Verdant Emperor - Villain Izu...

By TheHinokami

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What happens to people that don't have quirks in a world full of quirks? What happens to the world when one q... More

Chapter 1: The Divergence
Chapter 2: Finding Shelter & First Steps
Chapter 3: Results & Giran
Chapter 5: Verdant Guards & Training
Chapter 6: UA Exam & All Might's Regrets
Chapter 7: Expanding & New Bases
Chapter 8: U.S.J
Chapter 9: Heros & Villains & Anti-Heroes!?
Chapter 10: Sports Festival & Verdant Movements
Chapter 11: Hosu
Chapter 12: Hosu Aftermath
Chapter 13: Verdant Expansion & Advamcenets & Unkown Enemy!?
Chapter 14: Heroes Vs Meta Liberation Army
Chapter 15: Prelude to Summer Break
Chapter 16: Summer Camp
Chapter 17: Kamino Incident
Chapter 18: Shock & The Sealment of Fate
Chapter 19: Saying Goodbye
Chapter 20: Advancing Plans & Growing
Chapter 21: Reactions
Chapter 22: Growth & Overhaul!?
Chapter 23: Save Eri!
Chapter 24: Aftermath of the raid
Chapter 25: Military Line Assualt!
Chapter 26: Battle Aftermath
Chapter 27: Desperation!
Chapter 28: The fall of Aichi
Chapter 29: Conversations
Chapter 30: Intriguing
Chapter 31: Prelude to Meeting
Chapter 32: Meeting Pt. 1
Chapter 33: Meeting Pt. 2
Chapter 34: Large Scale Combat!
Chapter 35: Bloodshed
Chapter 36: UA's Surrender & Effects
Chapter 37: Meeting & Ackowlegements
Chapter 38: The Future Within Reach!
Chapter 39: Japan's Fall!
Chapter 40: The Verdant Emperor Will! [End]

Chapter 4: Physical Conditioning & New Home & Two New Members

18.3K 584 187
By TheHinokami

3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya was unknown to many since the world didn't care about him due to being quirkless. That would always be a mistake that no one would ever forget. However, before we ever get to that point we need to look at his current progress. Izuku Midoriya had been given his new accommodations by Giran after about two weeks. The lab itself wasn't fully set up but the home section was completed. To be honest... Izuku was a bit surprised at the base itself. It looked like a normal house on the outside but as Giran took Izuku inside and showed him a hidden area it led to an underground bunker section which also had another section connected to tat which led to a lab area. 

The lab area had an external exit that was connected to an empty warehouse that was a block or so away so that the equipment could be taken into the lab. Overall Izuku was happy with the current setup but it was nothing on his future plans. He had planned for a very deep underground base that would serve as his secret lair that not many people would know the exact location about. 

Izuku got everything that he needed at that current time set up and relaxed a bit. As he was sitting there he was thinking about his recent invention that he made from a lot of scrap metal from the beach. Now you might be wondering what the invention was? Well, it was an exoskeleton of some sorts. This provided him the ability to move faster, lift more, strike harder. Now Izuku did not use this during his cleaning of the beach. The reason for this is because it would cut down on the amount of progress his body would get. He knew it would take longer but he needed his body to be better. He did use it to get the material back to the base though since he didn't care about that and it gave a tiny bit of workout even using the suit.

As such, several months passed, and he's been gone 3 months now. Izuku had his entire lab done now as well and he would spend time doing experiments that he wanted to look into. One was with artificial intelligence and another was on reworking some of the human body genes. The second experiment had Dabi in mind when he was doing them. Izuku wanted to be able to undo some of the damage that his quirk caused and make his body withstand his quirk better so Izuku with his fierce intelligence was digging into the science behind altering the human genome. It was a hard path and it likely wouldn't go anywhere but it did have some benefits since he ended up developing some side project on month 4! This side project was an ultra-cooling system that would help keep Dabi's body cooled down. The reason Izuku was spending so much time doing stuff for someone he hasn't even met yet was that it would be a peace offering, a sign of good faith of what Izuku could accomplish instead of him being just a normal bratty kid. Instead, he would the evil genius! 

As such, in the middle of the 5th month, Izuku asked Giran to find Dabi for him. Giran was confused but went with it since Izuku has been amazing business for Giran. Izuku was making a large amount of money off his analysis. So far 25 heroes have ended up dead across all of Japan and as far as Izuku can tell no one has connected their deaths to each other. It would only be a small bump in the death count of heroes on an annual basis since so many of them die each year. UA isn't the only hero school after all. There are hundreds of minor hero schools that pump people out into the hero field each year! As such, a minor increase in the deaths of heroes wouldn't be noticed by many people and the gangs and villains always killed in different manners so no one could really connect them. Also, none of the people tied to the analysis on the receiving end have been caught either so they couldn't talk about it to the police yet so no one knew that there was a new high roller in the underworld of analysis. 

After about two weeks, Giran was able to locate Dabi but he also located someone else with said person. It was some girl named Toga that had a quirk that allowed her to transform into other people after she drinks their blood. She was a bit crazy due to her quirk but Izuku suspected that was due to being denied blood for so long that her quirk adapted to force her to meet its needs. One thing that he did learn about her is that she was an expert in knives. This interested Izuku and he responded to Giran that he wants to meet her as well. As such, Izuku headed to a different location with his invention that he made for Dabi and waited for Giran to arrive with them. He would need to make something for Toga later and he was thinking he could make something that would make her a bit saner. It would likely be artificial blood that would meet his hunger for blood. This would keep her sane and allow her to operate more efficiently until she needed to get blood from her opponents or targets. 

As he was waiting and writing out ideas and plans for Toga's inventions such as support gear and the blood, he heard the door open and he saw Giran come in. It was there that he saw the two possible recruits for his Verdant Guards. "Verdant Emperor, it's been a bit. I hope you've been enjoying the accommodations. I've brought you the two people you asked for." Giran said as he called Izuku's alias that he came up with. In honesty, Giran at first thought it was a joke but the more he dealt with Izuku the more it came to fit him. It scared him a lot but also excited him even more! 'We are at the turning point in history if this kid can stabilize a solid foundation for himself.' Giran thought. Izuku said he did enjoy settling into his new base and that it was serving his current needs but he knows he will need to establish a larger base in a more hidden and secure location in the future. Giran was shocked at that but made a mental note on possible future locations and the likelihood of finding people to build a custom future base for Izuku's needs. The kid was starting to get a bit of slush fund based on the amount of money that Izuku was bringing in. Izuku had already led 25 heroes to their deaths but that had nothing on all the villain analysis he did for other criminals. As such, Giran knew that Izuku could likely afford more expensive things such as a fully customized base.

Girn would be right in Izuku's wealth! Currently, as it stood Izuku had over around $1 million USD. His short selling and other investments combined with the increased cash inflow from selling his services have made him quite wealthy and that money was only growing as Izuku kept short-selling in foreign markets which only increased his funds. He did stop short-selling in Japan since he didn't want to attract domestic attention to his activities since he was purposely causing the companies' stocks to fall for a brief period so he could short them. He was really afraid of attracting Nezu's attention any time soon. Izuku knew his intelligence was higher than Nezu's bit a handful but Nezu was still a scary opponent to go against until Izuku had enough resources to waste fighting someone like him. Until then, Izuku needed to keep his guard up until that point that he no longer had to play the turtle. 

As the talking between Giran and Izuku came to an end, Izuku turned to the new newer people and introduced himself. "Hello, Toga and Dabi. You can call me Verdant Emperor. I'm assuming Giran informed you that I am here to recruit you two into my services." Izuku stated. Dabi was on the defense a bit since how Giran acted respectfully to Izuku. It was as if Giran saw him as a far superior person and that set Dabi on guard. Toga on the other hand just went on about how cute Izuku looked and wondered how he would look with him wearing blood. Dabi rolled his eyes but they both froze when they heard the Verdant Emperor's words. "Toga... I see your quirk truly did make you a bit insane... I'm assuming it changed your neurology. Interesting... I think my plans should scale that back so you obtain a bit more sanity." Izuku stated. Dabi knew that the man in front of him was on thin ice. Toga always hated it when people tried to 'fix' her. Toga gave Izuku a glare and asked if he was trying to fix her but Izuku's words once again shocked them.

"Fix you? No. There is nothing to fix. What I'm proposing is to limit your quirk drawback. From what I can gather, the quirk drawback makes you have less sanity since it's trying to force your body to obtain blood to replenish you. Your body needs blood to survive on more than human meals likely. As such, what I would create for you would be synthetic blood aka fake blood that would meet the basic needs of your quirk that provides you your sanity back more. This stops you from going out and hunting people down for their blood and allows you to have more clarity in planning. I'm not stopping you from getting real blood but would require you to do it only on missions so people don't track you down via your kills and attacks." Izuku stated and Toga and Dabi were still in shock! Toga asked if he could really do that. Regardless of how it appeared... she didn't like not being in control all of the time. 

"I can indeed. I don't have it done now but when I heard about you and your quirk the idea came to me and I'm positive I can have it completed within a month or so. Until then, you would need to survive on taking minimum blood from myself and Dabi if he joins us." Izuku stated and Toga looked convinced. She then turned to Dabi and spoke. "Dabi... we've been working together for a while now and we've become close but.... I hate not being in control of myself but I don't want to leave you." Toga stated. Before Dabi could even consider a yes or no, Izuku spoke up. "Dabi, before you make a decision. I think you both should know what I am planning since I require absolute loyalty. I won't stand for betrayal but if someone is wrong I expect you all to talk to me so I can adjust my plans or meet you in a middle point of something since I plan to make you both my Verdeant Guards." Izuku said and at that moment everyone including Giran looked at Izuku in curiosity. 

"I plan to overthrow the current system and take control of Japan. Heroes like Endeavor and All Might hide behind their lawyers and keep themselves protected. Endeavor has hidden many things hasn't he dabi? All Might is no better since he has hidden a lot of secrets that would paint him in a completely different light. He's long forgotten about his roots and is not as bad as Endeavor but still up there on the list." Izuku stated and Dabi tensed. Izuku then handed him a note which he read and his eyes widen. 

'Nice to meet you Toya Todoroki but I can understand why you threw that name away. So Dabi, want to help me overthrow the system that your father benefits greatly from?' stated the note. Dabi's eyes went straight up to Izuku as he pulled a case out that he hid behind a box. "Dabi, just like I would give something to help Toga. I already had you in mind before I knew about her. I've already created something for you. This is a support device that will help counter your quirk a bit to provide your body better resistance. It will allow you to use your quirk more and at a hotter temperature." Izuku said as he opened the case exposing a suit. "This is more or less a cooling exoskeleton suit. It goes on your body but allows your quirk to flow through the fabric." Izuku said as he looked at Dabi in the eyes. "So what do you say Dabi, want to help me? Remember though I require absolute loyalty since I will do many heinous actions to achieve a new world." Izuku stated as he held his hand out to Dabi. Dabi thought for a moment before moving forward and shaking Izuku's hand sealing the deal. Toga soon came up and shook his hand as well. It was at that moment that the first two Verdant Guards came into existence and they pledged undying loyalty to their new emperor as Dabi and Toga both took a knee in front of Izuku and called out his name. "All Hali the Verdant Emperor!" They shouted. Izuku was shocked at what they did but soon smiled. "Now none of that my Verdant Guards. You will be leading my empire with me and I will rely on you two the most so please don't betray the trust I shall put into you." Izuku said as he turned to Giran and spoke. "Giran, here's the payment for finding them. Keep an eye out for anyone else you think might serve well for my Verdant Guards since I will be increasing my plans at a faster pace since I have Toga and Dabi now." Izuku stated as Giran nodded his head and left. Izuku then took Dabi and Toga to the home they would be living in from now on.

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