The Pen-Pal Project (Larry St...

By beautifulnightmare2

4M 102K 86.4K

'Hello class, my name is Miss Flack. I am the substitute teacher... So this term i have a project for you. It... More

The Pen-Pal Project (Larry Stylinson + Niam Horayne)
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Holmes Chapel-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Letters from Hall Cross-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Harry and Louis-Texts-
-Instant Messager-
-This is a Song For my Haters-
-Harry and Louis-
-Liam and Niall-
-Zayn and Perrie-
-Instant messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Christmas Cards-
-Court Dialog-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Instant Messenger-
-Last Letters-

-The Reviews-

31.2K 1.1K 960
By beautifulnightmare2

-The Reviews-

Louis - I learnt that i'm a unicorn and like to pretend to be a cat so that Harry gets turned on, because i'm in love with him an i want us to get married and grow old as melons together. Without the pen-pal project i'd be all lonely and sad with my pet carrot. How sad is that? Very thats what. Harrys now my carrot.

Harry - if we hadn't started the pen-pal project I’d probably have grown up alone with hundreds of cats. But i won't because I’ll have Louis to spend my life with and he likes being a cat. I learnt to love someone for their personality, the way they wrote. Got to know a person. I just got lucky that not only does Louis have a great personality, he's smoking hot too. And that ass...

Liam - I learnt that talking to a stranger was I suppose the saving of me, If it wasn't for Niall, I’m not sure i could have made it through this last year of school. He's made me more confident, and that only increased when i met him. I'm not sure when i fell in love with him, but I’m pretty sure it was when i received his first letter.

Niall - Why weren't we rewarded with food? Anyway, i learnt that sometimes all you need is to talk to someone, not even online. I've made some great friends through this. And i'm hoping we'll stay friends forever (They all gave me food for christmas, They're for life) But most of all. I met Liam, and i never wish to say goodbye to him. I love him and without the pen-pal project, i think i'd be a fat little cunt. (Liams taking me to the gym, its fun to see him all sweaty)

Zayn - This project was like a roller coaster, it had it's ups and downs. Like Chris screwing with our heads and all but without that, i don't think we' have been pushed together so much, everything happened for a reason and this was for us to find comfort in someone else. I found my Pear again. I thought she was lost for good. But now we have each other again, and i'm bound to protect her forever. I'll never let her get hurt.

Perrie - I learnt that shit happens to awesome people, and thats what we are...and i learnt to get out of being kidnapped by humping lamps and stroking potatos. I also learnt though, that friends come in different ways, my friends came through this and i know that this was fate, we all needed eachother in different ways. It reunited me with Zayn, and i've truly never been Happier. The project pulled me out of the hole i'd buried myself in and let me fly, with my butterfly wings, that spred like I did...

Danielle - I hate you, i hate you all, it's your fault i'm in this mental ward, your fault, theres a crazy woman talking to me about Mi9 in a school, and..oh they have crayons... even a white one, i love the white ones... Liam its all your fault, if this hadn't have happened you'd have been mine! MINE! you'll alway be with me in my head Liam. You will be mine forever. Oh and Eleanor, you were lovely

Cher - I sent pictures of myself naked to Chris. Pitty he never opened his letters. I think he may have enjoyed the project a whole lot more. Oh well, his loss.

Chris - Are you kidding me... even in prison i can't get away from this stupid project with its stupid ribbons and its stupid love notes... it was a girl what else would she do. and why didn't she get the freaking picture. i didn't want any stupid letters. I hope everyone rots in hell.

Jimmy - The pen-pal project taught me that i way prefer using a computer. Writing takes so long. I prefer typing and reading. I also like spending time with Kevin. He's like a little bird the way the mention of him sends flutters to my heart... as if he's in there fluttering around.

Kevin - I've always been able to read Jimmy like a book, i've always known when something was wrong with him. I wasn't really sure to begin with what i felt when i looked at him, but now i know that he'll forever be written across my heart. Oh i was meant to write about the pen-pal project? Oops too late, gotta fly.

Olly - Our school is seriously messed up. i can't believe what actually went down this year, the pen-pal taught me that the world is a screwed up place, and that the person i had was a moron who couldn't put two sentences together. Waste of time.

Ed - There are alot of gay people at the school that i didn't know about. Well, what i learnt from the pen-pal project? That it turned people gay if they had a boy. I was lucky i got that Jane girl. Well, i've got to get back to my lego.

Josh - The pen-pal project taught me that i can have a friend even though they don't live near me, i don't have to rely on internet and i can imagine who i'm talking to without a picture. I enjoyed the project and i'm glad i met Eryn. gotta go, drums to drum, snares to snare and symbols to... symbol

Eryn - The Pen-Pal Project was cool and i met some cool people through it, i had a nice pen-pal and i hope he still wants to talk now it's officially over. He was a nice boy.

Eleanor - The Pen-pal project taught me that my boyfriend was gay with his pen-pal and that my pen-pal was a psycho, and that people you write to are just as unpredictable as the people online. It also taught me that our school needs better security.

Stan - this was a pile of dog turds. My friends got kidnapped, beaten up and ambushed... it was so random and I’m not sure why everything happened to them... and it turned them all gay. Kevin was a weird kid, but he was okay.

So… that’s the end… don’t cry, I know I’m not…

OKAY I LIE! THIS STORY BOUGHT YOU ALL TO ME… I love you all so much and thank you all for sticking with me until the end…

I truly love you all, and *sobs* I’ll miss writing this; There isn’t any point in asking for a sequel because there won’t be one…sorry.

Final WTC: Together a Family Forever.

This is not goodbye. I’ll always be here, writing random stuff and falling off my chair… a lot …

Remember this: I have read EVERY comment on here, and each bought a smile to my face. Without you, I’m not sure what could have happened, this is the happiest I’ve been in a while and I thank each of you for that

Thank you if you voted

Thank you if you commented, I will continue to read every comment… so make your comment on this chapter awesome, I want to be smiling as this ends, not a sobbing mess…

I can’t believe this is the last upload…

I don’t want to press publish…

I don’t want to put the little tick next to my story…

But here goes…


Curly :’)

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