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By trashtethics

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actor au - metanoia


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By trashtethics

"Yeah. I know her." Mitsuki didn't even glance at Katsuki as she sipped her tea from the teacup before crossing her leg over the other, "why? Do you think I'd approve any girls out there? Why do you think I bought all the flowers from her before? Of course I knew."

Katsuki felt his head pounding for so many reason that he can't even come up with a good reason why should he stay calm. He slammed his hand on the top of the small table in front of him before his legs pushed the chair back as he stood.

"So you knew all along that (y/n) Shimura was the the same (y/n) I liked. Why didn't you tell me?" He may sounded calm but deep inside, Katsuki wanted to scream, he wanted to get mad, he was still in a state of shock right now.

As Katsuki was sent home, he brought himself to Mitsuki and asked her what she knew about you because as far as he knows, Mitsuki knows about things he didn't.

And to his surprise, Katsuki learned everything. From the very beginning, till the very moment you stepped in Musutafu.  His anger for Shigaraki ignited even more. It added fuel to his anger. He couldn't just ignore what Shigaraki did to you. His heart was literally feeling heavy as he thought of you again.

She's been carrying all that burden on her shoulders all these years yet she can still smile despite that.

Mitsuki broke Katsuki's idle thoughts by clearing her throat before she placed her teacup down, creating a small clinking sound as the teacup hit the wooden table.

"If I told you, what can you do about it? You couldn't protect her even if you wanted to." Mitsuki's eyes narrowed upon her son, who is just like a mini version of her, "I promised Nana to never expose her daughter to any means of danger, and knowing that she might get in trouble because Shigaraki Tomura is still alive will definitely put her into danger again."

It was the truth. Aizawa told Mitsuki before that you will start living in her territory, and as a promise, Mitsuki tried her best to keep out any guys from Akuyaku-gumi from stepping in Musutafu.

Mitsuki didn't break that promise up until her very last year of leading Bakuhatsu-kai. She used to watch you from afar and have her men watch over you from afar just incase you get involved into troubles.

Nana and Mitsuki were great friends, and because of that, the Osaka and Musutafu faction had great relationship.

"what the hell are you talking about, old hag?" Katsuki smirked before raising a brow at the older woman, "(y/n) doesn't need anyone to protect her. She doesn't need someone like me to protect her because she is already capable of that."

"She doesn't need a savior. What she needed was allies. Allies that can support her. She's not weak. She's stronger than anyone." Katsuki glanced down on his bruised knuckles again and saw how the big violet patches on his skin was there irks him, but still he continues to speak to his mother.

"I respect her so damn much." Katsuki laughed, reminiscing the time when you fought Tetsutetsu before.

So her name is (y/n) Nagaishi, but she became a Shimura after Nana took her in. Knowing about her name makes me feel like I'm one step closer to her. Goddammit, I love her so much.

"So what about now? Do you still like her despite the fact that she hid everything from you?" Mitsuki asked, but she already knew the answer. She just wanted to hear it from Katsuki's mouth.

Katsuki shoved his bruised hands inside his pocket before grinning at Mitsuki, "My love isn't fucking fragile. I don't care if she's a Nagaishi or a Shimura. I fell in love with her because I love her, because she's (y/n). Simple as that. I don't give a shit about fake names and crap."

He turned his back at Mitsuki as he began to walk away with a grin on his face. Though, his wounds were still aching like a bitch, he doesn't care about that. He wanted to see you. He wanted to hold you in his arms again, and he longed to smell your sweet lavender scent again, invading his nostrils.

As soon as he got out of the room, Kirishima greeted him along with Mina and Sero. They all were dirty after getting home from the flower shop but they didn't look tired at all, thanks to the years of practising together for years.

"Boss!" They all cried in unison as they approach Katsuki with worried looks on their faces.

Katsuki knew they were all worried and curious as to what did just happen back at the flower shop.

Kirishima was the first one to mention it, "so what's the plan?" He asks.

Katsuki glanced at him with an evil smile on his face, his brows were clashing against each other as his crimson irises flared with intense anger. The pain in his body he was feeling now was incomparable to what he was feeling now. All sorts of emotion were surging against his chest.

"We're going to find (y/n). And we're going to get our revenge on Shigaraki." Katsuki shifted his body towards the long hallway of there house and started to walk, "We're kicking their asses."

Mina and Sero also began to snicker like hungry hyenas behind Katsuki, "Let's do it. Hehe~" they all looked very evil at the point but who cares?

Their lives were flipped over by Shigaraki, and there is no way they're letting it slide. Their comrades had suffered from them for a long time and they were messing with their boss's love interest. Bakuhatsu-kai isn't going to leave them unscathed.

They all walked out the house, and leaving Mitsuki watching them from the inside through the window. Mitsuki couldn't but to sigh as she prayed silently her child's safety, and the safety of his people.

Mitsuki also stood from her seat with a grin, "Look at that brat. He finally admitted it, huh?" She commented to herself while chuckling and massaging her temples.

"That brat knows how to love after all." She commented before her lips spread a smile.

She remembered how Katsuki used to avoid creating meaningless relationships with others. But now, he finally found his special person, making Mitsuki a bit happy for him. Though, there are things to fix, she could only hope that Katsuki and you return back safely.

She pinched the bridge of her nose as she whispered, "Nana, I'm going to protect (y/n),too. So please don't haunt me."

- hours before Shigaraki was informed that there was an attack -

Your left eye kept on twitching as you watch the large gates of the former house you used to live in. It was the Bakuhatsu-kai manor, but now converted into a drug den used by Akuyaku-gumi.

The sun shone brightly and the heat was bearable. It wasn't too hot nor too cold. It was a nice weather. It was a great time to attack a manor.

"Give it to me." You spoke towards Dabi which made the person next to you sigh before nodding.


Dabi handed the baseball bat in his hand towards you before he lot a cigarette on his lips. The baseball bat had rusty nails sticking out from the tip and you kept swinging it as if you were getting impatient.

Today marks the day where you reclaim Benzaiten. And you'll begin by driving out any Akuyaku-gumi from the house. By hook or by crook.

You look behind you and you saw Hawks, Aizawa and a group of men behind you. They are now your allies, although it was as strong as the previous Benzaiten, you couldn't help but grin.

"Tokoyami, you and your group will enter at the west gate, make sure to enter safely and dispose any enemies." You pointed at another male with black hair.

"Understood. Dark Shadow will see to it that we'll succeed." Tokoyami answered while bowing his head. You can only sigh at his dedicated attitude towards you. 

Tokoyami Fumikage was a still a middle school boy when Hawks took him in under his care, now he is a complete follower of Hawks and had lead a gang in Yokohama. Though it is not as a big or well-known like Benzaiten, Bakuhatsu-kai or Akuyaku-gumi, Tokoyami's gang, Dark Shadow, is known for being strong that can oppose a battalion.

Now that you have thought about it, Aizawa and Hawks had gathered a lot of strong guys all over Japan. They were prepared for any attacks like this. It was as if they were only waiting for your return.

"We're taking back the Manor. Stain, you'll be taking the east gate and we'll overwhelm the main gate." You uttered as you look at Stain, a new member of the group.

He was said to be an ex-combatant officer in the Japan Self-Defence Forces. He used to work as a Soldier and now working under you for the sole purpose of wanting to serve a strong person. You never really know his objective in joining but he asked Aizawa to let him look after you which in turn led Aizawa on letting him do what he liked.

Stain was a tall man in general, he had a muscular build and he had black, messy hair, and as you noticed, he had two sharp, bladed weapon hung on his belt, which you assumed that he was a double knife user, just befitting for an ex-combatant officer like him.

"Understand, young miss." Stain closed his eyes as he nodded at you before you nodded back at him.

"This operation will be called, Nana. I don't care whether or not you'll hurt anyone who's inside. But if they surrender, do not hurt them. Restrain those who wish to surrender. We're here to reclaim the manor, that's our main goal." You spoke with an authoritative voice, making everyone behind you gulp in fear, "If any of you doesn't stick to the plan and ruin operation: Nana, I will kill you."

"Yes, ma'am!" All the men shouted in unison before you signaled them to disperse. Stain led a group of men towards the east gate, and so did Tokoyami, who went with his gang to the west gate.

As soon as everyone had left, you turn your head around to see who was left behind you. It was Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi. Shinso wasn't there for other reasons but you felt confident of your group.

"After many years, who would've thought we'd fight together again?" Hawks commented as he started stretching his arms up, grinning from ear to ear.

Aizawa also smirked back before shaking his head, feeling all emotional inside, "shut up, Keigo."

Dabi placed his hand on the top of your shoulder, making you turn to him and saw his gentle eyes narrowed down on you. His pupils were trembling as if he was trying to tell you something but before you can even point it out, Dabi was already speaking.

"You know....just watching your back earlier, you almost sounded like Nana." he muttered, making you flinch.


"If Nana was still alive, she'd probably kick your ass for starting a war but I know she'll understand you." Aizawa interrupted, making you turn to him and saw him already smiling at you.

Hawks approached you and placed his arms around your neck while squishing his cheeks to your cheeks, "Nana is proud to have a daughter like you. She is, and she'll always be. You're a Shimura, so chin up." He chuckled as he used his pointer finger to lift your chin up.

["You guys are getting chummy without me, how sad."] Your earpiece began to sound, and you immediately realized that Shinso was hearing all your conversation through the earpiece.

Shinso had a different mission. Although he is not there with you physically, he's job was to instruct you the operation and the map of the manor. The manor had a new building due to renovations done by Akuyaku-gumi. Shinso was already inside the manor, hiding somewhere while hacking into the servers to make it impossible for the other Akuyaku-gumi members to contact Shigaraki. He was jamming the signals and intercepting them to contact anyone outside the manor, which was a big help.

You tapped the earpiece to let you communicate back to him him while chuckling, "sorry about that, Shinchan."

["Whatever. But before you go inside, you must know about this."]

Your eyebrows scrunched up together as soon as you heard Shinso's careful voice. It was as if the information he'll be mentioning to you is an urgent one. You looked at the three men around you before nodding at them, making them tense up as they waited for you to say anything.

But as soon as Shinso spoke, you felt your body shudder as a chill ran down your spine. What Shinso spoke just now wasn't a small matter that can be ignored.

You were never prepared for this because you didn't know. But your operation can cause harm, and it might bring potential danger to those who are not even involved.

Your body froze up as you made Shinso repeat what he just said, "what did you say?"

["There is a Kid inside, (y/n). She's from the Shie Hassaikai."] The grip around your bat tightened as your chest began to pound.

A child.

You can't get a child involved on this! You never planned anything that cause harm to anyone who is not involved, yet there are people inside that may be innocent and had no relationship to Akuyaku-gumi.

You quickly turned towards Dabi who seemed to know the operations done by Akuyaku-gumi, and you also saw him go pale. You immediately grabbed his arm while glaring at him, causing him to swallow the lump in his throat.

"Dabi, there is a child inside." You spoke, making Dabi flinch.

He never thought that Eri would be placed inside the manor, the last thing he remembers after kidnapping the child was Chisaki will handle her. He didn't had any idea.

"What?! Shigaraki---that bastard." Hawks gritted his teeth in anger.

You sent Dabi a piercing glare as you knew that he knows something about what's going on. Dabi's pupils shook before he looked away, "Yes, I know. She was the Shie Hassaikai's only granddaughter. But I didn't know they're going to put her here-"

Dabi wasn't able to finish what he was about to say when your grip on his arm begin to tighten, causing him to wince in pain. You were staring at him intently, without breaking an eye contact at him.

"We're going to get the child." You squeezed him even tighter, giving Dabi no choice but to nod his head desperately.

Pulling your hands away after seeing him already in pain you turn towards the main gate and started to approach it.

"(y/n)....?" They all called towards you with a nervous look on their faces.

As soon as you were right before the main gate, you singlehandedly kicked the door open, revealing you to the other side where all the Akuyaku-gumi members were busy playing around.

"All these years, Benzaiten were told that we're all bark but no bite." You grumbled, combing your hair back with your fingers before you swung the bat upwards, resting it on your shoulder.

A large grin then appeared on your face and swung the bat again to hit the person from Akuyaku-gumi who approached you and hit them right in the face. His face turned to the opposite direction where you hit him and immediately fell unconscious.

The men inside the manor stood up in shock, and started to pick a weapon up. You smiled at them before two large explosions echoed from the west and east gates of the manor— causing tremors to the ground. Moat of the men fell into panic as they realized that they are under attack by an unknown group of people, with no exact numbers of how many the attackers were.

"Now, it's time to bite, bitches."

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