The Bad Girls

By Ladynoirot

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New girls come to school and Adrien falls for the baddest of them all Marinette. She is secretly a gang leade... More

Chapter 1: New Girls
Chapter 2: The Gangsters
Chapter 3: Spy
Chapter 4: Master Fu
Chapter 6: Don't mess with Als
Chapter 7: I'll show you bad

Chapter 5: Framed

120 2 0
By Ladynoirot

Ugh it was another boring day at school, and those ho- I mean no um evil girls. To deal with. After the girls had left Nino almost started crying. I told him to man-up and get on with it. I was and wasn't looking forward to seeing those girls today.

"Hello ever-" the teacher was cut short as the bada- I mean uh girls; Marinette, Chloe, and Alya walked in. Laughing about how, hmm it sounded like they were talking about Nino stuttering?! They have NO respect. Yet I couldn't stop looking at Marinette...  she came up to me and rudely but "accidently" spilled  water an my textbook and I. "Hey Ms. Bustier!" Alya called, "Yes Alya" Ms. Bustier asked. "I don't mean to be rude to Adrien but it just looked like he spilled water on his textbook and workbook!" they went up closer to the teacher to say something but I still heard it. "Yesterday I heard Adrien and Nino, oh and Kim talking about how they were going to pull a stunt so they didn't have to do and I quote 'Tomorrows lame work with our lame teacher; Ms. Bustier' end quote." I got so mad, but I saw Ms. Bustier; she had tears in her eyes. She was about to say something when the girls told her something. She nodded. How I hated those girls!

No one else had heard. it reminded me of someone.... LIELA!!! Wait... 


7th grade

"H-hey, A-a-a-adrien!" someone said, I couldn't remember her name. "Hey!" I said. Liela walked- no limped in.  With cruches. "Everyone! You wouldn't b-beleive it but M-Marinette, Alya and Chloe beat me up!" she was very startled and nervous. (Alya and Chloe had found out the truth and tried to help Mari expose her) "W-what" the girls and Nino and I had yelled in unison together. Liela showed everyone a picture. I tried to see if it was photoshopped, but it wasn't. "How did you get this?" Max asked. "M-my cousin was with me, my little cousin who has always wanted to be a reporter like A-alya!"  she said while crying. We all gasped a-and we turned on them, scolding them beating them, sabotaging them. I did a lot of it. Half the bullying stunts were my idea. We had stepped on them after Liela told us about them bullying her and tried to poison their food at lunch. We tried to kill them that day. Hawkmoth released a lot of akumas that day but they didn't work.

 That night I-i transformed into Chat Noir, the girls were having a sleepover where they mosly cried. I went into to Mari's house. Alya screamed for joy though she still had tears in her eyes, Chloe just stood there, and M-marinette she, she came and hugged me sobbing. I pushed her away and scowled. She backed away with a  puzzled look on her face. "C-chat?" there was a small dawn of realization on her face that immediatley turned to tears. She tried to run. But I pulled her back and threw her against the railing of her loft bed. There was a thud. Next was Alya, I threw her to the ground and stepped on her throat and leaned down. Chloe had a horrified expression on her face and tried to attack me but I gave her a solid punch to the face and one large "CRACK!". Chloe silently screamed, Alya gasped for air and before she could pass out I flipped her over and snapped her arm. I flinched hearing her screams. What was I doing?! Then I saw Marinette I walked towards her and she whimpered "Please! Please don't hurt us anymore!" "Why should I?" I inquired, "You didn't show Lila any mercy! DID YOU?!" I screamed. "Sh-she's lying!" Mari yelled, as loud as she could, it sounded like she was talking to a small creature, like a butterfly. I grabbed her legs and bent them farther then they could go, second snap of the day, I started punching where she had bruises from earlier. Then I started choking her while using my claws to scratch her face. 

I left, and I never saw them again, all I knew is that they had gone to the hospital almost dead. Ladybug, I found her miraculous on Master Fu's door, I looked at it and told Master Fu. I spent the whole night crying. Not over the fact that I hurt them, oh no I thought they deserved it at the time, I was crying because I never saw Ladybug again. The girls never came back to school or to their homes. Master Fu said in ninth grade these memories will fade, and you will barely remember anything, until the time comes. Ladybug never existed and you and the other miraculous holders are now a hero gang. 

I didn't find out Liela was a liar until the 8th grade. And I regretted EVERYTHING. I knew I shouldn't have hurt them anyways but anger had overcome me and I can't change the past.

And now I think the've come back. For their revenge.

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