persuasive [t.r]

By 0ut0fs1ght0ut0fm1nd

91.5K 2.2K 2.3K

"You'll find that I can be very, persuasive." In which you've taken an interest in the famous Tom Marvolo Rid... More



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By 0ut0fs1ght0ut0fm1nd

a/n: i can't believe this is the last chapter guys- JANSJNZ GET READY ASF


It's been months since me and Tom have last spoken. He's attempted to talk to me multiple times, but I've always ignored him, I was still angry, what even were we at this point? I didn't know.

Me and Luna have gotten a lot more closer over the months though, we're basically best friends now. She's there for me whenever, she was the shoulder I cried on after the argument with Tom. She's been there for me ever since and I couldn't be more thankful.

It was now graduation day and I was getting ready with Luna. I was getting my hair fixed, my eyes closed by Luna's popular request as usual. I was thinking about what I would do when I get out of Hogwarts, I had no clue, how could I be so dimwitted?

"Alright, open your eyes," Luna said softly, in which I opened my eyes immediately to see my hair in two french braids with flowers in them. I smiled at myself in the mirror and looked at Luna.

"Thank you," I said, standing up and embracing her in a hug. "Oh you're so very welcome y/n. Now let's get you dressed," She smiled at me as she let go of the hug. I nodded, following her out of my bathroom and into my dormitory.

"What are you thinking? Green? Black? Silver?" Luna asked as she showed me dresses. "I think the green one would be okay," I smiled as she grabbed it. "Perfect!" She nodded, handing me the silky dress and pushing me towards the bathroom.

"I'll be right out here if you need anything," She reassured me, closing the bathroom door after I nodded.

I took my leggings and t-shirt off without messing my hair up which I silently congratulated myself to. I then slipped on the silk dress and put the thin straps over my shoulders.

I looked at myself in the full body mirror I had in the bathroom and slightly smiled, but that smile faltered when I realised what dress this was. The dress I wore the night of the party a few months back, one of the best nights I had had in a while, with Tom. I didn't know how to feel, but I just brushed it off, he wasn't going to ruin my graduation day.

I opened the door and stepped out of the bathroom. Luna gasped when she saw me. "What? Do I look bad?" I asked frantically. "No no! You look stunning! Here, let me zip you up," She said, walking over to me as I turned around. She zipped the back up and turned me back around to face her.

"You look stunning y/n," She said once more in which I smiled. "Thank you Luna, are you getting dressed up as well?" I asked and she nodded. "Yep," She said as she grabbed her wand, she said some spell I couldn't comprehend and she was all dressed. Her hair was in a normal ponytail and she was wearing a very abnormal yet creative dress like the one she wore at the party.

"Amazing," I smiled once more in which she returned. "Thank you, now let's get to the great hall shall we? Don't wanna miss graduation," She giggled. I nodded and laughed as we wrapped our arms in one another's and exited my dorm and into the common room.

As we walked down the steps I saw Draco sitting on one of the couches. "Oi Malfoy!" I yelled playfully and he jumped. "Y/l/n," He said calmly, acting as if he wasn't scared. "Going down to the great hall? Oh shit, Luna, I forgot my heels in my dorm, could you be a doll and grab them for me please? I won't ask anymore favours I promise," I laughed lightly in which she just smiled. "Of course, never feel bad for asking me to do something, I'll be right back," She giggled, going back up the steps to my dorm.

"You and Lovegood eh?" Draco asked after she was no where in sight. "Pardon?" I raised my eyebrow. "You and Lovegood, you guys a thing?" Draco repeated himself. "Oh no, I'm still with Tom, I think anyway," I mumbled the last part and now it was Draco's turn to raise his eyebrow. "What do you mean you think?" He questioned, standing up and walking towards me. "We had an argument months ago, we haven't spoken since. He's tried to talk to me but I've always ignored him, nothing big," I shrugged, not wanting to talk about it, especially on graduation day.

"And you didn't tell me? Not even owl me? Merlin y/n, I thought we could talk through things like this, like we always did. You came to me whenever Tom did something fucking stupid, but now you're keeping it a secret?" Draco asked angrily. I looked up at him, anger evident in his face. "I don't have to tell you everything that happens with my love life Malfoy, it's none of your business. And no, I'm not keeping it a secret, I told Luna after it happened, so just piss off and mind your own business won't you? I know you're only trying to be there for me but it's getting irritating when you think you have to know everything about me and my life," I narrowed my eyes at him, his angry expression turned into a shocked one.

Luna then came down the steps with my heels. "Is everything okay?" She asked, noticing the tension between me and Draco. "Yep, perfectly fine, let's go, I can put my heels on on the way there," I said, grabbing Luna's hand and taking her out of the common room, leaving Draco there alone.

"What happened?" Luna asked softly after we stopped in a random bench in corridor so I could put my heels on. "He's such a prick, he was complaining about how I didn't tell him anything that happened between me and Tom in the last few months, and he even thought me and you were together, how dimwitted could he be?" I asked angrily, putting my heels on and standing up. "Maybe he was just trying to help you," Luna suggested. "That's what I told him after I starting telling him off, he tries to help me and I appreciate it really but it gets too much when he tries to get into all of my business," I scoffed as I led Luna to the great hall. "I can understand that," She said, following me.

We then made it to the great hall and all eyes were on us as we were one of the last arriving people. "I'll see you in a bit, come over to my table after the ceremony okay?" I whispered to her. "Okay, see you in a bit y/n," She smiled, squeezing my hand as she walked over to her table as I did the same.

I sat down in my normal spot and looked around the table, locking eyes with Tom. We stared at each other for who knows how long. I couldn't stop looking into those eyes, I haven't stared into them in so long, I missed it really.

I tore my gaze off of Tom when Dumbledore started to speak. Here we go.

"Wizards, witches, today is the graduating day for the seventh years as you all know. I wanted to congratulate you all for making it this far as I'm very proud of each and every one of you for doing so. Today is a day of honour, respect, and of course, latitude. You all have made it so far, and now you can accomplish your dreams and desires after this day ends. I will now be calling names to come up here, you can do a speech too if you'd like," Dumbledore finished, grabbing a long piece of parchment and reading names off the list.

After a while my name was called, I stood up slowly and walked up to Dumbledore and shook his hand. I decided I did want to do a speech.

"I just wanted to thank Dumbledore and all of the professors for giving me a great education, especially Professor Lupin," I eyed Remus at the teachers table with a smile as he hated when people called him professor. "However, they're not just the only people that have made my journey at Hogwarts great. The people I've met, become friends with, best friends actually," I looked at Neville, Seamus, Dean, and Luna. "And the people I've argued with countlessly and loved and still do," I eyed Draco and then Tom, locking eyes with him once more. "The journey here has been a rollercoaster because of these people, for good and bad reasons. Seventh year has been the most chaotic, love filled, and emotionally draining year I've had. I really did live up to my thoughts of 'make this year great, interesting even'," I used air quotes. Everyone was staring at me, some awe filled looks and some concerned.

I cleared my throat. "But overall, this year has been the best, and I'm sad to say that I'm leaving for good, it just feels like yesterday I was sitting up here with the sorting hat on my head when it yelled Slytherin. I will never forget that day, along when I first met Neville Longbottom, my best friend I've had since first year," I looked at Neville to see him smiling at me. "I'll dearly miss this school, I don't know where I would be without it. Thank you," I finished, Neville, Seamus, Dean, and Luna all started clapping, causing everyone else to as well. I smiled and walked to my table and sat down, hearing other people's names get called.

Tom's name was then called, making me go stiff at the sound of it. I saw him get up and go up to Dumbledore, shaking his hand and thanking the much older man. He didn't do a speech, I wasn't expecting one, but I was hoping for one, a small speech at least. I just brushed it off and focused back on to the rest of the seventh years getting called up.

Luna got called up, she did a mini speech, which consisted of 'I'm so glad to have great friends like y/n' and 'I'm very thankful for Neville and y/n'. I smiled at her as she sat back down.

Then it was Seamus' turn, he didn't say a speech, too scared he would blow something up, along with everyone else. I laughed at the frantic look in his eyes as Dumbledore tried to hand him the microphone. Seamus just thanked Dumbledore and shook his hand, sitting back down next to Dean.

Now it was Neville's turn, he did a mini speech like Luna did, saying things on how he was going to miss Hogwarts and that he was thankful he met me and other people.

Dean went up and thanked Dumbledore and waved at all of us, he didn't like public speeches so he didn't say anything, only did a simple smile at me and our friends.

And last but not least, Draco went up. He shook Dumbledore's hand and thanked him. He then started a speech, oh merlin.

"Thank you everybody for all the great things you made me accomplish throughout the years. This year was definitely the most interesting and drama filled. I got closer to a girl I've been friends with since first year, I was her crying shoulder whenever I needed to be. And she was mine, even if it was rare. I fell in love with this girl however, just to find out she didn't feel the same, she loved someone else, someone who wasn't me. But I was still there for her no matter what, no matter how shitty the guy was to her, she came to me to cry, and I am and always will be grateful that she came to me. Seventh year had me realise newer things and come to my senses, and so did she. Thank you again," Draco finished, walking back to our table.

I was shocked, he did not just do that. In front of the whole school. It was completely obvious who he was talking about as he kept looking at me. I turned around and saw Tom glaring at Draco, then he looked at me and his gaze softened.

Soon enough, the ceremony was over, we all cleared out of the great hall, grabbing our luggage and boarding the train.

I sat in a compartment with Luna, Neville, Seamus, and Dean. I couldn't bare to see Draco after his speech and Tom, well I just couldn't.

The train ride was nice, I was trying to spend my last moments with my friends before we all had to leave. There would be no meeting up again at Hogwarts after summer was over, not this time. Letters would be our only hope until we figure out what the bloody hell we all want to do with our lives.

We made it back at Kings Cross Station and I got off of the train along with the other four. I saw all of their parents and I couldn't bare to see them go.

"Promise me we'll see each other again," I cried into their arms. "Promise," They all said, crying as well. We then let go of the hug as all of their parents were urging for them to leave. I hugged them all one last time before they left and grabbed my luggage, standing there and waiting for my parents to come.

After a while I heard someone call out my name, I turned around and saw Tom. Bloody hell.

"Y/n!" He yelled out, running towards me. I tried to ignore him but he wouldn't let me. "Y/n please, I need to talk to you," Tom pleaded. "For why?" I questioned the much taller male before me. "I need to tell you something," He breathed out. "Fine, go on, tell me, I don't got all day," I scoffed, crossing my arms as I became impatient.

"The day that we were announced head boy and girl, the day that you urged for us to become friends, something in me sparked. It wasn't good however, but that's what I need to tell you," He started, causing me to raise my eyebrow. "I wanted something, someone, an outlet you could say, that I could take out all my anger on, something that would make me feel good about myself, pleasure me even, only for my benefits. And when I found out you fancied me, I took that to my advantage, I asked you to be my girlfriend, well more or so demanded, because I knew I could do what I wanted with you when I wanted. But you were stubborn, very very stubborn, with your arguments with me saying certain things, it really took the piss out of me. Remember when I said how I could be persuasive?" "Yes," I nodded, remembering the exact night.

"Well I knew I could be, and I was, I won you back every time we had an argument just by charming you. And the sex, the first time at your house, it meant nothing to me, and what happened in the bathroom and my dorm that same day, it meant somewhat to me. But at the party, that meant a lot, it really did. I'm so sorry I did this, the months of you not talking to me really were the worst for me, the fucking worst," He sighed, angry with himself.

I was shocked at what he had just told me, so I meant nothing to him?

"So you're telling me I meant nothing to you?" I asked angrily, no tears were going to fall today from him. "At first, no, but you mean so much to me now, I promise you y/n. After dating you for a while, I finally came to my senses, I realised that," He started, looking me in the eyes as he held my hands. "I love you too."

I looked at him wide eyed, he then kissed me, causing me to melt at his touch. I loved him, and he was lying when he said those very words back to me, i didn't know that however.

But he wasn't lying when he told me these single words so many months ago. I got under his grasp and didn't leave it, and i couldn't now. He really was persuasive.


a/n: i can't believe this is the end already, but i'm so glad that we got to 1k reads before we reached the end! i hope you guys enjoyed the book and the plot twist at the end 😏 anywhore thank you guys so much for reading and don't forget to vote! i love you all unconditionally, so so much. thank you.
-ace 🖤

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