The parseltongue Uchiha: Book...

By Lololasolol

12.5K 307 50

What if harry didn't go to the dursley What if he went to konoha What if he became a ninja What if he was the... More

Harry Uchiha
A new kekkei genkai
A new beginning
A Unicorn Slayer

gennin and wizards

1.2K 29 1
By Lololasolol

Harry and Sasuke turned slightly, their latest mouthful of homemade cooking (courtesy of Harry himself) half to their mouths, watching in horror as Naruto started to almost inhale the food from his bowl. Harry was too gob-smacked to say anything – even Sasuke looked like his eyes were about to fall out. Finally, Sasuke manage to gain enough control over his jaw to choke out. "At this rate, you're going to end up killing yourself, dobe"

"No 'm no', 'astha'd" Naruto said around a mouth full of half-chewed rice balls.

"Ugh, at least swallow before you mouth off, moron."

"Don't tell me what to do, jack-ass!" Naruto shot back, before whipping round to Harry, his eyes sparkling as he held the bowl up. "Harry, that was sooooo good! I've never tasted onigiri that tastes as good as Ichiraku's ramen before!"

"How can you tell?" Harry asked weakly. Harry knew he himself could be a quick eater if he wanted to, but that was ridiculous! "You couldn't possibly have tasted any of that!"

"Nuh-uh! It was brilliant! It was amazing!" Naruto was practically bouncing on his seat. Harry looked away, rubbing a hand over his hair with a slight blush. Sasuke, however, was smirking slightly.

"Hn, so you're finally getting a vocabulary other than 'bastard', eh, idiot."

Naruto's head whipped round so fast that Harry was sure he heard the bones in his neck crack, glaring at Sasuke. "Bastard…!"

Sasuke sighed with a slight shrug, "Guess not."

"I'll kill you!"

Harry grabbed both their collars as Naruto tried to pounce on Sasuke with a sigh. It had been like this since Naruto became the new addition to the family, and it had been almost 2 months!, although it hadn't changed much, though Sasuke was now giving his best glare towards his cousin for Harry's 'insane neighbourly bonding schemes', as Sasuke was staring to call it. "Alright, calm down you two. I swear, can't you get along a little better?"

Harry forced himself not to step back when the two boys glared hard at each other and it was as if the atmosphere had become charged with ill intent from both the boys. It was as if lightning was passing between their eyes. Somehow, by the look in both of their eyes – a look that Harry himself knew all to well (hell, he probably invented the look) – made Harry feel all of his warning senses go off. Somehow, he felt as though a prank war of some kind was about to begin. After all, with Harry as an influence on the other Uchiha and with Naruto's obvious pranking skills, it couldn't be anything else declared with those scheming eyes.

He was saved, however, when there was a sharp rapping on the door.

"Hold that thought," Harry muttered, dropping the boys' back in their seats and swiftly moved out of the way towards the hall. Sliding the chain on the door, he opened it as far as the chain would allow. "Yes?"

Harry paused when he saw the shinobi on the other side of the door. An ANBU, if the bird-like mask – a hawk - was anything to go by, and female judging by the shape within the standard uniform. Short, chin-length hair of pale brown shifted over her mask. Seeing Harry, she bowed slightly. "Uchiha" she said, her voice soft. She stood once more. "I was sent by the Hokage to tell you that he wishes to speak with you."

"I will go after we finish eating, thank you ANBU" he said bowing
"Of course Uchiha" and the ANBU banished in a puff of smoke as Harry went to talk to his younger brothers

"Alright squirts, old man Hokage needs me so don't break anything while I leave got it" he said as he finished eating
"Yes big bro Harry" answered Sasuke and Naruto
"Well I'm off" and Harry went by the rooftops to Hokage tower

It wasn't long before he reached the Hokage tower and gave a slight nod towards the two shinobi standing on guard for morning duty. The two waved back, recognising him from his previous visits every week or so on the old Hokage's request. After exchanging a quick word with the young secretary, who waved him in not long after, Harry sauntered to the thick wooden door, behind which, the most powerful shinobi in Konoha. Taking a deep breath, Harry composed himself, letting it out slowly, before he lifted his fist and hammered on the door, swinging it open before anyone could say anything.

"Oi, old fart! You wanted to see me again?"

Harry strode into an airy room that was sparsely decorated, except for a large desk sitting in the middle, behind which sat the man who was considered to be the 'god of the Shinobi'… Who looked for the entire world like he was about to be buried alive under a load of paperwork on his desk. All that could be seen of the old Hokage was the silvery grey hair and his liver-spot-marked forehead (the low, cone-shaped hat was laying carelessly on the chair close by, away from the danger of being squashed under the papers.)

If Harry had been any of the other Uchiha members when they had been alive, he would have been determined not to show himself up. He would have been calmly masked to hold his own dignity and, as an Uchiha, he would never do anything that immature to prevent himself from laughing his socks off right there and then. But Harry was no ordinary Uchiha, even now.

Stuff dignity.

Harry howled with laughter, ignoring the dirty look Sarutobi was giving to him, before he grabbed at a pile of papers that were teetering and about to bury him under the stack. "Glad you find it so amusing, Harry" Sarutobi muttered through his pipe as he righted them and stood, brushing off his robe-like uniform.

Harry stopped himself from laughing, although he did snigger every now and again.

"So, I see that you seem well. How are Sasuke and Naruto?"

Harry stopped sniggering in shock. "Hey, how'd you know I even know Naruto?"

"Oh, lets just say that I have my own ways –"

"What, you mean using that seeing ball to peek on people? I always knew you were a perv lord Hokage"

Sarutobi's eyebrow twitched. However, he coughed and continued. "Naruto also told me about the fact he moved into the Uchiha complex. He seems to look up to you."

Harry shrugged with a slight frown. "Yeah, well, that's not surprising when no one else seems to like him. Really, he can be annoying, but the squirt isn't that bad. I bet you know why too." He glared at the man, but Sarutobi didn't answer.

"You'll know when you're older, I'm sure."


"Hm, Naruto seems to be rubbing off on you, Harry" the Hokage pointed out.

"Meddling old man…" Harry grumbled, shooting Sarutobi dark glares. Sarutobi chuckled. Ignoring that to save whatever of his pride left, Harry threw himself in the spare chair. "So, why'd you call me anyway?" he grumbled.

The Hokage took a seat opposite and surveyed him, taking his pipe from his mouth and blowing a smoke ring towards the roof. "I wanted to ask you how you'd feel if you took the graduation exam early in a few months time."

"…NANIIIII?" Harry gasped. It shocked him to the core that he was being offered the chance. In fact, since the Uchiha clan had been massacred, Harry hadn't even thought about trying to graduate early. Who did he have to prove himself to seeing as Fugaku was dead and Itachi was now a missing-nin because of the murders? But that also meant no one was pushing him towards it either, so… "What brought that up?"

"Its not that you are not able, according to your scores as rookie of the year," Sarutobi answered. "It was actually a request on behalf of Fugaku before he died." He looked at Harry intently, as if expecting Harry to break down from the reminder. However, Harry kept his face blank, thinking hard on Sasuke and Naruto, the fact that they needed him. Finally he continued. "He thought that you would be ready for the exam, especially since you trained Sasuke in the Grand Fireball jutsu, and now you also have the sharingan, 1 tomoe may it be."

"…I'm not even going to ask how you know about that…" Harry muttered, shaking his head. "But why're you asking me now?"

"I promised I would. So, what do you think? Do you feel ready for an exam?" Sarutobi asked.

"Well…" Harry thought about it for a moment. "Well, yeah. I did have tutors in the Uchiha clan as well as the stuff at the academy, because that's the only way to become a ninja, isn't it?" Harry shrugged. "I want to give it a try. Even if I don't pass, I can try again when I'm 12, can't I?"

The Hokage nodded at Harry's assessment, "I detect you have answered truthfully, so let me be the first one to tell you then. I have decided to grant you a pass for early graduation." He smiled. "The graduation exam for Genin is in four months. I suggest you use the time to review all you know."

Harry grinned. "Hey, for a pervy old man, you're pretty cool."

Sarutobi chuckled. "Still a brat I see." The Hokage looked back towards the paperwork with a sigh, before turning back to Harry once more. "Well, I think you had better get back to your apartment, seeing as you left both Sasuke and Naruto alone."

Harry groaned, getting to his feet. "Don't remind me," he muttered, anime tears streaming down his cheeks. "My poor apartment'll be in ruins, I just know it!" He turned away and dashed out of the room, throwing a quick "Thanks, see ya!" over his shoulders, trying to ignore the quick chuckle coming from the room behind him.

When Harry reached the Uchiha complex, he hesitated at the gates; his eyes squeezed shut, dreading that the apartment would be in flames or something (it was common knowledge that Uchihas had a certain fascination with fire, even when fighting. Why else would they have come up with the Fire jutsu?). However, he couldn't hear flames or anything, so he forced himself to open his eyes to see the apartment…

Still standing.

…So far so good - But now he was worried that the two younger boys had killed themselves or something.

Surprisingly they where both reading in the library
"O hey big bro Harry, what did old man want?" Asked Naruto as Sasuke also looked inquisitively
"Well if you must know... Your big brother is taking the gennin exam early!" He said with a wide grin
"Amazing" said Sasuke as Naruto was looking in amazement at his older brother
"So I will have to study a bit" said Harry rubbing his head
"Don't you know everything?" Asked Sasuke
"Never enough  little brother, now as we are all here everyone get a book and study!" Ordered the older Uchiha as he sat down and looked at fire Jutsu scrolls

Beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep-beep! Beep-beep-bee-!


Harry sat up blearily, his unruly hair sticking up at even more odd angles than usual, rubbing his eyes with a hand as he yawned loudly, still clutching hold of the blanket with his other hand. Somewhere across the other side of the room lay the alarm clock that had once been sitting on his bed-side table, but was now almost in bits against the wall at the other side of the room. However, Harry ignored it as he threw the cover from himself and stumbled to his feet, automatically beginning his usual morning stretches while his mind decided to wake up and catch up to his body. Finishing them, he pulled out a new pare of shorts and the usual wide-necked T-shirt – both a deep blue in colour, and the T-shirt with its usual Uchiha fan on the back – and headed to the bathroom to change.

Splashing cold water in his face, Harry shuddered slightly at the shock of cold on warm skin, but that was all as he washed, before glancing up at the mirror over the sink. Now, Harry wasn't a vain person at all, despite having a, what girls tended to call a 'cute' face, which would one day be handsome. In fact, the only reason Harry bothered was to make sure he looked at least slightly presentable. As usual, his jet-black hair stood up all over the place, although it had a more bed-head look than Naruto's hedgehog of hair. His long bangs brushed deep emerald eyes that looked almost black in dim lights, set in a pale face. Harry spared a slight frown at the strange lightning-bolt scar on his forehead, before he quickly combed part of his bangs to cover it.

He didn't know why, exactly, but Harry had always hated that scar. It wasn't the fact that Harry had a scar that bothered him. After all, if he was going to become a shinobi, then he expected that he we would get all sorts of scars. Hell, even then highest-ranking ANBU got scars. No, it was just that Harry disliked the way people looked at it, or commented on it's strangeness at times, although this was often only amongst Fugaku and the Uchiha elders when they were alive. It was as if the scar signified something that Harry didn't know that somehow set him apart. The way they used to look at it was as if they expected Harry to become a prodigy to rival even Itachi, and it secretly shamed him when he couldn't rise up to that expectation. So Harry had taken to hiding it.

He snorted slightly and turned away from the mirror to grab toothbrush and toothpaste and begun to clean his teeth with quick sure strokes. A quick gargle later, he spat the remaining paste from his mouth and wiped his mouth with a towel. Out of habit, he glanced at the lopsided calendar that hung on the back of the bathroom door and blinked in surprise. The days on the calendar of the month of July had been crossed off with red marker up to today's date – which was circled roughly. Within the circle were three words – 'genin exam, 9:30'.

Harry blinked at it a few more times, then a slow smile spread over his face. Finally! The day he had spent hours of the last few months practising all the jutsu he knew in preparation for. The day he had been waiting to show everyone he was ready to become a full-fledged shinobi had finally arrived!

Harry grinned, pulling on his T-shirt and snatched up his arm and leg bindings energetically.

Watch out Konoha! Harry thought with as mental, maniacal cackle. Uchiha Harry is going to fly through this exam!

Whistling cheerfully, Harry padded barefooted down the hall with a sudden urge to skip (hearing muffled movements from within the next room, signifying his younger cousin rising) and into the kitchen. Dropping the roll of bandages on the table, Harry began to pull a bowl out of the draw, some milk from the fridge and cereal from one of the cupboards, settling himself down at the table, as he started to pour the cereal into the bowl. Running his fingers through his hair, Harry started for a spoon and, muttering a quick 'thank you', began eating.

It wasn't until Harry had finished his bowl and was happily whistling tunelessly to himself as he expertly stared to wrap his shins with the grey cloth, tying each end in navy blue, before starting on the other leg and his arms with the same slow but sure movements, that Sasuke wandered into the room, yawning loudly and rubbing an eye with one hand.

"Good morning, Sasuke," Harry chirped energetically.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted, flopping down on the seat opposite and reaching for milk. Harry chuckled slightly. That was Sasuke for you – couldn't get a word out of him until he had woken up a bit. Harry was quite sure he was only moving by will alone.

Breakfast was surprisingly a quiet affair in the Uchiha household – unless, of course, Naruto had managed to drag himself out of bed in time to catch some from his 'older brother'. (Harry guessed that Naruto wasn't going to stop calling him that anytime soon. Plus, Harry had started to enjoy being called an older brother.) Then the apartment would be alive with joking and arguments between the two younger boys. However, in those months that had passed, the arguments had lost their harsh edges to them and now held a sort of familiarity and closeness to them that one would expect from brothers. It amazed Harry at first, seeing how much Sasuke was improving since the massacre, the way that Sasuke seemed to look to the blonde as an adopted brother as much as Naruto did him, although both would deny it if asked.

He finished breakfast and ran to the academy with nerves and happiness in him

There was something distinctly un-nerving about having ever pair of eyes in the room turn to stare at you at the same time, Harry thought with a shudder. The classroom was filled with at least a dozen or more hopeful academy students waiting for their names to be called to take the exam and, hopefully, become a part of Konoha's genin ranks. And as soon as he stepped through the door, all the students – all of who several years older than Harry himself – fell deathly silent. All eyes swerved to meet him and it took all his schooling amongst the Uchihas to stop himself from flinching back. Schooling his face blank and icy as Sasuke on a bad day, he strode into the room, hands in his pockets. Flopping down on a seat next to a boy with a large build (he was too nice to call it fat, but…) squinty eyes and light brown hair, he entwined his fingers together, fixing his eyes on the board in front of the class. Mentally, he forced himself not to begin to fidget as all eyes followed him.

The silence continued for a few more minutes, when finally, hissed whispered flooded the room.

"Who's that kid? I've never seen him in class before-"

"Is he here for the exam?"

"No way, he's too young! He can't be much over ten."

Harry closed his eyes with a sigh, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. He was, for once, glad that his uncle had beaten Uchiha manners into him (almost literally sometimes). At least he wasn't about to jump up and yell at the whole lot of them that they were annoying idiots whom didn't know when not to stare. And I'm almost eleven, idiot! He mentally howled at them.

Thankfully, just as he was about to throw all caution to the wind and punch the guy next to him who would just not stop bugging him (thought thankfully for himself or the other guy he wasn't sure) a man snapped open the sliding door and stepped in, silencing the class. He was chunin, by the looks of his vest that was identical to the one Iruka-sensei wore, with spiky red-brown hair and beard. He was taller than Iruka, with wide muscular shoulders and had a scar that started near his temple and finished somewhere within his thick beard, where some of the hair had become silver in colour. He looked over the group for a moment with grey-blue eyes, before he cleared his throat.

"Alright, listen up everyone," he announced in a gruff voice. "As you all know today is the Genin examination. For the exam, you will be tested on your ability to perform the basic ninjutsu, and Genjutsu. If you pass the exam you will receive a Leaf headband and will meet back here in two days time to be placed in a three-man cell with a Jounin sensei. If you don't pass, you'll repeat the year and can try again for the exam next year. Everyone understand?" everyone nodded or muttered a yes. Some even had confident smirks on their faces. The sensei nodded. "Good. When I call your name you will come into this room behind me were you will be judged on your skill."

The man looked down at his notes that he held in one large hand and nodded. "Alright, lets get started. Akimichi Kunio."

Harry grimaced slightly. Great, so they would be called in alphabetical order. Perfect, now he'd have to deal with those stares and mutterings for ages, especially since 'Uchiha' began with 'U' and was thus almost at the end of the alphabet.

As he was mentally griping to himself, the large boy that had been sitting next to Harry got up and made his way to the room, disappearing within it. A few minutes passed before Kunio emerged, grinning as he arranged his new hitae-ate on his head.

"Amano Kotaro!"

And the list continued. Boys and girls entered one at a time, almost everyone passing, although he was sure that at least one of them didn't. However, he wasn't particularly interested, seeing as he was doing his best at ignoring the people who tried to interrogate him about why he was there. In the end, he crossed his arms and rested his chin on them, looking for the entire world like he was asleep.

In fact, he wasn't sure if his deterrent had actually turned into real sleep or not when he finally heard the loud voice of the teacher who had just came back into the class (there weren't many people without headbands on now) and called the next name.

"Uchiha Harry"

The effect was instantaneous. The moment his name left the man's lips, the hiss of whispers stared once more.

"He's an Uchiha!"

"My sister talks about him all the time! Uchiha Harry – he's meant to be the best in his class!"

"No wonder he's here then! The Uchihas were all brilliant shinobi…"

"Rumor has it he has TWO kekkei genkai!"


"It's true...!"

"Think he'll pass?"

"Dunno, he's still a kid-"

"I bet he will!"

"You're on!"

Harry sighed mentally and followed the male teacher out of the room, letting the whispers wash over him. He was almost in heaven when the door was closed and the silence fell upon his ears.

It was a small room they had entered; probably big enough to have a one-on-one spar with someone, but no bigger than Harry's apartment. At the front was a desk, with several navy-blue hitae-ate bearing the metal with the leaf symbol on them. Behind this desk sat the bearded teacher and a young man (also chunin) with silvery hair that reached his jaw in length.

The bearded man surveyed Harry for a second, before he smiled, "Uchiha Harry, so you are the one the Hokage signed up to take the graduation exam early. Very well. For the test, you must perform a transformation and create three clones. You may begin."

That's it? Harry gaped. "All of that reviewing and studying the last four months, and all I have to do is make a bloody transformation and three clones? Pathetic… Harry thought as he moulded some of his chakra. If that was it, he was going to breeze through this exam. And to think, he had been getting nervous earlier!


There was a soft 'poof' and when the ninja smoke cleared, in Harry's place now stood a perfect replica of the Chuunin sensei, complete with thick beard and scared face. The Chuunin nodded his approval and made a mark on his clipboard. Harry let a slight smirk flicker the corner of the chunin replica's face, before he released the jutsu in another soft poof.

"And now for the three clones you have to create," he said.

Harry smirked. Why make it so easy? He was going to prove to them just how capable a shinobi he could be, especially since he had his old tutor's reputation on him. Plus, he wanted to show Sarutobi that he could do it. Besides, hadn't he promised to 'give 'em hell'? He was going to go one up on them! He crossed his fingers, moulding chakra once more. With a smirk, he announced, "Shadow clone Jutsu!"


There now stood four perfect Harry clones in a neat row waiting for a command, each with their fingers still in the cross-seal. The two Chuunin's jaws slammed on the floor, their eyes standing out of their heads. If it weren't for the fact that Harry wanted to make it look natural and not the result of trying to show them up, he would have, along with his clones, been on the floor, laughing his head off.

However, the seconds ticked passed and they weren't doing anything.

"I think we broke them," one of the clones chirped to him.

Another clone snorted with laughter.

"Hey, so, did I pass or what?" Harry asked, allowing the clones to dissipate.

The chunin looked at each other, then, picking their jaws up off the floor and, not even conferring with each other, wrote 'PASS' on the clipboard. With a grin, Harry took the headband and immediately tied it found his head, covering his lightning bolt shaped scar completely, although his hair seemed to stand up even more unruly than before over the top.

With that, Harry just winked at the sensei and walked out of the room without another word, hands behind his head and restraining himself from skipping every alternate step. When Harry emerged, the newly made genin stared at him, then at his headband, then finally about half of them started passing money around, having obviously lost the bet. Harry just snorted, shaking his head as he returned to his seat.

There were only two more people after Harry, both of whom emerged looking pleased with themselves and supporting their new headbands. Soon after, the chunin emerged as well. The bearded chunin stepped forwards. "To everyone still here, congratulations on passing the genin exam. You are all to report to the Hokage tower tomorrow to have your ninja licence instated and, at nine o'clock two days from now you are all to meet here for induction. There you will be arranged into your three-man cells and meet your new Jonin instructors. Don't be late. Dismissed."

Meanwhile, in the office of the Hokage tower, sitting in a small room leading off from that of a paper-work covered desk, Sarutobi watched in amusement as Uchiha Harry grinned to himself as he leapt away to get things ready for what was obviously going to be a celebratory party for him becoming a genin. He chuckled pleasantly. It was nice to see Harry smile and laugh again. He had been afraid that when Itachi had betrayed Konoha and slaughtered his clan, that Harry and Sasuke would have fallen into depression. However, it seemed that both boys were stronger than he thought. Or perhaps it was because of each other's presence that they had got so far to healing. He had been surprised when Naruto had excitedly informed him that Harry had offered him a place to stay as well. To him, it seemed that the three orphans might just become the family they needed to become strong, perhaps some of the strongest shinobi in Konoha, just as Arashi would have wanted them to become.

A soft popping sound caught Sarutobi's attention and he immediately recognised the chakra signature behind him. He stayed still with shock for a moment, hardly able to believe what he was feeling. Was it really that time already? Arashi had mentioned it to him, but… He hoped that the boy would be ready, all things considering.

He closed his eyes with a slight smile, before turning to look over his shoulder at the man who was standing behind him, half covered in shadow, except for a long, flowing silvery beard and hair, and baby blue eyes that twinkled like stars in the candle-light.

"Sarutobi," the man said pleasantly. "My, it's been so long since I saw you last, old friend."

"So it has, you barmy old coot," Sarutobi snickered slightly, smiling to the man. "Welcome back to Konoha, Albus."

No one really had any idea just what the appearance of Albus Dumbledore in Konoha after ten years would change the fate of the village hidden in the leaves, especially not how much it would change the destiny of one Uchiha Harry.

Harry yawned widely as he mussed up his hair and straightened his new headband with a hand drowsily, still half asleep as he stumbled into the hall of his apartment to collect the morning post. The impromptu party celebrating Harry making Genin (although Sasuke had just smirked, as if to say 'Of course he made it, he is my cousin/brother after all') had lasted long into the night. Harry was actually surprised they hadn't received complains form the neighbouring street about the noise – although the fact that none but Uchihas and whoever they allow in are permitted to enter the Uchiha complex, so that might have been the reason. Still, because of this Harry was still absolutely tired.

All right, next time we have a party I am so not going to eat that much dango before bed again, Harry grumbled to himself as he yawned again. And less sweets, too. I really didn't need that sugar-rush that late…or was that early? Hn…Damn, I knew Naruto was Hyper at the best of times, but both him and Sasuke on a sugar rush too – that was just freaky!

Shaking his head to try and rid the picture of Naruto and Sasuke trying to see which one of them could eat more sweets than the other, and in the end both having to run out of the room to throw up, Harry snorted and picked up the stack of mail that was laying all over the floor, shuffling through it. There were two welfare checks, ore for both himself and Sasuke, on time. He idly wondered if Naruto's had come through from last month or not yet. There were several bills, most of which were about ready to be paid anyway, so Harry just put them to one side. There was a magazine subscription for Sasuke, which Harry tucked under one arm to give to his cousin once he was up, and there was also a load of junk mail that Harry didn't even bother to look at but immediately tossed in the bin. He normally would have burnt it, but it was still too early to exercise his slight pyromania. A few more bills, an early birthday card – was it almost July 31st already? He worked it out in his head for a moment – god, it was his birthday in four days time! Who'da thunk it? Another letter for Sasuke, a parchment envelope to one Mr H. Potter, another magazine, one on different Shinobi weaponry order form, and-

Hold the phone.

Harry shuffled the letters back round to the weird envelope that seemed to be made from some sort of parchment. Who on earth wrote on parchment anyway? And the way it was written definitely wasn't in the usual way. Come to think of it, who on earth was H. Potter anyway? The only people who lived in the Uchiha complex were himself, Sasuke and Naruto.

Harry sighed, slipping the letter into his shorts' pocket. Well, there was no point leaving it in the bin, even if it obviously wasn't for anyone there, despite the address seemingly pointing to Harry's own room – which was almost freaky. Perhaps this H. Potter had stalkers, but they got the wrong address. Either way, Harry was going to see the Hokage today as it was once he had his photo taken for his shinobi licence, so perhaps he'd know what to do about the odd letter.

Pushing that thought to one side to think on later, Harry tucked the letters under his arm and turned back towards the apartment again.

"Oi, Sasuke, if your going to have breakfast and get to the academy on time, then you'd better get your butt out of bed now!"

He then laughed at his brother groaning about time

It didn't take him long to get to the Hokage tower and he immediately followed the directions to where he was to have his photo taken by a photographer-nin. It wasn't too hard to think of how to show himself on the picture. His prankster heart kept begging him to make some funny pose of something, but seeing as this document was a formal form, and that it was going to be a major bit of paper in his shinobi life, he thought he had better make a good job the first time, otherwise he'd probably be forced to do it again. Besides, despite it all, he was a little camera shy as it was, although Harry would sooner stab a senbon needle into his eye than admit that to anyone.

The camera-nin was a short, stocky man with a balding head who was waiting near the roof for the new genin to have their photo's taken. Seeing Harry, the man said in a rather exasperated tone, "another one? I swear, there are more and more genin coming each year! Come along…"

"Yes!" Harry quickly made his way to the place where his photo would be taken. He knew that Photographers were normally patient people, but this was a camera-nin, and was thus a different matter entirely. He really didn't want to test his luck, especially when said camera-nin was in a rather bad mood as it was. Better to get it over and done with.

"You ready?" the camera-nin asked grumpily.

Harry grimaced slightly. "Mhm, lets get it over with, please."

"Just what I like to hear," the camera-nin said, before disappearing behind the cover behind the camera. "Say 'cheese'."


Harry sat opposite the Hokage as he examined the picture of his licence with a critical eye, almost making Harry want to shuffle in his seat waiting for Sarutobi to make a decision. Hesitantly, Harry said, "ano…so is it alright?" please don't make me have to do that again! He mentally begged. I hate cameras, I hate camera-nin and if I gotta do it again I will fill your room with frogs old man!

Sarutobi just shook his head, placing the newly completed licence on the table. "No, no, it's fine. Frankly I was rather surprised you didn't decide to paint your face or something."

"And have to have the photo done again?" Harry asked incredulously. "No way, old fart. I'd rather not be stuck with a homicidal camera-nin, thank you very much."

Sarutobi chuckled slightly and filed his licence away. "Well, everything's in order. Although I'm honestly surprised you made it on time, especially with that party of yours last night."

"Hey, I knew we were a little loud, but really, you can't've heard from here," Harry wined. Suddenly, he jabbed at him with a finger accusingly. "We're you spying with that funny crystal ball thingy again? Jeez, can't a guy have some privacy, perv."

Sarutobi's eyebrow ticked slightly. "Alright, …"

"Oh yeah, before I forget," Harry said suddenly, pulling out the now slightly rumpled letter from his pocket, dropping it in front of Sarutobi, who raised an eyebrow. "This letter got dropped off at my place today. Dunno who it's from, but they got the wrong place. I mean, there's no guy named H. Potter at the Uchiha complex."

Sarutobi's eyebrows disappeared under his wide hat. "Can I have a look at that?"

Harry shrugged. "Why ask me? It's not like its mine, anyway. Go ahead."

Who would have known that he probably should have thrown the letter away

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