The Whitlock Girl (A One Dire...

By Sheeblelise

30.5K 676 132

Elegance. Wonderful. Lovely. Rich. These are all words to describe Lillian Whitlock, daughter to one of the m... More

The Whitlock Girl (A One Direction Fanfic)
Who are you?
Not Lady Like
Can you say awkkkkwaaarddddd?
Let Us Pretend
Under Control
Getting into a cab
To be, or not to be? That is the question.
Lillian Genvieve Whitlock and Blake William Carter
Paris. The City of Love.
Explanations and hearts breaking.
The Big Day(Part One)
The Big Day (Part Two)
Words Spoken Too Well
Mrs. Lillian Carter And Mr. Horan; Their seperate ways.
Author's Note


1K 27 4
By Sheeblelise

Niall's POV

"Mum, do you remember when I asked you to be my girlfriend, because I was so lonely?"

It was after a big meal had been served, and everyone had gone home, that I asked this question. My mum, who was sitting next to me on the sofa, arched her eyebrow, and questionly said yes.

I didn't know how to reply, and I could feel the tears threatening to escape from behind my eyes, "I always thought when I fell in love for the first time, with a real girl, it would end perfectly. Mum, she broke my heart. I don't know what to do."

At this point, I felt her arms wrap around my body, soothing me in a way only a mother can soothe her child. She didn't say anything, just held me. It was bloody brilliant. I took in the scent of the sweet perfume she'd been wearing since I could remember. I love how she could just give me a hug, and even though the tears had spilled now, I had a feeling it would eventually get better.

"Tell me about her, Niall." She said, her voice a soft whisper.

And I did. I told her about how Louis ran her over, her red shoes, how she always smelled like lavender. The day we snuck off, pretending to be new people, and how I got her to eat her first hotdog. All the text messages. Everything, I told her everything. Even the fact that she was engaged. I told her about the wedding invitation, the kiss in the elevator. The moment I knew I'd fallen for her, hard.

When I was finished all my mother said was, "She seems like a lovely girl."

I nodded, my face stained wet, and my nose runny, "She's unbelievably perfect for me mum. I can picture spending the rest of my life with her."

She didn't say anything, just rested her chin on my head. The minutes passed, and the silence was nice. I knew my mum was thinking of the perfect thing to tell me, to try and make it all better.

When she was ready, she pulled my face into her hand, using her thumbs to wipe my face dry, "I know Zayn already told you this, but if she's really meant to be yours, you keep going after her until she had no choice to say yes. Back when I was in school, a boy asked me over a hundred times, it seems, to go on a date with him. I finally had to say yes, because I ran out of excuses. I ended up marrying him, and he gave me you." She smiled warmly, resting her palm on my cheek.

I smiled, very faintly, "I know what I'm going to do. You're the best mum."

Lilly's POV

I peered around the corner of the staircase, still out of sight from the eyes of Blake and my Father. Blake and his family had just arrived. It was so strange to think that only two years ago, my Father stood in front of Blake, being the cliche Father-figure, but now it's like they're old pals.

"Hey, where's Lillian?" I heard my fiance ask, but I just kept on listening.

"I'll go  get her," My mother volunteered, and I knew it was now or never. Composing myself, I stepped out into full view. I felt greedy soaking up the stare Blake was giving me. It was like the look he gave me back on the first date except more gown up. As I looked into his eyes, I knew my plan was going smoothly.

When I finally reached the bottom of the steps, Blake was the first to meet me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips, his arm snaking around my waist as he pulled me in. "You look fantastic," He mentioned, loud enough for everyone to hear, then quitely adding, "stay the night with me tonight?"

I nodded, a mischevious grin growing on my lips. Perfect. Having Blake keeping me busy is the perfect way to keep my mind off of Niall. I know, what I did was awful, but I can't have a man I'm not engaged to on my mind. Oh god, I was such a hypocrite.

"So!", My Mother squealed, "The food is ready! Let's enjoy ourselfs, because the next time we're together again, the Carter and Whitlock family with be united in marriage!"

We took off to the dinining room, my hand in Blakes the entire way. I felt so perplexed, a feeling I grew to know too well over the past weeks. Half of me was with Blake, but half of me was with Niall...Oh no! Seriously, I had to get him out of my mind. My Wedding was less then three days away.  God, a little under seventy two hours and I'll be Blake's good little wife.

When we were all settled in, it was Blake's Father to speak first, "Excited for the big day, Lillian?" His voice was deep, like Blake's, his well trimmed mustache moving with each word he spoke.

I gulped, reaching for the glass of water sat out before me, it was nerve wracking to think I'd be Lillian Carter in a few days. Smiling, I replied, "Oh yes. All the hard work Mother, Blake and I have put into it would be a waste if I wasn't."

Blake's mother, Eloise, was next to speak, " You're going to look wonderful, I've been curious about what dress you're going to wear."

Still smiling, I replied, "After dinner, if you'd like, Ican show it to you. It's upstairs as we speak, waiting to be revealed for the world to see."

Blake chuckled, "Well, we are going to have the most watched Wedding of the year. All the girls will have to be jealous of your dress, Lillian."

I looked around the table, Mother had pulled Eloise into a conversation about the types of flowers there were going to be, Lavenders of course. Plus, Blake wasn't allergic to them, so it worked out!

My Father and Blake's were in deep conversation about polotics, and as my eyes travelled to Blake, his eyes were glued to the screen of his phone hidden beneath the table. This was going to be a long dinner.

After showing Eloise the dress, which she gushed about for a good while, we said our goodbyes and I soon found myself in the back of Blake's car. I nestled into his arm, and closed my eyes, listening to the sweet sounds of the crazy city. Horns honked and people screamed, but it was still relaxing.

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