The Girl who Survived (Fred...

By Mystic_sins

261K 6.3K 7.2K

"You forget, I notice everything too" "I love you tulip" "You know you can be very sweet sometimes, and then... More

Authors note
Ch. 1 A day at the park
Ch. 2 A Wand and a Friend
Ch 3. Last Day of Summer Holiday
Author's Note
Ch 4. And so, It Began
Ch 5. Start as Friendships
Ch 6. The other Suitor
Ch 7. A Confession
CH 8. Gift of Knowledge
CH 9. The First Truth
CH 10. Collection
CH 11. Secrets
CH 12. Rumors Hurt
CH 13. The Black Dog
CH 14. First Holiday Away
CH 15. Confrontations
Authors note
CH 16. Coming Alive
CH 17. Blinded Visions
CH 18. The Truth about Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail
CH 19. The Do Over Day
CH 20. Some Kind of Ending
CH 21. The First Time
CH 22. A Different Type of Feeling
CH. 23 The Sound of Water
CH 24. A Very Weasley Summer
CH 25. Feelings Return
CH 26. The World Cup
CH 27. Back to school
CH 28. A New Defense
CH 29. The Goblet Has Spoken
CH 30. Technically the Truth
CH 31. Well Done Dragon
CH 32. Dates and Ball Gowns
CH 33. The Yule Ball PT. 1
CH 34. The Yule Ball Pt. 2
CH 35. The Black Lake
CH. 36 Visions or Dreams
CH 37. Sweater Weather
CH 38. Floating
CH 39. Biscotti and The Hogwarts March
CH. 40 Blinding
CH 41. Aftermath
CH 42 The Quiet That Follow
CH 43. Reading
CH 44. Future mornings
CH 45. Guardian
CH 46. A New Year
CH 47. Cutting Deep
CH 48. Trust
CH 49. Leftfield Conversations
CH 50. Strict
CH 51. Psychic Bonding
CH 52. Good Days Turned Banned
CH 53. Cunning
CH 54. Letters
CH 55. Occlumency
CH 56. Truths and Burns
CH 57. Awkward Memories
CH 58. A Very Giving Christmas
CH 58. Rhapsody
CH 59. The Last Party
CH 60. Patronus
CH 61. Smashing
CH 62. The First Act
CH 63. Reactions
CH 64. Family Matters
CH 65. Planning
CH 66. Unexpected
CH 67. Lilies
CH 68. The Last Minute
CH 69. A Long Road
CH 69.2 Wedding Night Short
CH 70. Leaving the Bubble
CH 71. The Secret Keeper
CH 72. The Secret Keepers Secrets
CH 73. Reaching out
CH 74. What If's
CH 75. A New Marauder
CH. 77 An Invasion of Trust
CH 78. Incoming Rain
Remus Bonus Short
CH 79. Smell of Home
CH 80. Joy and Grief
CH 81. Similar Actions
CH 81. Returning
CH 83. Decisions
CH 84. Fear
CH 85. The Second Act
CH 86. Rubies on the Pitch
CH 87. Inferno
CH 88. Dumbledore's Truth
CH 89. Sectumsempra
CH 90. Plotting
CH 91. Clean
CH 92. The Astronomy Tower
CH 93. Turmoil
CH 94. A Realization
CH 95. Farewell
CH 96. Fight or Flight
CH 97. A Wedding
CH 98. An Arrangement
CH 99. Surviving
CH 100. A Blending of Realities
CH 101. Consequence for Humanity
CH 102. Heart to Heart
CH 103. Avalanche

CH 76. A Reunion

1.1K 36 34
By Mystic_sins

Hello my lovey loves! First of all I want to thank all of my amazing readers! I think I've talked to some of you more through Wattpad and TikTok more than I talk to some of my family members. You are amazing and you're the reason I keep writing. Now I know I have GRADUALLY slowed down, but I'm taking care of myself and grinding away. As of right now, The posting schedule will be Monday/Tuesday during the hour of 8pm PST. Hopefully I can sneak in extra chapters during the week, but I am committing to at least 1. I would be able to put more chapters out, but at times I get inspired to write passages that would take place later in the story and I try to write those out before the idea leaves me. Writing is a creative outlet for me, and for those of you that have been in my TikTok Live know that I've said that this story originally started as a writing excessive for another story I was working on as a ghost writer. 

Now, before I ramble on further, please enjoy, and I promise, more to come. The story will be picking up again from here on out. For those of you that read the Authors notes and talk with me both in the comments and through DM know that this is a story of an OC. it doesn't necessarily revolve around the love story, which was what I always intended. The love scene come with what feels natural to the story. I've said it time and time again, We will all be very Frustrated with our main character at times, but this is all to build her as a character, to show you that she is relatable, and that she is flawed. 

I think my comments and everyone in my comments have been very good about being respectful. I praise all of you for this, I want this to always be an open space where we can all discus the story and be honest without knocking each other down. 

Love and Pumpkin Juice


A/N: An ordinary night turns into an unexpected reunion

~Elodie's POV~

"Step up! Step up!" Fred and George shoes from the banister in unison. The shop was packed with students that would be returning to school tomorrow, but wanted to get some last minute shopping done.

"So you'll be there Tuesday?" Hermionie asked as we slowly walked through the shop, while she admired the Daydream charm that Fred and George had given her free of charge after calling it 'Extraordinary Magic'.

"Wednesday and Friday primarily. Just for Potions with the new professor," I said as I looked at Ginny who had stopped to admire the glowing pink display of Amortentia. "Don't they look lovely?" I said to Ginny and Hermionie who each lifted a glowing pink vial.

"Hello Ladies," Fred and George said as they approached us.

"Love potions, eh? Yeah, they really do work," George said.

"Then again, the way we hear it, sis, you're doing just fine on your own," Fred said, throwing the snyd remark at Ginny. I rolled my eyes at him, they still hadn't let it go that Gin was growing up right before their eyes.

"Meaning?" Ginny said with a slight laugh.

"Are you not currently dating Dean Thomas?" George asked. I caught a glimpse of Harry who was watching the encounter unfold, his eyes glued on Ginny. Bugger. Did he really wait until she'd begun dating someone else to take notice of her? Well at least we shared that in common.

"It's none of your business," Ginny answered as she placed the potion back on the display, and began walking away.

"Don't worry love, you don't need one of those. I only have eyes for you," Fred said as he eyed me up and down.

"I thought I told you two, to drop it," I said, gently poking each of their shoulders, before turning to follow behind Hermionie, who'd caught sight of Cormack and smiled. "Now, can I have the key to the Pygmy Puffs cage?"

"I know we made vows and what's mine is yours, but I won't have much if you're giving all of our merchandise away lovie," Fred said to me as he placed his hands on his hips and spoke to me with fake disappointment.

"It's for Ginny. And if I recall, you two are the ones allowing my brother to take what he pleases," I said with my eyebrows raised. They wouldn't win this one. "Help her out will you? And sans all conversations on the subject of dating," I said as I redirected my attention to George.

We made our way to another display, a wall filled with rubber ducks of all shapes and sizes that they'd made as a nod to their father who to this day held a fascination with muggle objects. Fred and George both held a love of how simple an object could be, while holding such entertainment. The way something could be so convenient and fascinating, without the need of magic.

"How much for me?" I heard Ron asking the twins behind us, as they walked toward the cages.

"Five Galleons," They said in unison.

"I'm your brother," Ron said, trying to reason with them.

"Ten Galleons," They answered, upping the price before proceeding the way they'd intended.

I rolled my eyes and looked back to Hermionie as she fidgeted with her new daydream charm. It didn't particularly seem fair that they gave Ginny, Hermionie and Harry anything they wanted, and they only teased Ron. Then again, they still saw Harry as their investor, who'd always be welcome to anything he wanted. Not that he'd abuse it. Ginny was their baby sister, and even before all this they used the little they had to try and spoil her. Hermionie knew the right things to say, commenting on how everything was such extraordinary magic. And it was true. Anyone who believed them to be slackers in school would be put to shame when they stepped foot into the shop. There wasn't a single part that didn't emphasize just how talented wizards they truly were.

"Come on, let's go," Ron said. I followed, still watching as Hermionie fiddled with her charm, before placing it securely in her pocket.

It was nice to see everyone leave their worries at the door and have themselves a good laugh as they entered the shop. The rest of Diagon alley had become all the more bleak. Even Mr. Olivander had closed up his shop. Bloody death eaters.

"How are Fred and George doing it? Half the Alley's closed down," Hermionie noticed once we had stepped outside.

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days," Ron answered as I was slipping on my coat.

"I reckon he's right," Harry responded as we proceeded down the alley.

"He wants to keep the momentum going, they both do. Lately they've even been talking about buying out old Zonko's location so that students can visit during Hogsmead weekends. Keep a smile on their faces while they're away from home," I told them. "Oi, I actually left Cat behind, I'll see you all at the castle Wednesday?" I asked and saw them nod. "Don't doddle, get back safely."

I walked back towards the shop, it hadn't been that far of a distance. I saw a few people lingering outside, and as I stepped to the door, hand outstretched to grab the handle, another hand bumped into mind.

"Oh, I'm sor-" a familiar voice said. "Elodie, h- how are you?" Angelina asked.

"Ang, I'm good. You?" I asked her kindly. I hadn't seen Angelina since the wedding, even though I knew she and George were still dating. According to Fred, they'd been doing better than they ever had before.

"Yeah, I'm well. You look... Well you look good, as always," She said taking in the sight of my ever growing belly.

"Thank you," I said and rubbed my hand over my stomach. "Uhh, are you here to see George?" I asked as I opened the door.

"Yeah, but I've actually been meaning to speak with you for quite a while. Just haven't quite known what to say," She said honestly.

"Yeah, I could say the same," I said. I couldn't really blame her. Back in school one of the last interactions we'd had was when I sucker punched her across the face. After that we both kept a fair distance from one another. A tiresome task, seeing as we'd shared a room.

"Really?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

"No, not really. But it's not because of you, honestly. I've just had an... unbelievably long summer," I said. That was definitely one way of putting it, but we weren't on terms well enough yet to give her the details of our home life. We walked in and were quickly met by both Fred and George, who most likely saw us interacting and thought it would be best to join us. "Not to mention, the shops been a rather handful."

"Not like you ever do much heavy lifting. He always steps in and ends up doing twice the work," George commented as he wrapped an arm around Angelina's shoulders.

"Oi! She's busy," Fred said defensively in a joking manner.

"Yeah, I'm preparing to bring forth the next generation into the world. Not to mention all the studying I do for my own job, while also decorating a house that's far too big," I answered before we all began laughing.

"Well, you know what they say, it takes a strong woman to stand behind a great man," Angelina said as she stretched up to place a kiss on George's cheek.

"I wouldn't know. I've never been the kind to stand behind a man." I said and reached down to pick up Cat. "I'm going to take the floo to talk to Remus, will you be late?" I asked Fred as I turned to walk upstairs. Granted, that may have come across as slightly petty, but considering she'd so easily discarded me as a friend, and was now slightly nonchalant about things, I didn't feel all that bad.

"Shouldn't be too late, I'll be home in a few hours," Fred said as we reached the door that led up to the flat. "Hey, was everything okay with you two?"

"Yeah, why?" I asked, a bit confused.

"George wants to do a double for dinner tonight. Told him it would be alright," Fred informed me.

I let out a sigh and ran a finger through my hair, pushing it away from my face. "Really? I doubt we were getting on thatwell," I said and gave him a deadpan expression.

"Hey, could you try to be nice? It's important to him," He said, catching my elbow, rubbing his hand up and down my arm. "He even offered to do the cooking so all you and I have to do is sit back and relax."

I lifted my hand and drew an imaginary halo around the top of my head as I forced a smile. I would be nice, so long as she was, though these days I didn't have much of a tolerance for annoyances. Even the way he'd throw his coats over the back of the sofa until they'd pile up would rile up my nerves lately.

"I'll behave if she does," I said.

"Good girl," He said and gave my bum a subtle smack. "Send my love to-" he said casually, as if he hadn't just done what he did, "Nevermind."


Remus had been avoiding me lately. I'm sure Sirius had spoken to him about the way he'd informed me of how I came into the world. Though there was still something that wasn't adding up. Where had he been the entire time my father had been trying to sort things out. Had he been in the dark the entire time, or had he been willingly absent? I'd already begun this journey of self discovery, so now I needed to know.

"Hello?" I called out as I stepped into the sitting room from the floo, but was met with silence.

I walked into the office and saw that they'd left a note for Harry informing him that they'd be out late due to being called to handle Order business by Mad-eye. I hadn't been included in Order business since the end of last term. For the most part, I chucked it up to Sirius and Remus not wanting me to worry about anything other than the wedding, or them wanting me to not have added stress during my unplanned pregnancy. But to not even be included in meetings seemed a bit irrational.

There was an unwelcome distance, primarily from Mad-eye, who hadn't spoken to me much since the night in the ministry. He hadn't liked my explanation for bringing Sirius back from the other side. For all I knew he no longer trusted me, or he agreed with Snape in the idea that I was too reckless for my own good. I let my emotions and personal agenda cloud my judgment.

I went upstairs to my old room and looked through the books I had to try and find the edition I'd never returned to hogwarts. I'd hidden it, in case Remus or Minerva came looking for it to try and return it back to the castle. Just where I left it, hidden behind a few copies of muggle books, I grabbed in and tucked it into my bag to go over again when I had a moment alone. Fred didn't understand completely why I tended to obsess over it, but then again, he'd never been in the dark about his own magic.

I was tired of the notion. Everyone believed I had everything completely planned out, or that I was working by a map that no one else had the copy to. In reality, I was taking things as they came, just as reckless as ever. Though lately, not being included took that option away from me. Perhaps this was their way of making sure I didn't do something so ridiculous anymore.

Every now and then that night would creep in. The thought of the empty limbo where the voices dwelled. It was the ringing quiet that lingered and haunted me. The thought that my soul had been split in two. I'd lost one of the voices to bring Sirius back, did that mean I was meant to do it again? Or was this the lingering phantom that everyone meant when they told me no good could come from using dark magic. How would they all know regardless? I was the one that was playing with fire. They could only hope.

I picked up Cat and placed him in my satchel, to apparate us to our home. I'd gotten dusty enough for one day. I went into the green house and put on a Neil Diamond record to distract me for a bit as I watched the way that the sun dying illuminated the room. I meant to water the growing plants, but took a seat and opened up my book instead.

Venit malus...

Mors venit...

Malus magicae...

"If you're going to begin speaking to me in a different language, it would only be polite to let me know which language of dictionary I should invest in," I said to the voices as I felt myself become irritated. Today was proving to not be a good day so far.

They have a message for you, miss.

Cat said, popping into my lap and tucking his head under my hand to stroke his crown.


We need to talk...

"Hey love! We're here, you home?" I heard Fred call from inside the house, followed by the sound of cabinet opening and closing, footsteps moving around and light chatter.

"Not now," I said to Cat and tucked my book back into my bag. He looked up at me watching me the whole time, not liking my answer. "Later," I said and gave him a quick scratch underneath his collar before walking inside. He followed quickly behind and ran past Fred, George and Angelina to the Floo before he reached up for the lever. "Oh, don't be like that!" I called after him, but with a bright green flame he was gone.

"What's he on about?" George asked from behind the island as he proceeded to chop vegetables.

"Being unusually stubborn. How was closing?" I asked as I made my way to Fred and hugged him from behind.

"Full house again. We're going to go in tomorrow to clean up a bit, but it seemed best to let Verity go home instead of making her straighten up on her own," George said with a wide smile on his face.

"How was it at your dads?" Fred asked as he turned to pull me around and give me a proper hug.

"They weren't home. I'll try and figure out the phone later, see if that works," I said and took a seat on one of the bar stools. "Now that smells amazing," I said as I looked over what George and Angelina were doing.

"Hope you're okay with homemade pizza. George said you always order it as takeaway, but I thought we could each make our own. Would you like some wine? I bought red and white," Ang said. The three of us stopped and looked at each other for a moment before looking back at her. "What?" she asked, confused, as the realization sank in. "Oh, oh my gosh. I'm sorry," she said and set the bottle down.

Fred, George and I all laughed lightly. "It's okay, we had to get used to it at first too," I told her reassuringly. "It's a bit awkward isn't it?" I asked as she went back to helping George with the cooking.

"You know I almost forgot how intimidating you could be at times," She said and took a big drink of her wine. It had occurred to me before that I didn't necessarily make it easy for people. "I mean that's weird right? We were all friends once. Right?"

"That we were, until..." I said, feeling the awkward tension only thicken more with each passing moment. I looked at George who had stepped back towards the refrigerator, he gave me a pleading look and mouthed 'Please'. It seemed the night would be harder than I thought.

"So," Angelina said looking back up at Fred and I. "Can I hear the story? You know of how you two decided to tie the knot? George never told me."

"Oh that's wicked!" George said with far too much enthusiasm. "Elodie actually asked Freddie. Can you believe it?"

I pressed my lips together into a hard line as I looked at the counter, feeling my eyes grow wider. Why? Just why? How could I face Grayback without hesitation, cast a spell I knew nothing about, and ask Fred to marry me against all my aversions, yet, talking to Angelia was what was finally proving to be hard for me? I forgave Ginny after everything that had happened.

"Really?" She said, a bit shocked. "Weren't you always..."

"Yeah," I said calmly. "You know I never really believed in the institution of it all, but...It just felt right," I said. Baby steps. "I think the scariest part was telling our families. Did you enjoy yourself? At the wedding?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah. It was lovely, too bad about the rain though," she said. Before turning to wash the cutting board she'd been working on. The rain was one of my favorite parts of the day actually, but probably best not to point that out and make things worse. Fred and George quickly began mouthing plees at me, as their hands pressed together. My only response was to allow my shoulders to slump lower and shout at them with my eyes. "Wow, is it stuffy in here?" she asked as she turned back around.

"Unusually," Fred said and he tugged on his collar with one hand and rubbed my lower back with the other. "I'll go crack a window."

"I'll go find a fan," George said in response, leaving us alone.

"I'm starving," I said and made my way to the refrigerator to grab a peach quietly.

"Pizzas will be ready soon," Angelia said, moving around ingredients and waving her wand to summon several spices. "You still like more cheese than sauce right?"

"Yeah, with extra pepperoni and only a few mushrooms and peppers. Same as always. I'm eating for two, and these two could each eat for three," I said and retired to my seat. "Do you remember that time we had to nearly fight them over the last piece of Millionaire Shortbread?" I said with a slight chuckle, feeling a bit more at ease. She remembered the way I liked my pizza. It wasn't anything major, but it was something.

"Yeah," She said with a laugh. "Or, or the time they beat Ron over the last two chicken wings and he looked like he was going to cry?" She said in the same manner.

The boys returned, catching us in a laugh. They'd read more into it that there was, but no one could say I wasn't making the effort. Without even realizing it, things seemed to move easier. Until eventually, things progressed lighter and lighter. It was almost as if I forgot what she'd done. What she'd thought I'd done. Slowly, it was as if the last year hadn't occurred, though we both knew the cloud still lingered over our heads.

"But yeah, the recruits say as of right now, I'm the favorite to make the team. Oliver's been a big help with training as well. I almost forgot how quidditch obsessed he would be," She said, twirling around her glass of wine.

We sat across from each other at the table, both in similar positions. I leaned back in my seat, Fred's arm around my shoulder as he removed pieces of pineapple from his pizza and placed his crust onto my plate. Similarly, George had his arm on the headrest of Angelina's chair as she leaned into him. I gave and gave, being as nice as I could, but eventually we reached the point in the night where it was proving to be exhausting.

"Well, you were always one hell of a chaser," Fred complimented. "Are you ready for bed dear?"

"Yeah, I'm ex- ah," I said and placed a hand on my stomach. It felt like my insides were trying to leap out through the thin skin that covered my stomach. Then it happened again. Similar to the way my insides were hitting me, I realized. It was the baby kicking. I looked at Fred, wide eyed, not sure if I was shocked or excited. "I think I just felt the baby kick," I said and felt it again.

"Really?" Fred asked frantically.

"Well that or there's a gnome in my stomach trying to attack me," I said sarcastically.

Fred quickly pushed his seat back and moved to his knees in front of me, pressing his hands to my stomach. Almost immediately the baby began kicking rapidly as if she knew he wanted to feel it for himself. Guppy was about five months along, and this was the most she'd given us yet. He looked up at me, as if he was about to cry from excitement.

"Do you think you have one last trip in you tonight? Mum would love this," He said, slightly choking on his words.

"I'd like that," I whispered to him and leaned forward to kiss him.

"We'll be back. Will you two be alright?" Fred called as he stood to his feet and helped me up.

"Yeah. Have fun," Angelina said with a smile on her face.

I walked to the floo and waited for Fred to grab my coat. I looked back at her and saw the way she looked at George. Almost as if she saw something similar for their future. That was when I knew. So long as she made him happy, that's all that would matter.

Fred helped me into my jumper, and with one arm around my waist, and the other permanently glued to my stomach, I reached for a handful of floo powder, sending us to my in-laws. Ready to let them into our bubble.

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