S.O.S. (Markiplier x Reader F...

By ashleyplier

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**MARKIPLIER X READER FANFICTION** This is a sequel to "She's Perfect" that I made a few months ago. A lot of... More

**PART 1**
Chapter 2: Beginning Of The End
Chapter 3: Stalker Much?
Chapter 4: Leave Us Alone!
Chapter 5: She Won't Go Away
Chapter 6: The Great Separation
Chapter 7: Where Am I?
Chapter 8: How Could I Be So Stupid?
Chapter 9: Skylar's Fabulous Rescue Mission (S.O.S. 1)
**PART 2**
Chapter 11: Behind Closed Doors
Chapter 12: We've Been Strong For Too Long
Chapter 13: I'm Here For You
Chapter 14: To Save A Life
Chapter 15: When Will It End?
Chapter 16: Never Forget Me
Chapter 17: S.O.S. 2
Chapter 18: Wake Up And Smell The Gift Of Life
Chapter 20: Stop! She's Innocent!
Chapter 21: We're Not Safe Anymore
Chapter 22: Karma
Chapter 23: A Life For A Life
Chapter 24: The Hero Strikes Again!
Chapter 25: Happily Ever After...NOT!
BOOK 3 IS UP!!!!
New story :3

Chapter 19: Oh No...

689 10 5
By ashleyplier

"Get out of here!" Skylar screamed. He didn't listen. He just stood there holding a knife in his hand. "Not until I seek my revenge." He told us.

~Your POV~

I couldn't believe what I had just heard in the hallway. Mark and I just stayed frozen in our spots. Slowly, Mark pointed at the door. "He didn't say what I think he said, did he?" he asked, feeling anxious. I nodded my head, disbelieving it in my head. "He did, Mark. He did."

I sped out of the room and tried to find Skylar in the waiting room. She and my Dad were still there, reading magazines. I snatched Skylar's magazine from her hands and slammed it on the floor. She gave me a frustrated look and stood up. "What's the matter with you!?" she yelled, grabbing my biceps. Dad was staring at me, too. I motioned Skylar to move away from Dad.

We were by the hallway where they took Mark. "Jackson's alive." I told her. Skylar froze in place. Her blue eyes looked like they were graying, which was never a good sign. It revealed Skylar's true fear.

"Does Mark know?" she asked quietly. I nodded my head. "He heard a doctor announce that he has a pulse." Skylar stomped her foot. "I thought I put that bastard out of his misery!" She punched the wall pretty hard after throwing a mini tantrum. I calmed her down. "Now, he's going to make our lives a living hell." she finished.

"He should be in jail!" I shouted. I covered my mouth with both hands, hoping that no one else heard me. Skylar opened her eyes and stared into mine. "We'll get him." she said, pulling something out of her pocket. I grew scared. "Even if it means getting this thing stabbed deep within his heart." I motioned her to put it away because a security guard was coming. She did as told and acted natural.

Mark got discharged a half an hour later. I'm surprised that they didn't admit him to a mental institution. I said something that randomly came to mind. "So much for him being a 'warm-hearted man'." I said. Skylar chuckled. "Yeah. If anything, his heart is colder than his personality, if that's even possible." she said back.

Dad drove the three of us back to my apartment. Mark's apartment was still a mess from earlier today. It was really dark out right now, and it was about to rain. I held Mark's hand and led him to his apartment. I opened the door for him and offered to help clean his place up. "That'd be nice." he said faintly.

I cleaned up the shattered glass by his door, and scrubbed up the blood as best I could. I saw the broken frame by the door, which broke my heart. This was the same frame where our picture was in. I guess he was just as angry before as I was back at the hospital.

 Mark picked up the DVD rack and organized the DVDs from what we watched together to what we didn't watch. It took us a half an hour to clean everything up.

Finally, the apartment was spotless again, and Mark looked happy. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly. "How are you feeling?" I asked, breaking from the hug. He shrugged slightly. "A lot better." he answered. "I don't feel like shit anymore, that's for sure."

"Good. Just try to go back to how you used to be. I liked you better as a positive person, and not as a suicidal depressed man." I commented. He agreed with me. "Yeah, me too." he said.

I kissed Mark, told him that I loved him, and headed home. It was almost ten-thirty right now. I changed into my pajamas and headed straight for bed.

~Mark's POV~

(F/n) went home, and I went in my recording room to make a video. I don't know why I always record late. I promised my fans that I would record two videos a day, but I've only made one each day and very late at night. I need to get back on track.

I started playing Five Nights at Freddy's 3. I did my usual intro and started to play the game. It was very scary because Bonnie looked like a zombie animatronic. This game series just gets better and better each time they're made.

I stopped recording an hour later and went to bed. I was going to take (f/n) to school in the morning. Hearing that the principal to that school is alive again, it made me concerned about (f/n) and Skylar going to that school again. I hope Jackson doesn't have anything up his sleeve for tomorrow...

~Your POV~

My alarm went off a little late this morning, which kind of irritated me. "Fucking alarm." I said, slamming the snooze button.

I got up and quickly readied myself for that hellhole they call school. I wore my usual Hot Topic clothes and my converse. My hair is, again, straightened. I picked up my backpack and walked to Mark's apartment. Skylar was sprinting down the hallway, all ready for school. She met up with me the second I started knocking on Mark's door.

"(F/n)." she said. She stopped right next to me, panting. I looked at her. "What's up?" I said, getting worried again. She placed a hand on my shoulder. "I don't know if we should go to school today." she said, feeling skeptical. I shook my head. "I don't either, but I don't feel like failing senior year." I said back.

Mark opened his door, all ready to take us. He was wearing a pair of jeans, a blue t-shirt, and his hair was styled back to its usual style. I was happy to see Mark like this again. Skylar looked at him and smiled widely. "Now there's the Markiplier we all know and love." Skylar said, holding her arms out for him to hug her. He hugged her quickly and stepped back.

"Let's get you two to school." he said happily. I adjusted the straps on my backpack and followed Mark to the car. My parents were both at work already. I really miss my Mom right now. I miss her optimistic attitude. She was the only one, besides my friends, that accepted me and Mark's relationship. My Dad, however, hasn't spoken to me since last night. I know he was only to protect me, but he chose a pretty bad time to get on my case about it.

Minutes later, we arrived at the school. Like usual, Skylar got out of the car first. This time, she waited by the car for me to get out. I looked at Mark, who was smiling at me. I smiled back. "Mark?" I said, holding his hand. He nodded his head, listening to what I have to say next.

"I really want to be with you." I confessed. His cheeks turned pink. I've missed how his cheeks always changed color like a chameleon. He grabbed onto my hand, too. "Me too, (f/n)." he said back. My smile widened and my cheeks reddened. Oh, how I've missed this feeling inside me.

Mark held me tightly in the seat. "I want to talk some things out real quick." he said in my neck. I leaned back in my seat and listened to his desires.

He raised one finger up toward the sky. "One, whenever something is going on, I want to know about it a.s.a.p." he told me. He raised another one. "Two, no more hurting yourself. I know sometimes you can't help it, but if something is making you feel that way, call me or come over. I don't care if I'm busy recording or anything. I'd rather put off my work than to deny your cry for help." I was nodding at each of his wants.

He raised, yet, another finger. "Three...I love you." he said, laughing. I decided to do the same thing for him. "Fine. One, nore more cutting; no more suicide, no more nothing like that." I said, raising a finger up. He nodded. "Two," I started, raising another one. "No more fighting over petty shit like, oh you know, me kissing Skylar even though it meant nothing in terms of love." Mark rolled his eyes at me and smiled. I smiled back. "Three, please stop yelling at me in the car just as we're about to head home." Mark put down my hands. "Okay, okay, I get it." he said seriously.

I raised my eyebrows and slightly squinted my eyes. "Four...I love you too." I said and kissed him on the cheek. Mark blushed deeply again. "I know you can do better than that." he said, smirking. I laughed a little bit and kissed him passionately on the lips. He moaned in my mouth like he had forgotten this feeling.

We kissed for about two minutes until Skylar knocked on Mark's window. Mark and I parted and I looked in the direction where Skylar was pointing. Principal Jackson...was walking inside the school. "Oh no..." I said silently.


Jack-off is back!? WHYYY!? -___- what is he going to do to you? because i saw him carrying something sketchy in his hands as he walked toward the front doors of the school...

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