the girl who loved...

By alyssabi0

223 0 0

Ace Snape has always been her fathers trouble maker and had a good life till, she is bestfriends with malfoy... More

1. the day
2. the trouble makers
3. the News
5. oh no
6. The kiss
7. vacation
8. Malfoy Manor
9. Ginny
10. back to normal
11. joke shop

4. half sibblings

17 0 0
By alyssabi0

    Ace woke up the next morning to dried tears on her face she slowly sat up rubbing her eyes, "morning Ace" she turned around to George, Fred, Hermione,Luna,Ron,and Harry. "What are you doing here?" She asked sitting up
We can tell you but first you might wanna um" Hermione stuttered, Ace looked down to find herself in a bra
"Shit" she said pulling the covers over her.
"So last night-"
"Don't talk about it" she cutted off Hermione
"Anyway we came to check up on you and you were sleep crying"
She ignored Ace about not bringing last ngiht up completely.
"Something we have never seen before" Fred added
"She has done it many times, could never tell of they were happy tears or not, till i read about it, if it comes out of the right there happyTears, left sad" her roommate answered everyone's question.
"Well witch one was it" luna snapped, Luna was know for being the sweat one but she can be demanding just like Hermione.
"Left eye" her roommate answer closeing her book.
"Anyway two things party tonight and-" hermione said to Ace
But Harry whispered something to her.
"Well the other thing" Ace demanded
"Never mind ill wait till tonight" Hermione said nervously.
They all left so Ace could get ready for the day. Breakfast was boring Ace sat up by her dad and never said a single word.
"Ace darling is there something wrong you haven't talked much"
"Or ate" her father asked looking over at her
"Im fine dad" she mumbled
"Alright" he instead. After breakfast was over she was about to leave when,
"Ace please come with me" Dumbledore asked.
Ace followed him down to his office with her headbdown everyone was silent "what are y'all staring at" she threatened
"Now bow miss. Snape no need to get mad" Dumbledore protested
She was pissed tho and upset she had to walk to Dumbledores office, while everyone eles got to go to class.
"Have a seat" Dumbledore motioned to an emty seat
"I can tell something is on your mind your father can to" she sat in silence, "well if you insist ma'am" Dumbledore scoffed, still no word came out of her mouth. Professor Mcgonagall walked in,
No wrod from Ace, " hm maybe we should give her a potion.. a truth poison yes" Mcgonagall sugested
"No!" Ace snapped grabbing her wand but it wasn't hers
Its was malfoys! "Whos wand is that?" Mcgonagall asked looking at it. "It's dracos i must of picked the wrong on up last night in his dorm i was grabbing my hair brush he took the night we got to hogwarts he picked it up by accident and i placed my wand down to find it before he got back and must of picked his up" she slipped it back into her pocket and left.

     She was going to the bathroom instead of class when she walked in there was a boy sitting whete she usally sat. I appeared to be Malfoy. She hid in a spot she could see him but he couldn't,
She slowly emerged from the shadows. "Whos there" he said wipping his head up and gatbbing his wand but he had Ace's.
"What this isn't my wand this is. Ace's wand!" He said looking at it
"Yeah thats the thing i accidentally grabbed yours getting my hairbrush" she said nervously. She handed his wand to him and his finger tips bristled across hers it was a ward for a minute, she yanked hers back and git the hell out of there running into malfoy in the girls bathroom by the camber of secrets she thought to herself stroking her wand up and down with her finger tips the two purple marbles were cold and smooth. She normally talked ti tom riddle when she sat there she could here he faint voice talking to her every time she was there, she made it to Snape's ckass and sat down. He notcied her but moved on. She caught a quick glimpse of harry smiling at her but why she had
A simple black robe on with green and her house symbol
Why was he looking at her and smilling but she didnt care she just sat in silence.

     After class she walked back to her dorm and jumoed onto her bed "hello" her roommate said "ready for the party" she asked.
Ace forgot about the whole thing! She got up to taje a shower, do her hair and pick out an outfit she pulled out a short black
Dress with a slit in the side she unfolded it and
Admired it "whoa" her roommate said "go put it on"
She walked into the bathrrom and put the dress on she walked
Out looking better than ever she picked a a diamond necklace and a ring. " what are you wearing" Ace asked
"Not going" her roomate responded and kept on reading
"Oh ok," Ace looked at the time and read 4:50. Perfect enough
Time to see if everyone was ready. She look to see if Pansy was
Still in her dorm and she was she walked to Draco's dorm and opened it he had not shirt on and boxers shit she thought to
Her self she closed the door and slid down it. Draco snapped his head back to see who it was and opened the door,
Ace fell back onto her head, "ow" she said makeing eye contact with Draco "hey sorry i didnt mean to i should of knocked but i forgot truly sorry Draco" she pleaded hopeing he'd forgive
"Its fine" she scoffed and closed the door, she walked away to the slytherin common room. Luna was the first person to see her dress "it's amazing!" She screamed. She was
Wearing a dark blue dress with gems at the top. Draco
Didnt see the dress because she was wearing a big hoodie because it was so cold.
"Well. Where is everyone"
"Fred and and George should be hear soon" she answered.
The door cracked open a bit and confetti went everywhere
All over Luna and Ace. "GEORGE, FRED you are dead!"
Ace threatened, They all laughed. Draco, Hemrione, cho, Pansy, Ron, and Ginny all arived alittle later. Pansy was annoying the hell out of Draco asking for a kiss but he said no.
"Alright have you guys ever even kissed" George asked annoyed
"No" Draco said earatated.
"Then kiss Ace for god sake" Fred snapped reading George's mind.
Ace sunk down in her seat embarrassed.
"No! He is mine not hers" Pansy yelled back. Fred gave George a look, " lets play spin the bottle" Fred suggested.
"Ok" everyone agreed, they sat in a circle and garbbed an empty beer bottle.
"Ill go first" Pansy said. They watched the bottle spin and land on
Cho. "Um no" she said sitting back,
"Pussy" they all screamed
"How about Ace" Hermione suggested winking at her.
Ace's face turned red she didnt want to but she did, she pulled the hoodie off and threw it at Fred. There was silence "what?" She asked
"Your amazing" Fred said , Luna looked jealous but Ace didnt bring it up. "Thx" she replied spinning the bottle. They watched it spin and land on Draco. Her faced turned red.
"Yeah no" Pansy said hugging Draco
"She has to" Gorge said, everyone nodding their heads.
"Fine" Draco agreed. Patting the spot next to him
"What!?" Pansy freaked out
"She's my bestfriend and it means nothing" he replied
She stood up smothed out her dress and walked over and sat down. They looked at eachother for a moment and locked lips, it last for 2 minutes then done. "Umm. I have to use the bathroom real quick" Ace said walking over to the bathroom. She sat and looked herself in the eyes "what just happened" she asked herself

     "Ace!" Hermione yelled
"Comeing!" She walked out of the bathroom
"Where gonna play truth or dare"
"Alright" she said sitting back down. They all talked and stuff and found out alot of stuff about people.
"Ace turth or dare" Draco asked, Ace turned her head toward him an said, "truth"
" whats you middle name" he asked looking at her
"Well. Lily" she responded. Harry look surprised
"Harry truth or dare" Ron asked
"Truth" he answered
"Do you like someone and if so who?"
Harry sat in slonce for a couple seconds then said
" i like" he stuttered
"Ace." She sat in silence and everyone was like aww.
"Stop stop stop" she repeated "im sorry Harry we can never date."
She said looking him dead into the eyes, "wait why!?" He sounded broken inside. "Beacuse harry your my half brother" she said shutting her mouth. No one said a word. "Im your what?" He asked, "half brother, same mom different dad." She explained
"You mean Snape and my mom had two children" he was so confused. Ace nodded her head "and your dad and our mom had you" she said to Harry "surprise?" She said awkwardly
"Ace lily Snape i liked you, i like my half sister gross!" He said gorssed out. "Yeahh and dont use my middle name" she snapped
"But it's our mom-" harry tried to say
"Nope i dont like going by my middle name it hurts" she shushed

     They talked for the rest of the night and laughed. Ace got drunk and so did Ginny and passed out on the floor. Draco picked up Ace and Harry picked up Ginny. They all walked back to their dorms.
" Draco" Pansy said softly
"Yeah baby" he responded looking at her
"That kiss. It meant nothing right?"she asked
"Nothing" he said but he didnt quit know if it didn't or it did.
"Alright so we are still good" "correct" she asked with a smile
"Forever mine" he said smiling back. Pansy and Draco walked into Ace's dorm and laid her down. Draco walked back into the
Bathroom and grabed a blue bottle.
"What is that?" Pansy asked looking at it
"Makeup remover " he asnwerd dabbing it lightly on
A cotton pad. "I have seen her do it a couple times before" he said
Removing her makeup. Pansy left the room trusting
Draco. Her slowly removed the dress and slammed his hand
Over his eyes.
"Something wrong" her roommate asked
"How am i supposed to change her!" He cried
"Oh dont be shy it's just like a bathing suit " she said laying down
Draco was baout to fall asleep but, he got Ace dressed and tucked her in. He was way to tired to walk back so he grabbed a pair of his shorts he left here and slipped them on and hoped into
Bed with Ace.
"I swear girl your a handful" he said to her running his fingers through her hair out of her faced. "Do i really like Pansy as much as you" he asked wrapping his arms around her waist.
"What am i thinking im with Pansy" he yelled at himself.
He pulled Ace closer with his arms still around her and fell asleep.

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