Splicing of Changes (Editing)

By Growling_moon

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Change was what Kristina Monroe wanted the most. A change of scenery. Maybe even going to a different town. B... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
The Poem
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72

Chapter 12

136 5 0
By Growling_moon

I think I am some sort of a celebrity. Or at least like a famous person or something. And I do not like it one bit. It's very annoying. It started on Saturday at the mall. I remember seeing people pointing at me and the whispers, lord only knows why. It can't be because of Liz, can it? That's just absurd. Although, the two girls did ask me about her, cornering me. But that was Saturday at the mall. Today here at school is a different matter altogether. There are so many people on my face, all of them want to ask me something yet none of them actually spoke to me. They keep just looking at me, observing me and surrounding me. Some people are weirdly fawning over me. As if I am a real celebrity or something. That's just weird. And very suffocating. Almost as if all these people forgot a simple thing called personal space. They did say some things, not questions mind you. But more like weird statements, so I just evaded them. Avoid them like I usually do.

It did not work. I hoped in class they would be busy learning, you know the thing we come to school to do in the first place. But alas, I was wrong. Either these people have so much free time that they have no idea what to do with it, or they are bored out of their minds and gossiping about people is the only entertainment they have left. I won't be shocked if the latter is true considering they spend time at a mall without any rhyme or reason. But their gossip has no bounds, and I can't lie and say that it is not entertaining hearing about all the wrong made-up reasons they came up with for Liz picking me up from school on Friday. I think it did not help that no one here really knows me either. The trajectory this gossip went to is mind-blowing to me. I have heard that Diane introduced me to Liz and so I went with her. That is false, and inaccurate but somewhat tolerable. There are some wild stories as well like Liz hit me with her car, so she was apologizing to me. Also, the other way round, like I hit Liz and I went with her as an apology. There are some about how I kidnapped Liz, and so on. Although they are entertaining and some are funny. I do not think this should continue and I cannot take any more of this. I am losing my patience. As if this weekend was not enough now this.

Sunday, September 3rd was so weird. I knew it would be but I did not expect it to be so bad for me. I woke up to a memory playing in my brain. Not a happy one. The one that left me with the scars, the metal rod and some more injuries. Well, technically those are visible ones, the invisible ones are the ones that hurt me the most. I basically cried all day, had no appetite, and did not even leave my room. I stayed cooped up in there, without even realizing when daylight changed to moonlight. I don't even know if someone came to check up on me and how they saw me. I have no idea as I was not myself. I was stuck in a memory loop of my past and could not find a way to get out. This is the first time I am alone on the 3rd of any month, much less September 3rd the day of the accident. I felt so alone, so broken. It's not like the clock struck 4th and I stopped crying, I continued it yesterday too. But yesterday, Alex sort of forced me out of my room and Tori and Liz kinda made me attend some weird Labor Day party held by their company. I know how to pretend to be a human being at company parties, so I did my best to put a game face on. Maybe pretending helped me because I am somehow able to come to school today. I am still devastated, broken and have no hope or appetite but putting on a show of being perfectly fine is kind of my specialty. Hence, I am leaning on my loaned mask to get through today. Tomorrow will be another day and so on. And slowly, I might be able to feel this broken.

The gossip is not helping my case. It is distracting me that's for sure but it is also making people, too many people surround me. And I just want to disappear so it is very suffocating. Classes help as I try to concentrate on them. I do wonder why no one forced me on Sunday though but I presume they tried but failed. Or maybe they did succeed, I was just too stuck in my own memories to realize anything happening around me. Like right now, when the bell alerts me that class is over. So much for concentrating in class. Sighing, I pick up my things to shove them in my locker for now as I go for lunch. My stomach is growling for some reason as if I have not eaten, which might be true. To be honest I do not remember.I do not want to eat but I think my body needs food right now. And if I go to the cafeteria, sit with my friends and not eat, they will ask questions. I can't answer them so it's best to eat something at least it might stop my stomach from growling.

The cafeteria is busy as usual. Buzzing with a million different conversations as normal. I go buy lunch and sit with Silver and her friends. I still cannot really call them my friends. They seem to be but are they really though? But as I sit, everyone's phone goes off. I groan realizing this might be yet another gossip-worthy news. I just hope it is about anyone but me because I am so done. But to my disappointment whoever starts these gossips seems to have some extra love for me as they send the video of mine and Diane's interaction at the mall to everyone. The funny thing is, I did not see anyone recording it but I cannot say I did not expect it. Not really sure why they chose to send it now. Or maybe that is on purpose seeing as the looks I am getting. Some seem pleased, some thankful, some frowning, and only three people are looking at me with anger. Those three are Diane and her two followers. So, that's fine.

"You seem to have ripped a new one to Diane. Wow! You are braver than I thought." Charlie comments. I groan. Not in the mood to reply but she does not seem to care.

"So I have a question. I know that most of the gossip and stories are false, but Eliza did come and you did get in her expensive, fancy, wicked of a car. So tell me Kris what really happened?" Charlie asks, as I just stare at her dumbfounded. "What? That's a sick car, dude." I agree, so I nod.

"Far, it is a really cool car. And guess what, it is even cooler to get to ride it." I reply to Charlie making her widen her eyes at me.

"Really. Kris, please ask Eliza to give me a ride sometime. That is if you guys did not really get into some altercation or neither of you kidnapped the other." I laugh for the first time since Friday or Saturday. I laugh, a full uncontrollable laughter. Charlie looks at me weirdly before smiling, herself. All the others at the table smile at me too. Charlie seems pleased with herself. "Welcome back Kris. Missed ya!" Charlie says, throwing a fry at me, which she picked from Danny's plate.

"Hey, my fry." Danny cries out, making me smile at him too. Guess she broke me out of the mask. How did Charlie do it? I frown as I try to figure out but I realize she actually saw through my mask. Meaning she knew something was up with me. How are these people reading me so easily?

"So, tell us, Kris," Mark asks, making his eyebrows dance.

"Stop doing that Mark. And Liz or Eliza as you guys call her just came to pick me up. Nothing more. She just picked me up to take me back to my sister's house."

"Wait nothing more?" Charlie asks, looking disappointed.

"Nothing more."

"Dammit, that is so not a story. It's so...simple." Charlie complains.

"Simple and true," I inform them.

"Wait so, you actually know Eliza? Meaning there is a possibility that she might come again to pick you up from school?" I nod. Charlie seems pleased as she smiles, before going back to eating.

"Do you have a crush on her or something, Charlie?" I ask, confused.

"Crush on Eliza nah. In her car definitely." I shake my head.

"Ignore Charlie over there." Silver replies.

"How do you guys know her and why is she like a celebrity here?" I ask.

"Well, she is not really a celebrity, more like someone we all love and respect. None of us know her. We just know about her company with Vicky, their contributions to this town, and all the donations, food drives, and help they provide us. And she is umm..." Silver trails off.

"What my friend could not finish is that Eliza is fine. She looks fine so that works in her favor too." Charlie adds, smirking at me. "Why do you have a crush on Eliza?"

"Ew no," I reply, almost repulsed. I feel a shiver run down my spine hearing it.

"She is not bad-looking even if you don't like women Kris," Charlie replies, offended.

"No. Not like that. I just...she is like a sister to me." I sigh.

"Ah. That makes more sense. Wait Eliza is like a sister to you. So you guys know each other. Wow. How?"

"Yeah we know each other, well knew, I suppose. From a long time ago. As for how, that's simple, she knows my sister." I reply already knowing that they will ask me more questions. Also, it might tip them off to the fact that I live on the other side of the bridge, I never meant to lie or hide that from them. I just never really thought of sharing that particular information with them. But it seems like the truth might be out now.

"Eliza knows your sister and hence knows you. Okay. Even if it makes sense to me, it doesn't. No offense Kris but aren't you new to this town? And they have been here forever." Danny asks.

"Well, not forever. I do suppose they moved here a long time ago when they left. I am new here, you are correct. But my sister and Liz used to live somewhere, back home in Wisconsin. That was a while ago though, when I knew Liz."

"Oof you are a long way from home, girl." Charlie comments, finishing her food. She then physically takes hold of my right hand and brings a forkful into my mouth. "You gotta eat. Today you seem to be playing with the food more than eating. This is how you eat Kris. You can do it." She teases. I roll my eyes at her but a smile threatens to overtake my expression. It's truly a wonder to me how observant Charlie is of me like the girl noticed I was just playing with the pasta I bought while trying to figure out how I know Eliza. Silver smiles at us from the opposite of me. It's funny how our places are now fixed around the table except Charlie now sits beside me since Friday.

"So, let's say we believe you. Kris, this means you live umm... there?" Mark asks. I nod at him, tentatively. I already know where this is going.

"Why do you sit with us?" Jake asks, making me frown. He looks around, and shrugs. "What it's true. She lives on the other side and knows Eliza, possibly Vicky too, and she is slumming with us. Why?"

"I am not slumming it with you guys. And why does it matter where I live? That's just stupid." I reply, shrugging. I know it's not a plausible answer, one that will satisfy Jake or the others but it has to do for now.

Before Jake or anyone else could say anything on this matter. I spot a tiny human skipping towards us. I remember her from Friday. What was her name again? As I try to recall, she smiles at me. "Sorry to disturb you guys, but I have a question to ask Kris. I am Amy." Everyone kind of just reacts weirdly to this.

"I think everyone wants to ask me questions only today," I reply and I urge her to ask with a wave of my hand. Amy, though, smiles.

"You are funny Kris. I know what you mean but I am not here to ask you about the rumor or anything to do with you and Eliza or you and Diane for that matter. I wanna know if you know Alexandra Beaumont?" Frowning, I tilt my head to look at her. "She is about 5 years old."

"Why?" I ask, confused.

"It's not something huge or anything. It's just my brother, Tim mentioned you. And he told me he knows about you from Alexandra, his best friend." Amy says, shocking me.

"I know one Alex or Alexandra, I am not sure about her last name. How do you know it was me your brother mentioned?"

"Ah, that's cause he said a weird name and when I asked what he is talking about he said that it is your name. So naturally I got curious."

"Naturally. Can I ask what this name was?"

"Sure it's a little weird though." I urge her to tell me, with a head nod. "He called you Kiss, as Alex calls you that. They were playing with a Happy Meal toy that you got Alex."

"Ah, so it is the same Alex I know. I did not know her last name is Beaumont. Why do you want me to tell her something? Also, the kid take the toy with her somewhere? What the hell? She was supposed to keep it hidden."

Amy laughs. "Of course she did, Alex called it her favorite toy now. She proudly showed it to Tim yesterday at the Labor Day party. That reminds me, I think I saw you there."

"Huh?" Now I am confused as to what she wants to know.

"Okay tell me how you know Alex first then tell me, if you were at the Labor Day party or not?"

"Ummm.... Alex is my niece. And I did go to a party yesterday but I don't remember seeing anyone there that I knew."

"Ah, you must have missed me," Amy replies, smirking. Then her eyes widen, comically. "Wait hold up Alex as in Alexandra Beaumont is your niece?" I nod, scared of her reaction now. "Holy Shit, Kris!"


"Nothing just holy shit."

"Oh okay." Now I am utterly confused.

Amy walks away, in shock as it seems. "What just happened?" Charlie asks.

"I have no idea," I reply. Turning to Mark, I ask, "Is Amy always like this?"

"Not particularly but I think she realized something," Mark says, making me frown.

The bell rings informing us that lunch is over. Meaning the second half of torture. More gossip, more rumors. Yay me. I love it. But I do feel better, I am not stuck in my memories anymore. I cannot say I am not sad anymore but it just feels better. A little lighter. I think it is because of Charlie, who is walking beside me now without uttering a single word. I am not sure where her class is but we seem to be walking in the same direction, towards my next class. My phone pings alerting me to a text, 'forgot to send the picture yesterday.'

It is a picture of lilies. And my world comes crashing down. This time though, I take off towards the nearest bathroom. Without caring for my leg or that Charlie might ask me questions, I just run. I cannot stop the tears that spill, nor can I help the nausea that has overtaken my whole system. I just know that I need to hide now and bring myself together before I can attend class.

Charlie apparently silently followed me to the bathroom. Because when I eventually walk out of the stall she is right there waiting for me. She does not say a word, just hands me some paper towel and urges me to clean my face. I do so, all the while looking at her through the mirror. She is not saying anything, nor is her face showing any curiosity. She just seems like a friend who is lending me her shoulder now, when I need it. She seems like a friend who has known me for ages. Yet that is not the case at all. But the connection I feel towards her is something strong and strange. Something I am not quite used to. But at the same time, it is comforting. I hug her, as she lets me. Before walking out of the bathroom, I look at Charlie once more, wondering if I should say something or not, she just gives a small, soft smile. A smile that spoke a thousand words without a single sound being made. A smile that comforted me and at the same time, gave me strength to face the world outside that is our high school and all that it entails.  

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