By Grace[BWWM]

Autorstwa JasmynTailor

443K 15.5K 5.2K

Blossom and Bloom Graceful and Tender - She couldn't believe her ears, or her eyes. Her husband, the man she... Więcej

Bonus Chapter


15.1K 585 130
Autorstwa JasmynTailor

"You're joyful, even more than usual. Do tell, Ms. Grace." Daytona, one of Vanessa's employees noted with a smirk.

Vanessa looked up from her computer and bit her lip. "What do you mean? I-i'm just working, as usual." She was a little confused, work was always fun to her, so Daytona was just being strange.

Daytona shook her head and sat on Vanessa's desk. "You're working with this lovey-dovey look in your eyes. Work can't put that look in your eyes, it just has to be a man! A job can't love you the way that a man can," She winked and hopped off of Vanessa's desk.

Vanessa choked on her spit and took a sip of her water. "Wow, Daytona. Um, I, you," She stammered trying to figure what to say. Her assumption was completely just weird and pushy.

Daytona laughed. "I'm right. It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Is he handsome? Oh, what the what, he has to be handsome! What's he like?" She asked while filing some papers.

Vanessa didn't want to talk about Reid. She loved him, but when it came to including someone other than Eva in her business, she didn't like it.

Just as she was about to respond, her phone buzzed.

'I pray this message meets you well, I'd much rather call, but I'm working.

I'd like to take you somewhere special tonight, my love.

I will pick you up at 6.


Vanessa looked at the clock and saw that she only had four hours to be ready. "I have to go. Have a good day and I'll see you next week," She gathered her things and rushed to her car.

'It met me very well! I can't wait to see you!'

She sent the message and drove home. Thankfully, her parents were keeping Lailah for the night. They wanted to prioritize their time with her to have a good relationship, which was really sweet.

She didn't have to leave work so early, but sometimes she just laid around the house and watched a little Worst Cooks in America. She liked seeing people butcher food, it was nice.

It didn't take her long to get home, and when she made it, it was crunch time. If she wanted to enjoy a little TV time, she had to be dressed and ready to go in three hours.

She walked into the closet and looked around.

"Hmm, what should I wear?" She asked herself. "I'll do stop and grab." She decided happily and ran her fingers across the dresses with her eyes closed.

"Stop!" She said and opened her eyes.

It was an orange dress that she bought online. It was a little different than what she normally wore, but it was still beautiful. "I like it," She nodded and pulled it off the hanger.

She hoped that Reid liked it. He would, he had voiced many times that he liked everything she wore. He would like it.


He loved it.

"Una visione di l'amore." (A vision of loveliness.) He whistled as Vanessa walked up to him.

He offered his hand and spun her once she took it. "The dress is beautiful, Vanessa. Your hair is beautiful. Your smile, everything about you. I love you, lovely." He murmured in her ear and pecked her glossy lips.

Vanessa blushed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Reid. You look handsome, as usual." She giggled and caressed his face.

"Thank you, my love. Let's get going," He told her and led her to the car.

Vanessa reached for the door handle, but Reid opened it before she could. He didn't want her to lift a finger tonight. He didn't want her to ever lift a finger. Not when he was around.

"Where are we going?" Vanessa asked after being silent for a while.

Reid didn't want to take his eyes off the road, but Vanessa was a magnificent sight.

He slowed down a little and looked over at his lovely. "Sei l'amore della mia vita." (You are the love of my life.) He kissed her hand. "We're going to dinner on my yacht. You will love it," He hummed. God, he loved her so much.

Vanessa kissed his cheek and caressed it. "That sounds fun," She murmured.

"So, how was work?"

Vanessa blew raspberries and leaned her head onto his shoulder. "It was nice. One of my employees, Daytona, asked about you. Not directly, but she was hinting at the fact that I have a boyfriend now." She sighed.

He knew that Vanessa had a little problem with people being in her business. He didn't have to ask to know that it had something to do with Mason. That man ticked him off. "How did that make you feel, cara?"

"It just confused me at first, I don't understand why people like knowing so much. I'm happy with you and I don't want anyone ruining that." She admitted a little stressed.

Reid hummed and kissed her temple. "It's alright, my love. You don't have to include anyone in our relationship, it's your business and you don't owe an explanation. Some people are supportive and some aren't, just be wise when deciding who you tell." He just wanted her to feel comfortable and not have to think about useless opinions. Mason already filled her head with lies, she didn't need anymore.

Vanessa smiled softly and held his hand. "You're so sweet. I hope you understand that it's nothing against you, I-i just want to feel confident in my choices." She inhaled sharply. "For years I had someone telling me how to live, what to say, what to wear, everything was decided for me." She shook her head and blew raspberries again. "That's not gonna happen anymore, Reid. I'm with you and I trust you and my feelings for you."

"I'm honored to have you in my life, Vanessa Grace. I love you," He turned into the dock area and parked the car. "May I, Ms. Grace?" He opened her door and offered his arm.

Vanessa gazed at him through her beautiful lashes. "You may, Mr. Portalo."

Goodness, she was beautiful.


It was beautiful. Reid loved fancy things and his yacht was incredibly fancy. "This is gorgeous," She whispered as Reid led her to the dining area of the boat.

He pulled out her chair and kissed her cheek once she was seated. "Ah, that is what I say every time I see you. You are gorgeous, Vanessa." He winked at her and walked to the kitchen, or at least what she assumed was the kitchen.

Her cheeks warmed up and butterflies erupted in her stomach.

Being with Reid made her feel like she was watching fireworks. It was a weird description, but it was exactly how she felt.

"Bon appetit! Or however you say it," Reid said coming from behind her with a tray of food.

He placed the plates on the table and then sat down. "I like to talk while I eat, and I do have something important to tell you,"

Vanessa dropped her fork and took a sip of water to calm her nerves. "Oh! I can, um, it isn't terrible is it? Oh, God." She couldn't help be but nervous and afraid. Important talks never ended well for her.

"I'm sorry, cara. I've got you worried, it's not terrible. I promise. It's about what kind of work I did before becoming wealthy." He explained and rubbed her hand.

"Oh," She cringed and took a deep breath. "So, um what did you do?" She asked curiously. He seemed like the kind of man who ran numbers or something, it was a profession for a smart man and Reid was certainly smart.

Reid took a spoon of his soup and tsked. "I am not a perfect man, cara."

"What do you mean? You're not a serial killer are you?" Vanessa asked a little scared. She knew that he wasn't, but she had to ask.

Reid laughed and shook his head. "Not exactly. I came to America at 18 and I did odd jobs to stay fed, you know that. However, my last job I worked for a man named Milo Fruied. A very wealthy man, God rest his soul." He sighed. "He hired me to work as a carpenter and a handyman. I fixed everything and made desks for his offices, bookshelves, I did a lot. One day he asked me to meet him somewhere new, he was the man who taught me English, so I trusted him."

He was so interesting.

"I ended up at some high-end club in the city and Milo asked me if I wanted to learn the business. I was confused, but I agreed. He showed me a new world, an underground world. He ran bars, security teams for the CIA, the Mafia, and very wealthy people. He wanted me to move up in his business and he promised that this job would bring more money and a secured position until I wanted out. I didn't jump at the opportunity, but I asked to learn more. Eventually, I agreed, and from then on I took self-defense classes, gun defense courses, hunting, and investigating trials. They were all legal, just to let you know. I never did anything illegal." He told her seriously.

"Once the courses were done, I went in as a hitman. I never killed anyone, but I did hurt them. I would get a call from Milo, find the location of the person, and teach them a lesson. That's how I met Cabbrieli's mother. I was meeting with Milo at one of his nightclubs and you know the rest," Reid sighed and kissed her hand. "I understand how this may sound, but I promise that I have never harmed an innocent person. Also, while I'm confessing, I carry a gun on my person at all times."

Vanessa didn't really know what to think. She wasn't upset at all. His job sounded noble to her, it wasn't a conventional job, but it helped people and she liked that. The gun, she couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, but she kind of thought it was pleasing to know that he had a gun. He could protect her at all times.

"I'm sorry that I didn't tell you earlier, Vanessa. I didn't mean to upset you," The guilt in his tone made Vanessa feel terrible.

"No! No, I'm not upset. I was just thinking," She bit her lip and laughed softly. "I was thinking about how attractive it is that you have a gun. You're already great at protecting me, and the gun just makes you even more attractive," She looked away from him and took a sip from her glass.

"Come with me," He insisted and took her hand. He had an idea.

She would go anywhere with him.

Reid led her to the living room and stopped in front of a red leather couch. "Sit here, and I will be right back." He pressed a kiss onto her forehead and walked away leaving her curious.

"A little something reminiscent," Reid placed a brownie on the coffee table and kissed her cheek.

Vanessa pouted happily and wrapped her arm around his waist. "That's so sweet! Wow, Reid." She felt special.

"I love you, Vanessa." He softly kissed her. "You smell like vanilla," He hummed while peppering kisses on her beautiful face. "I love the softness of your skin,"

'ring, ring, ring,'

Every time.

One of their phones began to ring, but Reid ignored it and pressed his lips onto hers.

'ring, ring, ring,'

Vanessa pulled away from him and looked at the phone. "It's Cabbrieli,"

Reid took a deep breath and ran his fingers through his hair. "I could call him later," He suggested.

"No, that's your son. We can be together anytime," She told him.

Reid smiled at her and kissed her cheek. "Forever a sweetheart, Vanessa." He picked up his phone and accepted the call.

"Ciao, padre!" Cabbrieli said with a huge smile. He looked at Vanessa and waved. "Ciao, bellezza!" He winked at her and blew her a kiss.

She caught the kiss and put it on her cheek. "Hi, Cabbrieli!"

"How are you, my son? You look happy and handsome just like your father," Reid noted with a smile that matched his sons.

Cabbrieli rolled his eyes but his smile never left. "Haha, you have no problem with confidence. I was just calling to tell you that I'm leaving." He said casually and bit his lip.

Reid's eyebrows furrowed and he looked at Vanessa and back at the phone. "What do you mean? Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"I'm leaving the east coast and moving to the west coast. Anaheim to be more specific." Cabbrieli murmured the last part.

Reid looked at Cabbrieli and threw his fist in the air. "You're coming to live in Anaheim? Oh, my son, that is the best news you could give me!" He wrapped his arm around Vanessa's shoulder and kissed her cheek. "I wish I could hug you right now, but I will when you move here!" He said happily.

"That's wonderful, Cabbrieli. Do you know when you'll be moving?" Vanessa asked while Reid was doing a happy dance.

Cabbrieli nodded and grinned at Vanessa. "Grazie, bellezza. I'm moving in two weeks, I have yet to finish the arrangements for my home and job, but that can be done in a few hours." He told her and Reid spoke up.

"You know that I would love to have you stay with me and I can get your job together at the Anaheim Resort, only if you want." Reid said seriously. "Unless you don't want to, either way, I am in full support of your decisions." He added shortly after.

Cabbrieli's smile grew wider than before. "I would love to, but sooner or later, Vanessa will be your wife and I don't want to impose." He winked at Vanessa and wiggled his eyebrows.

Reid kissed her cheek and pointed at the phone. "That's my boy! You know your padre," He said with pride.

Vanessa laughed and rolled her eyes. "Sooner or later, we shall see. But either way, it's your father and I wouldn't put you out. You know that I like you, Cabbrieli." She tried not to blush while talking. It made her happy to know that Reid wanted to marry her and Cabbrieli accepted the idea.

"She has spoken, Cab! It is a done deal, you will live with me. For the job, it doesn't matter what you do. If you'd like to open your own restaurant, I will take care of it. If you'd like to relax for a while, I will handle everything. Anything you want, please let me know so I can take care of it." Reid was the most supportive father that she'd ever met.

She kissed his hand and leaned into his embrace.

"I couldn't ask you to support me in that way. You already do so much for me already," Cabbrieli shook his hand in the camera. "I have to go now. I don't want to interrupt your time any longer, ciao." He blew a kiss and ended the call.

Reid put his phone on the coffee table and sighed peacefully. He was radiating joy. "My son is moving here, my love. I'll have everyone that I love with me, I am a blessed man." He said calmly.

Vanessa caressed his face and kissed him. "You're a wonderful man, Reid." She wanted to be with him, like this forever.

The sound of the waves on the ocean, the peaceful mood, the privacy, Reid's strong arms holding her. She closed her eyes and tried to savor the time she had.

"You are tired, my love." Reid's voice shook her awake.

Only a few minutes passed since closing her eyes, but she was tired just as he said. But, she didn't want to leave the moment. She didn't want to leave him.

"I don't want to leave you," She admitted a little sad. She truly wanted to be with him forever. She loved being with him.

Reid kissed her forehead and lifted her in his arms. "You don't have to. We will sleep here and wake up next to each other." He said kindly, his voice lulling her back to sleep.

Her hand brushed his cheek. "I'd love that,"

He hummed and carried her to the back room. She didn't have enough energy to look around, she only wanted to sleep.

He placed her on the bed and walked to the closet.

A couple of minutes later, he emerged from the closet dressed in a white shirt and pajama bottoms and he held a white shirt.

"Here you are, my love. I will go away so you can change," He handed her the shirt and walked to the bathroom.

Her heart swooned. He was a true gentleman.

She took off her dress and put the shirt on. It smelled just like him and it engulfed her small body. "I'm done," She said loud enough for him to hear.

The bathroom door opened and he handed her a packet of wipes. "I didn't know if you wore makeup or not, but I have a cleansing wipe for you."

He exceeded any expectations she had. He was a sweetheart. "Thank you, that's thoughtful." She wiped off her mascara and cleaned the rest of her face with a new wipe.

"Let me take those," Reid said and took the dirty wipes and threw them away. He turned the main light off and dimmed the other lights.

Vanessa loved him so much and now she didn't want to go to sleep. She just wanted to rest in his arms. "Can I just cuddle in your arms?" She asked and he nodded instantly and got in the bed.

"Of course, cara mia. I'd love to hold you." He lifted the covers and got comfortable. "Is this nice?" He asked after pulling her into his chest.

She sighed and closed her eyes. Savoring the moment. "It's perfect," She mumbled against his chest. "Tell me about Italy, what was it like living there?" She just wanted to hear his voice.

"I will bring you there soon and you will see it yourself. A story can't describe it well, but I will try. Growing up, I lived on a small little farm. We had goats and chickens, it was nice raising them, but I had more fun building things. It's always been something that I loved. Anyway, my grandparents had a vineyard and it was where I spent most of my summers. These callouses came from picking grapes along with building fences to keep invaders out. The movies don't do my home any justice, cara. You can only see so much of the vibrant colors. The bread, my mamma made bread every day and it tastes better than any bread you could buy in the stores. I love my America, but Italy, Italy will always be special."

Reid continued talking and the subtle movement of the boat made Vanessa's eyes grow heavy. She wanted to stay awake and hear of Italy, but she couldn't.

She was blessed, however. She would wake up the next day and Reid would be with her.

Reid kissed her cheek and secured his grip on her. "Sei la mia casa. Mi avete portato più gioia di quanto l'Italia potesse, dell'America. Se solo sapessi quanto il mio cuore ti aspetta così per sempre. Lo farò succedere, mio Vanessa. Vanessa Portalo." (You are my home. You have brought me more joy than Italy could, than America could. If only you knew how my heart longs to have you like this forever. I will make it happen, my Vanessa. Vanessa Portalo.)

She hummed hazily and snuggled into his chest. "I love you too," She murmured unconsciously.


Authors Note

Reid's job? Did it come as a surprise? I wanted to give him a little cliche background😂😂

Cabbrieli is moving to Anaheim! We won't see him for a little while, but he's coming!

I don't really have too much to say about this, only that I love this story and the characters so much!

I hope you all enjoyed it and let me know what you think!

Bye bye!👋🏽

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