Damie (Dakota Johnson & Jamie...

By FiftyShadesDakota_x

178K 5.5K 1K

Hi!! So, I started writing this story when I was going through a hard time, it really helped me distract myse... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 109
Part 110
Part 111
Part 112
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
Part 116
Part 117
Part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122
Part 123
Part 124

Part 108

746 37 9
By FiftyShadesDakota_x

I hope you are all managing to stay safe and well!
Here's the next update.. I hope you're still loving this story?!
Enjoy x

*Dakota's POV*

Jamie is out playing basketball with my brothers and a few of their mates. It's 11 in the morning and me and char have just had a bath and got changed. Today we're going to play out in the garden and maybe FaceTime Dulcie later. I called the obgyn this morning just after I'd woke up.

She said the aches and the tightness around my bump I've been feeling are normal and they aren't concerned about them yet. She told me to monitor them and call back if anything gets worse. It's made me feel a little bit more calmer, so today me and Charlotte are going to have some girly fun before picking Jamie up from my fathers house.

First thing me and Charlotte decide to do is go swimming in the pool. She loves the water. She has a rubber ring around her and tiny armbands at the top of her arms. She splashes and kicks her feet, causing me to chuckle. "Mommy!" She squeals and splashes me with her hands. I gasp and splash her back carefully, making her giggle loudly.

Her happiness is one of my favourite things ever. I got so lucky with having such a happy and calm baby girl. She squeals more and I slowly move us around the pool, getting her to kick her legs out. She giggles each time and I can't help but chuckle at her. My heart explodes with love for her.

"You're too cute baby" I laughs, kissing her cheek before lifting her up and getting out. I dry us both and let her run off to the big trampoline over the other side of the garden. "Careful sweetheart" I pout, sad that I can't go on there with her. I walk slowly over to her and lift her up so she can climb in between the netting and bounce on the trampoline.

I stay close while she stays on it, watching her giggling and having the time of her life. I video her and take some cute photos of her laughing when she falls down. "You're a crazy girl" I laugh and she squeals. "Come mommy" she waves her hand to me and I rest my hand over my bump.

"Mommy can't play because of the baby" I pout and she frowns. "Oh no" she crawls to the edge of the trampoline and rests her hands over my bump. She leans forward to kiss it softly. I grin and kiss her head, frowning slightly when I hear our front door close. "Surely that's not daddy" I pout, getting Charlotte down and letting her walk with me to the house.

"Daddy!" She squeals excitedly but pouts when my mother opens our back door and looks to us. "Mama! Mama!" She squeals and runs straight to my mom, I watch as she lifts Charlotte into her arms and smothers her face in kisses. "Oh my gorgeous big girl, how are you? Are you being a good girl?" She grins and Charlotte nods, laughing.

I reach them just as Charlotte wraps her arms around my moms neck, hugging her. "Mom, I didn't realise you were coming round today?" I frown a bit as we head inside. "Well do you not know how to answer your phone? I've been trying to call" she rolls her eyes and I laugh a bit. "We've been playing outside and I don't get much signal out there. What's up?" I frown a bit.

"Your father called. Jamie's been taken to the hospital" she says and I stop in my tracks, the fridge door slamming shut as I let it go. "What why? What happened?" I stutter, looking to her as she reaches for my arm to help hold me up. "He's okay. Your father said he landed funny on his ankle and he can't walk on it" she rubs my shoulder and I nod a bit, sighing.

"Can you drive me? Baby's in the way I can't reach the steering wheel" I chuckle and she laughs, nodding. "Of course darling, that's why I came over.. I'll take Charlotte for you while you're with him." She smiles and I thank her; quickly heading upstairs to change into some leggings and a baggy sweatshirt which isn't actually as baggy as it should be thanks to my evergrowing baby bump.

Once I'm ready I get my shoes on and we leave. I fasten Charlotte to her car seat in my moms car and get in to the passenger side. "Don't be letting it stress you out darling, he'll survive." She smiles and I nod. "He's probably just sprained it and he's just being dramatic" I laugh and she chuckles, nodding in agreement.


"Why is it, that both the men in my life want to cause me stress?" I pout as Jamie gets wheeled back into his room from having a few scans. I've been sat here waiting for about forty minutes and this is the first time I've seen him. He gives me a cute grin and laughs.

"It's not funny.." I giggle a bit, pouting again as the nurse leaves. "I know baby.. I'm sorry" he takes my hand and kisses it softly. "It should only be a strain" he looks to me and I shake my head. "I hope so.. but I can barely stand up on my own how am I supposed to look after all of us myself" I frown a bit and he sighs.

"Well I didn't plan for this to happen. It was an accident Dakota.." he snaps at me and I look to him, my mouth slightly open "don't talk to me like that" I snap back and he rolls his eyes, causing me to snatch my hand away from his and look out the window.

An awkward silence falls across us. It's true though, how am I supposed to look after myself and do everything for Charlotte as well as do everything for Jamie now? The thought fills me with worry and makes me feel anxious. "Mr. Dornan we got your results" the doctor enters his room.

Jamie nods for him to carry on, so he does. "You've got a fracture on your ankle bone and there's a slight fracture to your fibula." He explains and I look down to my hands. "Okay..." Jamie replies and the doctor goes on to explain that they'll have to wrap a light cast around his lower leg and ankle for 2-3 weeks, as they're only small fractures so they shouldn't take long to heal.

He explains that once he's got his cast we'll be okay to go home, before he leaves us. "Daks I'm sorry.." he sighs and I nod a bit. "I get that it was an accident, but the thought of not getting your help with stuff fills me with worry.. I can barely stand up on my own" I laugh a bit at the end and he chuckles.

"We'll work it out baby I promise.. your mom could even stay in the guest house for a few nights or so. I don't want you stressing out about anything.. we'll be okay" he reaches over and takes my hand; squeezing it gently. "Okay.." I nod a bit and give him a smile.

They soon come and plaster Jamie's leg. It doesn't take them long and soon enough we've been picked up by my mom and we're on our way home. Charlotte was super excited to see her daddy, and I think my mom can sense there's something wrong with me because she keeps gazing at me through the centre mirror in the car.

When she pulls up outside our home Jamie gets out, using his crutches to support him as he heads towards our front door. I get Charlotte out and stand by my moms window. "You okay coqui?" She frowns and I shake my head. "Just worried about being able to look after all of us when I'm this pregnant" I laugh a bit, my eyes filling with tears.

"Baby.. you'll be fine." She strokes my arm. "I'll head home and if you need me you just send me a message I'll be straight back" she offers and I nod smiling. "Thank you so much mama.. I love you" I blow her a kiss, heading towards the front door and closing it behind me; standing Charlotte on the floor and letting her run off to find her daddy.

"Let's get take out for dinner.. my treat" Jamie smiles as I walk through to the lounge. I smile and nod, sitting next to him. "Come here" he opens his arms and I hesitate at first but I slowly fall into his hold, and he kisses my head. "I'm sorry.. I hate when we fight" he sighs and I sigh.

"Me too.. I'm sorry for worrying" I whisper, knotting my fingers with his. "You don't need to be baby.. it's understandable. I get it" he kisses me softly, smiling when Charlotte climbs onto my knee. "Now, daddy wants cuddle with two of his favourite girls" Jamie grins and Charlotte grins cutely back, curling up between us both.


I've just put Charlotte down to sleep, and I'm heading back to our room when I see Jamie coming out of the bathroom, trying his hardest to hop and wobble on one leg. I chuckle a bit and he grins. "I ran you a bath baby.." he smiles shyly and I grin. "Thank you.. I wasn't going to say anything but my back really hurts, this will help.." I smile shyly heading to the bathroom.

"I wish you could get in with me" I pout as I strip down, getting into the bath slowly and sitting down. He's used a beautiful rose fragranced bath bubble gel and it smells heavenly. "I wish too baby.." he sighs a bit, sitting on the chair that we have in our en-suite. "I worked it out that this should be off just before baby comes..." he smiles reassuringly and I nod, smiling.

"That's good.. I'm glad" I smile to him and he watches me play with the bubbles. "We're going to be fine baby, I promise" he says for reassurance and I nod. "I know.. I'm just.. such a stress head recently" I sigh, pouting my lips as I rest my head back against the edge of the egg shaped bath.

"Don't say that... you've been okay" he leans over to kiss my head gently. I smile and close my eyes for a few seconds, smiling to myself. I feel Jamie's eyes on me, he's watching me. "I hope I haven't worried you too much.. through this pregnancy" I open one eye and he grins.

"It's been a experience I'll tell you that.." he laughs and I giggle, nodding. "That it has.. but I'm glad we got through it." I smile, stroking my bump that's poking out the top of the bath water. "Me too baby.. you never fail to amaze me you know? You are incredible" he smiles shyly and I pout, my eyes filling slightly with tears.

"I couldn't have done any of it without you by my side" I whisper and he leans over, kissing me softly. I kiss him back lovingly; letting it linger before I pull away. "Could you grab me a towel please?" I smile shyly, standing up slowly as Jamie stands to get the towel from the towel heater.

He wraps it around me and we head to our bedroom. I dry and change into one of his tops and a pair of hot pants. I grin shyly and head to Jamie's side of the bed, helping him get in as I see him struggling with the cast around his leg. He chuckles.

"Thank you.." he blushes a bit and I giggle, heading back round to my side and getting into bed. We fall silent and Jamie switches the bedside lamp off so we're in darkness. My head is on his shoulder and his arm is around my waist; his hand resting over my bump gently.

"Can you feel him? He's having a right party" he laughs softly and I giggle. "He just doesn't want mommy to sleep" I pout before chuckling. "He loves his mommy" Jamie kisses my head. "Five weeks and three days left until we meet him." I whisper, curled up to his side. I sense his smile against my hair.

"It's gone so fast" he whispers and I nod. "He's so active I think he'll arrive earlier than planned" I look to him, smiling shyly. "If he does, it's because he can't wait to meet his amazing mommy" Jamie grins, kissing my head softly.

"And it'll be because he couldn't wait to see his daddy either" I grin, softly kissing Jamie on the lips. We soon pull away and my head is back on his shoulder, I close my eyes slowly; Jamie's hand gently stroking my hair that is sending me to sleep.

"Goodnight my beautiful" I catch Jamie whisper as I'm drifting off into my nights sleep.....

Comments are appreciated as always ❤️

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