the complete future from the...

By rianne322008

118K 3.2K 752

mdzs life's from another dimension it means characters will see the future but that future they see is their... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19

chapter 5

7.5K 200 6
By rianne322008

lotus pier:

shows wwx sleeping like a starfish and is drooling and snoring in bed

jc slams the door open


wwx still asleep


wwx: jiang cheng let me sleep

everyone was snickering

wwx: gosh why did i have to be exposed

jc: oh you shut up you need to take a bath,eat and change now we need to go to cloud recessess im sure a-niang will slap your butt she may be your aunt but dont forget she is violet spider!

wwx: im sure yu-shenshen would just shout at me

jc: hmp just hurry up or ill get some dogs somewhere i heard there were new puppies i was thinking on buying them and making them stay in lotus pier 

wwx opens eyes and dashes to the screen bathes, then changed clothes then automatically go infront of jiang cheng

wwx hugs jc: chengcheng my shidi my biao-di my magnificent anry purple lotused brother with a hot temper but a handsome one please dont do it

and actions to kiss jc on the cheek

jc pushes wwx's face on the side


and jc runs away

jyl: i mean a-xian does look like a person that just rolled down a mountain

people were snickering

lwj had ablankface and was secretly jealous when wwx was gonna kiss jc on the cheek

yzy and jfm looked at each other and at wwx who was red in embarrassment

jc rolled his eyes even he was red

lxc and qihengjun were smiling

lqr huffed

wwx: PFFT he acts like he hates having my attention even though he loves it

wwx combes his hair and ties it lazily on a high ponytail with a red ribbon and straightens his clothes and runs outside

the disciples bowed a said : goodmorning da-shixiong!

wwx said happily: good morning my lovely cute shidi's

the disciples were laughing and had a red face

wwx went in the dining room and sat beside his biao-jie and greets 

wwx stands and bows: goodmorning biao-jie,jiang shushu and yu shenshen

yzy: sit down and eat you brat

wwx was smirking and you see yzy was smiling and looking at wwx with fondness

(yzy treats wwx like her children and jfm gives equal attention to his children and his nephew)

they ate and they went outside and many people greet them

"jiang-gongzi!wei-gongzi ! here bring this for travel" " jiang-gongzi we will miss you and wei gongzi" "jiang guniang safe travels" 

many were greeting them then they went to the docks and then the boat 

they waved to the people in lotus pier  and  the people waved back , wwx ,jc,jyl and the disciples on the boat were smiling and the people too

lxc: the people are fond of them aren't they?

lqr: hmp!

lwj rubbed his thumb on wwx's hand and wwx smiled the smile that only lwj could see a happy yet shy smile

wwx and jc were yawning they were very sleepy its now 4 pm they were awake from 6 am so jyl made wwx and jc sleep in her lap and when they slept they looked like a baby.

jyl:'a-cheng and a-xian are so cute and looks like the time when they were 7 years old they slept on my lap'

when they arrived at cloud recessess it was 7:00 pm . they had to climb the stairs so it took 10 mins when they arrived at the gate it was already 7:10 pm 

jyl: can we come inside sir

lan disciple 1: invitation?

jyl,jc ,wwx and the other disciples were looking for their invitations but they didnt find it

jyl: im sorry sir but we lost our invitations

lan disciple 1: no invitation no entry

people studdered and people frowned

lxc raised an eyebrow

jc:can you call zewu-jun here he knows us maybe we could maybe go inside

lan disciple 2: no invitation no entrance

jc: YO-

jyl: a-cheng its okay we can stay here for tonight

 they made a campfire somewhere and say down jiang yanli was shivering and wwx got his furry jacket and put it on jyl's shoulder

jyl sighs: thank you a-xian

wwx: welcome shijie

jyl: a--xian you can call me biao-jie you are my cousin.

wwx: biao-jie i dont wanna be a burden ...i will get the invitations that we forgot ill go bye

jyl: a-xian your not a burde-

jc: fine we'll wait here first go near the fire to not get cold ok?

disciples: yes er-shixiong!

jc: good

jfm: what a good leader a-cheng

people agreed

jc blushed and straightened

yzy,wwx and jyl smiled proudly

10 mins later

wwx was carrying invitations and two emperors smile on his stash

when wwx looked where his biao-jie, biao-di and disciples were they were not there

wwx: hm maybe they went inside 

and when wwx tried to go inside he fell downn he realized there was a barrier

he touched again yet he cannot go inside so he got a talisman and opened the barrier

wwx: psshh the barrier is weak hmm a very easdy barrier lets go inside shall we?

lqr: that you!

qfj: brother stop i dont want you to qi devitate

wwx saw a large wall so he put the invitations on his sleeve and helf the two emperors smile on his hands and climbed the wall

jc: you climbed the WALL?!

wwx: ofc what do you expect me to do break it?

jc: shut up

lxc: wei-gongzi is really admirable 

yzy just rolls her eyes fondly and nhs was smirking

people were laughing

when wwx was halfway on the wall there was a voice

"climbing the wall is forbiden in cloud recessess there is curfew come back tommorow"

when wwx found where the voice came from he was amazed by the beauty

wwx:'wow i got lucky to meet a  very handsome cultivator just coming he has golden eyes, has still baby fat, he has a cold personality and his eyes are cold just like when he talks but i think its hot he is just my type'

everyone that heard wwx's thought was shocked they looked at wwx and he was red even lwj looked at wwx

wwx: i-i .... p-ple-ase d-d-ont mind t-t-hat 

lwj ears was color red he looked impassive but in the inside he was happy that he was wei ying's type

lwj:what is that behind your back?

wwx: ahh its emperors smile

lwj: alcohol is prohibited in cloud recessess

wwx: if i give you one jar will you allow me to  escape?

lwj narrowed his  eyes

wwx:'now thats hot'

everyone was red because of what wwx said

lqr: bribery is forbiden in cloud recessess!

lwj: bribery is forbiden in cloud recessess

wwx: ughhh why dont yoou tell me whats forbidden

lwj: go to the wall of rules

wwx: hah?! how many rules are there?!

lwj: 3000

wwx eye twitches:'3000 , 3000 rules i wish to destory that wall of rules'

lqr: YOU!

everyone was amused and horrified

the lan disciples were hiding their heads to not laugh


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