Gt one shots

By WatcherofWolfShadow

76.5K 783 544

Come and join me on a Giant (or tiny) adventure! Some will cuddle and coo while others will fight and kick... More

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I'm scared
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~Requests Page~
When You Wish Upon A Star Pt 2
Friend Or Foe?
I'm Scared Pt 2
An Angel From Hell PT2
A Little Favor Pt2
Cuddles *Winter Special*
Over The Wall
The Walker
A Dark Night
The Exhibit
Giant Wingless Fairy
The Walker pt2
Under My Skin
What's the Difference?
Tiny Adventure
What in the Blue heck?
I promise you
Thanksgiving Guest

The Commute

1.5K 27 21
By WatcherofWolfShadow

This was requested by biggiant  The credit belongs to her! Hope y'all enjoy the story!

The city of Dresia was split in two parts. One half was for tiny's and the other was for giants and titans. Giants were just like tiny's only bigger. Titians were as big as giants but much more dangerous. They had powers beyond imagination, they could size-shift, use mind control, were almost indestructible, were able to collect the energy from around them and use it to destroy anyone or anything. Of course there were rules to prevent chaos and destruction, as well as to keep both sides of the city safe. That is why there is a wall through the city, taller than the giant and titans, separating the the giant race and the tiny race. But will it always be like this?

Our story starts with Trista, a tiny cab driver, who is utterly terrified of giants, and even more so of Titans.

Trista pulled on a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt with a V neck. Then she twisted her blue hair into a messy bun and applied some makeup. She paused to look in the mirror, she frowned, she hated being short, standing about 5'3. She  shrugged, there was nothing to be done about that, then she grabbed her jacket and put one arm in while snatching her purse off the coat hook. Holding the purse strap in her mouth she managed to get her other arm in her jacket. Stumbling out of her apartment she locked the door behind her and went to her hideous looking cab. "Uhg, I hate yellow." She muttered as she got in and shut the door behind her. "Ok, first thing first is breathe." She took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. Today was gonna be great.

It wasn't.

It was a war zone. Honking and swerving, slamming on the brakes and flipping people off. She yelled as she jerked over to the left lane to avoid getting hit by an idiot. Then she rolled down her window and flipped the driver off.

Once she got through that part of town she drove into a quiet area that was close to the wall. It was always here that she came to pick up this guy. He had been having her get him for about a week now. But she didn't really know much about him, only that he always wanted to be picked up at the same time, same place, every day. So every day she would get him, drive him to this office building and drop him off. Then later in the evening she would pick him up outside the office. Only the pickup times were never the same, one day it was 5:00 the next it was 7:00 and then one day it was 10:00. She never knew when he would message her on the cab messaging center, but she was always ready. She didn't even know his name, but she didn't really know anyones name that she drove. She might hear a name sometimes, but five minutes later she didn't remember it. The strangest part is when she dropped him off he would walk along the wall and seemingly walk to nowhere.

She came to a stop at the pickup spot, and there he was, leaning against the wall waiting on her. He was tall, probably around 6'6 or 6'7,  black hair that was just long enough to hang slightly in his pale grey-blue eyes. His skin was slightly tanned and he smiled when he saw her. "I thought you forgot about me." He chuckled as he got in the backseat.

She almost gasped, he had spoken. He hadn't spoken at all to her. Only messaged.

She rolled her eyes in the rearview mirror, "No, I just had to fight traffic to get here." She let off the brakes and began driving to the office building.

"Oh, that had to be fun."

She laughed, "Yes, I gave a few people a present, I don't know if they liked it or not."

It was his turn to roll his eyes, "Just how many people did you flip off?"

"I lost count after fifteen."

He laughed, "Well I'm guessing you fight this battle every day then?"

She looked in the mirror, this was strange. He was talking to her, having a conversation with her. Usually he was silent.

"Yeah, pretty much, It's even better on the weekends."

"Oh now that is something I would like to see."

Something was definitely strange. He never talked. He literally wrote on a piece of paper where he wanted to go the first day she picked him up.

She decided to go along with it.

"So you got a name?" Trista asked suddenly, changing the subject.

"It's Ryker." He answered as if he was just waiting for her to ask.

"What about you, other than your cab driver name, CabDriver?"

Trista smiled, "Oh do you like it? I came up with it myself." She laughed, "My name's Trista."

"Thats a cool name, I like it."

"Thanks." She came to stop, "Ok Ryker, here's your stop."

He thanked her and got out. As he was walking to the doors of the building Trista yelled, "See ya later!" And drove off into the mass of traffic.

And that is how a wonderful friendship began. Everyday from that day forward they were friends, six months passed, they grew closer as friends.

One day as she was driving to pick him up after a long day, Trista decided to invite him over to watch a movie with her. She pulled up in front of the office around 9:30PM as he walked out of the doors.

He made his way over to her cab and got in, "Hey Trista, how was work?" He asked as he pulled the seatbelt across his lap.

"Eh, it was ok, just the norm." She said with a shrug. As she pulled out into traffic she looked into the rearview mirror, "So wanna come over to my place and watch a movie?" She asked crossing her fingers hoping he would say yes.

But when she looked into the mirror again he looked very pale and sick.

"Ryk?" She furrowed her eyebrows, "You ok?"

He let out a shaky breath, "Um I'm really busy tonight, sorry."

She frowned, "Oh...okay." She sighed, clear disappointment written all over her face.

She pulled up at the wall, "Bye Ryk." She said as he got out and hurried away.

Something overcame Trista, she narrowed her eyes and backed the cab up, parking it around the corner. Then she got out the cab and followed Ryker from a distance. She saw him look around before pulling some weed away from the wall and disappearing behind them.

She waited a moment before going to the spot and pulling the weeds away.

There was a hole in the wall.

Her eyes went wide. What what Ryker doing on the other side?

She took a gulp of air before climbing through the hole, once she was on the other side she felt the terror rise in her chest.

She pulled her jacket tightly around her body and looked for Ryker. She saw him walking towards a giant car. She started to follow him but stopped dead in her steps.

He was getting taller.

Her mouth dropped open, a scream rose in her throat but she pushed it down. Her head started to pound, her heart began to race, he was a Titan. Her friend was a freaking Titan.

She watched in stunned silence as he grew to his full hight.

He then got into the giant car and drove away into the night.

Gasping and sputtering she made her way back to the wall and climbed back to her side.

She practically flew to her car and drove home, still trying to comprehend what she had seen.

As she lay in her bed she started to cry, "Why is he a freaking Titan?!" She sobbed into her pillow and screamed.

She sat up, she couldn't do this. Not anymore.

The next two weeks she didn't drive by the wall. She didn't message him, and she ignored all of his calls.

One day she had to drop someone off near the spot she'd pick him up. Out of anger and curiosity she decided to drive by.

She wasn't expecting him to be there.

She braked and stared at him. He was leaning against the wall, waiting.

Waiting for her.

When he saw her he smiled and started to walk over to the car.

She narrowed her eyes, passionate anger rising in her. She moved her foot over to to the gas peddle and floored it.

He tried to jump out of the way but she was going to fast and hit him hard.

He flung backwards and landed on his back, sprawled out in the alley.

She slammed on the brakes and backed up, about to do it again.

But something inside of her broke. She sobbed and sat there.

She saw him sit up, looking dazed.

She stared at him harshly and backed out of the alley.

He jumped up and ran after her, "Trista wait!" She stopped.

He came up to the window. She glared at him.

He tilted his head at her. She sighed and rolled down the window.

"Trista where have you been!?"

She rolled her head so that she was looking away from him, "Staying away from you."

He looked confused, "Why? What did I do?"

She tightened her grip on the steering wheel and said with clenched teeth, "You tell me."

He stared, a look passed over his face but he shook it off.

She finally looked over at him, "Couldn't think of anything?"

He had a scared look plastered on his face.

She took a breath and exhaled slowly, "Think hard, two weeks ago, Friday night, weeds, hole in the wall."

She watched as his face went extremely pale.

"Oh yeah, I saw it all." She sneered, "Just how stupid do you think I am? I mean same place every day? Apparently no home?"

Her voice grew soft, "I thought we were friends..." tears filled her eyes.

She wiped them away and stared into his eyes, "I never want to see you again." Her voice now filled with hatred.

"Trista wait, let me exp-." She rolled the window up and pulled out of the alley.

As she drove away she could see him running after her in the rearview mirror. She drove faster.

After that day Trista pulled herself out of the world. She drove people all day and went home. She didn't speak to anyone unless she had to.

It had been a month since the night when she found out. She was laying on the couch in her apartment when the doorbell rang.

Groaning she dragged herself off the couch and went to the door. She unlocked it and opened it. There was no one. Puzzled she stepped out into the hall. Something was at her feet. She looked down, it was a vase with roses in it. But not red roses. They were black.

Her favorite flower in the world. Black roses. She knelt down and picked up the vase, under it there was a note. She took both into her apartment and shut the door.

Setting the roses on her kitchen table she opened the unmarked note.

Dear Trista,

I'm sorry. I should've told you, but after you told me that you were terrified of Giant and Titans I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I didn't want to lose you. But it seems that me not telling you has cost me everything. I don't expect you to forgive me. But I would like to talk. I'll be at the wall if you want to talk. If not, then know that you ARE my best friend.

P.S I hope you like the roses. I know you love black roses.


She re-read the note a few times, tears spilling over her cheeks.

She hugged the note close to her, she wanted her friend. But she was terrified of him.

She sat quietly for some time, thinking it over. Finally she decided to talk to him. She waited until it was dark and drove to the wall. She parked outside the alley and slowly made her way to the wall.

He was sitting on the ground, staring up at the sky.

Ryker heard footsteps, his gaze fell onto Trista walking towards him. He slowly stood, " came." He sounded surprised.

She only nodded at him.

He sighed softly, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

She stopped walking, "Are you? Or are you just mad that I found out?" She quizzed him with a withering gaze.

He smiled weakly, "I'm not mad, I just didn't want to scare you, that's why I didn't tell you."

"You knew I was afraid...and you didn't tell me." She said the words slowly as if she didn't understand them.

He looked upset, "I didn't want to lose you, I didn't know how you would respond I told you." He tried to explain.

She crossed her arms, "Well you saw how I responded."

He blinked, "Yeah, I didn't expect you to try and run me over."

Her lips turned upwards into a smile, she tried to hide it but he saw.

He chuckled, "It was pretty funny, did you see how far I went?"

Her eyes lit up, "You practically flew backwards."

She slowly dropped her arms to her sides and whispered, "I'm sorry."

She ran forward and threw her arms around his middle and cried.

He was slightly stunned by her actions but he wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly.

Hot tears spilled over as he hugged him tightly, "I want you back." She whispered.

He brushed his cheek against hers, "You can have me back."

She pulled away, "I can't...."

He reached out to take her hand but she pulled away. "I'm scared Ryker, I don't think I'll ever stop being scared of you."

Ryker's emotions went crazy, he wanted so badly to hold her, his eyes gazed lovingly at her, he wanted to tell her that he loved her. And more than friend.

He struggled to form words, "Trista, please, just give me a chance." He met her gaze, "Please.." He suddenly felt ill, his body felt like it was being pulled on, "'Oh no....not now." He twitched and jerked back.

Trista's eyes widened, "Ryker...?" She whimpered as he started to grow taller.

He fought it, trying to force his body to stay small, but he couldn't and he kept getting taller.

Because he was trying to fight it searing pain ripped through his body, he yelled in agony as he shot up to his full hight.

He panted as the pain slowly faded, his eyes dropped downward, Trista was standing there trembling.

He didn't move, he knew he would scare her more if he did. Instead he said softly, "Trista are you okay?"

She tried to speak but all that came out was a whimper.

He sighed, "I didn't mean to do this, I can only hold my smaller form for so long and if I try to stay small my body fights it."

He tried to meet her eyes but she wouldn't look at him, she closed her eyes and whimpered again.

He slowly crouched down, "Trista..."

She jumped back at the closeness of his voice, her eyes flew open, "No! Stay away!" She fell backwards and landed on her butt, "Don't touch me!"

He desperately wanted to help her, to just hold her and never let go. But he stayed still.

She whimpered and scooted back, "Don't touch me..." she repeated this time a little quieter.

"Trista I won't hurt you, I would never." He said gently.

She stopped moving and stared into his eyes, she could only see kindness.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could red and blue lights flashed behind her.

Police officers rushed into the alley and surrounded Ryker, "Hold it there! Don't move! You have the right to remain silent."

Someone grabbed Trista's arm and pulled her up, "Ma'am, are you hurt? Did he hurt you?" She didn't even hear, she was staring at Ryker. He was being injected with a serum that forced the body to shrink overriding the Titans power and abilities. He screamed in pain, as soon as he was done shrinking the officers handcuffed him and dragged him to the car.

"Ma'am? Ma'am? Are you okay? What happened? Did he hurt you?" She looked up, "No, what? I'm fine but Ryker he nee-." The officer cut her off, "Don't worry ma'am, he'll be put away so he can't get to you." She tried to argue but he hushed her and got her to her car, "Go home ma'am, an officer will be by tomorrow to make sure your okay."

She tried to get out but he sent her a warning look. She huffed and drove away.

The next morning a knock woke her up. She rolled out of bed and went to the door, two police officers were standing at the door, "May we come in?"

She held the door open and lead them to the living room.

Once they all sat down one officer spoke, "Ma'am, I'm officer Drike, and this is officer Mann, we just wanted to let you know that the Titan known as Ryker has been put in jail for his crime of coming to the tiny side of the city."

She knew she couldn't argue that point, but she had an idea, "When is the trial?"

The officers looked perplexed but Mann answered, "Tomorrow morning at ten." She smiled sweetly, "Thank you."

They nodded, "Of course ma'-." She held her hand up, "Do not call me ma'am one more time." She stood and went to open the door, "Thanks for coming." They left in silence.

She closed the door, she had about 24 hours. Taking a deep breath pulled out her phone and made a call.

Meanwhile, Ryker was under the most secure lockdown the jail was capable of doing. He was going to prison for life. At the least. He'd broken the BIG rule. He leaned against the jail cell wall and closed his eyes. He would never see her again.

He fell asleep thinking of Trista. The girl he'd fallen for.

The next morning he was taken to the courthouse, the serum in his body was still keeping him small, it was extremely painful. The trial went as he expected. They found him guilty. The judge said with a smile, "Prison for life in this small form." Then he lifted the gavel up, but then someone screamed, "Wait!" He stopped in midair, "Who are you?" He demanded as he lowered the gavel to the desk, postponing the judgment for a moment.

A young woman came forward, "My name Is Trista, I speak on his behalf." She pointed at Ryker.

His mouth dropped, what was she doing here?

She panted as if she'd just been running, "I have something to say."

An officer came and lead her to the witness stand. She placed her hand on a Bible and swore to tell the truth. Then she looked out and addressed the crowd and the jury.

"He broke the rule. He deserves this."

Ryker's eyes filled with tears.

She took a deep breath, "But do we always get what we deserve?" She stared intensely at the crowd and jury before continuing, "No we don't, we get away with it, or get a second chance. We have given murderers, thieves, and rapists second chances, why can't we give him one?" She met his gaze sending him a small smile, "I can personally say he is a good man who has no intention of hurting anyone." She scanned the crowd, "So will we? Will we give him a second chance?"

A deafening silence filled the room.

Then the judge picked up the gavel and said loudly, "No we will not!!" Then he slammed it down, setting the judgment in place.

Ryker looked frantically at Trista but she was smiling.

"Oh ok then, well I tried. She stepped off the witness stand and walked towards Ryker and reached out and touched his hand. He stared down at her, what was she doing?

She spun around and faced the people, "Do you all know what the 119th rule is of a titans arrest?" The crowd looked confused, she reached into her purse and pulled out a piece of paper and unfolded it and began to read,

"If in the case a titan has been arrested and is found guilty and the defense party cannot prove his or her innocence, then innocence may be purchased in a way. If someone pays the bail fee as well as the release fee for 50 tiny's than the titan is as good as innocent and will go free, as well be able to be in both parts of the city."

She folded the paper back up and stuffed it in her purse, "Well now that you know that, I'll just give you that money and get outta your hair."

"It is not possible that you would have that kind of money!" The judge exploded as he jumped out of his seat.

She clucked her tongue at him, "Oh really?" She walked down the center isle and disappeared out the doors.

She was back a minute later with four suitcases on a dolly. She pulled them to the front and shoved it towards the judge.

"Have a look you Royal Henie." She smirked.

He rushed down and opened the first case, he gasped, "How did you-?" She held her hand up, "I paid and I'm leaving with Ryker."

The judge slumped in disappointment, he waved a officer over, "Release him." Was all he said.

Ryker's handcuffs were unlocked and Trista was handed a syringe, "It's for him to be able to return to his titan size."

She yanked it out his hand and grabbed Ryker's hand, "Lets get outta here."

He squeezed her hand tightly and followed her out of the courthouse.

Once they were in her car Ryker spoke, "Why did you do that?"

She was silent for a moment. Then she looked over at him in the passenger seat, "Because I realized that I was about to lose my best friend."

She took one hand off the wheel and put it in his, his hand was so big that to him it was like holding a child's hand.

He smiled softly, "Thank you."

She pulled up at the wall and stopped. She got out and he followed, she walked to the hole and climbed through. Puzzled he did so as well.

She waited until he was through, then she hugged him around his middle her face pressed into his stomach, "Please just hold me." She murmured into his shirt. He gathered her into his arms and held her close, "I'll hold you for as long as you want me to." He murmured into her ear.

Her fingers explored his back, she slipped her hand under his shirt.

He had to crouch down so that he could see her face clearly, she pulled his head down and bushed her lips against his, but as she did he felt a prick on his neck.

"What the...?"

She pulled away and he saw the syringe in her hand.

"Trista? What did you do?" He fell to the ground in pain, his body began to feel like it was being pulled. He screamed in agony, his eyes met hers. She was scared.

He shot up to his titan size, his hands and knees on the ground.

He panted, "Trista?" He looked around, she was staring at him.

"Trista don't go, please." He pleaded desperately.

She took a step closer, "Why would I go?"

His eyes widened as she walked closer to him, "I won't leave Ryker." She smiled, "Not this time."

"You won't?" He asked seeming surprised.

She reached out and put her small hand on his large one, "No, I'm staying."

He flinched at the touch, he slowly relaxed and pushed himself back so that he was sitting, both of hands rested in front of him.

She walked closer, her eyes never leaving his.

She put her hand in his and squeezed gently.

He moved his fingers, touching her gently on her side, "Is now a good time to tell you that I like you?"

She blinked.

"Like a lot." He added with a grin.

She stared in silence for a second, then she said quietly, "I like you too..."

He brushed his finger down her arm, smirking, "I know."

She rolled her eyes, "I figured you would."

He laughed and whispered softly, "Trista, will you be my girlfriend?"

She beamed, "Yes I will."

He hesitated, he wanted to hold her. But he wasn't sure if they had reached that point yet.

She saw it written all over his face, "You can."


She laughed, "You can hold me."

He bit his lip, "Are you sure? Because I d0-." She shook her head, "It's fine, if I'm gonna have a titan boyfriend then I might as well get used to being held."

He still hesitated, but he ever so slowly wrapped his fingers around her and lifted her her, he put his other hand under her for her peace of mind and held her up to his face.

She trembled in his grasp, she wasn't afraid of him, she was trembling from excitement.

"It's alright, I got you." He whispered as he held her close.

She twisted in his grasp, he loosened his grip, "Whoa what's the matter?" She beckoned him to lean closer to her, he did so.

She pushed herself up and planted a tiny kiss on his bottom lip.

Then lowered herself back down and smiled.

He stared in shock for a second before he pulled her up and kissed her face gently.

She giggled as he kissed her, "Ryker you're kissing my whole face!" She squealed.

He did it again, this time whispering, "I love you Trista."

She blushed, "And I love you Ryker."

He held her to his chest and walked home, using his hand to shield her from the cold and wind.

Once he got to his house he went to his bedroom setting her on his bed, "You stay there, "I'll be right back." He grabbed something off the floor and went into the bathroom. After a few minutes he came out in sweatpants and a t-shirt.

He tossed his other clothes on the floor and went over to the bed.

He scooped her up and sat on the bed, "Ryk! At least warn me!" She squealed.

He pulled his legs up onto the bed, "Sorry." He set her on his chest and lay down.

After a minute of silence she smacked him in the chest, "Seriously Ryker?"

He looked down, "What I'd do?"

She rolled over on him, "UM Nothing." She said like it was obvious.

He chuckled, "Oh I get it." Scooping her up gently and rolled over on his stomach and put on the pillow.

He smiled and leaned so close that she could feel his breath on her face.

He nuzzled her with his nose, "Is this better?"

She giggled. "Yes."

He kissed her softly on the stomach, then he kissed her face again, "You're so soft." He murmured.

She swatted at his face, "Whatever."

He kissed her side, "I'm serious, you are."

She kissed his nose, he twitched, "You tickle." He said as he kissed her all over, "And I love you."

He pulled away slightly. Looking into her eyes, "Can I just do this forever?"

She batted her eyes, "Sure."

He kissed her face again, "I'm gonna hold you to that."

She smirked and hummed what sounded like a 'whatever'.

He slid his hand under her and picked her up, "Thank you Trista, What would I do without you?"

"Um you'd probably be locked up in prison."

He stroked her hair, "Yeah, I would be."

She looked at him seriously, "What would I do without you?'

He pursed his lips, "You'd probably be driving a cab and flipping people off."

She smiled, "Yeah I would be."

They both fell silent and soon dropped off to sleep, Trista on Ryker's chest with his hand over her protectively.

Hey everyone! Hope you liked it, please vote and comment to let me know what you thought!

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