Cheaters Never Become Great:...

By BrennerZero3

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This is a Fantasy type of story like Chivalry of a Failed Knight, as this is inspired from that anime/manga.T... More

Prologue : Shattered Hearts
Chapter 1 : New Academy
Chapter 2: A Challenge

Chapter 3: A Day To Be Free

3.1K 49 12
By BrennerZero3

(When there is a day where (Y/N) rests or doesn't have any academy stuff going on, this song is played..)

It is in the middle of a certain person is sleeping on a bed..



(Y/N) moves back a little, letting his blanket almost falling to the floor.Emma is watching his every move, because she is doesn't trust some boy to sleep in the same dorm room as her..yet alone the same bed..

Emma:'This person literally sleeps like a natural guy, but why did the headmaster want us to share the same bed?!'

She is mostly a bit upset, but she later calms herself down and tries to head back to sleep.

*Timeskip to morning*

The morning rays of sunshine shone down from the window, as Emma wakes up from her sleep..only to see (Y/N) next to her face.

Emma:"You leecher!!"

She gave a blow to his head, making him wake up in anger and pain.

(Y/N):"What the hell is your pro-"

He then notices that he is hugging her in his sleep, as he lets go of the poor girl and jumps off the bed.

(Y/N):"What the fuck happened, also did you hit me?!"

Emma:"Yeah of course! I can't stand to see a man just near me when I'm defenseless when I'm sleeping!"

(Y/N) face-palms himself..

(Y/N):"Whatever, I'm changing into my uniform so get out..."

Emma:"We don't have school for today, cause it's Sunday.."


Emma:"I'm going to take a shower, so don't peek or do anything funny.."

She then got off the bed and headed into the shower room.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I went to the wardrobe and changed into my normal attire, which is just a black shirt and blue jeans, along with my jacket..

(Y/N):'This bitch is annoying me..better get going..'

I headed out of the door and went downstairs to just talk a stroll along the way.There was a moment of peace stringing in my ears, as I walked past a garden..

School Gardener:"Oh excuse me, can you help me with these fertiliser bags? My back can't hold these huge things at once.."

He looked old, much to say that he can't lift two bags like a regular person would..


I helped the old man by carrying 4 bags of fertiliser for him, placing them in the shed that he told me to put in.

School Gardener:"Well thank you my boy, not that many students in this school can help me with this kind of work except you."

(Y/N):"You do this every day?"

School Gardener:"Why yes, I have to carry these bags of good stuff for the plants and take of the crops daily!"

(Y/N):"Your name?"

Evan:"Evan Lennox, what about you my boy?"

(Y/N):"(Y/N) (L/N).."

The old gardener looks at me.

Evan:"You seem to have fear and regret in your heart, with hatred burning in your eyes.What is it that troubles you?"

(Y/N):"I don't want to say it.."

Evan:"It's about a break-up from a year ago right?"

(Y/N):"How did you-"

Evan:"From the look on your eyes, you seem to have desire of revenge..hatred and anger boiling in the pits of where the heart lies within."

(Y/N):"Its true that it is in the past, but I already left that out from my mind.."

Evan:"Whatever leaves in your mind, doesn't go away my boy..I had experienced it myself when I was your age.My babe was magically beautiful in every way, until the one fateful day..she broke my heart.."

(Y/N):"So it happened to you?"

Evan:"Why yes of course! But I let go of the past, and look forward to a new day with a new life! Boy, you have a great heart in here...don't be afraid to show it, even if it is your friends or the one that breaks your heart, you are human after all."

(Y/N):"Wise words..I think I can spent the day with you working out like this.."

The old man smiled, as he grabbed a rake and gave it to me.

Evan:"Come here and let's care for these little guys! They won't grow till we do something!"

Emma's P.O.V
I looked around the whole place for (Y/N), as I had no luck on finding him.

Emma:'Where is he..?'

(Y/N):"Damm, you do this all day old man?"

I noticed his voice, as I went to the garden where he is at.He was sitting with the school's gardener, sweating while drinking a water bottle.I peeked in to listen on their conversation.

School Gardener:"Hehe, you'll get used to it.So my boy, would you like to tell me about yourself?"

(Y/N):"Well, I was raised by the Galev Clan..the clan that relied on their martial arts.The leader of the clan, Andrea is my mom..I was actually adopted.."

School Gardener:"That clan? The one that is super infamous for the Magical Empire.."

(Y/N):"They thought we are using magic for martial arts..but it's actually wrong..but that's why the Magical Empire and Fighter Empire split.."

School Gardener:"It's not your fault, maybe because it's society.."


I never thought that he was actually raised by the Galev Clan, a bunch of people that relies on a type of martial arts..

(Y/N):"I know you are there.."


(Y/N):"You peeking out there is just plain idiocy..come out"

I stopped peeking and came out to meet the two.

School Gardener:"Miss Emma! It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Emma:"Please, just call me Emma..I don't like people calling me that.."

School Gardener:"Very well, please have a seat Emma.."

I took a seat next to (Y/N).

School Gardener:"My boy here is just telling me everything about his clan, very interesting stuff.."


(Y/N):"You're a martial artist from the Galev Clan right?"

School Gardener:"Yep!! That's right my boy! Your mother was an amazing teacher, and the best one! Watch this!"

He stood up from his legs, and take a stance.Somehow I see tiny flames surrounding his arm, but they disappear like ashes..

School Gardener:"Unfortunately, it seems I'm too old to do that again."

He laughed it off.

(Y/N):"So you're using the Flame Stance.."

Emma:"Uhh, I'm very confused and all..I don't know what you are talking about.."

(Y/N):"Listen the Galev Clan, a person will have to master a certain type of martial arts.What you are seeing is a Stance."

Emma:"A Stance?"

(Y/N):"A Stance represents the user's type of martial arts, and it should also lets you know you're one with the Galev Clan."

Emma:"I understand now.."

(Y/N):"Now each Stance is different compared to the rest.All of them have a different type based on the element chart from the Galev Clan."

Emma:"What is the element chart?"

School Gardener:"An element chart is the thing that let's you know what kind of Stance you are going to use.There is Flame, Water, Earth, Wind, Lightning and the Specials."

(Y/N):"Right now, the old man just demonstrated the Flame Stance."

Emma:"Oh! I see.."

(Y/N):"So what other questions you have besid-"

I pinched his ear.


Emma:"Do you know how long I need to find you out in this academy?! I been searching for you non-stop just to show you around the whole academy because you are new!"

He takes my hand off his ear.

(Y/N):"The fuck is wrong with you woman, I just wanna walk wherever I want to go! You're not my mom anyways.."

Emma:"How long are you going to stand there anyways? Come on, I need to show you around."

I took his hand and dragged him all the way.

(Y/N):"The fuck is wrong with you?!"

Third Person P.O.V

As the old man watched the two leave, he wondered about them.

Evan:'Those two are very unusual..I wonder if they are able to be great partners for now on.'

But he just shrugged it off and went back to work.


Sorry if it is short..

Let me just explain a few things..

Magical Empire:
A capital where many mages and people thrive with magic.Most of the people from the empire hate the Galev Clan.

Fighter Empire
A capital where fighters use their strengths and rely on weapons to fight and where (Y/N) resides.

The Galev Clan
They are a clan of people dedicated for training magical properties combining with martial arts.(Y/N) is in the clan, along with his adoptive mother Andrea.

Yeah, it is very short and all.Sorry if I couldn't write that much for this chapter.

Looking forward to ya..

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