 334 94
By amoonforbright

 "I hate that cowboy painting!" Bright let out a deep sigh as his eyes scan the living room, a glass of champagne on one hand and the other holding his boyfriend's hand gently.

Win nods in agreement, "Me too. I don't understand what Gunsmile thought when he bought it," and yet his eyes kept staring at the cowboy painting above the fireplace, "That is the ugliest cowboy I've ever seen in my entire existence!" he states sternly.

Bright turns his head to see his boyfriend, "Should we take it down?"

"Should we," Win looks around them, his eyes catch every framed photo on the room, "Take every photo down? I mean... we live here now. Seeing their faces is... "

"Sad," his boyfriend provides the word as he also feels the same with Win.

Win sighs, "Yeah,"

Bright's eyes to look around his surrounding, "This feels like a depression museum,"

"As if we're waiting for them to come back," Win bites his lower lip, feeling rather than nauseous.

"Which they're not,"

Both of them stay in a strange silence. Bright puts down his glass above the coffee table and turns his body around to face his boyfriend, "That's it! Let's take everything down,"


Bright opens his eyes as soon as his ears catch Pear's morning cry. He sniffs on Win's nape and then plants soft kisses on Win's milky skin, "Baby call," he whispers. His hand snakes into Win's waist and pulls him closer.

Win groans, "5 more minutes," he turns around and snakes his hand around Bright's bare waist, "Just 5 more minutes," and buries his head on Bright's chest.

"She's screaming, Win." Bright kisses Win's crown and releases his body from Win's hug making the chic guy opens his eyes, "I'll bring her here,"

"Bright, you are naked!" Win chuckles.

The singer looks down and laughs, "Right. Where did you throw my brief last night?"

"I don't remember," Win smiles, "Just... get something else. She's screaming!"

Bright picks up Win's boxer from the floor and quickly wears it, "Disgusting!" Win snaps and Bright doesn't care but runs toward Pear's bedroom.

"Papa's coming, pumpkin!"

Win gets up from the bed, picking up his t-shirt, Bright's shirt, and their pants and throws them into the laundry basket. He opens up the curtains and windows to get fresh air filling the bedroom.

Bright comes in with Pear in his hands, "Good morning, Dada!" he talks in a soft voice and it makes the baby giggles with arms open as soon as she sees Win walking toward them.

Win picks her up, "Good morning, honey." he lands a soft kiss on her head and brings her to the bed where Bright is already lying down with eyes closed.

"I already changed her diaper," Bright murmurs, "Now... give me 10 more minutes,"

Win shakes his head, "Bright, you have 7.30 am call. It's already 6. 15,"

"5 minutes,"

"Bright, wake up!"

"I'm tired,"

"Bright, come on!"

"Papa," Pear joins the party and it makes Bright wakes up with giggles.

"Okay okay," Bright kisses her hand, "I'm awake now." he leans in to kiss Win on the lips and makes his way to the bathroom.

Win caresses Pear's head, "Well done, honey!"


Bright's tour is only 2 weeks away. He's currently at his manager office, sorting everything out as well as checking the possibilities when Win and Pear can join him.

"The last two shows are possible," Dim states, "I'd do that if I were you. First, the last day is always the safest to bring family and friends,"

"And you're in town," Toptap adds.

Bright nods, "But it means, I won't be seeing them for almost 40 days."

Toptap and Dim stares at each other, they're not used to seeing Bright being a clingy baby like this.

"Well... tour bus is not the best for a chef and a baby," Dim grins.

Bright let out a big sigh, "I don't want to be away from them,"

Dim smirks, "I never thought I'd be still alive to witness your gay ass, Bright!"

Toptap burst into laughter while Bright throws his popcorn to Dim.


Bright wakes up before Win and surprisingly before Pear's morning cry. He softly kisses Win's forehead, staring at his boyfriend's ethereal face. He lands another kiss next to Win's small mole near his lips while his boyfriend is still asleep, unbothered. He gets up from the bed and makes his way to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. After freshen up himself, he walks toward the nursery and surprises to find Pear is already awake, sitting on the crib and playing with her plushie and pacifier.

"Papapapa!" she smiles happily as soon as she realises her Papa is standing on the doorway.

Bright caresses her head and kisses her head twice, "Good morning, sunshine. How's your sleep?"

She giggles and stands on the crib, arms up in the air asking to be picked up, "Papa,"

"Come here. Let's change your smelly diaper. Shall we?"

Bright gently lays her on the changing table, takes off her onesie pyjamas. He then starts cleaning her bottom with a wet tissue.

"You know, my manager says I smell like a baby powder now," Bright talks softly to the baby girl who stares at him seriously.


Bright nods, "I know! It's not weird, is it? Baby powder actually smells nice." he continues to talk.

"I'm going on tour soon, pumpkin." Bright caresses the baby girl's head, "You stay home with Dada, okay?


The singer nods and smiles, "Yes, Dada. When he's at work, you play with Pam. She's a nice girl,"


"I know you want to be with Dada all the time, sunshine," he stares at Pear who's staring at him with her big round eyes, "Me too, but he has to work. He loves his job so much, just like I do,"

"Mm..." the baby mumbles.

Bright lands a kiss on her forehead, "We're gonna work hard for you, Pear. Papa gonna work so hard for you so you don't have to worry about anything, okay?"


"What do you want to be when you grow up, Pear?"

Now Bright wipes her face with a warm towel, "Your mum was a very good cook, do you know that? Just like Dada."

"Yeah, she used to cook me my favourite Thai meal. It's a beef basil stir fry, maybe I should ask Dada if he can cook it for me,"

Pear tilts her head, "Dadadada,"

Bright chuckles, "You're a very good listener, Pear. Maybe you will be a teacher, like your... like my Uncle. How would you call him if he's still here? Grandpa?"


Bright kisses her forehead, "You can be whatever you want, Pear. You can be everything as long as you believe, do you understand that? Papa and Dada will hold your hands, we will always stay with you in every path you take,"

The baby girl plays with the edge of her dress. Bright smiles and caresses her head once again, "I believe you can be someone so great just like your parents and your Dada,"


Win wakes up to the empty bed. He looks around and realises Bright is not in their bedroom, "Bright?"

He checks the time on his phone, it's almost 8 am and Win didn't wake up to Pear's crying. This is new. He quickly gets up from the bed and walks to the bathroom, freshens up himself. He notices Bright's face towel is already wet.

Win opens all the curtains and blinders in the house while walking from their bedroom to Pear nursery. On the hallway, he can hear Bright's voice. Win walks slower, doesn't want to ruin Bright and Pear morning conversation.

"I know! It's not weird, is it? Baby powder actually smells nice." Bright's voice is getting clearer as Win is now standing in the doorway, watching them from behind.

Each day, there's always something new he learns about Bright especially now they're boyfriends. Now Win knows that Bright's favourite fruit is strawberry, he doesn't have a favourite colour but he often wears green and white. The singer prefers to workout in the morning because it makes him ready to start his day.

"Yeah, she used to cook me my favourite Thai meal. It's a beef basil stir fry, maybe I should ask Dada if he can cook it for me,"

I can. Win answers Bright inside his head.

It is so precious to see Bright being domestic like this. He still awkward when dressing up Pear, at least his sense of fashion is not horrible. He knows fashion but not baby fashion. Now the singer is combing Pear's hair gently as he keeps talking.

"You can be whatever you want, Pear. You can be everything as long as you believe, do you understand that? Papa and Dada will hold your hands, we will always stay with you in every path you take,"

Yes, we will. We will stay by your side no matter what, Pear.

"I believe you can be someone so great just like your parents and your Dada,"

Win's eyes glistening and he quickly wipes his face when the tears fall, "You're a great person too, Papa."

Bright turns his head and smiles, "Pear, look who's been naughty eavesdropping our conversation,"


Win walks toward them and lands a kiss on Pear's forehead, "Morning, Sunshine." then he stares at his boyfriend, "Morning," he presses their lips together.

"Morning," Bright whispers in between their lips.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop." he picks up Pear from the changing table, "I just happened to hear them. It was beautiful,"

Bright raises his eyebrow, "Whatever."

"I'm not going to the office today," Win announces. When he heard the conversation, he knew for sure he didn't want to leave his boyfriend and daughter even it's for work. He wants to stay with them and enjoy the moment. This is going to be a beautiful day.

"Why? It's Wednesday, my day off. I can take her to the park nearby," Bright insists.

Win shakes his head, "I'm the CEO. I deserve to have a day off. I'll call Pam to give her a day off too. Let's make Wednesday as our family day,"

Bright smiles, "Babe, we can do that on the weekend."

"Don't babe me if you disagree," Win stares at him, "What should we do today? Should we go to the zoo?"

"Then I have to reserve the whole zoo because apparently, the handsome CEO starts to have more fans than I do," Bright teases him.

Win rolls his eyes, "I have like one fan and you have a zillion."

Bright chuckles, "Can we stay at home where none can find me? I want to enjoy my day off with my daughter and the handsome and sexy CEO, unbothered."

Win stares at his boyfriend's eyes and gives him his best smile, "As long as you cook with me,"

Bright smirks, "Deal,"


"She's tucked in," Win announces as he walks into the kitchen where Bright already waiting for him. The singer is making cocktails for both of them. Win hugs him from behind while resting his chin on Bright's shoulder, "What is that?"

Bright turns his head a little bit, "Hm... ginsecco? It's one of my recipes, you're gonna love it." he turns his body around and gives his boyfriend a glass, "Try,"

Win takes a sip of the cocktail, "Oh God! This is delicious! Bright, are you a bartender or something?"

His boyfriend chuckles, "It's simple. Just mix gin, prosecco and pink lemonade. Voila!"

"Did you steal my prosecco?" Win raises his eyebrow.

Bright grins, "Yeah?"

"If this is the reason why you stole it, I don't mind," Win takes another sip of his cocktail and enjoys the delicious cocktail until something comes across his mind, "Maybe we could start a family business, Bright! Like winery or something?"

"I made you cocktail once and you already think about family business? You really are a businessman, Win Metawin." Bright rolls his eyes.

Win sighs, "But it's a good business! Judging by your alcohol collection— yes, I may or may not take a look when you are at work, you already are a connoisseur. Plus, you are a rockstar! You can be the next Ryan Reynolds!"

"Babe, Ryan Reynolds is an actor, not a singer," Bright chuckles.

"Exactly! Dude made his own gin, you should be too!" Win insists, "Can you imagine you have your own champagne brand? or whisky? or rum?!" his boyfriend emphasises on own.

Bright giggles seeing his boyfriend this excited to talk about their possible family business. Win is so talkative and full of joy, especially when he talks about something he likes and understands the most, "You're so cute!"

Win rolls his eyes, "For God's sake, can you stop flirting for once?"

"Who said I'm flirting? You already are my boyfriend, do I need to flirt?" Bright pinches Win's cheek but the other guy is not amused.

"I'll ignore that for self-care. So, what do you think about have your own winery or at least, wine brand?" the boyfriend tilts his head with big round eyes full of excitement.

For the love of God, Metawin. How can someone this beautiful, handsome, and cute at the same time?

Bright put down his glass and cups Win's face gently then presses their lips together, "Maybe later when we're already married," he whispers.

Win's eyes widened and his cheeks turn red, "Wh— what?"

Bright smirks and bites Win's lower lip gently before he pulls away, "I'm hungry, Metawin. Can we start cooking now?"


"It's pretty easy actually, I'm surprised you don't know how to cook this when you made a bomb chicken parmigiana!"

Bright's eyes can't stop staring at his perfect boyfriend. Win is so addicting. He smiles like an angel and his handsome face is something you can't just look at. Win is taller than Bright by 2 cm, built so perfectly complete milky skin. More than that, Wis is a very smart guy.

Bright might be falling too deep or Win is literally a perfect man. He is that one piece of artwork in an art gallery that people spend a little longer admiring.

"So, I add around a one-quarter tablespoon of the peanut oil until it just smoking like this," Win grabs a bowl of minced beef that had been mixed with onion, crushed garlic, ginger, chilli, lemongrass and some spice to season then put the mixture into the pan.

"Now, you need to stir-fry for 2 minutes or until the beef is browned," he turns his head to make sure Bright understand but the guy just staring at him, smiling, "Are you listening?"


The singer nods, "I am... it's just... Wow, you're a very sexy chef!"

Win rolls his eyes, feeling annoyed but yet his face turns red, "You're so annoying!"

"Well, have I ever not annoying to you?" Bright chuckles as he stirs the beef mixture.

"You're right," Win smiles, "You are always annoying." he takes another wok and starts to heat sesame oil, "You're such a nuisance!"

Bright smiles, "You will never know. Someday you might want someone to be a nuisance in your life, Win. I mean, I do."

"What? Like people who bother your life so much?" Win frowns, "You're a weird man. Why are your fans head over heels with you?"

Bright chuckles, "You will understand one day, Win." he caresses his boyfriend's head, "Now, what should I do?"

"Add some chicken stock and oyster sauce,"

"Oyster sauce?"

"Mm," Win nods, "It adds more flavour. Trust me,"

"I do trust you,"

"And add choy sum,"


"Now that the choy sum wilts, remove the pan from the heat and add the cashew and this," Win tosses the chopping board, "Our best Thai basil."

Bright smiles, "The second main ingredient," he tosses the mixture on the pan to combine all of them, "Wow, smells really good!"

"I know," Win smiles satisfied, "Back when I was in the State, one of my roommates never had Thai food before and I cooked him this dish now he owns a Thai restaurant, even hired Thai chefs to get the authentic taste."

"Wow! Uncle Moo sucked at cooking, we ordered takeouts almost every day until I taught myself how to cook from watching Masterchef and borrowed a cookbook from Gigie's mum."

Win stares at Bright who still tossing and stirring the mixture, "Who is Uncle Moo?"

"Oh. He's my foster parent," Bright answers as he spoons the mixture to the serving bowl, "Do you want to eat outside while watching the sunset with me, Win?"

Foster parent?

Win nods, "Sure. I'll grab some water," Bright, we never talked about this before. He wants to ask more about this but Win knows his boyfriend will tell him when he is ready.



"We didn't turn on the rice cooker," Bright grins as he scratches his head.

Win turns his head to the right side to see where the rice cooker sits, the indicator is off, "I can't believe I'm calling myself a chef," he let out a big sigh.

Bright chuckles as he hugs his boyfriend from behind, "Baby, you are a pastry chef. That's understandable," he sniffs on Win's nape, leaving the other guy blushes.


"Coming to your concert?" Win's eyes widened. They never went out to the public and Bright asked him to come to his concert where the fans and the reporters literally breathe there?

Bright nods, "Yes. My last two dates are in town, so that's easier for both of you," he plants a soft kiss on Pear's forehead.

They are enjoying the last Saturday before Bright leaves next week on the backyard. Pear just finished her swimming and now playing with her dads on the grass. Win bought painting set yesterday and Pear enjoys it so much.

"Wow! Are you sure? People will see us..." Win seems to hesitate.

"You'll be in the backstage, Win." Bright pats Win's head, "I won't put you in the middle of the crowd with my daughter,"

Win smiles, "Still..."

Bright stares at Win's face, the art that he sees every day and yet never get tired of it. Bright never understand how someone can be this beautiful, "So what? People already know you are my co-parenting partner,"

"Right," Win nods.

Bright moves closer to his boyfriend and caresses his face, "They just don't know you own me," then leans to kiss Win's lips.

Win blushes, "Stop!"


Win can't sleep and Bright notices it. He keeps scratching his head, plays with the edge of the blanket, and fidgety. The singer turns his body facing Win and moves closer.

"What's wrong, Win?" he sniffs into Win's neck.

"I just realised..." Win turns his body around, "Tomorrow is gonna be the first day I'm all alone with Pear," his eyes staring into Bright's eyes as if he's looking for something.

Bright nods, "and gonna be my first day without you two,"

"I'm..." Win takes a deep breathe, "I'm scared." he says lowly.

The singer pulls Win's body closer, "You will be fine, Win. Look at you now, you're taking care of a baby while running two bakery shops successfully,"

"Yeah but it's gonna be different without you around."

"Three weeks, I'm coming home on the last week of the month. Can you hold up for me?"

Win hugs Bright tight. Never in his life, he thought he'd be in this state, having someone that takes his mind and heart and even make him a clingy baby like this. What did you do to me, Bright? You're not my first partner and yet this is the first time I feel so dependent on someone.

"But it's for three weeks! I'm gonna miss you so much, Bright." he buries his face on Bright's neck.

"It's not that I'm dying, Win. I'm going on tour. I can call you guys," Bright chuckles as he hugs his boyfriend back.

"You're not funny!" Win punches Bright's arm.

Bright smiles and caresses Win's face, admiring Win's ethereal beauty, the face of an angel, "I love you, Metawin," and that makes Win's eyes widened and let out a soft gasp.

They have never been vocal about their feelings and this is definitely the first time Bright saying those three magical words to Win. The chic guy is dying to hear those words but never had a gut to say them first.

The singer holds both of Win's hands and stares at his eyes, "I know we got everything backward. People supposed to fall in love first then start a family but here we are, already a family. I don't care, Win. I love Pear with all my heart and I love you more each day,"

Win's pupil dilated, his lips curved into a smile, "I love you too, Bright. I love you so much!" and he presses his lips into Bright's, softly and gently devours the singer's plump lips.

Bright breaks the kiss to appreciate his boyfriend's face, "I'm so lucky to have you in my life. How can someone as kind and as beautiful as you love me?"

Win blushes, "Yuck! A rockstar is not supposed to be this cheesy, you know?"

The singer giggles, "You're the only one who will ever see this cheesy side of me. Be grateful,"

Win lands a soft kiss on Bright's chin, "You're so cute when being cheesy,"

Bright raises his eyebrow, "Am I cute now? I thought you only like my fierce side?"

Win doesn't say anything but climbs on top of Bright and starts kissing his jawline and down to the neck. He licks Bright's adam apple and it makes the singer let out a soft moan.

Bright holds Win's waist only to flip over their position, "It's 1 in the morning, Metawin. Are you seriously asking for it?"

Win raises his eyebrow, "We're not gonna see each other for three weeks, better make the best of our last day."


"Call me when you landed," Win hugs Bright one more time before he walks out of the door. He sniffs on Bright's neck and lands small kisses there before they break the hug.

Bright nods, "I will," he leans to kiss Win's lips, "I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too," Win unconsciously tighten his grip on Bright's shirt, "Take care."

The singer nods and caresses Pear's head, "Bye, little angel. I'll see you in three weeks, okay? Be good to Dada."

Pear frowns as if she understands, "Papa,"

"Papa needs to go to work to buy you more pumpkins," Bright kisses her head, "Be a good girl, okay?"

Win chuckles, "Bye, Papa."

Bright pulls his suitcase and opens the door, "Three weeks, Win." he assures his boyfriend who is now staring at him with teary eyes, "Just three weeks, okay?"

Win nods, "Okay," he hugs Pear tighter as watching Bright walks out and gets into the van where his manager is already waiting.

Three weeks, Bright. Just three weeks

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