|A Spider's Tale|

By RambunctiousCat

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What would have happened if a more broken, desperate Gwen Stacy, fell into the universe of our happy well-man... More

A New Spider: Chapter 1
Stark Home: Chapter 2
A Greater Understanding: Chapter 3
Being the New Kid...again: Chapter 4
The Prison Break: Chapter 5
We got our butts whipped: Chapter 6
The Battle of the bugs (and Rhino): Chapter 7
Infinity War-1: Chapter 8
Infinity War-2: Chapter 9
Infinity War-3: Chapter 10
The Decimation: Chapter 11
Good Captain...Bad Captain: Chapter 12
What Planet Are We On?: Chapter 13
Adapting: Chapter 14
What a Pair: Chapter 15
Tony's Gifts: Chapter 16
I got a Delivery for Tony Stank: Chapter 17
Graduation: Chapter 18
A Day Out: Chapter 19
We're our own Team: Chapter 20
Happy Valentines Day!
Good Things Don't Last: Chapter 21
Endgame-1: Chapter 22
Endgame-2: Chapter 23
Endgame-3: Chapter 24
Endgame 5: Chapter 26
Trip to Europe: Chapter 27
You're Who!?: Chapter 28
Oh look it's Aquaman! : Chapter 29
L'uomo del Misterio: Chapter 30
A Big Fiery Blob: Chapter 31
Capes & Chaos: Chapter 32
Edict Edith: Chapter 33
Ain't Nothin' But A Heartache: Chapter 34
Ain't Nothin But A Big Mistake: Chapter 35
A 'Plain' Ride: Chapter 36
Bagels and Beds : Chapter 37
An Avenger's Level Threat: Chapter 38

Endgame-4: Chapter 25

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By RambunctiousCat

Sorry for the wait! Here we go! 

3rd Person

The team quickly got back to the Benatar, Gwen, and Peter swinging down, carrying Natasha and a Screaming Clint with them. 

Shrinking the Benatar, they reactivated their time suits and jumped back into the quantum realm. 

Completely unaware that their ally in the same time period had just been captured. 


Everyone was suddenly back on top of the quantum gateway, Steve quickly looked around, and smiled at Natasha. 

(A/N IDK why but I got sad from writing that...I might ship Steve and Nat...I didn't think I did that...but I do now) 

Tony looked around "Alright...Everyone here? Well, let's go! We have to become the most powerful begins in the universe somehow." 

Putting all the stones in a hovering container, the Avengers walked of the gateway and into the lab, it was time to fix some minor details...like how half the universal population was gone.

Tony pushed a few buttons, and a large square machine with a viewing window came up from the ground, the hovering container entered the machine, and Bruce, Rocket, and Tony crowded around it. 

Peter and Gwen were in the Back comparing time heist stories with the others, when their 'Science Sense' (hehe) flared, drawing their attention to the awesome-looking machine that had appeared. 

"Wait, Mr. Stark, what's that? When'd you make it? How's it work? What's it made of? What's it for? Can I help? Can Gwen help? If I can't help can Gwen help 'cause I don't want her feeling left out...I don't want to feel left out either ca I help? Wait I already asked that...Hey, what is that machine by the way?" 

Gwen who by now was able to translate what she called 'Nerdglish' pretty well by now, giggled at how much of a dork her boyfriend was at times. 

"This is a device that lets us safely handle the fruity pebbles, I made it yesterday, it's made from vibranium, I answered that already, Yes, Yes, already answered those two, it's called the FPM Mk II, or the Fruity Pebble Manager Mark II"

He actually understood and answered each question...hmm.

Gwen and Peter watched as the three technicians (mainly Tony) put together another Infinity Gauntlet. 

Suggesting things to make it safer. 

"Wait...the radiation is mostly Gamma? Lead is known to repel that so what if we made it lead-lined? We could also ad gold, which blocks certain radiations to...but only if it's incorporated into a polymer. Didn't Thanos have weird glowy veins...what if it also constricted blood flow...because that seems to be how the damage spreads..."

In the end, they had a lead-lined, gold braced, infinity gauntlet made from nano-tech, that constricted blood flow to minimize damage, it also had a cooling factor to keep it from burning the user, something neither the original gauntlet nor starting designs for this one had, which everyone felt very stupid for.

"Alright guys...gloves ready, question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" Rocket asked the big question.

"I'll do it" Thor immediately volunteered. 

"Excuse me?!" Scott was extremely disturbed by the idea. 

"I'd be fine" 

Pretty much everyone (Besides Thor Gwen and Peter) Disagreed strongly. 

"Thor, you're in no condition to-" 

"Actually Stark" Gwen interrupted "Peter and I have been running some calculations, gamma radiation is the strongest radiation we can measure, it is the cause for radioactive decay, and enough can shred your nervous system, too much, and you're a pile of radioactive dust on the ground, with this in mind there are five people who can take it and be relatively okay standing in this room right now, Thor, Bruce, Steve, Peter and Me. We already have a lot of safety features, we just need the strongest candidate, so that's either Thor or Hulk, maybe me and Peter "

"You are not doing it! And neither is Peter!" 

"Okay Irondad, then who?"

"I'll do it" Bruce spoke up. 

Once they were all in agreement Bruce took the gauntlet. 

"FRIDAY do me a favor and activate Barn Door Protocol." 

"Yes Boss" 

The Avenger's facility quickly went on lockdown, large metal doors slamming down on all the windows and doors. 

"Everyone comes home" 

Bruce begins to put on the gauntlet, the nano-bots stretching to fit his hand, power surge through and the stones glow, but Bruce only flinches a bit. 

"You alright Banner?" 

"Yeah...Yeah, It only stings a bit...Pete Gwen...I owe you two big-time" 

"Yeah yeah I know my Boyfriend and I are geniuses, you all could mention it more"

Bruce quickly Snaps his fingers, and hurriedly removes the gauntlet. 

Everyone blinks.

Scott pipes up "Is it just me or was that pretty anti-climactic?" 

Bruce examines his arm, there are some small burns, and it's sore, but they're really wasn't that much damage. 

Gwen and Peter were about to celebrate, when they both had that very familiar feeling, taking a quick look at each other, they rushed to the group. 

"Everyone get down, TONY don't turn off Barn Door protocol!" 

Everyone heeded the warning, Bruce grabbing the gauntlet.

"What's up kid...what's wrong" 

"I don't know Mr. Stark, but our spider-sense just flares like--"

Peter was cut off by the building shaking, large explosions rocking the foundations, the metal reinforcements began to bend, but they served their purpose. 

"Gee...Stark what are those things made of?" 

"Well their mostly steel and titanium, but there's some vibranium maybe like 9%?"

"That would explain it...vibranium is really overpowered..." 

A few parts of the building were completely destroyed, as a few of the metal doors were bent and twisted at weird angles, others were completely ripped off, and the entire area where the quantum gateway used to reside was demolished. 

Thanos' ship was floating right abode them.

"Guys...wheres Nebula?" 

"I...that would be a good question..."

Walking out of a destroyed part of the facility all the Avengers came upon the image of Thanos, in full armor, sitting on a rock. In the middle of a wasteland caused by his own bombardment. 

"Wait...Isn't he dead? He's dead right?" Peter was very confused. 

"Not anymore" Gwen pointed out the obvious.

 "When you mess with time...it tends to mess back," Tony said somberly. 

"Alright, Rocket, Clint, and Scott, I need you guys to get those stones as far away from here as possible, the pipes would be the most convenient way. The rest of us...we got a grape to completely and utterly destroy"

The three called nodded to Steve's words, and ran off with the gauntlet.

"So...Stark what are we gonna do?" 

"Well, I personally want to cause him as much pain as possible... anyone against that?"

No one was.

"Well then that's what we're doing" 

"Well as long as we're all in agreement" Thunder crackles as Thor reaches out both hands to summon both Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. His clothes transforming into his armor and cape, with his beard getting braided,  "Let's kill him properly this time"

All the Avengers charge in, except Peter and Gwen, who were completely stunned. 

"So he's hot even when he's chunky?" Gwen asked, Peter just nodded dumbly.

"When did he get Mjolnir? I thought he lost it or something?" 

"I have no idea..."

"Me neither...we should probably go help them" 

Peter and Gwen began to full spring at Thanos, quickly reaching the group that had left before them, then catching up with Hulk and Steve, before passing the Fliers as well. 

(A/N why are they so fast? I personally think that any spider person has the same abilities as most spiders, equilibrium, strength, stick, jumping, and speed, so they should be able to run really fast anyway) 

Dodging Thanos' dual blade, the two web up his legs, before then taking turns beating into his face, they lost a lot of friends to his stupid snap, they wanted retribution.

The rest of the Avengers came in and also started attacking Thanos. 

This would be easy.

Screaming in rage Thanos threw them off, Natasha and Rhodey flying into rocks and falling unconscious, the rest were flung high into the air.

This will not be easy.

Quickly recovering, Peter and Gwen, slung their webs and the ground, using the momentum to pull themselves at Thanos, both leaving with a two-footed kick one after the other. Thor charged up a humongous lightning strike, rivaling the one he struck Hela with, blasting at Thanos.

Thanos reacted quickly and through his sword, it acted as a lightning rod and redirected the bolt into the ground. Then, grabbing Tony who had been flying by, he slammed him headfirst into a rock, and he fell limp. 

"You know, when I get the stones, I now know what I must do, I will shred this universe down to its last atom. And then, with the stones you've collected for me, create a new one. Teeming with life, but knows not what it has lost, but only what it's been given, a grateful universe" 

"Born out of blood," Steve says.

"They'll never know because you won't be there to tell the--" 

"Alright, that's enough villain talk for one day!" Peter says as he smashes his fist in a brutal uppercut against Thanos' face. 

 Gwen does a backflip, kicking Thanos with both feet as she does "I know, for a titan so 'I am all-powerful he seems to talk more than anything" 

"Bothersome Pests!" Thanos grabs at Peter, throwing him away. Steve runs up and throws his shield at him, Thanos dodges and jumps for his sword. 

Quickly turning just in time, he blocks a strike from Stormbreaker, but cant' avoid the hit from Mjolnir, not fazed at all, he swats the hammer away, and pushes Thor down, using Stormbreaker to cut through his armor. 

It was about to cut through when suddenly Mjolnir slams into him again, this time with much more force. 

But it doesn't go to Thor.

Steve catches the hammer and charges Thanos. 

"I knew it!" 

Thanos kicks Thor to the ground and charges Steve, his sword drawn. 

Steve charges at Thanos swinging Mjolnir and hitting Thanos in the face knocking him down. Steve throws his shield and Thanos deflects, Steve throws Mjolnir to his shield creating a shockwave and knocking Thanos off his feet. Steve goes on the offensive on Thanos, throwing his shield first at Thanos and quickly hitting it back at him again with Mjolnir. He lines his arm back up and channels lightning at Thanos.

Thanos and Steve lock weapons, Hammer and Dual Sword, but then Thanos pulls off his helmet, slamming it into Steve's head, he then stabs Steve in the leg and knocks Mjolnir out of his hand.

Rushing at him, Thanos wildly swings his blade, and Steve with no other choice blocks with his shield. Hacking away, Steve's shield is practically halved by the double-bladed sword and Thanos throws him across the battlefield.

"In all my years of conquest– violence– slaughter– It was never personal. But I'll tell you now– what I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet– I'm gonna enjoy it. Very, very much."

Thanos then summons his entire army to the ground which including the Children of Thanos, Chitauri, Sakaarans, Outriders, and Chitauri Gorillas. Upon seeing the army diving to Earth, Steve slowly gets back to his feet. With determination, he tightens his broken shield to his arm and stands against Thanos' giant army alone. But then his communicator begins to crackle.

It's a voice he hasn't heard in five years  "Cap...hey Cap...you read me?"

Steve begins to look around wildly. 

"On your left." 

Portals begin to open up on Steve's left, and Wakandans begin to flood out in organized ranks, including Okoye, Shuri, and T'Challa, and all the soldiers who had died in Infinity War at the hands of the 2018 Thanos' army, the soul stone had done much more than it was supposed to.

Even more, heroes walked out of the portals, including a  flash of sparky blue, when it stopped Quicksilver, was standing over the battlefield. 

Another Portal opened and the Guardians of the galaxy rushed out, Dr. Strange came out too. 


Another portal opens, and Gomara falls through it, very startled. 

Once more a portal opened, and Loki flops to the dirt, extremely confused, but glad to not be choking anymore. 

Wong walked up to Dr. Strange "Are you sure this is everyone?" 

"I don't know! Are there more! I don't know, nothing makes any sense!"

Wong slowly inched away from the Mystical Master...who appeared to be having some mental problems. 

"AVENGERS!!!!" Steve held out his hand and Mjolnir flew into it "assemble" 


So yeah the last bit next time! I have some explanations for a lot of things. But that will have to wait...in the meantime Loki's okay!

yeah...focus on that...not the craziness, Loki is alive, just focus on that...don't think too hard.

Anyway, yeah, I'll see you all next chapter!


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