The Eccentric Notions

By TheEccentric_Hub

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"Free speech and debates are essential in our search for the truth." What comes to your mind when you read th... More


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By TheEccentric_Hub

Thoughts on "The necessity for girls to have 21 years before she gets married according to the new law." Will it bring a new change in society?

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1. Child marriage is a big issue at many places. Especially for girls. In a place where girls are considered nothing. And are treated like shit. Where after boys still have all the freedom to play and live their lives, girls are tied to house like a dog. They have to start their day with working and end it the same way.

This law is very important but It may or may not bring a new change. As child marriages still take place in villages and even cities at times. Sometimes, it's decided that 2 children will marry, when they are just 2. And our engaged by 7, married by 12.So, even if the age is 21, don't you see, legal age for marriage of males is also 21. Which exactly is broken a million times. There should be strict caretaking that the law is not being broken. Cause people are way more eager to get there children married than educated. There should be social workers and police taking care of this.

And even normal citizens. If we see any case like this happening,  we should immediately report it. By reporting we can save two lives. In their age to play, they are given bangles and sindoor. They have to do tasks that can bore the life out of people. We have to save people from child marriage, avoid child marriage and report child marriage.  Then only can we bring a change in society.

By DogLovingfeminist


2. 21 is the new law in your country?? Wow, okay so that according to my view is not much of a difference from having a child marriage. Because this is a tender age and as a society you need to give time for a girl to adjust and be comfortable in her own skin to get into a marriage where all the responsibilities may befall on her. And in your country breeding or continuing the line is important so then the girl will most probably be birthing when she is 22 year and this is not an age where a mother so young can take care of a little one when she is inexperienced herself. So this is actually a pretty outrageous law and have people ever thought of a girls' thought of getting married to an utter stranger who she has no idea of that's pretty deranging in my thoughts because life has not offered her the best since she gets no time to even pursue further education and be educated to an extent where she can be proud in society as a human being who will gain respect. While a man is allowed to stand out women are pushed back by giving the excuse of marriage and the responsibility of a family. Food for thought don't you agree? Hence, I conclude that the law that has been put forward is ridiculous and makes no utter sense.

By RovenaNatasha


3. Marriage at 21-

I don't think this law is of any use because tell me one thing a girl/boy of 21 years old? How much maturity they hold, How much education, life experience or decision-taking strength they had? The rural areas still hold marriages at such young ages.

According to me Right age of marriage for girls is least 25, they should have proper exposure to life, career and other things. Marriage is not the only achievement or goal. 'A girl is 18/21 good now lets search for a suitable guy'.

Instead of deciding the marriage age, our government should more focus on giving Girls the right and Power to make thier own decisions, Noone really cares if the girl wants to marry or not? Why not a rule for that issue? Many girls want to pursue a good career which takes a long time and experience but the gave up mostly!!

Why? Because then no guy will marry them if the 'Correct' Age passed? 21 years old girl should most certainly be in a college not serving as Maid aka Wife for someone.

There are Pro's and Cons but For me, Our government is taking steps in a totally wrong direction, They should instead think on the ground level because the families who are supporting their girl child will not force them for marriage even if she is 26 or something, and those who just want to get rid of thier girls never followed the rule and will never follow either too.

There are Girls who want to marry earlier good for them but what about those who don't want to? Indian Girls never live their life at all, First, they have to listen to their family than someone else? But Boys never have to do that? They are free after a certain age that should be the case with girls too.

Stop making fooking laws on Marriage focus on how to give us life instead of prison just a few years late?-

By dishatripathi7


4. In India many things happen secretly and no one cares about it.

Girl getting married at the age of 21 not 18 according to the new law, right?

But, In India who follows rules and regulations? Do we?

No, even when the girl marriage age is 18, they get married before just because they are not good at study,, or a type of burden on their parents.
When I was in 10th, that time, a boy from my class get married. I guess his age was around 18 that time, his father make him get married this soon, because he was not good at study and was useless for them. So, his parents thought that after marriage he'll get responsibilities and do some work. If his age was 18 then, obviously the age of the girl, getting married to him was less than him. If people are not able to following the rule of 18, what our government think they'll follow 21?

Even, 21 is not the right age for marriage.

The marriage age should be 24-25 according to the law, for both boys and girls. And there should be a rule like, "boys and girls wouldn't accept as a married couple before registration if they found them married before registration than they'll get punish by the law." By this may be people will follow the law. And when the girl will not get married till 25 then their families will surely give them education rather than making them sit at home freely. And education is the only thing which will develop India. If this happens then problems, like population and unemployment will be solved soon.

According to me, the law of 'marrying at 21' is of no use in India. Because a person didn't get fully mature at 21.

By Poetic_Pri


5. I just don't like this law, is this a joke that u have to marry at 21 yr old, at some areas are still following this.

Its their decision of life we can't force them.

In my opinion girls should first complete their dreams their career, and about age I think they should marry at 27 and search a guy who is suitable, respectful who can understand her.

Instead of this stupid law they should keep laws for girls power, right of girls. At so young age being a mother of a child ,wife of her husband this is the age of being in college. And with boys they get all rights if they want they will get everything. They say if you don't study it will be ok but first u should know to cook do house works what is this yaar. It's ridiculous do they have sense. Even for every single thing they have to ask family.

Stop following this law!!

We should stand together and stop this law.If people will not understand the girl will not get an right.We should follow this law other wise we can go back to 18 yr old law this is also a problem...

If u see anything like this do report.

By rachita124


6. It just gives us girls a lil bit more time to tell our family that no, ladke ki koi zaroorat nahi hai, main khud apne pair pe khadi ho sakti hu.

By anupamarrao


7. A new law, stating that girls who clear an exam can get married and that too, they can appear for that exam only after the age of 23.

They should implement they girls should have to go for a job at least for 6 months.

Like they have in chartered accountant course that the students can appear for their final exam only after completing 3 years of internship under an auditor.

This way, we can ensure that girls get their right to education and they will get to know what it is to stand on their own feet.

By springoceania


8. "Globally, the average age of marriage is 17-18. Commonly the girls have the age of 16, while the men of 18/21. At some places, the age for both is 18/21." [Information is taken Form "" on 26th January 2021].

Looking at the average age, it's to be thought why some places need to increase the lawful age of marriage to 21? Why do girls in India need to be 21 of age while marrying? My opinion refers here to the society, to judgemental behaviour and to examples of western countries.

Living in a "half" Brown Household of a western country, I have had probably more liberty than living in a brown household of an Asian country. For me, marriage at the age of 21 is exaggerating it but I can understand the situation of girls in India/Pakistan/Iran/etc. What's the need to keep the age at 21? Why don't you directly put it to 25? Till then the girl surely is done with her university and probably she has a small work experience. Afterwards, she's probably ready to be the perfect housewife, which is expected by society. Let's keep the judgemental behaviour at the side. "She's probably not a Virgin." "She is an interfile." "She will ruin the family since she's educated." After this, these taunts will come up, but more important is that the marriage age has been fixed to 21. But, what's the use of this law when things will remain the same? When education and the self establishment is still a curse for a girl? When the women's only work is to be in the kitchen and get babies?

This part may be offensive to some people. I apologize if it's the case for you but this is my opinion. For me, the problem doesn't lie in the age. The problem is the behaviour of the family, in which the girl marries in. The problem is the way girls are kept below men. Men and women have no comparison.

Men have their own strengths and weaknesses. Women have their own strengths and weaknesses. And that's why they are two different genders otherwise they would be the same. But that doesn't mean that they should be treated unequally. Now back to the reference of age with marriage.

15 years old CAN also be capable of marriage and a 25 years old girl CAN be incapable to take the responsibility of marriage. A 15 years old girl can be mature enough to handle her life and her own house. I have been living on my own since long and I do things on my own. With 15, I already could look after my whole family all alone. I know girls who have had a physical relationship with 13 already. So that can't be the problem. The problem arrives with the family in which the girls go. If the mother in law would be supportive to help her daughter in law in the household chores, then a girl with 18 can manage the family. If the father in law would be supportive to take care of her education, as he did with his son, then she could be educated and establish herself. If the husband would be supportive to use protection and allow her to use protection in their physical interactions then she wouldn't be a "baby production material" but she could focus on her career.

At the same time, a 25th years old girl can be mentally or physically incapable to handle these things.

The age of a lawful marriage can't help in any way. Each individual needs to change their thinking to make the marriage a happy occasion for everyone. If 90% of the society thinks rationally then marriages will be happily done by the wish of everyone. It won't be a curse on the girl but a blessing, the same as on the group. 90% can easily hit the 10% down. If people would self educate themselves then it would mean the development of society too. There's a less chance that the older generations understand this. Now it's time for the younger ones to educate and act accordingly.

By firexqueen 


9. According to a Congress Man, "The girls become reproductive by the age of 15. Then what is the need to make 21 years of age, a legal one for a girl to get married..?"

This statement boils my blood till no bounds. Legalising the age of marriage of girls to '21' is the need of the hour.

Just because she's able to produce babies by the age of 15, doesn't mean she'll be given off to a man to satisfy his and his family's needs. GIRLS ARE NOT BABY MAKING MACHINES. Girls have their highs and lows, their strengths and weaknesses. Marrying them at the age of 18 is not at all fair, it is still a tender phase to go through so many responsibilities.

If the legal age to marry a boy in India is 21, then why isn't it the same for the girls? Just because at 21, men are said to be more mature and responsible. Then what about girls? We too need to experience various aspects of life, that's surely not possible at the age of 18.

Equality in terms of legal age to get married is a strong desire by all girls out there. We need to stand on our own feet before getting married. We do not want to become a liability on others. We want to be independent.

By the_flawed_girl


10. Yes, there is need of law to get girl married after she turns 21. But.. with these law some strict rules for child marriage should also be made or this thing wouldn't matter a bit.Another problem along with this law is a girl and guy below the age if gets married in a temple then it's acceptable.

Yes, you read it right this happens too.With the new law, a rule of guidelines should also be made so that people get to know their limits. In villages, a girl who is seen with other guy by locals get married at age 16. And I AM NOT KIDDING. This has happened! People run to save the reputation of family amd get their girls settled than warning the guy and asking him to earn a good position to get her.

Girls aren't given good education and later married of to some guy. Now you might think they would be thinking girl as a burden but no, these parents love their children same but these so-called society rules handicap them. In some places, the girls who are disrespected in family wishes to get married to a nice guy than standing on her, why? Again the thinking of society that girls can't stand on own... they shouldn't.

Why are women dependent on men in India? Because that's what they were taught as a child and that what they have seen. The so called thinking has corrupted half of the minds of nation.

Now, about the limit of 21 is actually good. Just think it logically.. earlier the girl was married off after completing her 12th. Now if she will have three years in hand, she could atleast take crash courses on topics and be self dependent. And not only that she would have atleast maturity in herself and what's correct and wrong.

But again, if her luck is on her side and her in-laws are supportive, she could always continue her studies.

Also, 18 is a teenage period too. The time when kids run for "fun" rather than "responsibility", even 18 years teens aren't fully aware of how the world works.. but an increase in year wouldn't only put the generation brain on the importance of education but also will atleast give them a somewhat idea of how life works.

About the government, they can later increase the limit to some more years but right now if it is set 21 then also it will be helpful for many.

By dusky_dreams


11. I would like to start this topic with a small story.

On December, 2020, I got to witness a wedding of a 17 to 19 year old boy with a 17 year old girl. Next month, that guy again got married to a 17 year old girl because the girl said something. Their marriage had not even completed one month but they got married again.

Back to the, "the necessity for girls to have 21 years before she gets married according to the new law." Will it bring a new change in society?

I don't really think it would help. Whatever the new law becomes, ultimately, it is the parents, sometimes the relatives who brainwash the parents minds, who decides what is supposed to happen to their child.

Remember when the Covid-19 had first spread throughout India? People were so afraid, were at least taking few precautions but now maximum is neither afraid nor taking any precautions. That same thing will most probably happen.

For some days, people might think for a moment but next time they won't. It is what so many people think. So, no, stating some numbers and saying this is the maximum age for a girl to get married, won't really help.

The most important question most probably would be, why do girl have to get married? Why can't they study then work, then decide if they actually want to get married or not? Why do people look so down on girls when there are many girls out there who are trying to make this world a better place, when they are working but not getting enough credit for it?

Be it whatever age, it won't be helping neither the society nor the girls.

By ItSmYwAyToDoThInGs

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Thank you to everyone who gave their views on the topic above.

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