Way of the Wolf: Equilibrium

By Scottish_writer

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The Wulvers Series Book 6 #79 in magic #198 in paranormal "The path I choose will decide my fate; to follow t... More

Chapter 1 ~ Ambitions
Chapter 2 ~Tactics
Chapter 3 ~ Guests
Chapter 4 ~ Chasing Tail
Chapter 5 ~ Thunder
Chapter 6 ~ Accusations
Chapter 7 ~ Council
Chapter 8 ~ Proposals
Chapter 9 ~ Persuasion
Chapter 10 ~ Apologies and Agreements
Chapter 11 - Running
Chapter 12 ~ Expectations
Chapter 13 ~ The Norse Pack
Chapter 14 ~ First Day Jitters
Chapter 15 ~ Far From Home
Chapter 16 ~ What It Takes
Chapter 17 ~ Dreams
Chapter 18 ~ Biding Time
Chapter 19 ~ Distractions
Chapter 20 ~ Unravelling
Chapter 21 ~ Torn
Chapter 22 ~ The Rules
Chapter 24 ~ Freedom
Chapter 25 ~ Contemplative
Chapter 26 ~ Opportunity
Chapter 27 ~ On Edge
Chapter 28 ~ Defend
Chapter 29 ~ Gaolor
Chapter 30 ~ Key
Chapter 31 ~ Forged Bonds
Chapter 32 ~ The Truth
Chapter 33 ~ A Day's Work
Chapter 34 ~ Past Mistakes
Chapter 35 ~ Formalities
Chapter 36 ~ The New Hierarchy
Chapter 37 ~ Grudges
Chapter 38 ~ To Follow Tradition
Chapter 39 ~ To Break It
Chapter 40 ~ The Beginning

Chapter 23 ~ Compromise

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By Scottish_writer

Chapter 23: Compromise

Sitting cross-legged at Fenna's feet, I dug in eagerly to my food, tearing apart meat to eat so quickly, I barely tasted it. She chuckled as she watched me, shaking her head in disapproval.

“If your mother saw you eating like that, she’d scold you.”

I grinned up at her. “She’s not here.”

“But I’m here,” Signy cut in with a pointed look that made me blush.
Wiping my face, I made a show of eating more slowly and smiled to myself when Signy winked. “Better. It's no wonder you’re starving when Jakkon didn’t allow you a break.”

Jakkon scoffed. “She was fine. Where we’re going this summer to hunt, she might need to learn to survive on an empty stomach. . .” Trailing off, his eyes followed something across the clearing. The conversation around us had stopped too, and we all turned at the same time to be met with a sight I doubted anyone here ever thought they’d see.

It was Ebbe who had everyone’s attention. Stalking towards the dinner table, walking right past the line of waiting wolves, he headed straight for Hagan. With a piece of venison halfway to my mouth, I blinked as if that would change what I was seeing. But a low and purposeful growl from Ebbe made sure every single one of us understood his intentions. He hadn’t finished all he wanted to show the pack today, and those who had seen him at the ring were eager for more.
Hagan, however, hadn’t caught wind of Ebbe’s sudden shift from docile omega to a male wanting to challenge. He turned away from the table with a furrowed brow, making no move to defend himself just yet. 

Maybe he thought what he was seeing couldn’t be real either. Ebbe never challenged, not unless he’d lost control, but it was clear he knew what he was doing; his every move, was careful, methodical.

The two males postured with their chests puffed up and shoulders back, each trying to get the measure of the other. Hagan was bigger, in size and brawn. . .plus he’d been amongst the high ranked for a few years now.

“I believe you owe me the furs from the hunt to come, my mate,” Signy murmured, looking pleased as she continued to eat, undisturbed by what was about to happen.

Could she not feel the crackle of electricity in the air that had the hair on my arm standing in edge, or the twisting in her gut. What if Ebbe got seriously hurt? But Jakkon didn’t seem concerned either. He chuckled gently, and I turned when I felt his gaze on me. A wry smile twisted his lips, blue eyes trailing slowly over me before he bowed his head to his Alpha Female. “Indeed. I should know better than to bet against you by now.”

“You knew he would do this?” I asked.

Neither answered. Signy simply smiled and lifted her gaze from me to watch what was unfolding. Even though we were all expecting it, the plate I held still nearly slipped from my grip when Ebbe launched himself at Hagan so swiftly, he was a blur.
A whimper from across the clearing came from Gisli and my heart broke for her. A hand over her mouth, she hid her face against Aljana's side. If I wasn’t frozen where I sat, I’d have gone over and taken her away so she wouldn’t have to see; I'd grown a soft spot for the quiet female. And I didn’t want to watch this either, not when Hagan was beating back Ebbe's every attack. But I couldn’t not watch.

Just when it looked like Ebbe was going to lose, he shifted to fur, leaving Hagan rushing to do the same. Perhaps a bit of a dirty trick, one he’d used on me only an hour or so earlier but it didn’t matter. Hagan was no match for Ebbe's speed, his relentless attacked of sharp nips anywhere he could reach. Hagan quickly tired, offering Ebbe the chance to strike. He rolled willingly as Ebbe pushing him to his back and took his throat between his jaws. A growl of victory rumbled from him, and he seemed to grow in size. He gave another, softer growl before releasing Hagan, and the pack didn’t seem sure what to do.
Shifting back to skin, we all watched in stunned silence as Ebbe walked stiffly to the table, took a plate and picked some food.

Orin chuckled from behind me. “Well then.”

Because what else was there to say? Even Hagan blinked in shock as he sat up and awkwardly got his food after a male who seconds ago was the lowest ranking in the pack.

“I hear he nearly bested you in the ring,” Signy said once conversation started up amongst the pack again. Although, I doubted many spoke about anything other than what they’d just seen.

“He did,” I murmured. “He would have.”

He chose not to.

She hummed then turned to speak to Jakkon about how the younger wolves were doing. Maybe she knew she wouldn’t get much more conversation from me. My gaze was still locked on Ebbe who would now be considered one of the more dominant wolves in the pack after only one fight.

Bruises were already beginning to show up amongst the cuts on his skin. The bite on his leg looked nasty but he didn’t limp as he made his way towards the highranked to sit beside Dirk and Katrin. The older male patted his shoulder and Katrin said something that made Ebbe’s lips quirk up into an almost smile.

Daring to peek at Aljana, I found her already staring at me, and shifted uncomfortably. There was no malice in her expression exactly, but something burned in her eyes that made me think it wouldn’t be long before we came to blows. She was a warrior, she would say what she needed to with teeth and claw. And I feared I might deserve it. If it weren’t for me, this wouldn’t have happened. Or at least, maybe not quite like this. A wolf with strength like Ebbe, whether he wanted it or not, surely wouldn’t have been happy as omega forever?

And there-in lay my dilemma.
No longer hungry, I laid my plate in front of me and leaned back in the space between Orin and Fenna's legs.

“Now you’ve had time to digest it, what do you that was about?” I asked them, tilting my head back so I could see both their faces.

“I think he was peacocking,” Fenna mused, studying a piece of carrot.
Humming in answer, I wasn’t quite sure I agreed. Ebbe wouldn’t go to such drastic extremes just to show off. It meant more to him than that. More than just an attempt to mock or irritate me. He and I really needed to talk, hopefully on this attempt, he’d listen.

Sitting up, I picked up my plate and forced myself to finish what was left while pretending I was listening to the conversation around me. When the meal was finished, I watched Gisli slink over to her brother. They spoke in quiet, gruff tones, more animal noise than real words. I tried not to stare but I wanted to know what they were saying, especially as it only seemed to upset Gisli further as she gestured angrily at his scrapes and bruises.

Before things could get too heated, Jakkon shouted Ebbe's name.
My back straightened, and more than a few members of the pack quietened down to listen too. Ebbe approached slowly, maybe even a little warily. There was a hint of guilt to the slump of his shoulders and I knew why, he wasn’t sure if Jakkon approved of the way he’d challenged Hagan. Head bowed, his shoulders hunched as he stopped in front of us. He hated the attention he was getting, it was written in the way his gaze darted around.

“You’ve never made a challenge in the pack before, nor have you joined in our training in the ring,” Jakkon stated curiously, clasping his hands together in his lap.

Tipping his head up a little, Ebbe stood a little more confidently. “I simply never felt the need to before, today I did.”

Glancing over for the Alpha pair's reaction, it was to see them both smiling.

“As is your right. You’ve proven yourself today, I’m proud Ebbe.” Standing up, Jakkon gripped his forearm, accepting his new position in the pack, even though I had no doubt Hagan would one day return the challenge and try and claim his spot back. Ebbe puffed up, standing tall under the praise of his Alpha.

“You’ll join the hunt this year.”

Was that a small glimmer of pride in his eyes as well now? “Yes, Alpha.”

“And will you start training with me too?”

Offering to join the hunt and train meant Jakkon was intending to start grooming Ebbe to be a true dominant wolf amongst his highranked, if Ebbe wanted. His brow furrowed at the question, his gaze flicking briefly to me. “I will think on it.”

“Very well. Make sure your wounds are tended to before you sleep tonight,” Jakkon ordered before taking his seat again.

With a stiff nod, Ebbe's gaze moved to me once more and a slight jerk of his head told me to follow him. I hesitated. Gisli was sitting with a harsh expression, glaring after her brother as he walked away. A nudge to my back and Orin muttered by my ear, “Go. Talk.”

Dropping my plate, I pushed myself up and ran after him. In the few seconds I’d delayed, he’d already marched halfway out of the main part of settlement. It wasn’t until he stopped outside Bjarke's den, my den, that I realised he’d been leading me here all along. He made no move to enter, and we stood in strained silence, both of us catching our bearings. Someone had to make the first move. With his back still to me, I dared to reach out and touch his arm. He stiffened slightly and his head cocked towards me.

“I understand why you wanted to fight me, but why did you challenge Hagan?” I asked softly, fingertips brushing over a particularly nasty scratch near his wrist. He didn’t even flinch. “Did you do it for me? Because I don’t understand.”

“Challenging Hagan wasn’t for you. I did that for myself. . . Maybe you weren’t completely wrong about the reasons I chose to stay at the bottom of the pack,” he replied quietly, glancing over his shoulder at me. 

My smile was a little smug but I quickly hid it when he turned to face me properly. I dropped my hand from his skin, feeling awkward as I avoided his gaze. I’d never felt this way before. Like an unsure, randy teenager after having a one night stand. I’d never felt embarrassed or unsure around Theo, not even after the first time, but Ebbe was different. He’d made it feel so different.

“Did you enjoy it, challenging him?” I asked, needing to distract myself from that train of thought.


I managed a small chuckle this time, shaking my head. “Liar. I saw you. You enjoyed beating Hagan.”

“Okay, maybe a little,” he admitted, his fingers catching my chin and lifting it so I had to catch meet his gaze. “Not as much as you do, you come alive when you fight. From time to time, perhaps I could learn to enjoy a small challenge.”

That heat was back in his bright eyes and my breathing hitched as a rush of need washed over me. There was a dark daring to his words that excited my fur because I knew he was referring to us. Did I enjoy the challenge Ebbe offered?

Brushing his fingers over my jaw, I couldn’t help but nuzzle into his touch, searching his gaze for something that would settle all my fears. Fears that drifted away as he leaned in, his addictive, sweet wildflower scent filling my nose. My heart fluttered but I was quick to pull back.

“Before you try and kiss me again, we need to talk-"

“I wasn’t trying to kiss you, Raeghan.” He smirked, and behind me I could hear the door creak as he pushed it open.


My cheeks flamed.

“Did you want me to kiss you?” he purred, smirk still in place as he straightened up.

With a scoff that came out dangerously close to a whine, I spun around and entered my den. He knew very well what he’d been doing, he couldn’t fool me. Ebbe laughed and followed, shutting the door behind him before looking around the space I’d claimed as mine while I was here. An eyebrow rose as he looked at the scattered furs and clothes amongst an array of cooking utensils.

“Like your place must look any better,” I muttered, quickly gathering everything up to shove in a corner. 

“I don’t have a den.”

I frowned and turned to him. “I thought you shared with Gisli.”

“I keep some clothes there,” he explained, moving around the den slowly, his fingers brushing over the wooden walls as he inhaled deeply where my scent lingered. “Sometimes in winter, I’ll stay in the hall by one of the fires to make sure they burn through the night so it’s not freezing for the pack the next day.” 

That was admirable of him. Keeping fires burning was one few would want to undertake but Ebbe spoke like it was no hardship. There was maybe even a little pride. I liked to see that in him. I didn’t need to ask him where he slept when it was warm. A wolf of the wilds as I’d so often called him, of course he slept outside. He chuckled at the expression on my face, finally moving to take a seat on the bench by the firepit. And then I realised what I’d been missing back home.

“That’s why it always looked like you’d been running when you came for breakfast at my pack, you’d been sleeping in the woods.”

The smile he gave me was sly as he leaned back and admitted, “All except for one night.”

The night I’d slept at Maya's. . .

My eyes narrowed and I folded my arms. I knew he’d slept in my room that to annoy me, and I knew he said it now to gain the same reaction. His laughter at my expense was cut short with a cough and he placed a hand against his ribs. He was injured. He’d barely shown he was in pain but he couldn’t hide it anymore.

I grabbed a box and set it in front of him, then searched for a clean cloth and brought the bucket of water and a bowl over too. Sitting on the box, I held out my hands to inspect him.

“You should really have a bath,” I noted, eyeing the grime on his skin that could easily cause infection. He looked as bad as I had when I’d shown up at Fenna’s last night.

“Only if you’ll join me.” A cheeky grin crept onto his face and I gave him a stern look.

Now wasn’t the time for more games and teasing. I couldn’t afford to get distracted, and that was hard enough already with Ebbe sitting quite comfortably naked in my den after proving just how strong he was. If the wolf in me had been interested before. . .

I shook my head and started cleaning as much dirt from him as I could. He was probably still due a visit to Madden but I did my best to fix him up. Gods knew I had experience mending myself. Sitting back, I handed him a mug of water then backed away so there was enough space between us that I could think clearly.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” I replied, pouring a drink for myself as I chewed my lip. Awkwardness was creeping back in, and there was only so much pretending to fuss over a drink I could do.

“You wanted to talk. Are you going to tell me last night was a mistake?” he muttered, watching me with unnerving intensity.

I ran a hand through my hair. “I already told you last night that I don’t regret it. That hasn’t changed, I just. . .what you said, I don’t understand it. It was a lot to take in all at once, you must know that. But I’m sorry for running away, that wasn’t fair.”

He whistled, rocking back. “Was that an apology from the mighty Raeghan?”

Picking up the nearest object, I ended up lobbing a wooden comb at his head. He managed to duck out of the way with faux horror while I fought a smile.

“Please, please try to be serious for a minute, Ebbe.”

Raising his hands in surrender, he tilted his head so his expression was hidden by his hair. Dark strands fell like a veil and I swallowed the lump of guilt in my throat. Despite his joking, I had hurt him with my actions. His goofy attitude was a front. Just like my anger was for me.
I slid from the box to sit on the floor as he did, setting us on equal ground.

“I was a coward and I ran. After what we did. . .” I struggled to find the words. How could I describe the pit in my stomach that had threatened to swallow me up from the moment I’d turned my back in him? “If I could go back and do it differently, I would.”

“If you can tell me why you ran, the truth, and what’s going through your head, I'll accept your apology.”

I choked, looking at him helplessly but his expression was stern and I knew he needed to hear it. But if I was going to give up my innermost thoughts, he had to give something back in return.

“If I do that, you have to tell me why you decided to make everyone think you’ve gone crazy by making challenges.”

“They think I’m crazy?” He laughed, leaning back, overly pleased with that assessment.

Of course, they didn’t really think he was crazy. I was sure more than a few had linked me to whatever was giving Ebbe this new confidence. He’d even held himself better. In skin he always stood like he was trying to make himself seem as insignificant as possible. Tonight he’d held his head up in the presence of his Alpha pair. 
There was still an odd angle to his shoulders, but he was relaxed. At least, he was less tense than usual. And staring at me with those sky blues that wouldn’t let me run away again. Not from him.

“Do we have a deal?” I prompted, hating how breathless my voice sounded.

Get it together.

He wasn’t even doing anything to illicit such a reaction from me.

“We have a deal," he agreed.

Nodding slowly, my hands rubbed together as I gathered my thoughts the I leaned forward. I looked at Ebbe intently, hoping he’d really listen to what I was about to say. That he’d understand.

“The truth is, I got scared. I’ve never really felt attracted to anyone before, not in the way I am to you,” I forced myself to admit, dropping my gaze to the ashes in the firepit to avoid his gaze. “You talked about being mates and I swore I’d never take one. My mother wanted to be Alpha, she was going to settle for being her brother’s Beta, and all that disappeared for her because she and my father mated.

“If I did take a mate, how long would it be before he wanted to be Alpha himself? I don’t want to fight my own mate. And the council, they’d prefer if that happened, if I was subdued. A female can be Beta, of course. An Alpha Female can rule a pack in place of an Alpha if he’s away or killed. . .until a male heir can take over. But gods forbid a female take the title of Alpha for herself.  Many won’t take me seriously if I have a male by my side, it’ll only make it so much harder for me. I’d have to compete with them at every turn.”

I took a breath, realising what was meant to be a gentle explanation had turned into a full-on rant. Rubbing my face before peering through my fingers to see the male that sat silently across from me, I waited for his reaction. There was no teasing glint in his eyes, only understanding. And sympathy. Dropping my hands, I hugged my knees and filled the silence again.

“You don’t even know if you want to remain in a pack, Ebbe. And I don’t know what the future holds for me, but I know it’ll be a battle to get there, and that’s something else you don’t want. I've always had everything planned out, and it never included any of this. Maybe we could be mates, but until we know what we want, we can’t be.”

That last admission caught me off guard. There was a part of me, a small part, that felt warmth at the idea of my skin bearing Ebbe’s mark.
His silence was beginning to make nervous as I watched him fiddling with a twig while he soaked in what I’d said. I hoped he didn’t take it as a harsh rejection. He was just so complicated.

“I can’t pretend I know what you’re up against, but I do know there’s strength in numbers,” Ebbe spoke quietly, frowning at nothing in particular before he looked at me. “I can empathise though; I’m not used to this either. My main experience of new mates is what I’ve seen in the wild, and it was always done on instinct. Couples can agree to bond in a matter of hours if their wolves feel they match. I may not know what I want when it comes to packs or hierarchy, but I do know I want you. Is that not enough?”

Honesty dripped from his words, such a pleading for me to really listen. I chewed my lip, my eyes raking over him as if I’d find all the answers written on his skin. I wanted him too, there was no denying that any longer. Fenna was right. I didn’t have to choose between anything right now. At one point, I’d wanted Theo, and that had eventually faded. Maybe given time, what was sparking between Ebbe and I would fizzle out too...but why did that thought make my throat constrict?

Time for another bargain.

“I don’t want to make any life altering decisions right now, so I have a compromise,” I began, only to be cut off by a gruff chuckle.

“You’re beginning to sound like the pack now. Are we going to make a deal, a bet? Will there be a price to pay? Or are you just going to admit you want a way out if things get too serious for you?”

The blow was well dealt. My body jerked but I was too weary to get angry at the truth. Besides, there hadn’t been any hostility in his tone, just his usual matter of fact way of speaking. Subtlety was lost on Ebbe, but I was beginning to figure out how to handle him.

A smirk threatened to appear as I shrugged. “I deserved that.”

“You did,” he agreed, making me bristle ever so slightly with narrowed eyes that only made him grin. “What’s your compromise then?”

Straightening up, I spoke plainly, “Where I’m from, wolves, more often than not, spend time together, learn about each other and what they want in life before claiming each other. So, for now, we just. . .I don’t know, see where things go? I won’t try and plan this all out or fret over the future. I’ll give up my control freak nature that you so dislike in this.”

He smirked, eyes glinting, and I swore he moved in closer. “You’d give up control for me again?”

“For now, I guess.” A warmth spread through me as my mind replayed how good it had felt to let Ebbe take charge last night.

“I’ll get to touch you?” he asked, moving closer still.


“Kiss you?”

I nodded, unable to speak as I watched him stalk like a predator on all four over to where I sat.

“And no other will have the right to you?”

My nose scrunched a little at that, but I couldn’t deny the primal thrill his words had sent through me. “Only you. For now.”

“I knew you wouldn’t be able to say no, not after I had you. I will be your mate, Raeghan.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

Instead of looking offended, he looked pleased; flecks of electric blue and the scent of spice in the air giving away how he felt about the idea of being my mate. Before I could soften to that idea, I motioned towards him.

“It’s your turn to talk. What was the show at dinner all about.”

He wasn’t happy about the change in subject, stopping his approach a foot away. I nearly chuckled as his smile morphed into that of a grumpy pup. But then he shrugged and said, “It’s simple really. I wanted to prove I would and could submit to you, even if instincts were at the forefront. And with Hagan. . .I guess I wanted to prove I was worthy.”

“Ebbe, your standing in the pack never had anything to do with why I fought against us.”

Maybe that was a bit of a lie; it wasn’t until he’d stood against me then wilfully submitted, and I’d then beaten Hagan, that I lost a little more of my resistance. Seeing his dominance, it had only enticed me further. He was like the moon controlling the tide, forever pushing me away only to pull me in closer than before.

His smile was gentle as he considered me, shaking his head slightly. “What I did in the ring I did for you. Hagan was for the pack. I told you, you were right; I’ve spent too much time hiding. And if, by some miracle, you do one day accept what I say and we became mates, I’d be too easily lost at your side unless I learned to make a stand. I thought I was okay living that way, of staying somewhat in the shadows, but I’m not. I don’t want to be lost next to you, Raeghan.”

My heart fluttered, welling with emotion that made Ebbe blur in front of me. I wiped quickly at my eyes, nodding slowly. I understood his fears all too well; his worries were the same as mine in an odd, roundabout way.

“I don’t think you could ever be shadowed by me. You’re a difficult male to not take notice of.”

My breathing hitched when he suddenly moved that last foot to sit close to me. I craned my neck to look up at him, every breath filling my senses with the essence of him.

“Is that so?” he asked, brushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear, letting his fingers caress over my neck. That small action alone and I melted. His to mould. There was no need to talk anymore.

His lips found mine, pressing gently yet firmly, demanding something I’d only ever so willingly gave to him; control. Pushing me to my back, we both groaned in pain as our beaten bodies protested. Slumped on top of me, Ebbe chuckled as I burst out laughing. Neither of us were any shape to do anything more than lie there.

Smiling up at the male I could perhaps temporarily call mine, I relaxed beneath him, my fingers curling through his hair.

“How much movement is really required to have a good mating?” Ebbe asked, his head tipping to the side as if he was seriously considering the question.

“More than either of us are capable of right now, I think.” I laughed again. Despite his weight above me, I felt light and free for a stolen moment. “Surely you know that. You proved as much last night.”

Ebbe shrugged a shoulder, shifting more comfortably so he rested between my thighs. “Last night was my first time.”

I blinked, waiting for him to tell me he was joking but he never did. “You’re serious. . .”

He remained unmoving above him but I wriggled, trying to push him away. I was stuck though, and flustered, my cheeks burning a bright red. I’d been his first? He could have fooled me with the way he’d brought my body to life with every touch and sound.

“Ebbe that’s. . .gods. I can’t believe. . .why didn’t you tell me?”

“I didn’t think it was important, and it wouldn’t have changed anything.”

But maybe it would have. It was no wonder Aljana was so protective over him, I should have thought about why. Fuck, why did I feel so guilty?

“Your first time is important, and I left you after it. You should have told me.” Tears stung my eyes and I turned my head away, wishing once more he’d get off of me. If I’d been in his position, I’d have been far more furious. I’d have done far more than simply ignore him for a few hours.

Gently, Ebbe cupped my cheek a d forced me to look at him again. “There’s no reason to feel bad or embarrassed, I can assure you. I rather enjoyed it, and I’m sure you have lots to teach me.” He grinned, the mischievous glint returning to blue eyes. “So you took my virginity?  I am younger than you, how could I resist the temptation of an older, more experienced female?”

I whacked his chest, not hard enough to hurt but he grunted anyway, his grin not shifting an inch.

“If you’re saying I seduced you, you have it all completely wrong!”

“You’re saying I seduced you?”

“Yes! You’re always following me, stripping around me, scenting me-“

“You were the one staring at me all the time, making this gasping noises whenever I came close.”

I scoffed but the ability to use words was stopped by my own embarrassment, which was probably for the best. Ebbe and I could argue until the world ended, but thankfully he seemed far more interested in practising all the things he’d learned about my body last night. And in so, we sealed our new deal. 

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