I'm an idiot || Soukoku [comp...

By izaizaizapipi

94.8K 3.3K 7.8K

After Oda's death, Chuuya's life falls apart, and just like that he loses a trusted subordinate and a friend... More

10. (short!) Epilogue


10K 343 914
By izaizaizapipi

3rd person pov

- Dazai!- Atsushi anxiously shouted.- are you okay?!

- Of course I am,- Dazai walked over to them, the members of ADA were waiting in front of that restaurant doors.

- you're bleeding!- Atsushi shouted again, trying to check out his injured head.

- oh, yeah,- Dazai felt the back of his head soaked in blood and a forming bruise on his ribs.- Kunikida, can I take the day off?

- uh, yeah,- even though Kunikida was used to Dazai's weirdness, he was still worried about him.- who did that to you?

- doesn't matter now,- Dazai smiled and turned around on his heel.- bye bye!

- wait, Dazai!- Atsushi grabbed his hand.- now that I think of it, that man with red hair who walked out just before you, he looked familiar!

- huh?- Dazai couldn't decide whether to lie or not.

- it was him, right? he did this to you!- Atsushi knew that he recognised Chuuya's face, but didn't know where from.

- I already said, it doesn't matter,- Dazai sarcastically sighed, but suddenly felt dizzy.

- of course it does! I will find him and get revenge,- Atsushi promised, he had a serious expression on his face.

- no, you won't,- Dazai pulled his arm out of Atsushi's hands.- don't touch him.

-what? why?!- Atsushi was just worried for his friend.

- because it's none of your business, - Dazai sighed again and walked away without letting Atsushi disagree.

with some doubts, ADA members left Dazai and went back to work, and Dazai swinged around Yokohama's streets, trying to find his apartment without losing consciousness.

Eventually, a few hours passed and the sky started to darken. Dazai was in unknown neighbourhood, he already gave up on trying to find his home. Dazai's head was screaming and he could barely breathe, his ribs were probably broken.

He wanted to call someone, but his phone was lost in the way. All the by-standers just hurried away from him, he did looked quite creepy and drunk.

With his last drop of strength, Dazai found a narrow street with a few big garbage cans blocking the view from the main street.

Dazai weighted his options, and decided that he can't wait anymore. He turned to that trashed street and hid behind the large cans.

His legs gave up and he just fell on the ground, halfly leaning against the dirty wall.

maybe I can finally die,- he thought right before everything went black.


Dazai's eyelids suddenly moved, but he didn't open his eyes just yet. He felt  a hard ground beneath him, but there wasn't any wetness behind his head anymore.

ah, I'm alive,- Dazai thought, disappointed.- I guess it's not that easy to kill me, Chuuya.

After a few attempts he managed to sit up and look around. He was still in the same place, it was night-time and there weren't any street lamps around this trashed corner. He noticed the horrible smell and flies around him, and coughed.

- shit,- Dazai quietly muttered, trying to stand up.

He could stand if he had one hand leaned against the wall, now it was pretty certain that atleast one of his ribs were broken and he prolly had more injuries than he thought.

I don't have my phone or my wallet, and I have no clue where I am...- Dazai checked his pockets.

the only reasonable solution was to just walk forward, in hopes to recognise something in this pitch black night.

it took him around 15 minutes of mindlessly wandering around to figure out where he was, and when he finally understood, his eyes went wide.

- fuck,- Dazai whispered, he didn't feel this kind of frustration often, but the circumstances were horrible.

In fact, Dazai was very familiar with this place, maybe even painfully familiar. He stood in one of the trashed streets that were used as a getaway from the Port Mafia's base. This particular street was called ,,the road's kill", and was mainly used by the executives, if they wanted to get out quietly, and without anyone sighting them.

if any of the executives or Mori decide to show up, I'm no match for them in my current form,- Dazai felt a drop of sweat on his forehead. - if they recognise me, I'm gonna be finished.

He was way too close to the building to come out this way, so his only chance was to go back, which would take around 15 minutes, but before he could make a decision, Dazai heard a quiet door slam.

I'm short on my luck today,- Dazai sighed and immediately stuck to the wall, hiding in the darkest shadow.

if it's Akutagawa I will be fine,- Dazai weighed his options.- if any other executive, it's a bloodshed. If I meet Mori, that's unpredictable...

The person walked in rather a slow pace, but with every second they were getting closer and closer. Dazai quietly took out his gun, that surprisingly was still in his pocket.

When the person was in the range of Dazai's sight, the brunette did what he always does. Strike first.

The gun clicked and was pointed to someone's head, Dazai put on his confident mask, in hopes that the fear of him still stands in the Port Mafia.

- The fuck?!- Dazai suddenly heard a familiar voice, but the shock pulled his focus away for a split second, and the gun was thrown out of his hand.

- who dares to point a gun at me, huh?- slight goosebumps went down Dazai's body, when he felt a cold blade against his neck, even though it was way too dark for anyone to see him.

- who other than me?- Dazai smiled at the dark shadow in front of him.

- You mothetfucker!- One of the strongest Mafia executives, Chuuya Nakahara pressed his blade harder, and a clean line on blood formed.

- you tried to kill me once today, isn't that enough? - Dazai smirked and grinned at his formal partner, suddenly the clouds cleared a bit and revealed shining moonlight.

- I will kill you!- Chuuya shouted at him, but took his blade away from his neck, pointing it at his forehead.

- play nice, Chuuya,- Dazai now clearly saw Chuuya's expression, it was obvious what kind of play he will do tonight.

A drop of blood fell off Chuuya's knife and stained Dazai's upper lip.

- hm, I guess my blood is tasty,- Dazai licked the blood off, not taking his eyes off of Chuuya.- wouldn't you agree, huh, Chuuya?

- you sick bastard! why are you here?!- Dazai felt the knife slightly shaking, he's on the right tracks then.

- go on, kill me,- Dazai whispered and pressed himself harder on Chuuya's knife, once again stabbing himself a little bit.- you know that's what I want, right?

- idiot!- Chuuya got closer to him, still keeping his knife at Dazai, the distance between them was so little, Chuuya could feel Dazai's calm breathing. He was so calm, like a psychopath.

- oh, Chuuya, are you scared?- Dazai pouted, but instantly put on his creepy smiling expression, the one that made his enemies fall on their knees.- come on~

- what is wrong with you?!- Chuuya suddenly jumped back, he was used to seeing Dazai like this, but his bloodlust was never directed at him like that.

- I knew it, you are afraid,- Dazai whispered, he started to have fun in this situation, and he managed to ignore his hurting head, even thought it made his vision blurry sometimes.- Are you afraid of me?

- You're just a fucking bastard, Dazai!- Chuuya shouted, but this time didn't come closer to him, he couldn't understand why he was here to torment him again.

- is it because of what I told you?- Dazai took a step closer, he loved this frustrated look on Chuuya's face, it was even more amusing to know that it was all because of him.- are you afraid, because I left you? Because I don't care about you? Aw, Chuuya, did you cry for me?

- I...- Chuuya silently whispered, he felt rage flowing in his body, Dazai shouldn't have reminded him that.- hate you!

The redhead screamed and threw his knife at Dazai, without caring where it will hit.

Instantly, both of them froze. Dazai didn't register it at first, he never thought Chuuya would actually do something like this. If it was a regular attack, he could stop it easily, but this time even Chuuya didn't knew where he was throwing that blade, it was purely out of his rage, it was too unpredictable for Dazai.

- you didn't expect that, Osamu?- Chuuya used his first name again, which always was a hint for Dazai to pay serious attention.- I've changed you know? you haven't been there for a year, you know nothing!

Chuuya's body was filled with rage and pure anger, he didn't want to control himself anymore. Chuuya jumped in front of Dazai and pushed him against the wall. His knife didn't hit a clean hit, but seriously scratched his left arm, and then got stuck in the said wall.

- you think I didn't know that you don't care about me? you think that can hurt me?!- Chuuya shouted right in his face, he didn't need a weapon to  press against him, his actions said it all.- Dazai, you fucking idiot, you think you can deceive me?! your shitty tricks are useless, you hear it?! they're useless!

- okay, okay, I think I got it,- Dazai dramatically sighed, but he wasn't feeling that confident, in fact he was a little frustrated, he couldn't predict Chuuya anymore.

- ha, you want to get away!- Chuuya hit his face, and slammed his head into the wall, Dazai felt his wound open again, but for some reason he couldn't resist Chuuya.- I will kill you this time, I don't give a fuck about what you say! I swore it, and the time has come! You wanted to die, so I'm just granting you this small fucking favour!

- that's great, but I think y-,- Dazai stuttered and felt his vision turn blurry and dark, that's when he realised his whole back was soaking wet.- y-you might be too late...

Dazai fell on the ground and the last thing he heard before completely blacking out, was Chuuya anxiously shouting ,,Dazai!"


-Dazai!- Chuuya shouted when the brunette suddenly collapsed, even though Chuuya hasn't done anything.- fuck, Dazai, what the fuck?! Are you serious right now?!

After not getting an answer, he kneeled down and accidentally touched Dazai's head.

- what?!- Chuuya gasped when even after this small touch, his hand was full of warm liquid.- Dazai?!

Chuuya took out his phone and turned on a flashlight, and instantly gasped again.

How's he even alive...- Chuuya thought, and tried to figure out where exactly he was hit.

Forgetting whatever he said before, Chuuya acted on instinct. He picked Dazai up and ran as fast as he could, to the only place he could think of.

- you're lucky I stalked your life today, idiot,- Chuuya frowned at his lifeless face and carefully placed him in the back of his car. The run here should've taken more than 10 minutes, but Chuuya made it in five.

- if you stain my car, I'll have you pay for it,- Chuuya uttered and sat in driver's seat.

this is the dumbest idea I've ever had,- Chuuya sighed, but drove off without thinking anything else.

In fact, Chuuya was too stressed to think about where he's going, even though he did realise he will have a lot of problems. After that encounter with Dazai, earlier in the afternoon, he wanted to figure out with who he was hanging out, more specifically, who was the new ,,Chuuya" in Dazai's life.

He said to himself, that he didn't care, but after the name of ADA popped up, he couldn't stop searching for more, and accidentally stumbled across Kunikida's profile, the one who he classified as his replacement.

- shitty Dazai, I will make you regret this your whole life!- Chuuya angrily raised his voice at the lifeless body of Dazai, and increased his speed.- you idiot, you don't deserve to die that easily! so, just... d-dont die !

Chuuya ordered that to Dazai, but it was more to comfort himself and validate his worrying.

After less than 5 minutes, Chuuya reached a minimalistic house with grey walls and a brown fence around it.

this is the right address...- Chuuya sighed and swiftly got out of the car.- if I hesitate, I will accidentally kill him.

He picked Dazai up, in bridal style and carried him to the doors, pushing the doorbell with way more force than needed, around ten times in two seconds.

- wha-,- angry blonde man slammed the doors open, but stopped talking in the middle of the sentence.- Dazai?!

- help him,- Chuuya ordered and walked in the house without permission.

- Hey! ugh, what happened?!- Kunikida shouted, both angry and scared.- who are you?!

- don't you know me?- Chuuya calmly raised his head, for Kunikida to clearly see it.

- wait... you're from Port Mafia! Executive Chuuya Nakahara!- Kunikida shouted and swiftly picked up a gun from the nearest drawer, he was ready for these kind of situations.

- put it down,- Chuuya commanded, he was calm and collected.- I'm here for Dazai, so help him.

- I'm not putting it down,- Kunikida frowned, but his eyes were fixed on Dazai's bloody clothes and unconscious body.- Fine, but do what I say, without any sudden movements!

- finally you came to your senses, Kunikida from Armed detective agency,- Chuuya nodded.

- Go in the back room, the doors behind you,- Kunikida ordered, he was in his pajamas and just woke up, but his head was as clear as ever.- there's a table there, put him there.

Chuuya followed Kunikida's directions and put him down on a iron table, in a small room full of weird white drawers, it smelled like a hospital room.

- what, do you have a personal hospital here?- Chuuya tilted his head.

- I'm ready for all kinds of situations,- Kunikida fixed his glasses, still pointing the gun at Chuuya.- put him face down, I have to see the back of his head.

- okay, doc, but you should really give up on the gun, I just took in one of your wounded, why should I kill you now?- Chuuya let Dazai down and frowned at Kunikida.

- fine, I don't have a choice.- Kunikida nodded and put down his gun, instantly running to Dazai.- now you tell me what happened and then get out.

- I don't exactly know,- Chuuya didn't lie, he couldn't understand when he did such a big injury to him.- I know I did it, but I can't remember when.

- what?!- Kunikida anxiously shouted.- what do you mean, you did it?!

- as you said, I'm from Port Mafia... be thankful that it was me, he would be dead otherwise,- Chuuya frowned and sat down in the corner, on the ground.- fix him now, doc, without questions.

Kunikida didn't understand what was happening, but he was sure of one thing- if he doesn't do anything now, Dazai will die. So, he began to treat his wound, trying not to mind the aggressive ginger, sharply staring at him.


- all done,- Kunikida exhaled and took a step back.

- hm?- Chuuya stood up and glanced at Dazai, still unconscious.- I didn't know it was possible for him to be even more covered in bandages.

- Now, Chuuya Nakahara, will you explain?- Kunikida crossed his arms.

- oh, why not then,- Chuuya creepily smiled, he knew that telling everything will turn out bad for Dazai.

Kunikida led Chuuya to the living room, still keeping three fingers on a loaded gun under his belt.

- will he be alright?- Chuuya asked and sat down on almost white sofa, widely spreading his legs.

- yes, the wound wasn't that deep, it was wide, but not deep, almost like someone hit him with thousand small rocks,- Kunikida sighed and sat down in front of Chuuya, fully concentrating on his every  movement.

- I think it was something like that,- Chuuya smiled.- I slammed him into the wall two or three times, so that's probably it.

Kunikida tensed, but didn't say anything. he was ready to hear him out, after all, Dazai was only alive because of this strange man.

- did you know that Dazai was in the Port Mafia, before coming to you?- Chuuya grinned, he couldn't wait to ruin Dazai's life without actually murdering him.

- what?! you're lying!- Kunikida shouted, he couldn't believe such a horrible lie.

- huh? is it that surprising?- Chuuya stared him in the eyes.- you know his skills, his movements, ability... Did you never thought he could have it all from Mafia?

Kunikida remained silent, he actually did think about it a few times. When Dazai came in, it was obvious that he was incredibly skilled and deadly to his enemies. He was also clever and cunning, like no one else.

- also, there's me,- Chuuya continued.- I'm one of the strongest Mafia executives, but I know Dazai and I spared his life. Believe me now?

- Fine,- Kunikida nodded, he weighed the facts and came to the conclusion. most likely this ginger didn't lie.- please continue.

- Now, the best part,- he smiled.- Dazai was my partner back then and we were quite invincible. we slaughtered an entire organisation in just one night, his ability matched perfectly with mine. But, as you know, Dazai is the most annoying person, I hated him and I still do.

- very familiar with that,- Kunikida muttered, he suddenly realised he now relates to Chuuya a little bit, they both went through the same hell, after all.

- exactly. I tried to kill him many times, but one day he just vanished,- Chuuya's eyes suddenly got lost.- after that, I didn't see him for a year, until this afternoon, he went after me in that restaurant, then we got into a fight, and I beat him up.

Chuuya didn't say a word about Oda or anything related to that, because that information wasn't needed to ruin Dazai's reputation as a detective.

- After that, he went back to you and I went back to Mafia,- Chuuya sighed.- Then I met him in one of the streets that were used for Mafia's business. That idiot was wandering around there, and I tried to kill him once again, but before I could do anything he collapsed on the ground. that's it.

- I see,- that was the only thing Kunikida could manage to say.- why are you telling me this?

- I want to ruin Dazai's life without killing him, he doesn't deserve such an easy way out,- Chuuya smirked and caught Kunikida's frustrated expression.- now you know about his past, you're gonna tell his buddies, won't you?

- I don't have anything else to do with you, Chuuya Nakahara,- Kunikida confidently fixed his glasses.- please leave now.

- hm, and what if I don't want to?- Chuuya smirked and stared him straight in the eyes.

Kunikida instantly took out his gun and pointed at Chuuya.

- don't worry, I said I'm not here to start a war,- Chuuya sighed.- However, I'm staying till Dazai wakes up, I want to slap his annoying face.

Kunikida didn't see any safe option out of this, so he just sighed and nodded.

- Fine, stay in his room, but you're not allowed to go anywhere else.

- sure, doc.
I know this chapter and the previous one kinda doesn't connect, but I did that on purpose, I'll explain more in the next chapter, please don't give up on this story just yet.- Author

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