How To Help You (Who Made Me...

By strawberrimilki

75.2K 3.2K 768

Who would've thought Antoinette would be reborn in the same world as her favorite novel? Rather than being re... More

Reborn (1)
Reborn (2)
Angel (1)
Encounter with Felix
Catching Lucas (1)
Catching Lucas (2)
Our First Meeting
Fast Ball
After the Ending?
Angel (2)
Not your Lady Angel
Debutante (1)
Debutante (2)
Unexpected Meetings
Tea Party
This Feeling...?


2.3K 116 28
By strawberrimilki

Again, sorry for the late update, I was just writing a few extra chapters so that I don't lag behind on my updates but failed to do so. I'll just write whenever, trying to not keep you guys waiting forever ( ◡́.◡̀). Also, if you want longer chapters just tell me, I'm a little bit anxious about the chapter lengths.


Two maids, running as fast as they could go, carrying a little child enveloped with a white cloth stained with red. Blood? The few hairs that appeared under the blanket of the baby glistened gold under the moonlight, wearing a soft expression despite the awkward cradling due to the running maid. Panting, with watery eyes, and desperate expressions. Why were they running? With a baby no less.

At the end of the road which seemed infinite, there was another maid at the end, but she seemed different. What was it about her that stood out...? Even though she seemed blurry, what was this feeling of familiarity? Deja vu?

Pushing that aside, the maids carrying the baby froze at the sight of the strange one, but slowly went forward, fear growing in every inch of their body, but they kept walking. They couldn't even look her in the eye, yet they did something unexpected. Falling to their knees, as if begging for their lives, they gave her the child. Pleading for the child's safety, the baby slowly opened its eyes. What color-


Was it all just a dream? How could a dream be so detailed yet vague? I swear, the color of the baby's eyes, they were jeweled! It was so blurry that I was doubting if I saw it correctly, but what was going on? Something made me completely forget about the dream.

Ugh...What was this pressure on my stomach? It was like a heavyweight was lying on top of me... Slowly opening my eyes, I jumped out to the floor after seeing what was on top of me. Falling to my butt, utterly shocked to find two cats, 2squirrel, a duckling, 3 birds, and a wolf pup who awoke after my tumble.

"Wha-What is this???"

What were these animals doing here?? I mean, I did leave the window open because I wanted to ventilate my room but... The kittens licked their paws, the birds flew over my head, the duckling was still asleep, the squirrel was hopping all over my bedroom and the pup hopped onto my stomach, pushing me to the ground, licking my face.

"Argh! Stop!" It's getting slobber all over me! What were they even doing here? Are they that attracted to me? No... I may be attractive but there might be a hidden truth behind the gathering of such a variety of animals. Then a thought hit me.

'Around this time, those who can wield mana go through a growing period where their natural mana becomes stronger and more apparent.'

It makes sense...But I've never heard anything like animals being attracted to any type of natural mana before. Is this puberty, but the magic version? Will it grow even more powerful if that's even possible? Ah, this made me completely forget about that weird dream!


I heard the Princess and Claude were going to spend time on the boat together...I should head there. The cats and birds wouldn't stop following me, luckily I got the pup to stay in the room with a few treats, along with the squirrels. One of the cats was black and with blue highlights and the other was gold with white highlights. The black was following while the orange cat sat on my head, lofting like it was a chair...Ah, there they are.

In the lake which reflected the clear sky, the two were enjoying themselves. Next to where I stood was a large tree that provided shade and was the perfect spot to read the book that I held in my right hand. Patting the ground and sitting, I sat down. The birds rested on the branches, and the cats sat on my legs. What a great day it was.


Ah, what a lovely cue to save the day once again, am I right? There was a large tentacle monster of a flower floating mid-air in front of them, while the Princess was desperately hanging onto Claude's clothes. In all honesty, the Princess does so much studying so it amazes me how she never ran into this monster in her textbooks. The boat was tipping over but-

It seemed as though Claude was going to uproot all of those flower tentacle monsters out of the lake. The Princess looks a bit shaken, but she's brave so she'll get over it quickly. Claude helped her out of the boat and slowly sat down on the grass, dazed. The Princess ran to me quickly.

"When'd you get here?"

"Only just a moment ago, it was a surprise to see the boat tipping over, yet again." Haha, what's with her and the boats? They just hate her. Pouting a bit, she said,

"Well, thanks for helping, it would've been...really bad if we fell in!" Yeah, it really would've been.

"No problem~ Go spend some time with his Majesty. I need to look into something."

"Okay. See you later!" Running back to her dad, I settled on a branch high up in the tree, watching the two, and reading the book I had brought with me. It came to me, that my dream may not have simply been a dream, but a prophetic one. It's only a guess, but it's good to be safe. They say only extremely powerful magicians get prophetic dreams, but it seems that since the Princess was a special case, I could be too. Or I'm just that powerful.

The book held information on every jeweled eye holder in history, even snippets of Anastasius, who was erased from almost every history book due to Claude's hatred of him. The problem was figuring out the gender of the baby. I couldn't tell, and the more time that passes, the hazier the dream gets.

I've searched through every book in the royal library, and the Princess's personal library, yet I can't find a single word written of a missing royal child, or a child who came out of nowhere, claiming to be of the royal family, aside from Jenette who wasn't in there either of course. So, just who was that baby? Did it die? What timeline was the baby in? Just-


The black cat smacked my face with its paw, stealing my attention. I almost forgot about these guys. Now that I think about it, what should I name you guys?


Setting the book down and taking the cats in my arms, I tried to think of the perfect names. I also have to think of names for the other animals too...

Pointing at the black one with cerulean tips, and say,

"You're Luna." Her palette reminds me of the moon and the night sky. As for the orange cat her fur looks like...

"And you're Ginger."

It seems they understood and brushed their fur against my cheeks, letting out a slight giggle because of the slight tickle. The three birds came swooping down, now wanting their names. Um... wait now that I look closely, and they have unique colors. Bright yellow, bright red, and an exotic shade of blue. Starting with the yellow,

"Yours is cream," his feathers looked like that of pastry cream, "Yours is jam", like strawberry jam "and berry" Like a blueberry. The food trio~

They rested on my fingers, chirping in glee and singing a nice song as a thank you for their names. Hm? This song... It's the same as 'Mom' sang me when I was a child. Wait she sang to me? Did I forget? This was my favorite song, ah so nostalgic. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep to the chirping of the birds and the cozy fur of the cats. Letting in a cheerful dream. 


Wish animals were attracted to me too...The only thing giving me inspiration to continue writing are the newest updates of wmmap (which stress my heart(っ-̶●̃益●̶̃)っ) and wmmap amvs. If you guys have any amv recs or whatnot just let me know, please and thank you ^^

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