𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚢 || (𝙷𝚞𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙻�...

neozxn द्वारा

175K 5.4K 18.7K

(⚠️ TW ⚠️: Mentions of bullying, anxiety, homophobia, harassment, and self-harm/suicide. I highly recommend n... अधिक

Chapter 1: 'Sweet Spot'
Chapter 2: 'You Again'
Chapter 3: 'Stupid-Cute'
Chapter 4: 'First Impressions'
Chapter 5: 'Fragile'
Chapter 6: 'Ground Rules'
Chapter 7: 'Avalanche'
Chapter 8: 'Hierarchy'
Chapter 9: 'Rumor'
Chapter 10: 'Haven't You Heard'
Chapter 11: 'Neighbors'
Chapter 12: 'The Fair'
Chapter 13: 'Bathrooms'
Chapter 14: 'Detention'
hello, I'm alive (a/n)
Chapter 16: 'Confusion'
Chapter 17: 'Gullible'
Chapter 18: 'Cold'
Chapter 19: 'The L-word'
Chapter 20: 'Pancakes'
Chapter 21: 'Odalia'
Chapter 22: 'Problems'
Chapter 23: 'Break'
Chapter 24: 'Lights and Fights'
Chapter 25: "Christmas Gifts"
Chapter 26: 'A Surprise Visit'
Chapter 27: 'Bad Luck'

Chapter 15: 'Eda's Advice'

5.8K 207 802
neozxn द्वारा

I am so sorry for disappearing for a month, I just had no motivation at all to write and things had come up. I'm feeling a lot better now though, and you can expect new chapters to come. <3 ~ neo.


3rd Person POV:

Luz sat on the steps of her porch, watching as cars and people passed by her. By her guesses, Luz had been out here for about an hour now. The sun was setting and the sky was now a cotton-candy color. It was beautiful, to say the least.

Luz was just going to wait until her mom got home, and she wasn't sure when that would happen. She would call her, but every time she does, her mom complains that she busy and can't talk.

So, Luz thought it was better to wait than to bother her. She stared down at her phone while soft music played in her ears. She had a small smile on her face as the feeling of Amity's lips on hers still lingered, she never wanted to get rid of it.

A couple of more minutes passed of her scrolling through social media, nothing too exciting. Her battery was about to die, so she tried to salvage it the best she could. She knew she would be bored after it did.

"Hey, Kid!" She heard a voice say. Luz lifted her head from her phone and looked around a bit. "Over here!" The voice called out again. Luz looked in front of her, seeing the lady she had helped move in a few weeks back.

"Oh! Hi," Luz waved with a smile. The lady leaned against a pole on her porch and looked over at Luz from across the street. "I noticed you've been out here for a little while, everything alright?" She asked.

Luz put a hand behind her neck, "Yeah, I'm fine, just kinda lost my house key at school today," She said. "Well it's getting late, why don't you come inside for a while until your mom gets here?" The lady suggested. Luz was a bit hesitant, but eventually stood up and grabbed her backpack. She walked across the street to the house and met the lady in the front.

"Thank you," Luz said with a soft smile. "No problem. Come on," The lady said as she brought Luz inside of the house. It looked way better now than before, boxes were gone and many things were hung up on the walls. Even though it was a bit messy, it seemed cozy.

Luz looked around a bit before she felt a weight land on top of her. Luz stumbled back a bit and looked down to see the dog she had met when she helped move in. His tongue stuck out and he was panting a bit as she let out a tiny bark.

Luz smiled down at him, "Hey buddy, How have you been?" She said, petting him behind the ear. Luz noticed he had a tiny hat similar to before, but this time it was a crown. "King get off of her...sorry, he's a bit clingy," She mumbled a bit. Luz chuckled a bit as she went over to a couch. She placed her stuff on the floor and sat down quietly.

Eda sat in a chair from the other side, "So, tell me, how's life?" Eda asked. Luz nodded her head, "Really great actually, I love this house!" Luz said, looking around her surroundings a bit. She took in every single detail and artifact the lady had, she seemed like some sort of collecter.

"Eh, Hooty is a little hard to take care of, but I guess he's alright," She said, dusting off the chair she was sitting on a bit. Luz gave off a confused look, "Hooty?" She asked. "Oh, Hooty is the house. Well, the security system at least, I just call him that because why not," Eda answered.

Luz took it in, 'One of those' she thought in her head. "Well, nice to know...What about you, everything been ok?" Luz asked. "It's been good, my sister came over here a couple of times telling me that I'm 'eccentric'," Eda said, putting the word in quotes.

Luz laughed a bit. She noticed King had come over to the couch, taking a seat right next to Luz. "King, you haven't even taken a bath yet. You're gonna dirty up the couch!" She said. King didn't budge though, he seemed to growl out a bit before turning away from Eda.

"Such a drama queen," Eda said. Luz looked between the two, "What's up with the hats?" She asked, pointing at King. Eda shrugged her shoulders. "Don't know, he's had those things since I rescued him. I don't dare take it away from him. One time I tried, and he almost bit my hand off!"

Luz chuckled and put a hand on King's fur, petting him a bit. She looked down at the dog a bit before she could feel Eda get up. "I'm gonna got get us some drinks, want anything?" She asked. Luz asked for some water and the older woman went into the kitchen.

She came back with a bottle of cold water and a cup of tea for herself. She sat back down on the chair as Luz took a sip of the water. "So...who was the girl?" Eda asked with an eyebrow wiggle. Luz choked on her water a bit and her eyes widened.

"Wh-what girl! I don't know a girl!" Luz panicked, feeling her face turn red. "Jeez kid, you got it bad," The woman said with a chuckle. Luz awkwardly laughed with her. "Don't worry, I don't judge. I had a girlfriend once...wonder where she is now," Eda mumbled out a bit.

"Anyways, you can tell me. I'm all ears," Eda said. Luz let out a deep breath, as she put her water down on a coaster.

"Well, her name is Amity Blight and-" Luz started saying before she was cut off. "No Way! A Blight! How'd you manage to do that?!" Eda said as she leaned out of her chair a bit. Luz shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know either?!" She said with the same tone.

"But, the thing is...She's my best friend and I don't want to ruin that," Luz said with a small frown. Eda took notice of Luz's sudden reaction and decided to take charge. "Hey Luz, listen to me real quick," Eda said.

Luz looked up at the older woman. Eda gave her a small smile. "From what I saw out there, I could tell that girl was head over heels for you. My suggestion, just go for it. I didn't do that and I regret it every day," Eda said.

Her words made Luz smile a bit, "Thanks Eda, I'll try," Luz said. They both leaned back into their seats, Luz rose an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "What about you, what happened to your girlfriend?" Luz interrogated.

Eda rolled her eyes but gave in. For the rest of the night, until her mom got home, Luz and Eda stayed talking and sharing laughs. It was nice to have another adult she could talk to.

Luz eventually went home, wishing Eda a goodnight and walking into her own house. Her mom asked about the lady next door, and Luz told her everything from the key thing to now, but she left out a few details of course.


Luz got ready for bed and she laid down on her sheets. Today had been, well...eventful.

Her lamp on her nightstand illuminated the room just enough to see what was around her. Posters and other belongings scattered around. Her room was a bit of a mess, but she didn't care about that right now.

She was too busy smiling to care about anything right now. If you were to ask Luz what she was feeling right now, the only right answer would be lovesick.

Thoughts of the Blight filled her head, and even though it was a bit cliché, she could care less. Almost felt like she was in a movie.

The moment was cut off by her mom knocking on her door. Luz had sat up in her sheets and said she could come in. The door creaked open to reveal her mom ready for bed in her pajamas.

"Lights out in 10 minutes alright," she said. Luz nodded happily, "Alright mom!" She said. Camila rose an eyebrow, "You're oddly chipper today, what's going on?" She said, walking into the room and sitting on the foot of Luz's bed.

A light blush flushed Luz's face, "Nothing, just feeling happy," she had lied. She wished she could tell her mom about Amity, but she didn't know how to tell her.

Camila smiled and stood up again, "That's good Mija, now don't stay up too late. Goodnight, I love you, " she said, giving Luz a kiss on her forehead. "Goodnight Mama," Luz said before her mom left the room, leaving Luz alone again.

She sighed, leaning against her bed frame. Luz looked over at her phone on the nightstand next to her, deciding to pick it up. To her surprise, she had no new messages. She would have guessed Amity would have said something by now but considering what had happened earlier, that seemed like a big no.

Even though a voice in the back of her head told her to not text her, the feelings overcame her. She typed out a single 'hey', sending it.

As Luz waited for a response, she scrolled through some of her social media. People posted random things, nothing new.

It went on like that for a couple more minutes, Luz surfing the web. After a while, she had gotten tired and her eyes grew heavy. She let out a yawn as she turned off her phone. She laid it on her nightstand and grabbed her water bottle that was next to it.

As she took a sip of the water, was when she heard a buzz come from her phone. Luz perked up at the noise, setting the water bottle back down.

She grabbed her phone, and to her surprise, Amity's name popped up in the front. A smile spread across Luz's face as she opened the notification.

It wasn't much, just a simple 'hi'. Luz was still happy she got a reply back though. 'couldn't sleep?' Luz sent back. It was getting pretty late, Luz would have thought Amity was asleep by now.

She waited a bit for the response, 'no, what about you?' Amity asked. 'I was about to go to sleep' Luz sent back, she cringed a bit realizing it seemed a bit rude after she sent it.

'Oh sorry, I'll let you sleep' Amity had sent. Luz let out a sigh, she didn't mean to come off that way. 'No it's fine, I actually wanted to talk with you,' she said. 'About earlier?' Amity said. Luz blushed a bit, 'Yeah...' she said.

It took Amity a little while to respond after that. 'Do you mind if I call you right now? So we can talk about it,' she said. 'Of course,' Luz sent back right away.

Amity's name soon popped up on the screen. Luz clicked the accept button on her phone and put it to her ear. "Hello?" She said.

"Hey," Amity said with a small sigh at the end, she sounded a bit sad. "So..." Luz said, a bit more awkwardly than she should have.

"Sorry Luz, I should have asked first. Especially after what happened at the Fair. I'm so sorry-" she rambled on a bit. Luz had cut her off, "No Amity it's alright, you don't have to be sorry," Luz reassured with a small chuckle.

A small moment of silence passed by, "Sorry if I ruined our friendship," Amity said after a while. Luz could hear the sadness in her voice. "You didn't Amity, I still want to be your friend...if that's what you want of course," she said.

"What do you mean?" Amity wondered. A deep blush appeared on Luz's face, she couldn't believe what she was about to say.

"I like you, a lot, Amity...and that kiss, well it was amazing," Luz exposed. She let out a sigh, "Would you...would you want to be my girlfriend, Amity," Luz rushed out of her mouth. She clenched her eyes shut, waiting for a response.

All she heard from the other side was silence. "Amity, you still there?" She asked. "Girlfriend?..." Amity restated. A panic hit Luz, "Yeah..." she said.


Here it comes, the rejection.

"I like you a lot, but I don't know yet,"

Wasn't exactly a no.

"I just...I just need time, to know what I actually want," Amity said from the other side of the phone.

It wasn't the exact answer Luz wanted, but it still gave her hope.

"Will you wait until I sort it out?" Amity asked, almost worriedly.

Luz smiled from the other side of the phone, "I'll wait however long you need me to cariño," Luz said, surprised she had the guts to say something as bold as that.

"Thank you...I have to go to sleep now, but I'll see you tomorrow," Amity said.

"Goodnight Amity, I'll see you tomorrow," Luz said before hanging up the phone.


Luz didn't remember what time she fell asleep. She woke up half-way falling off her bed slobber all over her right cheek.

Her alarm clock was blaring, so she immediately turned it off and groaned. She felt tired and her head hurt.

She took in a deep breath before getting up out of bed, stretching out her arms. She trudged her way over to her restroom, just like any other morning.

Luz would consider herself a morning person, she loved getting her day started in a good mood. But, sometimes, the mornings felt repetitive to her and would get boring from time to time.

Luz went through her morning routine, getting dressed right after. She didn't wear anything too special, just some jeans and a black shirt, Luz had given up on dressing up for school a long time ago.

She had gone to the kitchen, getting her breakfast for the day which was just a banana. 

Few minutes went by, Luz passed the time scrolling on her phone. Eventually, she had gotten a text from Boscha telling her to come outside. Luz guessed she lost track of time.

She grabbed her backpack that was by the door and unlocked her door. Since she had lost her key at school, she didn't have any way to lock it back up. It reminded her to send a message to her mom that she should lock the door when she wakes up.

She walked outside to see her friends waiting outside to meet with her. Boscha seemed to be rambling about something and Amity just listened to her.

'Amity...' Luz thought in her head. Of course, Luz was always exciting to see her every day, but today was different. 

Luz walked down her porch and met up with her friends that didn't seem to notice her yet. "Hey, guys!" Luz said, greeting them. Boscha stopped her talking, "Hey Luz," She said and just continued on with her conversation.

Luz looked over at Amity, "Goodmorning," Luz said. "Goodmorning, Luz," Amity said, stepping up a bit on her toes and giving Luz a tiny peck on the lips. This caught Luz by surprise, of course, she didn't expect anything like this to happen after Amity said she needed time.

"Woah, Woah, Woah!" They could hear Boscha exclaim next to them. "Did I miss something or...?" She questioned, pointing between the 2. 

Amity laughed, "Nope, you didn't miss anything Boscha. Let's get going before we're late," Amity said, grabbing Luz's hand as they made their way towards Hexside.

Boscha stood stunned for a second, confused about what just happened. "What just happened, YOU LITERALLY JUST KISSED HER!" Boscha freaked. "I have no idea what you're talking about," Amity laughed. 

"But...but..." Boscha stuttered out.

"But what Boscha, you sure you're not seeing things?" Amity joked.

"You're just messing with me now!" Boscha said.

For the rest of the walk to school, Amity had joked around with Boscha, trying to confuse her. Luz had stayed silent, a small smile staying on her lips. She didn't have a care in the world right now, and hopefully, nothing would ruin that for her today.

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