Bad In Common

By prinses1010

501K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... More

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️
Epilogue ✔️

Chapter 53 ✔️

5.8K 268 58
By prinses1010

Leukemia is a cancer of blood-forming tissues, delaying the body's ability to fight infection.

Many patients with leukaemia don't have symptoms and only start showing when it's too late.

Today, the average five-year survival rate for all types of leukaemia is 65.8%. That means about 69 of every 100 people with leukemia are likely to live at least five years after being diagnosed.

I stare back at Tyler with pure shock. He was acting up because of his dad's illness. I know it must have been hard for him, still is, but maybe if he had told me back then, then I could have been there for him instead of thinking about what a shitty person he is.

Maybe I should have urged him more to tell me what's going on instead of being a brat.

Would the whole new years eve incident have been avoided if I just pushed him a little harder?

" Tyler I'm so sorry -"

" Don't." he cuts me off. " Don't say you're sorry. Everyone says that they're sorry but where does that leave me? Is 'sorry' going to scare away my dad's cancer? No it's not. So stop saying sorry for shit that you didn't cause." he continues.

Rage starts building up inside of me from the way he is talking to me. I push the anger back because I know he is hurting. He's struggling to cope with his new found reality and he's taking it out on the people he's close to. I'm all too familiar with that method of coping.

" I'm not saying sorry because your dad got sick. It won't bring you anywhere, I know. I'm saying sorry that I wasn't there for you and that I didn't push you into telling me what was going on. I'm sorry that I'm a terrible person who jumps to conclusions instead of coming to you. I'm so sorry Tyler. " the last part comes out nearly above a whisper.

I take a step towards him and grab onto his hand.

" I'm here now. " I say as my free hand circles around his neck making him look at me.

" And I'm not leaving. " I promise while wiping away a tear that has managed to escape his eye.

Seeing him so vulnerable is absolutely terrifying. If someone had to tell me a few months ago that Tyler Anderson would be crying in front of me I would have fainted from laughing too hard because it's hard to imagine him even being capable of such an emotion.

He's a private person. He only shows what he allows you to see. He might look like the perfect guy from others point of view but he has flaws of his own. I didn't fall for the muscles or the dimples or the wealth, I fell for all his flaws. Flaws that are so perfect in my eyes because it's what makes him the Tyler Anderson I know today.

" God I'm such a whimp." Tyler breathes out after a quiet minute.

" You're not a whimp. You're just human." I say pulling him in closer.

I feel his body shake from light laughter. Before I can asks what's funny he closes his arms around my body and pulls me in tighter.

" Look at you becoming all soft on me." he chuckles.

I move away from his hold so that I can look him straight in the eye.

" I'll still kick your ass." I warn him.

" That's my girl."


Keep calm. You're too cool to freak out about some silly old line.

Oh what the heck? This man will kill me with all the butterflies he gives me.

Look at you becoming all cheesy -


" There you are-you bi -" before Emily can even finish her own sentence she is sent flying down onto the concrete. I hear a few groans coming from her due to the hard impact. She's definitely going to have a bruise.

" I think it's time to go." Parker announces as he appears behind Emily's sprawled out figure on the ground. He looks down at her drunk ass before shaking his head and picking her up bridal style.

I feel Tyler's hand wrap around mine as he tugs me into the direction of Emily's car, signalling that he wants to leave as well.

" I don't want to leave just yet. I still have to get that cute guy's number." I say in all innocence.

What? I just had to okay.

Tyler quirks his left eyebrow before releasing the grip he has on my hand.

" His 'cuteness' won't leave you as wet as I do. "he replies in a demanding voice that sends my insides flipping.

I missed this dirty talk.

" Sold. " I say before taking his hand and basically drag him over to Emily's car.

What? It's been a while since I had some action.


I feel some tossing and turning from beside me before an arm is slung over my waist pulling me into a muscular chest.

I move my body closer to his but flinch from the sudden pain coming form down there.

I'm sore?

I can't even remember the last time I was sore.

Well last night was-

Last night was incredible.

Make up se-

Yeah I'll just stop my conscience right there. No need for details.

" Good morning beautiful."

Damn that morning voice. Definitely something I missed a lot.

" Why did you flinch?" I hear him ask not even a few seconds later.

Do I really want to tell him that I'm sore from last night? It'll just boost his ego that's for sure. But maybe a little ego boost will do him good? Nah. He's filled with enough ego to last him many more years to come.

" Oh its nothing -" I start but he cuts me off.

" Are you sore?" he asks surprised.

Damn it. He figured it out on his own.

" What? No-"

" You're sore aren't you?" he asks again. I can literally hear the smirk in his voice.

" I'm not-"

" So you're up for another round then? " he questions.

He's good. Too good.

I turn around so that I can glare at him.

" Fuck off." I say before turning my back towards him.

A fit of laughter leaves his body as the bed starts shaking. This is not funny. Okay maybe a little. But it's not something to laugh about. God I'll never hear the end of this.

" I knew I was good but damn, I'm that good?" he continues on praising himself.

I roll my eyes before letting out a chuckle of my own. I like hearing him laugh.

We lay in silence for a few minutes before I turn back around to face him.

" So about your dad-" I start. I know he has been trying to avoid the subject but it has to be brought up. There are still a lot of blank spaces to fill in.

A sigh leaves his body but he doesn't say anything.

" How serious is it?" I whisper.

I watch his adam apple move up and down before he licks his bottom lip.

" It's bad." he sighs.

My heart sinks into my stomach from hearing the pain in his voice.

" Is he going for chemotherapy?"

Tyler shakes his head before clearing his throat.

" The chemo only made him more ill." he answers truthfully.

As if his family hasn't been through enough and now the chemo is only making it worse.

" He doesn't have a lot of time left. The doctors said it is difficult to say when his last days will be but it's not far away. They suggested that he stays in the hospital so that they can monitor him but he refused saying that he doesn't want to spend his last days hooked up to machines. " he continues.

It is absolutely heart breaking hearing him talk about George's cancer. I wouldn't wish such an illness even on my worst enemy.

" That's why I left shortly after you were in the hospital. My mom called me, crying, begging me to come home. I didn't want to leave you at that time but I had to be there for my family." he says.

I fully understand that he had to go home to be with his family. He has to be strong for them but someone has to be strong for him as well. No one can carry that much at once. I'll be strong for him.

" Why did you come back? "I question him.

If his dad is on his death bed I don't understand why he came back.

" I didn't have anything with me so I came back to grab a few things and then I saw you. Getting all cozy in my bedroom. I couldn't leave without making things right between us." he admits.

Feeling a little guilty here. He should be with his dad and not here with me in his arms.

I move out of his hold and look at him wide eyed.

" You need to go back home. "I demand as I jump out of bed. Ignoring the pain from earlier I start searching for a bag to pack all of his things in.

I stop mid way when I hear him chuckle.

" Why are you still in bed? It's an 8 hour drive. Who knows if your dad - "

" Babe, calm down. My ticket is booked for 10am." he says calmly.

I sprint over to my phone to check the time. It's 08:47. He needs to hurry if he wants to catch his plane.

" You have less than an hour and a half to catch your plane. You're not going to make it and it's all my fault - "

I'm silenced from my ramble when he pulls me down onto his bed again. He wraps his arms around my body and kisses the top of my head.

My breathing starts to calm down as I take in the way his arms are wrapped around me. Tightly. As if he's afraid I'll slip out of them again.

" Thank you." he whispers.

I tilt my head slightly to the left so that I can look at him.

" For what?" I ask curiously.

" For caring and being there for me. Most people would have just said sorry and moved on with their lives but here you are, running around the room like a mad woman just so that I won't miss my flight." he answers.

His words makes me smile and panic at the same time. He really is going to miss his flight.

" Come on. You need to get ready-"

" Come with me. " he cuts me off.

My heart stops beating for a few seconds.

He wants me to come with? After everything we've been through he still wants me by his side when he's at his weakest. He has been my rock for these last few months. Now it's my turn.

" Of course I'll come with you." I say as I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips.

Before he even gets the chance to kiss me back I pull away and hop out of bed again.

" Lift your lazy ass. We're gonna be late!" I freak out.

He laughs as he finally decides to get out of bed. While Tyler is in search of clothes I start pulling out suitcases to pack our clothes into. I don't know for how long we'll be away so I'm making sure we don't run out of anything. Once I'm finished packing I check the time to see it's just past 9am. After a mini panic attack I managed to shower and get dressed in under 20 minutes.

Just as I'm about to zip our luggage close a thought jumps into my head.


Shit. I probably need to tell her that I'm going to be gone for a while.

Yeah that's a good idea.

I quickly rush over to Parker's room where Parker and Emily are still fast asleep. They've had a rough night by the look of Parker's room.

I tip toe over to Emily's side of the bed and lightly poke her arm.

" Emily." I whisper trying not to wake Parker up.

She mumbles a few words that I can't make out before her eyes open.

" Ally?" she asks all confused as she rubs her eyes, making her makeup from last night smudge even more.

" I'm leaving with Tyler for a while. We're going to his parents house. I'll keep you updated when I'll be back." I ramble. Emily looks confused by the end of it and lifts her eyebrows.

" You have a flat tire and you're going to buy peanuts?" she asks with confusion.

The Tyler part I can understand, but the peanuts part? I'll just leave it like that.

" Exactly." I say in agreement. I'll just leave her a text before taking off.

Emily throws me a weird look before yawning.

" You do you boo." she says as she turns around to continue her sleep.

Once I get back to Tyler's room I see that the luggage has already been moved out of the room. Tyler comes in after a few seconds.

" You ready?" he asks calmly.

How can he be this calm when our flight literally leaves in half an hour? Wait did he even manage to get me onto the flight? Oh God I'm not going to be on the flight -

" I booked your ticket as well, we're already checked in and the uber is waiting outside. "he says, clearly seeing the panic on my face.

I sigh of relief leaves my body.

" Let's go. "I say before dragging him out of the house and into the uber.

I don't know if I'm ready to face his family. They probably know about our split. What if they hate me?

Let's just hope they don't.


Heyyy my amazing-readers-who-are-not-upset-with-me-for-not-updating-in-a-long-time!

I missed you guys :(

I'm terribly sorry for the delay, my life has just been really busy 🙁

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter 👀


Thank you guys sooo much for 120k!!!!🧁

It is with a heavy heart that I have to say that this book is coming to an end. Don't hate me :(   We had a really good ride with this one and I'm so thankful for each and everyone of you who supported me through the entire book. This book wouldn't be where it is today if it wasn't for you ❤️ there is still a few chapters left ( 2 or 3 at the most) and then it will be the epilogue. So stay tuned because it's about to get real crazy :)

Peace out ✌️

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