Reign of the Raven

By Sangria_Sally

664 21 2

Empress Lilith au Inspired by a tumblr post by @sunnythecat666 Lilith is fresh out of training and climbing t... More

Chapter 1 "Bittersweet"
Chapter 3 "Mirror Mirror"
Chapter 4 "Sticks and Stones"

Chapter 2 "Lilac wine"

161 3 0
By Sangria_Sally

The flowers lay on the dresser. White lilies with a spray of baby's breath, tied up with a silken bow. It was a nauseating sight. Their once lush petals now curling from the summer heat. Already their stalks lay limp and lifeless. When she picked them up their heads whipped back, causing flakes of pollen to float around her room. Like dust that was yet to settle. Lilith doused them in water. However, reviving dead flowers were the least of her worries.

The wedding arrangements had all been made, and the knot was about to be tied as surely as a hangman's.

Marriage was something Lilith never expected. Not even when she was a little girl. The fantasy of it all tarnished by her very own parents. The once loving relationship had quickly turned volatile. Which meant lots of visits to their Grandfather. Growing up was hard on both sisters, a sense of responsibility falling on the eldest's shoulders. It was something she could never quite shake, not that she minded. All of her energy was put into looking after Eda, crushes and dates were useless to her. Even in her teens relationships were never her forte, that particular fire had been extinguished years ago. And all because of that horrid Grom. What ifs and what could've beens were pointless.

It was difficult helping her sister come to terms with the curse. Especially when she was the cause of all her suffering. Every memory after that night became tainted. So, she distanced herself. In truth, she was glad she left. Lilith didn't know how much longer she could've coped with seeing her sisters frustrated tears. Or hearing that strained voice that asked her over and over again, why all of this was happening to her. It was heartbreaking.

But she was going to put an end to it, and fix her grave mistake. 

Flat shoes padded down the aisle. A plethora of unnerving white masks turned sharply, gasps and whispers filling the hall. Vicious eyes watched her, waiting for her to slip up, to catch her out. A heavy blush crept down her neck, steps becoming brisker, she suddenly felt very exposed without her glasses to hide behind. 

Lilith held her flowers closer, fingers beginning to pick at the raw skin around her black nails. The young Coven Leader they all knew was gone. The bride that appeared before them was a stranger. Near unrecognisable, with sleek navy hair that had been slicked back and twisted into a low bun. Pearl studs shimmered in the candlelight, accentuating bright eyes and lashes that shined like freshly peeled fruits.

Under the moonlight she looked incredibly pale. Mysterious. Like one of her white lilies drowned underwater.

The dress was radiant, as though there was a light glowing deep from within. It had a modest neck and back, but left her arms completely bare and privy to the cool air. The breeze nipped at her, covering her in a layer of goosebumps. It didn't matter how hard she tried to rub heat back into her body, she remained cold and numb. Lilith was thankful the skirt was full enough to brush the floor, the plush material calming her nerves with every sway. Perhaps the best part of it all were the pockets, cleverly hidden within the many folds of fabric. It was a very practical but plain garment. She didn't really see the point in dressing up. It wasn't a proper wedding, at least not to her.

The ritual commenced as soon as she reached his side. She noted how he watched her, glowing eyes boring into her. Following her every move. They never left her once, she assumed it was a good sign, that he must be content with the change. 

Lilith's palm met freezing metal. Coldness seeped into her joints, the static pain jolting her. She shivered, face remaining neutral despite the shock. A strip of cloth was wound around their joined hands, bonding them together. A seal of sorts. There was no kiss, no tender vows, only the ritual spoken by Belos himself. His tone started off low, before gradually building and growing until it rumbled like thunder. 

"Of ash and bone. Blood and soil, let the phantoms and demons of the night bound us together. We are gathered here, before the Titan and our esteemed Coven members to wed in matrimony. We ask that you seal us together in life, death and fate. It is under his will and judgement that we welcome the rise of our very first Empress, my bride, Lilith."

The cloth began to coil around their wrists, like serpents. It was highly unusual, unlike anything Lilith had ever seen before. The colour it emitted was foul and wretched. She had been warned about the seal, about the pain, but she never imagined it would be this unbearable. Searing and hot, as though it was melting her skin right down to the bone. Tendons throbbed, whilst muscles convulsed as it squeezed tighter and tighter. Until the roasting metal covering the Emperors hand combusted. The piercing spikes sliced through her flesh easily, leaving ugly gashes in their wake. Emperor Belos' blood mixed and boiled with Lilith's, until they became one. After what felt like an eternity, their hands abruptly dropped. The spell complete. She winced, hand seizing, as watery eyes flicked up. She wished she hadn't. The Emperors eyes had become haunting black holes of inky murk. Room now pitched in complete darkness. She felt smoke lick at her ankles, spiralling around them like tentacles. 

The looming creature that stood before her was now her husband. 

Rolling her lip between her teeth she presented her smarting hand, allowing him to slip a simple band on. She almost missed the small diamond shaped onyx embedded into it. It was dainty in comparison to the thick silver ring that he then wedged onto her forefinger. It was heavy, branded with an intricate insignia. Squinting, she could just made out the tiny crescent moon hidden within a thin triangle. Both were surrounded by a circle with a long cross extending from the bottom. Her thumb swiped across it, tracing the design.

She bowed her head low in preparation for the crown. Burnt hand curling at her side. It was impossibly old, a relic so rare that it had been locked away and kept secret from the public for centuries. It reminded Lilith of broken shards of glass, there was nothing beautiful nor poetic about it. But it was devastatingly powerful. Glittering sinfully as it expelled a certain wickedness that demanded attention. It dug groves into her scalp and temples. The sides were pointed, reminiscent of a thorn bush, she was positive that if she touched the ends it would surely prick her. 

One by one the candles spluttered back to life.

Goblets were provided, filled to the brim with lilac wine. Lilith grimaced, it was bitter and sour. The type of wine that burned in your throat and belly for hours. That you could drink and drink from yet still die of thirst. Slowly, her icy blood turned hot.

The rest of the night passed by in a whirlwind of cloaks and masks. Full of people she didn't know and food she didn't like. Her shoes rubbed the bridge of her foot, distracting her from the many feelings and thoughts that were swarming her mind like vultures. Pick, pick, picking at the anxiety and uncertainty bubbling within her. 

Until finally, it was time to retire.

As Lilith turned to leave the Emperor grabbed her, hands digging into her forearm like a vice. She barely suppressed a squeal. A feeling of dread settled in her stomach, it was a poison Lilith dabbled with daily yet she still wondered why she felt so sick. He swept a stray hair from her face, tucking it neatly behind her ear. Her cheeks burned, teeth gnawing down on her tongue as he lingered. 

"Goodnight, My Empress."

Her eyebrows furrowed at the wording, eyes glaring up at him. She blinking owlishly, subconsciously angling herself away from him. Ever so lightly he caressed her arm. Free from his hold Lilith slipped by him, back pressing firmly against the wall.  Her skin crawled as she forced a convincing grin. Trying her best to ignore the sticky sheen perspiring on her forehead.

Voice thin and laced with contempt she curtly replied. 

"Goodnight... Emperor Belos."


The bolt clicked in place, the wooden door now securely locked. She threw the bouquet at her bed, watching carelessly as it bounced onto the floor. The bodice of her dress suddenly felt too tight, as though it was trying to suffocate her. Sometimes the quiet can be even more deafening than a room full of people. 

A bloodied hand grazed over her breastplate, attempting to soothe her desperately thumping heart. She knew she should be grateful, who wouldn't want to be his Empress? To be given such a glorious opportunity. Her throat bobbed. Who was she trying to kid? Even with the crown and the rings she would still never be good enough. 

It was all too much. 

She wanted her old room back, with the creaky floorboards and lumpy bed. This new bed was frivolous and far too soft. Softer than she deserved. A dull ache spread through her, beating in time with her pulse. Steady breaths became laboured, until she was forcing air in and out of her lungs. Contracting and expanding until she couldn't stand the sound of her own ragged wheezing. 

What had she done?

Carefully, she placed the crown on the table, recoiling at the sight of it. What was wrong with her? She ripped the pins from her hair, letting out a shallow sigh as it tumbled down her back. Lilith carded her fingers through it, trying her best to focus on the smooth texture. 

The wind rushed through the open window, causing the crimson curtains to billow. A sparkle of silver caught her eye, near blinding in the dark room. On her window sill lay a long package, the contents held together by brown paper and string. Cautiously, Lilith lifted the object, drumming her nails impatiently against it before looping her finger through the string. She gave it a sharp tug, stepping over the paper that crumpled to the ground in a flurry. 

She choked, knees buckling. 

It was magnificent. 

She could hardly believe it. 

In her hands rested her Grandmothers longsword.

Rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet she joyously inspected the well loved sword. The crossbar had always been her favourite when she was a child, the metal depicting the spread wings of a raven. They were warm, pulsing with magic and energy that hadn't been used in years. A smile tugged on her lips as it sent a spark through her. Jewels were encrusted on the pommel, a large turquoise welded onto the end. The grip was thick, wide enough that she'd need to use both hands to properly wield it.

Her fingers skirted over the runes etched into the intricate blade, she had no thoughts on what the symbols meant but welcomed the tingle that inched up her hands. The swords balance was impeccable. Straightening her back she gave it a few test swings, adjusting her stance a few times to compensate for the weight. Painted lips fell open in disbelief as it seemed to grow lighter and lighter as she became more accustomed to it.

She closed her eyes softly. 

Their Grandfather often told them stories of their Grandmother. She was a wild witch, who fought in many battles and wars. Strong and daring, a heroine that both sisters looked up to. The sword had hung proudly above the fireplace, the scabbard lost to whoever killed her. He had told them that the sword was enchanted, that the blade could cut through anything. Apparently, the sword had been made especially for their Grandmother, that it had been forged in the eye of a storm, the blade kissed by the flames of a dragon. Lilith doubted that, although impressive it had been very worn looking. With nicks and rust brandished on it. Someone must've restored it, somehow. And given it a well needed polish. 

Lilith hadn't held a sword since her youth. Her Mother had tried to teach the two sisters before their Father intervened. They would practice for hours in the forest, scattering leaves as they tumbled and fought against one another. Afterwards they would feast on brambles. The sweet juice always managed to leave vivid red stains that soaked their uniforms. Eda was so strong willed, even at that age. She would always try and make her laugh though. All gums with baby teeth poking through. With large eyes that would beg her to sing lullaby's every night before they went to sleep. Giggling in their beds with hot milk and honey at Lilith's animated voices. Her sister was always so true to herself and never sought others approval. It was something Lilith admired. Even now. 

She shook her head. 

This is how it always started with her. Memories that grasped her, sending her staggering back into the past. Until she's dancing with faded ghosts.

In her haste she hadn't noticed the note that fluttered by her foot.

A tremor went through her hands as she unfolded the yellowed note. She recognised the unruly scrawl instantly. It was from Eda. The note was far too short and blunt for her liking, but it was still her.

'I'm going away for a while. Take care Lily, love Eda.'

Lilith's eyes burned with the weight of unshed tears.

She knew Edalyn wouldn't attend the wedding. Not with her reputation, but some small, incredibly stupid part of her hoped. Lilith scolded herself, she always told herself to prepare for the worst, so she would never be disappointed. But some damned part of her always holds that one sliver of hope. And that is what crushes her. 

She missed Eda terribly. 

All of those cancelled birthday dinners and weekend home stays came crashing down on her. Quick messages sent over crystal balls didn't cut it, most nights she was too tired to reply. She had missed out on so much, all because she was too afraid to face her. How could she be so stuck in the past that she was unaware of what was happening right in front of her. She was never there for her anymore, not in the ways that mattered. Edalyn probably thought she'd forgotten all about her. No wonder she wanted to leave. 

Then, the jarring realisation set in. Eda was all grown up. Lilith folded her arms across her waist. Sorrow and grief over that blasted curse had consumed her. The signs were all there, clear as day, yet she was so fixated on gaining the Emperors trust she had pushed her sister away. Edalyn was moving on, after years of being let down by the one person she thought understood her. 

When did Coven Leader duties start to become more important than her little sister? 

 A single tear splashed off of  the blade, she scrubbed furiously at her eyes. Cheeks ruddy with friction. Lilith cradled the sword, stroking the ridges of the raven's feathers. 

She HAD to heal her, otherwise all of this was for- No. 

All she needed to do now was find Eda, that couldn't be so hard.

Could it?

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