A Chance is a Galaxy of Hope

By crutchy_85

7 1 8

Since escaping her death from the infamous Order 66, Holmi Kabel has been wandering the galaxy trying to once... More

Chapter One

7 1 8
By crutchy_85

As Holmi Kabel walked away from the gate and headed toward Incheon's main terminal, she pulled the hood of her sweater over her head. She pulled her bag closer, protecting its contents as she always did when she was among a lot of people.

Squeezing the bag, she glanced down at it. It had definitely seen better days. But somehow, she could never let herself part from it, despite being told numerous times that sentiment was an emotion better avoided. But the bag reminded her of what was, who she was, and the one person who had meant everything to her.

However, now was not the time to let herself dwell on the past. Her final destination was still over an hour away and the sooner she got there, the better she would feel.

She walked quickly through the airport, heading toward the bus terminals when suddenly she stopped in her tracks. A wave of familiarity washed over her, something she hadn't felt in over fifteen years.

Glancing around the airport, she searched for the origin of the tremor she felt. In an instant, her attention was drawn to the far end of the large room, near the exit. A small group of men were walking towards the door at a rapid pace. Two of them straggled in the back, one of who was looking directly at her.

His eyes went wide as they bore into her, a slight glimmer appearing when he realized who he was looking at. But a split second was all either of them had to see each other. His face had been covered by a face mask and a moment after they had seen each other, he was pulled away by someone else.

But the feeling he had left with her would not be forgotten. It was the first time Holmi had run into another force user since she was a Padawan. And just the thought that she was not the only one in the galaxy, gave her hope.


Somewhere else in the galaxy...

"Sir, the outer rim planets are not worth our time. It would be a waste of resources and personnel." Commander Manu paced back and forth in his small office.

The man who stood next to him, raised his eyebrow inquisitively. "I agree Commander. Those planets and the scum that live on them are not worthy of a second thought." He growled. "But unfortunately this decision was not mine to make."

"How soon must we leave?" Manu headed toward his desk.

"Immediately. Tarkin says we have already wasted too much time here."

"The order comes from Tarkin?" Sitting down, Manu shook his head at the revelation before quickly pushing the communication button on his desk.

"Yes Commander Manu?" The voice over the com sounded a little too eager to please.

"Lieutenant Beltran set course for the closest planet in the outer rim. And as soon as you are ready, make the jump to light speed." Manu relayed the information before looking back up at the Admiral, just in time to see his nod of approval.

Seoul, South Korea...Current day

Holmi looked around the city bustling with people. She smiled to herself. This populated area was going to be the perfect place to lay low. Unfortunately, she knew it would not be the easiest place for her to adapt to.

Since she had unknowingly and miraculously escaped Order 66, she had been in hiding. Holmi was careful as to where she would stay. She only chose place that were secluded, with only one or two small colonies. Places where she could go days without seeing or talking to anyone. Places that she knew there was a low possibility of her getting captured and killed.

But living that way was started to affect her. And through her recent travels, she heard talk of a rebellion. People who were willing to fight against the Galactic Empire.

With the power she had and her attuned sense of right and wrong, she felt like she owed it not only to herself, but to these rebels to find them and do all she could to help them in their cause.

Seoul Korea might be just the place to do that. The place where she hoped she might once again feel useful.


Seoul, South Korea...Current day

"How long have you been here on earth?" The older woman led Holmi up the stairs to the single door at the top.

"I actually just got here a few days ago. This is my first time on Earth." What Holmi sensed from the woman could only be described as sincere kindness, which immediately put her at ease. "How about you Ms. Lee? Have you always been here?"

The woman answered as she put the key in the lock and opened the door, revealing a small but quaint apartment inside. "I hope you feel comfortable and safe here." She smiled. "Earth has a way of making me feel at home. I hope it does the same for you."

Holmi looked at her, amazed. "How do you do it?"

Ms. Lee looked at her confused, "Do what?"

"Remain so positive?" Holmi shut the door behind her then reached out in the force to make sure that they were alone. Satisfied they were, she continued. "I sense no fear in you at all as you willingly harbor a fugitive of the Empire." She pointed to herself. "Meanwhile I have lived with fear as my friend on a daily basis."

Ms. Lee invited Holmi to sit down at the small table in the kitchen while she placed a cup in front of her and filled it with a milky blue liquid. Then she sat across from her, placing her hand over Holmi's tenderly. "I can't imagine the pain and hardship that you have had to endure. And I will not pretend to. It must have been so lonely at times for you being on your own. But you must remember that there is always hope."

"I know. But I didn't always see it." Holmi's face brightened as her memory drifted back to several years ago, a place it traveled to more often than it should have. "I had to be reminded of that long ago." She took of sip of the familiar drink and smiled. "You might find this silly."

Taking a sip of her own drink, Ms. Lee laughed softly. "Dear I have seen and heard of a lot of strange things in my lifetime. And I have lived on many different planets with many different people, I highly doubt anything you tell me will sound silly."

Nervous to continue, Holmi pulled her long braid over her shoulder and started to wrap it around her fingers. "Well music brought my hope back. Specifically music from this planet. Korean music."


"Yes. A band called Super Junior. Do you know of them?"

"Yes I do." With the way Ms. Lee responded, Holmi felt like she knew exactly what she was going to say, but at the same time, that she was hiding something. "They are very popular here. But how did you hear them? I thought their music was only here on earth."

"I once lived on a small mining colony on a moon that encircled a lifeless planet. The," she paused, unsure how to continue. "Friend. Yeah a friend I lived with played Super Junior a lot while he was working. I am pretty sure he just liked the songs for their beats and didn't really know what they were singing about. But something about the music fascinated me and I felt drawn to the band. The music made me feel a sense of comfort and belonging, something I hadn't felt since..." She drifted off, not wanting to dampen the spirit of the current conversation. "It took some doing, but I finally managed to find all of their songs. And I found myself listening to them all the time. I guess they made me feel a bit less, lost."

"Is that what brought you here?" Ms. Lee asked with a knowing tone. 

Now Holmi was sure that Ms. Lee was keeping something from her. But having just met her, and not totally sure of things herself, Holmi decided to leave that subject alone for now.

"No. Well not entirely anyway. I thought any planet that could produce music and people like that had to be pretty good. And it was time for me to move on." Sensing her emotions getting a little too close to the surface as she talked, Holmi quickly changed the subject. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course." Ms. Lee took another sip of her drink before once again looking at Holmi. Her eyes softened as she saw the earnestness in Holmi's.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because you need a friend." Ms. Lee plainly stated.

"It's that simple?"

"I won't deny that I don't care for the Empire. But my feelings for people like you, are what motivate me to do what I do."

Thinking back to the person she sensed at the airport when she arrived, Holmi had to ask. "Am I the only Jedi you ever sheltered? Have you helped others like me?"

Ms. Lee slowly stood up and walked towards the door. "I think it's time you settled in. Take a few days and get organized before coming down to work in the shop."

As much as Holmi wanted information on the stranger, she sensed she would have to exercise the kind of patience her master taught her so long ago.


Many years ago...on Coruscant


Against the attempts to control her emotions, Holmi could not control the small squeal of delight that made its way out of her mouth. When she realized what happened, she covered her mouth and looked down at the person who had addressed her.

Despite his small size, Master Yoda looked powerful and slightly intimidating. But his soft laugh and words would make you think that he was as young as the Padawan who stood before him. "Excited you are yes?" He chuckled again. "A special day it is. Today I introduce you to your master I will."

Using the force, she focused on herself, willing herself to calm down. "Yes, Master Yoda." She stood straight up, making sure she was as composed as possible. "I am ready."

As soon as the words had left her mouth, a tall, stern looking Weequay entered the room. He surveyed the people standing a few feet away from him before crossing the room and standing behind Yoda. His skin, which was grayish brown, looked like it could withstand a laser blast or two. And he wore his long hair in several braids on top of his head.

Never having seen one of his species before, Holmi couldn't help but stare.

The Weequay cleared his throat, looked down at the older master then to the young girl that stood in front of them. "Padawan Holmi, I am Shaibl Gi." Placing his closed fist over his chest he gave her a slight bow.

"Master, I'm so pleased to meet you."

Turning to Yoda once again Shaibl spoke. "You are right old one, she is excited to meet me."

Embarrassed at her lack of decorum Holmi stuttered an apology. "I apologize masters. I'm not very good at holding back my emotions."

"Emotions don't tend to like to be hidden. But hiding them is not the important thing." Shaibl looked her over before continuing. "The training you will receive from me will guarantee you can control the emotions that you have, instead of letting them control you."

Seoul, South Korea...Current day

"So, the coffee bean delivery comes every Monday."

"Monday, coffee," Holmi muttered to herself as she wrote the words down on paper.

Chuckling, Ms. Lee moved closer to Holmi and wrapped her arm around her waist. "There is no need to take notes. You will remember."

Holmi sighed. "I have been a solider, a farmer and have even worked in a warehouse. I have never once worked at any food establishment, let alone a coffee shop and bakery."

"You will do fine."

"I don't want to do just 'fine.'" The sincerity in her voice was apparent. "You are providing me room and board and a job. I want to do my best to show you how much I appreciate this."

Ms. Lee smiled softly. "I know you will. I have faith in you."

Those four words made Holmi's mind drift to a simpler time, one where she was not only free to be herself but was encouraged to use the powers she was blessed with.

"Are you okay?" Mrs. Lee's voice brought Holmi back to the present.

"Yeah, sorry. You just made me think of something." Holmi shook her head, willing the memory to return to its place as she followed Ms. Lee into the back of the café.


Many years ago somewhere deep within the Jedi Temple on Lothal

"I know you can do it."

"Master how do you know? We have only been training for a few months together and I feel like I haven't been doing my best." Holmi's shoulders dropped.

"Because I have faith." Shaibl Gi stood tall, hands behind his back as he looked at his Padawan.

Holmi struggled, taking a wide stance. "I have faith in the force too, but it can only do so much."

"No, not in the force." He softened his voice. "I have faith in you Holmi."

Those words made Holmi's heart skip a beat.

Ever since she had begun her training as a Padawan she felt like she couldn't do anything right. Her master would assign her a task. She would do it to what she thought was the best of her ability, yet he would make her do it all over again. This happened every day. She genuinely felt like her master didn't like her or have the slightest interest in helping her succeed.

At this point in her training, she was used to feeling utterly defeated. So the last thing she expected to hear was that her master actually had faith in her. And that he had no doubts that she could do the task that was set before her.

Unsure what to say she spoke softly. "Thank you Master." Now with a renewed sense of determination, she began her training exercises for the day.


Somewhere else in the galaxy...Current day

Commander Manu paced back and forth in his office as the ship continued its way to the outer rim. With the recent orders he had been given, he felt like someone was just trying to give him busy work.

Had someone found out about letting one of the rebels who was under his custody, escape? Did his outburst over a month ago during a battle simulation do more damage than he initially thought?

He could not be sure. But he definitely knew Tarkin wanted him as far away from the Empire's growing armada as possible.

But Manu made a promise right then and there that no matter what assignment they put him and his crew on, he was going to do all he could to make his emperor proud and damned be anyone who stood in his way.


Seoul, South Korea...Current day

As Holmi shut the door behind her, she heaved a tired sigh. She couldn't remember the last time she had worked so hard. Her body was not used to it. Pushing away from the door, she placed her hand on her lower back, rubbing it as she moved a little farther into her apartment.

She had traveled for a few years, only staying a month or two in each location, not enough time to get a job. But the work felt good. It made her feel like she had a purpose again, even if it was a small one.

But now that the day was over, she felt the need to meditate. It had been too long since she last had.

Walking to the middle of the room, she sat down on a large pillow she had placed in the middle of the floor before she had left for work that morning. As she folded her legs together, she began to reach out, feeling the force all around her. Just as she was about to let herself slip deeper into the thoughts and feelings surrounding her, she sensed a single being reaching out to her through the force. It was the same person she sensed in the airport when she arrived.

Curious, she reached back, allowing the other person to sense her. He was human, like her. But unlike her, he was only allowing her to see what he chose her to see, and no more. A wise precaution that Holmi knew she should have taken. But knowing another person like her was here on the same planet made her feel like a young Padawan again. Ready and eager to learn more, no matter the consequences.

Because not only was he another force user like herself. He was a Jedi.

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