Thor: Gods and Goddesses

By jessalexiss

20.8K 398 109

─── Thor: Gods and Goddesses ❝Just because I'm a Princess, doesn't mean I can't fight for myself. Let us not... More

Thor: Cast List
-THOR (2011)-
Thor- Ch.1
Thor- Ch.2
Thor- Ch.3
Thor- Ch. 4
Thor- Ch. 5
Thor- Ch. 6
Thor- Ch.7
Thor- Ch.8
Thor- Ch.10
Thor- Ch.11

Thor- Ch.9

1K 23 4
By jessalexiss

Word Count: 2166

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aria felt her feet hit something solid. She threw her arms out to steady herself as she squinted her eyes open slightly in an attempt to shield the bright light that the Bifrost emitted.

Her frostbitten skin thawed in the new high temperature of the room, the pink dust disappearing from her cheeks as her body regained it's normal temperature.

Once she regained her senses, she looked around to find her and her companions back in the golden dome that is Heimdall's observatory.

The sun was just beginning to set in Asgard, creating a beautiful cascade of golden light to reflect off of each golden surface. The ocean water twinkled in the sunlight as it danced it's way over the edge of the planet, falling into nothingness. The breeze that travelled through the air was soft and warm, a comforting feeling-- the calm before the storm.

"Why did you bring us back?" Thor spat at their father, bringing Aria out of her daze

"Do you realize what you've done?" Odin yelled as he stormed over to the controls to the Bifrost "what you've started?"

Oh lord here we go again Aria thought as she shared a nervous look with her raven haired brother

"I was protecting my home." Thor stated, nearly cutting their father off

"You cannot protect your friends. How can you hope to protect a kingdom?" Odin retaliated as he ripped the Bifrost sword from it's controls before aggressively throwing it at Heimdall

Towards Lady Sir and The Warriors Three who collectively were holding up an injured Fandral, "Get him to the healing room! Now!" he ordered

Sif, Volstagg, and Hogun hurry to help Fandral out of the room, not wanting to witness or be a part of this family squabble. Heimdall soon followed them out, wanting to give the family some privacy for their argument

"There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act!" Thor countered. There was a small pause as Odin simply stared at his son. Thor took this as a sign to continue on his little rant "The Jotuns must learn to fear me as they once feared you"

Aria froze up at the revelation, scurrying to stand beside the god of mischief.

The two siblings looked at each other, fear evident in their eyes as they both anxiously shuffled around, taking a deep breath in an attempt to ignore the argument going on between their eldest brother and their father.

"That's pride and vanity that talks! Not leadership! Have you forgotten everything I've taught you? What of a warrior's patience-?"

"While you wait and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us!" Thor cut his father off "The old ways are done. You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls!"

"You're a vain, greedy, cruel boy!" Odin was yelling now, the harsh words causing both younger siblings to tense

If Odin was not only yelling, but yelling those harsh words at the obviously favoured sibling, what of them?

"And you are an old man and a fool!" Thor growled back, his voice echoing throughout the dome

All time seems to stop at Thor's words. Aria and Loki's mouths fall agape and no words were spoken between the speechless royals.

Odin slowly shifts his gaze to the floor, deep in thought

"A fool, yes. I was a fool to think you were ready." there was something terrifying beneath the calmness of the kings words as he spoke

Aria and Loki shared a panicked look before Loki takes a step towards Odin, imploringly

Loki's voice wavered, panic evident not only in his tone but his expression "Father--" 

"HEY!" Odin growls at the younger sibling, cutting him off. Pointing an accusing finger towards him. Terrified, Loki stops in his tracks and takes a step back, tears shining in his ocean blue eyes.

Aria rushes to her fear-struck brother and latches her arms around him, softly dragging him farther back while whispering calming words in his ear

Odin slowly retracts his arm all while staring at the floor " Thor Odinson..." he began, disappointment apparent in his voice "You have disobeyed the express command of your King." all three siblings stare at their father with wide eyes, Thor's breath catching in his throat

"Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful Realms and innocent lives to the horrors of war." he ended growling

The Allfather plunges Gungnir into the Observatory's control panel. The turret turns, the Bifrost energy building along with the king's rage. It fires, as the Bifrost opens at the end of the platform, creating a portal behind Thor. Odin then marches angrily to his son as his two other children stare in horror, in fear of what is to become of their eldest brother.

"You are unworthy of this Realm..." Odin rips a disc off Thor's chest.

"...unworthy of your title..." He rips away Thor's cloak.

"You're unworthy!" he shouts, staring directly into his sons eyes angrily all while Thor stares back with a sorrowful look "of the loved ones you've betrayed." he leans in closer to get his point across

With those few words spoken, the Allfather found himself striking a nerve in Thor in his words 

Aria darts her eyes back and forth between her brother and her father as her eyes pool with tears

Odin slowly removes his hardened gaze from his son and stares sorrowfully at the floor, almost regretfully, before briskly turning around and storming back to his spot at the controls

"I hereby take from you your powers." He proclaims as he extends his hand towards his son. Mjolnir goes flying from Thor's grasp into Odin's hand.

"In the name of my father..." A finger of lightning comes off the hammer and hits Thor, disintegrating the right arm of his armour and part of the chest piece.

"...and of his father before..." Another strike disintegrates the remainder of Thor's armor, including the cape and torn-away disc on the floor.

"Loki..." Aria whispers shakily at the god as her eyes, blown wide open, stare at her eldest brother

Aria wanted to look away, but somehow she couldn't tear her eyes away from the scene before her. She longed to be back in the palace with Sif, Fandral, Hogun and Volstagg joking around by a fire with her brothers rather than watch her brother and her father argue

"I Odin Allfather, cast you out!" Odin thrusts Mjolnir before him and with a crack of thunder, Thor is hurled backwards into the open Bifrost and disappears in the vortex.

"BROTHER!" Aria shouts as she lunges in attempt to reach her now exiled brother, only to be held back by her raven haired brothers iron grip

Both siblings whip their heads in their fathers direction baffled, mouths agape in shock, eyes red and wide with tears now streaming down the goddesses' pale face

Both siblings then march over to where their brother was previously standing staring out into the void that their brother disappeared into

Suddenly Mjolnir comes flying past the two, into the void as well causing the siblings to look back to their father, even more shock evident in their expressions 

While Aria looks in disbelief, her brother merely looks numb, expressionless.

"How could you!" Aria shouts in anguish at her father, marching back up to where he stood

"If you know what is best for you, you would keep your mouth shut!" Odin growled in return, staring at his daughter with clenched teeth

He already banished one of his favoured children, god forbid he had to banish both

Aria merely stared up at her father, mouth agape, tears streaming freely down her face

Odin turned and looked into the void numbly

"Aria you are to go into the vault and clean up the mess the frost giants left," he began speaking numbly, yet with authority "Loki you are to do what you please"

Nobody moved for a good minute before Odin, fed up with the lack of movement, whipped his head angrily at his remaining children

"ON WITH IT!" He growled causing both siblings to snap out of their trance and bow their heads muttering a 'yes father' before hurrying out of the dome, knowing better than to press him further.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Aria climbed onto her horse right next to where Loki mirrored her actions on his. The goddess looked out numbly, staring into nothingness, rethinking the events of the day.

She couldn't help but believe her brother's banishment and Fandral's injury were her fault. Had she at least tried to convince her brother to not follow through with this stupid, reckless plan of his, maybe they would all be smiling, laughing by a fire right now back at the palace

"Hey," Loki began as his pale, cold finger tapped underneath his sister's chin to gain her attention. Only then did Aria realize he trotted from her left side around to her right, her facing the kingdom while Loki faced the Bifrost. "Are you alright?"

Aria looked up to her brother and tears began to glisten in her eyes. Her mouth opened to speak, however no words came out.

"It's okay sister, he'll be alright" Loki assured as he rubbed the goddesses shoulder "this is our brother Thor we're talking about," he smiled trying to lighten the mood "the cocky bastard we know! Wherever he is I assure you sister, he will be fine" he finished with a grin enticing quiet laughter from his sister.

Loki's smile broadened at his accomplishment "here, come on" he said as he moved back on his horse and gestured for his sister to climb on in front of him

Aria smiled remembering all the times she and her brothers would do this as children when the boys would teach her how to ride a horse on the castle grounds, constantly messing around, smiling, laughing and pushing each other off of the horses.

Loki knew Aria was in no position to be riding a horse with her mind going haywire, and Aria knew that too, although her horse was more than capable of leading itself back to the castle with the princess upon it, Aria needed some form of comfort and both siblings were aware of that.

Aria grinned as she took her brothers outstretched hand. Loki pulled his sister's smaller frame in front of him, her battle gear clashing against his as he wrapped his arms around her to reach the reigns as his sister pet his horse's neck

"Tyr," Aria cooed as she turned her head back to her stunning white steed, "back to the stables please" she smiled as the horse neighed and took off down the rainbow bridge

"Should we try to best him?" Loki asked into Arias ear with a laugh

Aria turned to look back at her brother with a grin before looking back towards Asgard

"Onward!" she shouted as she threw her right arm forward.

Loki laughed at his younger sisters antics before ripping his reins and lightly tapping his horses sides causing the horse to speed forward.

Somehow, Loki and Aria were always able to lift each other's moods, even in the worst of times. Deep down, they both knew it was because their father favourited their eldest brother, leaving them two with something slightly in common, a need and want for their fathers love and approval.

While Aria was in truth more favoured than Loki, they both stuck together and always cheered one another up whenever they were down.

Aria in that moment, her back against her brothers chest, wind blowing softly through both of their hair in the beautiful sunset glazed light that enveloped all of Asgard, galloping across the glassy bridge, was so thankful that her brother was able to lift her mood, even without her other half here, the other third of their dynamic

Unbeknownst to Aria, Loki as well was incredibly thankful that in Aria's happiness, his mood was able to be lifted as well, temporarily blocking out the pounding questions and thoughts in his head regarding the encounter he had with the frost giant back during the battle in Jotunheim.

A/N just ending this off with some cute Aria-Loki Sibling Fluff. I feel like i'm saying this way too much but I apologize for not updating in a while, I know 2 weeks is pretty long..... okay fine like a month is pretty long but I was rlly un motivated and had 0 Inso so if you guys have any ideas feel free to comment them <3 I have the next like 2 chapters mapped out so I should get those up soon so. 

Stay safe everyone thank you for reading you beautiful people <3 thank you for being patient with me, I love y'all 

- Jess <3 

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