Danganronpa 1 (Six Chambers)

By Absolan

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15 high school students with talents from across Japan have been selected to attend Hope's Peak Academy. Unfo... More

Prologue (The Beginning)
Chapter 1 (Monokuma)
Chapter 2 (A Way Out?)
Chapter 3 (The First Motive)
Chapter 4 (What Becomes of Us)
Chapter 5 (To Defend your Friend)
Chapter 6 (The Game Begins)
Chapter 7 (Investigation)
Chapter 8 (Class Trial)
Chapter 8.5 (Tragic Flashback)
Chapter 9 (Secrets Among Us)
Chapter 10 (Devils Within)
Chapter 11 (Our Newest Member)
Chapter 12 (Mass Hammer Attack)
Chapter 13 (Lone Bear)
Chapter 14 (Mystery Murder)
Chapter 15 (Lucky Reunion)
Epilogue (Secrets of Hope's Peak)
Completion Status

Chapter 16 (Who's the Mastermind)

726 13 12
By Absolan

Everyone had made it to the rendezvous point for the elevator, despite the lack of time given they were ready. The elevator started moving down with everyone facing the door.

Makoto: "So this is it..."

Sayaka: "Yeah, it's all been leading up to this."

Kyoko: "To discover the mastermind."

Byakuya: "To escape this place."

Aoi: "Uncover what's really going on."

Chihiro: "We owe it to everyone who's already died."

Makoto: "And that's why we'll win."

Genocider Syo: "So are we just gonna keep quoting a movie or are we gon- ACHOO!"

Byakuya: "Of course."

Toko: "O-Oh we-we're already here."

Chihiro: "Yeah."

The elevator finally made it's way down and the trial room had actually changed. There were seven podiums that faced a royally decorated podium in front of Monokuma's throne. And all the podiums for the deceased classmates were against the wall.

Monokuma: "Figured I'd change up the trial room a bit for the last trial. And of course, I'll be joining you this time!"

Makoto: "And no funny business this time."

Monokuma: "Still mad about that... alright I guess I don't blame you."

Everyone began to set themselves at different podiums. Makoto stood in the middle in between Sayaka on the left and Kyoko on the right. Next to Sayaka was Chihiro and then Aoi. Leaving Byakuya next to Kyoko and Toko on his right.

Monokuma: "This is it. The final battle!"

Monokuma grabbed a step stool and set it in front of his special podium and then stood on top.

Kyoko: "Should we start with the last case?"

Makoto: "We can't really. I already know the mastermind is the killer but the problem is we have no idea who the mastermind is!"

Byakuya: "The mastermind is Mukuro Ikusaba!"

Everyone turned their direction to Byakuya who stood proud with his theory while Toko swooned at him.

Chihiro: "You mean the girl with black hair right?"

Byakuya: "Think about the pictures we've gathered from Alter Ego and try to remember the most peculiar thing about them."

Makoto: "Mukuro was in each picture."

Byakuya: "And yet, none of us have seen her in Hope's Peak or in person."

Sayaka: "Wait that's wrong!"

Toko: "H-Hey d-don't deny m-master's theory y-you-"

Sayaka: "We actually have seen Mukuro in the building, apparently on Feburary 14th."

Aoi: "Valentines day?"

Makoto: "Yeah, the two of us found a video camera that was recorded by Fujisaki and there were multiple people in it, mostly those who were already killed... but nonetheless Mukuro did appear in that video."

Toko: "D-Don't be ridiculous! I-If she r-really was in H-Hope's Peak, wh-why don't w-we remember?"

Chihiro: "Our minds were erased."

Everyone instantly turned to Chihiro after hearing his theory.

Chihiro: "Remember those mind eraser tests. There were 15 of them but there were 16 students. Plus the one for Mukuro Ikusaba was actually weaker than the others."

Kyoko: "So Ikusaba was actually working for the mastermind. Or was the mastermind herself."

Aoi: "But how did she not appear and wouldn't she be dead by now?"

Kyoko: "Another question is that not only was Mukuro in every picture, Junko was as well. But we never saw her face."

Byakuya: "It's possible that's not an accident. Could she be the mastermind?"

Monokuma: "HOHOHold on! You're forgetting that I killed Junko Enoshima for breaking the rules!"

Sayaka: "So the killing game should've already stopped?"

Makoto: "No... because... Junko never died."

Everyone turned to Makoto and awaited evidence for his theory and Toko snickered.

Toko: "D-Don't be s-stupid! W-We all saw that b-bitch die!"

Makoto: "I don't think we did. While I was in the trash room rescuing Sayaka I found an E-Textbook. Something peculiar I discovered about that was Junko and Mukuro had the same body measurements!"

Kyoko: "So that means we either knew Mukuro as Junko or Junko as Mukuro the whole time."

Sayaka: "And if we knew the impostor as Junko..."

Makoto: "That means Mukuro disguising as Junko! Because Junko Enoshima is the mastermind!!"

Monokuma: "M-M-M-M-M-M-"

Chihiro: "Is... he broken?"

Byakuya: "I believe we've struck a nerve-"

Monokuma: "MOTHER TRUCKER!!!"

Monokuma suddenly fell off his step stool and on to the floor and exploded in a puff of smoke! Everyone had covered their eyes as the room quickly filled up with smoke and they couldn't believe what they were seeing sitting in the throne.


Junko, the real Junko took her seat on the throne with her legs crossed and suddenly stood up to the podium where Monokuma was and tossed the stool behind her.

Junko: "Y'all happy to see me!? Junko fucking Enoshima in the flesh!"

Aoi: "Th-This is the real Enoshima!?"

Junko: "Sorry... am I not enough for you... that's super super sad..."

Sayaka: "Wait... how did she just..?"

Toko: "D-Does sh-she have m-multiple p-personalities too?"

Junko: "I have a lot more than just the one personality!"

Chihiro: "Ok... this is kinda freaking me out..."

Junko: "Aww... can Fuwisaki not handle my many personawities?"

Toko: "H-Her boobs j-just g-got b-bigger!"

Makoto: "Does... that really matter..?"

Aoi: "So why did Mukuro disguise herself as you!?"

Junko: "Well Mukuro owed me a favor and she helped me set this whole thing up. I guess family really does stick together huh!"

Sayaka: "Mukuro... was your sister!?"

Junko: "Bingo! And she broke the rules causing her death! Oh the despair that brought upon me..."

Chihiro: "Sh-She's insane!"

Kyoko: "If Mukuro helped you, why did you plan to kill her?"

Junko: "Because she broke the rules, and it's not the only time..."

Makoto: "Only time?"

Junko: "You remember that list of students? That wasn't supposed to be what was planned. It was a list... of what already happened."

Kyoko: "That's impossible."

Chihiro: "Y-You're s-saying m-me and S-Sayaka-"

Sayaka: "Died!?"

Junko: "YEP! The two of you were originally the first to victims of this killing game!"

Sayaka and Chihiro were in disbelief, how were they alive if they already died?

Junko: "Somehow when the original six survivors made it through, time was reversed back to the start causing everyone who died to be resurrected. The killing game would replay itself... but you..."

Junko menacingly pointed to Makoto with an angry look on her face.

Junko: "You... ruined... everything! You weren't supposed to save Sayaka and yet here we fucking are! So it's time for the final class trial to truly begin!"

Suddenly small screens appeared at everyone's podium and two options appeared beside each other. On the left was 'Hope' and the other was 'Despair'.

Junko: "Here are the rules. You can escape Hope's Peak and the killing game will come to an end if all of you votes for hope. But if one of you votes despair, you'll be here forever and... Makoto will be executed!"

Makoto was stunned to hear this but he realized no one had any reason to vote for despair.

Sayaka: "We won't do that!"

Aoi: "Yeah! No one else is going to die!"

Junko: "Oh really? Wouldn't you guys like to see the outside world?"

Makoto: "Huh?"

Suddenly monitors appeared all around the room and displayed a video... a truly horrifying video. 

Junko: "Yyyyyyyeeeeppp! That's the outside world for ya'!"

Byakuya: "Th-This is... chaos..."

Sayaka: "This... really happened..?"

Chihiro: "N-No... this... isn't real!"

Kyoko: "..."

Junko: "Bless you."

Toko: "O-Obviously t-this is a l-load of sh- ACHOO!"

Junko: "Called it."

Genocider Syo: "Dun dunun! It's your favorite serial killer Genocider- oh I remember this."

Kyoko: "You've seen this!?"

Genocider Syo: "Hell yeah! It even made this killer go pale! But it's known as the Super awful terrible horrible- ah forget it! It's called 'The Tragedy'."

Chihiro: "So this... is 'The Tragedy'?"

Junko: "Yep! This is what I've turned the world into! I'm quite proud of my work y'know!"

Genocider Syo: "Who the hell are you?"

Junko: "I'm... the mastermind?"

Genocider Syo: "Oh, nice to meetcha!"

Junko: "Same?"

Byakuya: "So the whole world... ended like this?"

Junko: "Yep!"

Makoto: "...It doesn't matter..."

Junko: "Hm?"

Makoto: "It doesn't matter what you do! We have each other and we'll face it together!"

Sayaka: "Naegi's right! We won't let you win!"

Kyoko: "We won't fall into despair."

Aoi: "We'll repair the world!"

Chihiro: "And escape this hellhole!"

Makoto: "This is the hope you fought to destroy!"

Junko: "Did you forget I have memories of the time reverse?"

Byakuya: "What does that have to do with anything?"

Junko: "Naegi... aren't you concerned about your family?"

Makoto: "Huh?"

Kyoko: "What are you planning?"

Another video appeared on the screens but something about this... was worse... much much worse...

Chihiro: "Who... are those people?"

Kyoko: "Those names..."

Makoto's skin turned pale and froze, he started to tear up at the scene in front of him.

Makoto: "M-Mom............... D-Dad...............?"

Junko: "SO! What do you think happened to Naegi's parents?"

Byakuya: "If they're above the ground like that with what seems to be ropes holding them up..."

Junko: "They were brainwashed into killing themselves right in front of the other! Though even I'm not sure what happened to his big boobed sister."

Makoto: "..........................."

Kyoko: "What... are you? What is your purpose?"

Junko: "Despair. That is the only purpose. Don't you agwee with widdle owe me Naegi?"

Makoto: "..........................."

Junko: "Uh oh... seems like Naegi's frozen. Turns out you guys will be stuck with me forever!"

Sayaka: "No we won't. No matter what's out there, no matter how scary it is. We can't let everyone down! They have hope for us and we need to cling onto that!"

Makoto: ".........I refuse........."

Sayaka: "N-Naegi-"

Makoto: "I reject that hope!"

Everyone's attention turned to Makoto who's skin was back to normal, but tears still formed from his eyes and he looked down in denial.

Makoto: "Wh-What hope is there... hope is the reason this is happening..."

Junko: "Yes yes yes yes. My plan is working!"

Chihiro: "Makoto you can't let this haunt you so much!"

Kyoko: "This is exactly what Enoshima wants!"

Aoi: "Cling on to hope! What would they want!?"

Byakuya: "You better not throw your life away like this. Remember what you said earlier about facing this chaos together!"

Genocider Syo: "C'mon Big Mac! You don't wanna be crazier than me!"

Sayaka: "Naegi... I know how you feel... this sucks I know and you may feel despair... but you can't let that haunt you."

Makoto turned to face Sayaka but still kept his head down.

Sayaka: "You have us. Friends to help you, losing people sucks but we're here for you, all of us! Which is why you must keep hope!"

Sayaka grabbed his hands and wiped the tears from Makoto's face.

Junko: "You think this can be fixed!? He's fallen into Ultimate Despa-"

Makoto: "No."

Junko: "Pardon me peasant?"

Makoto: "I will not surrender. As long as there's hope! I'LL NEVER GIVE UP!!!"

Junko: "Th-This is impossible!"

Makoto: "Sayaka. She's by my side as well as all my friends beside me. We won't lose hope now! AND WE WON'T LOSE TO YOU!!!"

Makoto was suddenly fired up and was surrounded by a yellow aura.

Junko: "Who... Who the hell are you!?"

Makoto: "You should know by now."

Makoto slammed his fists on the podium and caused cracks in it.

Makoto: "I am the one, to bring down despair. I am the one who bring those from the depths of despair and show them the light! My name is Makoto Naegi... and I AM! THE STUDENT OF HOPE!!!"

Suddenly everyone (except Junko) heard the voices of the dead behind them.

Yasuhiro: "Stay faithful guys!"

Hifumi: "He's a Super Saiyan now! Makoto Naegi does have a unique talent like I said!"

Mondo: "Come on Fujisaki! Do it for us!"

Kiyotaka: "Put your best feet forward!"

Leon: "Don't let that blonde bitch win!"

Celeste: "It's time for you people to step up."

Sakura: "We're grateful for how far you've made it, but losing to fear is not an option!"

Mukuro: "Finish it Naegi."

Everyone slammed their fists on their podiums and faced Junko who was stunned from what was happening.

Everyone (Except Junko and Ghosts): "HOPE KEEPS ON GOING!!!"

And they all placed their votes.

Monokuma Vote

Junko Enoshima


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