friend zone ✦ draco malfoy

By bubble_blossommm

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This story follows Ivy Parkinson, the twin sister of Pansy Parkinson, and her journey through her seventh yea... More



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By bubble_blossommm

*ivy's p.o.v.*

"Ives! Hurry! Snape has our graduation robes", Pansy said running into the room and ripping my book out of my hand. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of our room and up the stairs to the common room.

"Why are we running?", I asked trying to catch my breath.

"This means we're one step closer to finally finishing Hogwarts"

That's scary.

In the common room, Professor Snape was standing in the middle of a crowd of seventh year Slytherins. He stood next to a rack of black satin robes with a clipboard in his hand and began to call each student one by one to pick up their graduation cap and robe. After five minutes, Draco and I were the only ones left.

"Lastly, Malfoy and Parkinson", Snape sighed. Draco and I approached Snape and waited for him to hand us our robes. "Because of your roles as prefects, you will wear stoles on top of your robes and you will wear your badges", he said handing us our robes with a dark green stole with silver detailing. "Run along now", he glared.

"Thank you...", I said slowly backing away from Snape. "I can't believe graduation is coming up", I said to Draco.

"Yup and N.E.W.T.s", Draco sighed.

"And cotillion", I sighed. "Are you going? I mean... it's at your place"

"I don't think so. My mother's still on my ass about going but I don't want to waste my time watching everyone prance around my ballroom"

"You can't sit out, it's the last time we're all going to be together"

"Why do you care, Ivy?", he scoffed. "You're going to be busy with Nott anyways. Trust me, you won't notice the fact that I'm not there"

"That's not true and I care because you're my friend"

"That's me. Draco Malfoy, Ivy Parkinson's friend", he said turning around and walking away from me.

"Why are you being like this?", I asked, chasing him down and grabbing his arm. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Yes, you did", he said slipping his arm from my grip.

"And what is that?"

"Whatever", he scoffed. "I'm not talking about this with you", he said walking down the stairs to the boy's dormitories.

"Draco", I called out, following him down the stairs. "Please, don't shut me out. Whatever I did, I'm sorry"

"Stop trying to push me to talk about my feelings", he said pushing me against the wall. His hands held onto both of my arms tightly and his angered glared burned my soul. I can feel my arm go numb from how hard he was holding me.

"Draco", I winced. "You're hurting me". He clenched his jaw and took a step closer to me.

"Leave me alone, Parkinson", he said through his teeth before opening the door to his dorm room and slamming it in my face.

Something has to be going on with Draco. He just slammed my body against the wall and gripped my arm like it was a fucking stress ball, not to mention the fact he just slammed his door in my face. I haven't seen him this angry is a long time and he's never taken it out on me like this before. Usually, I wouldn't mind Draco slamming me against a wall but the way he did it was in a non erotic way. The way he looked at me, it was like he was genuinely angry at me for something. I thought things were going fine between Draco and I and that our bond was stronger than ever. After our deep talks, I thought that our friendship meant something to him. For the first time, I was afraid of Draco Malfoy.

The door swung open and I quickly looked up from my hands, hoping that it was Draco coming back to talk. Sadly... Well, not sadly... the person ended up being Theo.

"Hey, what are you doing out here?", Theo asked, reaching for my hand.

"Oh... I was just about to knock"

"Malfoy came in with a little attitude. He's been a ticking time bomb lately", he said leading me up the stairs to the common room.

"Well, is he okay? I tried talking to him but he... he's shutting me out"

"Don't worry about it, baby. I've known Draco for a very long time and it's best to stay out of it. He prefers to handle things on his own"

"But if something's wrong, I can let him deal with it alone"

"Ivy", he said sitting me down on the couch in the lounge. "I love that you have a big heart, but you don't know Draco. You're going to get stuck in between the crossfires if you get too close"

"I'm just worried about him", I said resting my head on his shoulders, curling up next to him.

"I know, baby, I know", he sighed. Theo wrapped his arm around me, pulling me closer to him and kissing the top of my head.

*draco's p.o.v.*

Fuck, Draco. Why do you have to be such a dick? She cares about you and you just pushed her away. This is why Ivy will never love you back. All Ivy wanted to do was make sure I was okay and I just slammed the door in her face. Not only that but I got physical with her, in non sexual way. I would never treat the girl that I love like that, but for some reason, Ivy hounding on me to talk about my feelings just... set me off. I'm such a terrible person, she might never forgive me for what I just did.

"Everything alright?", Theo asked sitting on edge of my bed.

Great, he's nosey, just like Ivy. "What do you want, Nott?", I groaned.

"Just wanted to make sure you're okay. You slammed the door when you came in"

"It's nothing. Can you leave me alone?", I asked grabbing my book from my nightstand.

"If something is bothering you, I'm always here for you"

"Let it go! I don't need you or anyone one else up my fucking ass!"

"Shit, Malfoy! This is exactly why your ass can't get a girlfriend. When someone shows an ounce of empathy for you, you blow up". Theo got up and walked out of the room.

Crabbe, Goyle, and Blaise all looked up from their homework and looked over at me. "What the fuck are you looking at", I snapped.

"Nothing...", Blaise said shaking his head.

I got up from bed and stormed out of the room. I walked into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it with the Locking Charm. My body started to get hot as I turned on the water faucets to block out the sounds of my cries. My eyes started to pool with tears and slowly started to stream down my cheeks. Stop fucking crying, Draco. Crying is for the fucking weak. No girl is worth crying over.

As I paced back and forth, running my fingers through my hair, trying to stop the tears, I can't help but forgot the look in Ivy's eyes. For the first time, it looked like she feared me, like I'm some monster. I never meant to hurt her. I didn't want to hurt her. All I could feel in that moment was anger, Ivy just happened to be an innocent bystander. The stress of school and crippling thought of being alone for the rest of my life has been eating me up inside. Ivy was just trying to make me feel better but I just pushed her away, in a literal sense. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK.

I hunched over the sink and splashed the cold water in my face. Water dripped down my chin as I look up at the mirror. All I see is a coward. A coward who is not worth loving. Not worth the time or space of others. How can I expect a girl like Ivy to love me when my own father can barely look at me because all he sees a weak little boy. He reminds me everyday how I'm nothing like he planned. He wanted a Head Boy who was top of his class, instead all he got was a prefect who falls behind a fucking mudblood.

"Hey! Open the fucking door!", a voice yelled from outside of the door, followed by three knocks. "Open the door, asshole!"

I quickly turned off the sink and dried my face off with my jumper. I took out my wand and unlocked the door. When I opened the door, it was some fifth year. His eyes immediately widened when he saw my face. "Doors open", I said coldly.

"S-s-sorry, Malfoy. I-I didn't mean to...", he stuttered.

"Out of my way dipshit", I said pushing him away as I walked out of the bathroom.

On my way back to my room, I saw Theo opening the door with Ivy following behind him. Our eyes locked and she quickly turned away. Right before she entered my room with Theo, I quickly grabbed Ivy's arm. She looked over at me and then ripped her arm away, just like she used to.

"Ivy, please. I'm sorry", I pleaded. "Just let me explain"

"I can't do this with you right now", Ivy said shaking her head and walking into the room.

Way to go, Malfoy. There goes every last chance you have with Ivy. 

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