Stolen Time

Av iamlovey123

119K 2K 1.5K

Y/n and Spencer have been secretly dating for over a year. Working for the BAU comes with risk. After Y/n dis... Mer

Plus Sign
Breathe in
Kissing is Safer
Stars & Butterflies
What's best?
I Love You
7 months ago...
The Accident
She's Kicking
It's Time
Date Night
Slow Down
Hospital Visits
Loving Each Other
New Book
Another Fic!


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Av iamlovey123

Ever since you gave birth you had become attached to Spencer and clung to him every chance you got. Right now you were hovering above him kissing his tender lips slowly and then felt his hands grab a hold of your waist. Your lips moved down his jawline and towards his neck.

"It's only been eight weeks" Spencer whispered

"Doc said I can resume daily activities" you spoke against the hot flesh

"Are you sure" he groaned when you began to suck on the sensitive skin

"Yes it has been months since we have done anything I am positive" you lifted your head and looked at him "I mean if you want me to stop then that's fine" you pulled away


He looped his fingers though your hair and pulled you down into a slow and sloppy passionate kiss. You straddled him and pushed your bodies even closer together. His hands found their way to the hem of your shirt. You let him pull the shirt over your head but as you were about to kiss him again he flipped you over on the couch. You giggled and reached up to run your hands through his hair. He was now towering over you and leaned down to lay kisses across your chest. You wrapped your leg over his waist and felt his fingers dig into the skin of your thigh

"God you are so beautiful" he whispered across your chest

You were about to speak but a wail came from you and Spencer's room

"No" you pouted and threw your head back into the couch cushions

"I'll get her" he gave you one last kiss on your lips and grabbed your shirt to toss it to you

Once you were fully dressed you stood up and walked over to the room and found Spencer rocking a sleepy baby.

"Hey pumpkin" you stepped closer "You know you can't keep daddy all to yourself. You have to share sometimes" you giggled

"She's a daddy's girl" his eye's glistened as he looked down "Aren't you?" Spencer's new favorite pass time was to play with the baby's fingers. Every time she would get a grip his face would light up and it was an image you could play over and over all day.


"Okay pumpkin it's time to see daddy in action" you stepped off the elevator and began walking through the glass doors of the BAU. Once you walked through the bullpen Spencer's eyes spotted you and he stood from his desk to walk over to you

"What are you doing here"

"She missed you" you smiled but didn't look at him

"She's asleep" he questioned your motives when he realized you were looking behind him

"Is there a case" you looked behind Spencer and saw that there was a stack of files sitting in the conference room

"Yes but you still have one more week left of your 12 week leave" he moved so your eyes could meet his

"You know I think this little angel wants to spend time with dad for a couple of minuets" you carefully removed your sleeping baby from your chest and handed her to Spencer

"Are you even listening to me" he laughed and took a hold of Melanie

"You said that she was a daddy's girl so I don't know be her daddy" you dropped the baby bag in front of his feet and began walking towards the conference room

"Not at work y/n come back" but it was too late his voice faded away as you walked into the conference room skimming through files

"Aren't you on leave"

"Aaron" you sighed and turned to look at him

"You should be at home" he crossed his arms over his chest and walked towards you

"You know this guy is a sadist" you kept reading the file "Actually the unsub might be a woman"

"We have established that" Hotch snatched the file away from your hands

"Hotch wait let me have a sliver of joy" you protested

"You should be joyous at home" he cracked a small smile for you

You turned to look down at the bullpen and watched the team surround Spencer and your beautiful daughter

"I love Melanie with all my heart and I could spend hours watching her babble and smile and even cry but once her little hazel eyes close, I just stare at my beautiful child for hours" you held your hands to your heart "The first couple of days were amazing but now I get bored" you dropped your hands to your sides


"She is amazing and I would do anything for her but no amount of cleaning, cooking and watching stupid crime shows can make me feel useful and I want to come back"

"I just want to make sure you had enough time to rest" he held his hand out and rubbed your shoulder

"She's just a little sleeping blob right?" you sighed "She won't hate me for coming back to work"

"Of course she's not going to hate you" now both hands were on your shoulders

"Does that mean I can get back to work... boss?" you grinned


"Thank you" you leaned in and hugged the man who never opened up to any type of affection or emotion but you just had to "Come on let's go see your god daughter"

You pulled away and he let you walk in front of him. The both of you made your way down to the bullpen. You watched Penelope hold her colorful fluffy pen above Melanie's face and watched her attempt to reach it and play with it

"Why did you bring her in" you heard Emily call out behind you

You stepped back and leaned against an empty desk while you still watched everyone huddle around Penelope

"I needed get out and breathe fresh air" you spoke quietly "Besides we see so many ugly things in this job, I figured a baby could do the trick of lightening the mood and it looks like it worked"

"She definitely brings light to the room" Emily rested her head on your shoulder for a brief moment and lifted her head back up to look at you "How are things going with you and Spencer"

You avoided eye contact "amazing"

"What's that hesitation about" she took her pointer finger and waved it around your face

You scoffed and smacked it away "Nothing"

"What are you not getting any"

"Emily" your voice squeaked and you elbowed her side

"What it's a valid question" she laughed in your ear

You turned your face to meet her gaze and grinned "Okay Ms. Nosey, yes I am getting something but that is none of your business"

"You and pretty boy getting naughty I see" she swiped her tongue across her top lip

"Emily do you want me to kill you"

"Ok I'm done" she surrendered "I needed a laugh"

A comfortable wave of silence crashed over the both of you as you watched Hotch take Melanie from Penelope. Spencer clasped his hands together and licked his lips before forming a tight lipped smile in an attempt to stop himself from telling everyone to be careful again and again.

"So what's wrong" Emily spoke again

"This feels perfect"

"How is that a bad thing"

"Everything feels too perfect, I'm scared of something happening. I have my family here with me and life feels like it's coming together but I feel like something bad is going to happen, like this is too good to be true" you met Emily's eyes and waited for a response

"It's a scary world but you have to live in the moment. Enjoy everything while you still can"

You smiled and dropped your head against her shoulder. "I will"


"Spence" you and Spencer were now laying in bed, your leg was draped around his waist and your hand was cupping his cheek, your faces were so close that your noses could touch


"We should get a house" you yawned

"I thought you wanted Melanie to grow up here" his head inched back a little

"Yeah but that was when I thought you weren't going to be here. I want to go to the next step, making our life cozier" your thumb began to rub circles on the stubble on his cheek "Besides this apartment is too tiny for the three of us"

"Is that what you want" his arm snaked around your waist

"Yes" you nuzzled your face into his chest and pulled him closer "Or at least a two bedroom apartment"

"Whatever you want my love" he stroked the back of your hair and placed a small kiss on the top of your head. The thought of growing old with Spencer and being able to spend countless nights in bed talking about the most random topics or arguing over petty little problems pleased you

"I love you" you whispered into his chest

"I love you too" he whispered back "Go to sleep angel"

And you did. You melted against his touch and closed your eyes


You stirred in your bed and felt an uneasy presence. You opened your eyes but immediately sat up when you noticed your baby missing from the crib. Spencer was still sound asleep beside you so you knew something was horribly wrong and you hoped it was a dream

"Spencer" you shook him awake

He immediately sat up and with a sleepy tone he responded"What"

"Where's Melanie" your eyes were now wide open and you turned to look at Spencer who's eyes were just as surprised to find an empty crib

"I-.. wh-what the hell" his voice panicked and you began to panic as well until you heard something


Both you and Spencer watched a figure step into the light being illuminated by the street lamps outside. Cat Adams. She approached the edge of the bed while holding your child in one hand and running the tip of her gun against the blanket wrapped around your sleeping baby.

"Shhh you'll wake the baby"

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