Savage Love (JJK)✔️

Oleh GalxyDefendr

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Jungkook wished that he didn't have a crush on Namjoon's close friend... but he couldn't help the feelings th... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Her
Chapter 2: Crushed
Chapter 3: Chocolate
Chapter 4: Heartbroken
Chapter 5: Tension
Author's Note
Chapter 6: Euphoria*
Chapter 7: Stay
Chapter 8: Confession
Chapter 9: Epiphany
Epilogue: Serendipity

~Bonus: Begin (First Date)~

376 12 0
Oleh GalxyDefendr

Soooo... Been stuck inside lately due to many factors (the crazy weather being one of them) and found this in my drafts. I apologize for any errors!

Jordan's Playlist*

Colors by Halsey

When the Party's Over by Billie Eilish

New by Daya

The Beach by The Neighbourhood

Sorry by Halsey

Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood

Feelings by Lauv

Only You by Little Mix & Cheat Codes

Beautiful Creatures by Illenium ft. MAX

A Different Way by DJ Snake ft. Lauv

*I made Jungkook's Playlist in the chapter "Stay" and wanted to make one for this special chapter since these are the songs that Jordan has playing in the background at her place during their first official date (this takes place approximately two weeks after she finally admits her feelings to Jungkook and confesses). Enjoy!

Jungkook groaned as he pulled off yet another button-up shirt from his body, discarding the material onto the bed as he trudged back to his closet. His hands were resting on his hips as he carefully examined his wardrobe again, his tongue instinctively pressing against his cheek.

He was trying to find an outfit for the evening, but so far he had little luck with finding the right one. He had decided to wear something semi-casual since he was going to be staying in for his first official date with Jordan, but none of his clothes were good enough for the occasion.

He reached for a plain black t-shirt, tugging it on before grabbing a plaid blue button-up to pair it with. He fumbled with the buttons for a few seconds before he paused his movements. He took a deep breath, a feeble attempt at calming his nerves before deciding to just unbutton it and leave it open.

Jungkook stared at his reflection, head tilted slightly as he scrutinized the outfit. His doe eyes widened slightly, his attention directed towards nothing in particular as his mind started generating potential disasters that could occur on this date, including the awkwardness that could ruin the whole evening. Maybe it's too soon...

He'd spent the past two weeks talking to Jordan through text messages, their conversations usually consisting of small anecdotes about their day or their hectic schedules. Jordan was the one who suggested meeting up. Her invitation skirted around the word "date" as she offered a dinner and movie night at her place, but Jungkook knew what the evening implied. He had texted her back since he needed confirmation about her intentions regarding their evening together, to which she replied: it's what you want it to be, I just want to spend some time with you.

It took a few minutes before Jungkook could muster up a response, ultimately deciding to agree to the date. He knew that he wanted to make the attempt to move forward and push past friendly text messages, but the apprehension still lingered in the pit of his stomach.

He meant every word he said when he told Jordan that he would need time. The fortified walls he had built up to protect his emotions after the night she walked away were going to be a tough barrier to break, especially since the constant worry of her walking away from him again incessantly clouded his thoughts and built on his insecurities. He knew his career was chaotic as well, and making things work would be another challenge they would have to face what with his unpredictable hours and constant traveling.

Jungkook shook his head, trying to get rid of the doubts as he turned his attention back to his outfit. He huffed as he removed the plaid shirt, tossing it on his bed along with the black shirt he was wearing underneath. This is so stupid, why am I getting so worked up over this?

A knock on his door drew his attention as he glanced up to see one of his hyungs leaning against the doorframe.

"You doing okay?" Jimin inquired. His lips were pressed tightly into a small smile, his eyes distracted momentarily by the pile of clothes on Jungkook's bed before he settled his gaze back on the maknae.

"Yeah, just trying to figure out what to wear," Jungkook grumbled, turning his attention back to his clothes while Jimin tucked his hands into his pockets before walking into the room, standing right next to Jungkook.

He wanted to offer some reassuring words to his dongsaeng, but it was difficult to be supportive when he felt nervous about this whole thing himself. Jimin still remembered the pained expression on Jungkook's face and the way his eyes glistened as he confided in his hyungs about what happened with Jordan.

It took much coaxing before Jungkook finally opened up, Jimin being the one who was finally able to get the maknae to talk. After hiding things from his hyungs for so long, Jungkook had decided that it was finally time to come clean. He had felt embarrassed about the whole ordeal, felt stupid for agreeing to Jordan's request in the first place knowing that he was going into it with feelings, so he left out a lot of details as he tried his best to explain the situation. He vaguely told them about how he had been getting closer to Jordan before she decided that it wasn't going to work between the two of them.

"Ready for your date?" a deep voice called, causing both Jimin and Jungkook to turn towards the bedroom entrance as Taehyung strode in, arm resting around Jimin's shoulder before he took in the youngest member's appearance. "I think that's a bit too casual," he teased, earning a glare from Jungkook as he huffed and grabbed a dark knit sweater, pulling the material over his body.

Taehyung took a step back and glanced at his appearance, nodding in approval as he gave Jungkook a thumbs up. He smiled as the maknae rubbed his hands against his jeans, pacing around the room before he made sure to pocket both his wallet and phone.

"Nervous?" Taehyung asked, his voice no longer teasing as a soft smile rested on his lips.

"Sort of," Jungkook responded, taking a deep breath before putting on his coat, making sure everything was secure before turning to his hyungs. "Is this okay?" he asked, arms spread out as he waited for their response.

"You look very handsome Jungkookie," Jimin complimented while Taehyung nodded in agreement.

Jungkook glanced at the time, a hushed expletive leaving his lips as he realized that he needed to leave soon if he was going to make it on time to Jordan's place. He let out a shaky sigh as he brushed past Jimin and Taehyung, eager to get out of the dorm to get some fresh air.

The loud commotion in the living room could be heard from down the hall as Jungkook strode towards the shared living space, causing the other members to settle down for a few seconds as they glanced up with intrigue at the maknae. Jimin and Taehyung followed close behind before occupying the empty spaces on the large white couch in the living room.

Various drinks were scattered on the table along with bowls that contained remnants of the dinner that had been prepared by the two eldest members. It didn't take long before their voices were resonating through the room once more, a chorus of OHHHH's and JK's filling the space as the members took in the youngest's appearance.

Namjoon was the first one to speak after the noise dimmed, dimples indenting his cheeks in an effort to settle the maknae's anxiety as he noticed how jittery Jungkook was. "Nervous?" he asked.

"I'm a mess," Jungkook admitted, letting out a light chuckle to ease the tension while Namjoon nodded in response before reassuring him that everything was going to be fine. Jungkook glanced at his outfit for the evening once more, arms spreading out once more as his doe eyes met the other members. "Does this look okay?" he inquired.

The response was immediate as multiple members complimented him on his choice of attire for the evening.

"Jungkook-ah, maybe you should get her some flowers," Jin suggested, hoping to offer some advice to his nervous dongsaeng.

"Or a nice bottle of wine," Yoongi added. "Since you're having dinner at her place." Jungkook could feel his heart rate pick up as he took his hyungs' words into consideration. He was so concerned about what he was going to wear that the thought of getting something for Jordan slipped his mind.

The flower shops probably aren't even open at this hour, but a bottle of wine could work... "Thanks hyungs. I should really get going, see you later!" he rushed out before disappearing out the front door.

"I just hope he's careful," Jimin mumbled, causing the other members to turn towards him as a small frown rested on his features. "I don't want him getting hurt again." A solemn mood settled in the room, almost every member sharing the same concerns about their maknae.

"I think it's going to be different this time," Namjoon chimed in, earning confused glances from the guys as they waited for him to elaborate. "I know that Jordan hurt him and I'm not condoning her actions, but she really cares about Jungkook and wants to make things right. If he wants to give her a chance, then that's his decision. The best we can do is offer our support and be there for him."

"Always so wise," Jin chimed in, earning a chuckle from Namjoon as the other members also lightly laughed at the comment, the heavy tension in the room breaking with the eldest's words.

Namjoon shook his head as he got up, stretching out his body before he decided to retire to his room for the night. "I should probably get back to writing, I've got some things to finish up," he admitted.

"Like the song you're working on for that girl?" Jin asked, the teasing evident in his tone as Jimin and Taehyung chimed in, oohing in the background while Yoongi and Hoseok started laughing at Namjoon's flustered state.

"It's not like that, I'm just helping," Namjoon replied, causing Hoseok to laugh harder at his defensive demeanor. His words were ammunition as Jin shot him a knowing expression, clearly not believing a word coming out of the younger man's mouth. "Besides, Bang PD-nim asked for my help on the song," he added, hoping to build his case while Jin simply nodded, a playful wink directed at Namjoon while he gave him a small thumbs up. "It's not like that!" Namjoon repeated.

"If you say so," Jin replied with a huge grin on his face, a clear indication that he was enjoying messing with him while some of the other members chuckled at their interaction.

"When are you going to admit that you like her Namjoonie hyung?" Taehyung chuckled as he joined Jin in teaming up against the embarrassed leader. Namjoon bit his inner cheek, not amused at being the target of all this attention as he felt his face heat up.

"Shut up," he muttered before striding down the hall as he escaped to the safe confines of his room, the boisterous echo of his members' voices carrying down the hall.


Jungkook stood in front of Jordan's apartment with a bottle of wine in hand while he still had his cap and mask on, concealing his features. He was staring at the wooden frame in front of him, taking a deep breath before he finally mustered up the courage to knock.

He could hear scrambling and a small thud before the door finally opened, revealing Jordan dressed in an oversized dark blue sweater that was tucked into a black flared skirt. Jungkook's gaze quickly took in her outfit, admiring the way the color really complimented her skin tone before finally meeting her eyes, noticing the way her make-up had a natural look to it.

"Hey," she breathed out, ushering him in as she tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear while stepping aside to give him some space. As soon as she closed the door, Jungkook reached up for his cap, removing it before taking his mask off as well. She noticed his tense posture as he glanced around the apartment, an awkward tension lingering between the two of them.

"You can leave that there," she softly spoke, gesturing towards the small teal console table in the hall, which he noted was a new addition to her small place.

Jungkook nodded, setting his stuff down before turning towards Jordan again. A shy smile rested on his lips as he held up the bottle of wine, a silent offering as Jordan felt her lips tug into a small smile.

"Thanks," she said, accepting the bottle before she invited him into the kitchen. "The food is almost done and the table's already set, so make yourself comfortable." She took quick steps to check on the food, testing it to make sure there was enough flavor while Jungkook walked into the living room to set his coat on the couch.

He could hear faint music playing from her stereo system, smiling as he recognized the familiar voice that filled the silence in the room. He knew the song well since it was one that Jimin enjoyed listening to. His smile grew as he glanced up at her wall, noticing that his artwork was still hanging in the same spot.

"Okay, done!" she called out, earning his attention as he turned back towards the kitchen. He could feel his nerves amplify with every step he took, sweaty palms meeting the rough material of his jeans.

"Need help?" he asked, noticing her scurrying about as she put out an array of food for the evening.

"I'm good, thanks," she chirped, setting down the steaming hot food before reaching for the wine bottle Jungkook brought over. She grabbed two glasses, filling them up halfway before cautiously walking back towards the table.

She settled into her seat directly across from Jungkook. Her eyes bashfully met his, gesturing towards the food to allow him to fill his plate first while he gestured for her to do the same. She giggled while Jungkook chuckled, shaking his head before reaching for the ladle only to fill up her plate first before filling up his own.

"Thank you," she whispered, feeling her face heat up as she bowed her head, hoping that he wouldn't notice her flustered state.

Jordan had been a mess all morning and had barely gotten any sleep due to her mind constantly racing last night. She knew it was a bold move inviting Jungkook and could recall just how nervous she felt while waiting for his response. She honestly didn't expect him to say yes.

She was beyond elated that he wanted to spend time with her, but the rush of happiness that she felt quickly came to a halting crash when their last conversation replayed in her mind. She knew she had a lot to prove to him and that none of this was going to be easy. Even though she still had issues that she needed to make peace with, she wanted to try to open up to him and keep her promises. This time is going to be different, I'm not going to make the same mistakes again.

"So, how have you been?" Jungkook asked, his eyes shutting tightly as he tried to refrain from mocking himself, instead settling on internally scolding himself for his pathetic attempt at small talk. What a stupid question, he thought since he spoke to her earlier today through text and had asked the same damn question. He felt the awkward tension between them grow while Jordan answered. The conversation was short lived, the flow not as natural as it used to be between them.

Jordan felt her heart plummet into her stomach as Jungkook glanced back down at his food, shifting his attention to his dinner as he avoided her gaze while she tried to suppress the heavy sigh that was threatening to leave her lips. The soft music and clattering of utensils filled the silence while both seemed to be lost in their own thoughts. Jordan missed their playful interactions and the way the conversation flowed easily between them. But you had to ruin all of it when you walked away.

Jungkook heard a small sigh leave Jordan's lips, forcing him to look over at her. He couldn't help the small smile that settled on his face as his doe eyes focused on her, noticing how adorable she looked with that serious expression on her soft features as she continued to absentmindedly play with her food. He shyly avoided her eyes when she happened to catch his gaze, causing a small smile to break onto her lips as her eyes lingered on him.

The cute little interaction didn't last long as a familiar sound caused his smile to falter. He recognized the song that was playing in the background, it was the same one that he'd played at his apartment numerous times before. After the night that Jordan walked out, he remembered skipping it whenever it came on. He couldn't bear to listen to it, couldn't play it without hearing her voice ringing in his head and singing along to it.

Jordan immediately noticed the small pout on his lips, her face scrunching in concern. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, setting her utensils down as her fingers began playing with the sleeve of her sweater, a habit of hers that made an appearance whenever she felt nervous. Her words caused Jungkook to snap back into the present, forcing a smile onto his lips before nodding.

Jordan didn't know whether to let it go or press further on the matter, observing Jungkook cautiously as he continued to eat his food and avoid her gaze again. She couldn't get rid of the gnawing feeling inside her stomach, or the little voice in her head that kept pushing her to talk to him. He's the one who said communication is important, right? "You sure?" she meekly asked.

"Yeah I'm fine," he replied. "Just an interesting song, that's all." Jordan noticed the terse sound to his voice and couldn't help but frown at his words. What was wrong with the song? As she listened closely, she immediately recognized it. She couldn't stop the small smile that tugged at her lips. The song had a special meaning, but she was confused as to why Jungkook appeared to have a problem with it.

"It reminds me of you," she admitted.

Wide doe eyes met her gaze as Jungkook stared at Jordan in curiosity. "What?"

"It reminds me of you," she repeated. "It's all your fault that I like it so much since I'd constantly hear it at your place," she teased, earning a small chuckle from him. She recalled the first time she heard it and found herself immediately adding it to her music. On nights when she couldn't meet with Jungkook due to work or the overwhelming amount of assignments she needed to complete for grad school, she would play it on repeat.

A small silence settled between the two, a slight tension still present but not as uncomfortable as before. Jordan cleared her throat, gaining Jungkook's attention before she asked him about their show in Osaka, an attempt to break the silence.

Jungkook's smile widened, and any tension from earlier evaporated as he eagerly spoke about the fans and their performances. Jordan's lips tugged into a huge smile as she stared into his eyes and leaned on her hand, her focus solely on him.

She observed the way his whole face lit up as he spoke, those beautiful dark brown eyes shining brightly as he recalled the exhilarating energy he felt on the stage as he was surrounded by the amazing fans who had been there to support them. He stumbled a bit on his words as he spoke, too excited to properly organize his thoughts while his body was in constant movement as he lightly fidgeted in his seat.

Jordan resumed eating as she continued to listen to Jungkook's voice. She couldn't help but tilt her head in admiration, biting back a smile as she observed the cute lisp that would occasionally make an appearance as he spoke. She also noted the way he would occasionally pause for a sip of wine or for a bite to eat, his face scrunching up in a serious expression as he chewed his food and hummed in delight before jumping right back in where he left off.

"Oh God, I've been talking all night," he stated, face flushed as he started to apologize profusely for rambling on and on about the concert.

"No, no! It's fine," Jordan reassured. "I quite enjoy listening to you talk," she admitted, causing Jungkook's face to turn a light shade of pink as he let out a light chuckle while his hands instinctively covered his ears. "Want a refill?" she inquired, eager to change the topic in order to make him feel a bit more comfortable as she reached for his wine glass.

"Sure, thanks," he answered. Jordan walked back to the kitchen to grab the wine before bringing it with her to the dining table. She cautiously poured the red liquid, setting down the bottle before extending her hand towards Jungkook only to accidentally bump the glass into his plate, causing it to tilt as the wine spilled all over Jungkook.

"Shit, I'm so sorry!" Jordan apologized, rushing into the kitchen to get a clean towel while Jungkook quickly stood up from his seat as a reflex, trying to console her about the incident as he waited for her to return. She offered him the small towel, continuing to apologize while he simply shook his head in response.

"It's fine, stop apologizing," he insisted, dabbing the towel on his sweater.

"I might have some extra clothes," she rushed out, not giving him a chance to reply as she briskly walked to her room. She opened up her closet, rummaging through it before she found a black t-shirt and some sweatpants that Jungkook left behind months ago when he had come over to her place after practice.

"Here, they're yours," she offered. "Again, I'm so sorry," she added, a small pout on her lips as Jungkook smiled gratefully.

"I told you already, it's fine Jordan," he replied. "I'll be right back."

She waited until he was out of the dining room before plopping into her seat. A small groan escaped her lips as she buried her head in her hands, embarrassed for ruining the evening. When she heard the sound of a door opening, she perked up in her seat as she waited for Jungkook.

He came back into the room sporting his gray sweatpants and a black t-shirt, grinning at Jordan before settling back into his seat as he grabbed his fork and continued to eat. Jordan hesitantly offered another refill of wine, earning a mischievous smile from Jungkook. "Think you can handle pouring it? Wouldn't want to have to change again," he teased, causing her to chuckle as she shook her head in amusement.

"I'll try not to spill it, although I can't make any promises," she replied.

"No wonder you and Namjoon are friends," he joked as Jordan tried to bite back a smile, eager to have this playful side of him back.

Almost an hour passed as they sat at the dining table, just talking about anything and everything while they continued to slowly eat between conversations. At one point, Jordan had gotten up to get him some water after he declined another refill on his wine, reminding her that he needed to drive home. 

Jungkook happened to glance at his phone, eyes widening as he noticed just how late it was getting.

"I uhh, I guess we'll have to skip the movie since I should really get going. I've got rehearsals tomorrow for our end of the year shows," he explained while Jordan nodded in understanding. He grabbed his plate and wine glass while Jordan protested, insisting that she would clean up but Jungkook simply shook his head before offering to help her clear the table, which she gratefully accepted.

"Thank you for coming tonight," Jordan shyly spoke, tugging at her sweater sleeve as she walked Jungkook to her front door.

"I had a good time, thanks for inviting me," he replied as he put his mask on. He turned back towards Jordan, his cap still in his hands as he traced the stitching along the brim. "Maybe we can do this again sometime," he offered. Jordan felt relief coursing through her as a huge smile tugged on her lips, eagerly nodding in agreement while Jungkook chuckled at her cute actions.

"I'll try not to spill anything on you next time," she replied, earning a chuckle from Jungkook.

"Deal," his voice was hushed as he spoke, a small smile ghosting over his lips as his eyes were trained on Jordan. "Good night," he added, adjusting the cap on his head before opening the door.

"Good night," Jordan called after him, shutting the door as soon as his figure disappeared down the hall. She leaned against the door, placing a hand on her pounding heart as she slid down the cool wood behind her. She couldn't fight the grin that broke out on her features. I guess the night wasn't a complete disaster. 

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