Survivor - Bakugo x OC

By TheBlondeAdventurer

541K 18.8K 7.9K

A whole lot of fluff. 🌸✨Some agnst too. This is a story filled with soft Bakugo. Miyamoto Katsumi is a shy... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66

Chapter 22

9K 291 49
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Miyamoto yawned, rubbing her tired eyes as she stood with the rest of her classmates in front of Aizawa. She didn't know why he wanted them to start so early in the morning, but here they were.

Momo had done exactly as she told Miyamoto, and she made long-sleeved shirts and pants that were heat-resistant for Miyamoto to wear underneath her U.A. athletic uniform. Miyamoto had tried to tell Momo only one pair was necessary, but Momo went ahead and made three different ones, in different colors, for Miyamoto to have.

Miyamoto had thanked her multiple times before bed and even in the morning after she was dressed. Momo was just happy to be able to be helpful.

But now, Aizawa was testing how much they'd grown over the past few months by using Bakugo as an example. Miyamoto hadn't been at U.A. when they had done the first test of strength with the ball, but apparently throwing it was supposed to tell them where they were, power-wise.

There wasn't as much progression as the rest of class 1-A thought.

Aizawa went into an explanation of while how they had grown and faced a lot of situations where they were put to the test, their quirks themselves had not progressed that much. Which is what the camp was going to focus on.

Aizawa's grin and warning about them feeling like they would want to die made Miyamoto slump her shoulders. She knew Aizawa would never let something like that happen in reality; he was just trying to motivate her classmates.

Everyone was assigned to a different part of the training grounds, with something specific to training their quirk. 

Miyamoto ended up on one of the cliffsides, across from Koda, with targets made of rock on the ground she was supposed to break with her darkness. Aizawa wanted her to work on her long-ranged attacks, apparently.

Extending her hand, she took in a deep breath, breathing through her nose as the darkness flashed out of her hand, hurtling towards the first target. Her aim was spot on and the rock broke. A small smile came to Miyamoto's face as she went to the next target, thinking the training was not as bad as Aizawa made it sound like.

She was wrong.

For every target she broke, three smaller ones would appear. Aizawa came over and explained to her that with the versatility of her quirk, she should be able to hit more than one target at a time. And he encouraged her to discreetly use at least one other element of her quirk so she could begin incorporating it into her fighting.

It was bitter, tiring work. Miyamoto was exhausted after the first few hours, but the work wasn't relenting. 

She had around three hundred small targets on the ground now, and her body was aching from using her quirk that much. With her hands stretched out in front of her, Miyamoto paired darkness and air together for her attacks.

The air not only swirled with the darkness to make her attacks faster, but it was easier to direct towards several targets. Since people can't usually see air or wind, it made the discretion of her multi-faceted quirk easier to conceal. 

Miyamoto let out a gasp, bending over to put her hands on her knees. Her arms were shaky with the effort to keep sending out attacks. She could tell her hands were going to be bruised from how much she directed her attacks out of them. Miyamoto wasn't really good at attacking with her legs, and it put a lot of pressure on her arms.

That's why she had to get stronger.

"Five minutes 'till lunch!" Pixie Bob announced. Miyamoto breathed slowly, trying to concentrate on the multiple rocks that had sprouted again from her last attack.

For some reason, her mind began to recall the studying she had done with Midnight; all the properties of her quirk, where the elemental facets living within her came from and how she could access them, and how the quirk was - after all - designed to work together for her.

Air below me.

Darkness within me.

Light above me.

She drew in a slow, deep breath, her eyes closed as she felt her quirk stirring within her body. Miyamoto's chest expanded as she took in another slow breath, her chest falling as she exhaled through her mouth. 

When her eyes opened, Miyamoto stood straight, holding her hands out by her side. 

Her feet lifted from the ground as darkness swirled around her body. A light, airy whiteness fluttered out from her shoulders, encapsulating her head with a relaxing aura. It made her focus, and her eyesight became sharper. 

The light part of her quirk was not meant to be a weapon, but as an enhancer for her defense. The emittance of light calmed her, made her focus, and sharpened her senses. If she could control the air, she could control the wind underneath her feet to make her fly. Softly, steadily, and like a leaf she could maneuver herself like the air. And if the darkness that she'd always used as protection could surround her body, it would be hard to break through her defense. She could become her own safe space.

A small smile crept up Miyamoto's face as she looked down, able to pinpoint every single target that was on the ground. There were now 249 targets. She lifted up both hands, taking in another deep breath, giving her quirk a simple command: simultaneously break them.

Her arms tensed and her fingers twitched as darkness erupted from her hands. The attack was similar to the uncontrolled panicked attack she sent on Monoma's team, but this was controlled. And it was only darkness. 

The wide, long-ranged attack engulfed all 249 targets, obliterating every single one of them at the same time. 

Gritting her teeth, Miyamoto finished her attack before she let out a gasp, falling back down to the ground as her quirk gave out. She staggered on her feet, wincing as the light feeling around her head disappeared. 

She brought her hands to her body with a wince; that overdid it for her. Miyamoto looked down at her hands, taking off her gloves to see bruises covering her fingers.

Lightheaded and weak, Miyamoto glanced over the edge down to where those targets were. They remained destroyed, and she let out a sigh of relief. That must've been the end of the five minutes, which meant she was now done until lunch.

Miyamoto began to shakily make her way down the cliff, wincing at the soreness in her body. That last attack was different than the others; she was consciously in control of three parts of her quirk. Her mind was clear and accepting of those three elements. However, since she was so unused to using her quirk, there seemed to be consequences.

Her foot slipped and she let out a gasp, sliding down part of the cliff before she stopped herself. Miyamoto frowned, chiding herself. "Save the thinking until you're off the cliff." 

When she made it to the bottom, she breathed heavily with relief, following the direction other students were heading. Her head was swimming and Miyamoto found her vision starting to go blurry. 

Just as she was thinking before, there were consequences to her sudden usage of more than one or two parts of her quirk. Showing her ten elements on her fingers was much different than actually using her quirk to attack or defend. The proper management and usage of her quirk, since she had denied it and refused it all of her life, was more than she could handle at the moment. 

She was too weak to use all of it.

The realization wasn't shocking, Miyamoto was half-expecting it, but what did shock her was how her body reacted to it. She knew she'd be tired and bruised, but the lightheadedness and overall fatigue slapped her in the face.

Blinking a couple of times in an attempt to refocus her blurred vision, Miyamoto continues to walk, knowing eating food would help replenish her energy. Miyamoto's left knee buckled under her and she grit her teeth, falling to the ground. Before she hit the dirt, an arm swooped across her shoulders, keeping her upright.

Miyamoto looked over to see a worn out Bakugo. He looked irritated as he lifted her up enough for her to get her feet back underneath her. 

"Idiot." Bakugo grumbled. He put one of her arms around his shoulders and picked her up; one arm under her back and the other under her legs. She looked up at him, blinking a few times as her brain tried to keep up with everything that was happening.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize," Bakugo huffed. "You haven't done anything wrong. Yet."

"Oh," Miyamoto relaxed in his arms. "Sorry."

Bakugo, annoyed, grit his teeth together, but said nothing as they walked to where they'd be eating lunch. 

"That last attack of yours," Bakugo muttered. Miyamoto's eyes grew wide. "It was impressive. Three elements, right?"

"Yes. You saw?"

Bakugo scoffed. "Kind of hard not to. I wasn't that far away from where you were practicing."

"Oh," Miyamoto looked at her right hand. She hadn't even thought about others seeing her. Her mind had been so hyper focused on what was going on, she momentarily forgot she was around other people. "Oops."

"You did it without thinking of the consequences of using that much of your quirk," Bakugo gave her an irritated look. "Which is why you're stumbling around like an idiot now, since you're too weak to walk."

Miyamoto frowned; he hit the nail on the head. "Yeah."

"Tch," Bakugo glared at her. "Don't overdo it and almost pass out, Runt. We're here to train and get stronger, not overdo it and collapse."

"Sorry. I'll be more careful."

"Good. Because I can't catch you every time you fall down."

Bakugo carried Miyamoto until they got close enough to where lunch was being held before he put her down. Once he made sure she was able to walk, the two of them went to grab food before sitting down next to Kirishima, Mina, and Sero. 

"Carrying your bride all the way here, huh Bakugo?" Sero had a teasing grin on his face. "Maybe you didn't train hard enough if you were able to carry her."

Bakugo growled at him. "She ain't my bride, Tape Face! Don't go making stupid comments like that again, or I'll kill you."

"Yeah, yeah. Sure is chivalrous of you to carry her though." Sero continued to prod the angry bear, watching as Bakugo shook with irritation and rage.

"What else was I supposed to do, huh?! Let her fall and leave her in the dirt?"

"That's so sweet of you, Bakugo," Kirishima chuckled. "It's almost as if you really-"

Bakugo reached out and gripped Kirishima's shirt with a glint in his eyes. "You better watch the next words that come out of your mouth."

Kirishima laughed at the threat. "We're kidding, Bakugo!"

Mina looked over at Miyamoto. "You do look pretty exhausted. Did you overdo it with training?"

Miyamoto nodded. "I did. I tried something new when I shouldn't have. If Bakugo hadn't of caught me when I fell, I may have passed out."

Mina smiled at Miyamoto before turning to Bakugo, who was eating his food flustered. Mina put a hand on Bakugo's shoulder in a playful manner.

"How sweet of him!"

"Hands off." Bakugo growled.

Miyamoto watched her friends tease and argue with one another in a lighthearted manner, and a small smile came to her face. She ate her food in peace, listening to what they were all saying and eventually, the topic switched off of Bakugo and to their training. Miyamoto didn't say much during lunch, rather focused on eating and drinking water to make sure she had enough energy to make it through the second half of the day.

And the second half of the day was just as hard and challenging as the first half. 

Even with her energy restored and her stomach full, Aizawa and the Pussycats did not relent on pushing the students as hard as they could to train. 

By the time dinner rolled around, everyone was absolutely drained and exhausted. When the Wild Wild Pussycats announced the students had to make their own dinner before they could do their real camp activity tonight, everyone was bummed.

No one thought they'd be able to make decent curry.

Miyamoto had never cooked before. She tittered around everyone, looking wide-eyed as she gave some people ingredients and others utensils. To all of her friends, she seemed like a lost toddler who had no idea what was going on.

Bakugo was rather handy with a knife, and Miyamoto ended up sitting beside him, handing him vegetables to cut up every time he finished one. She watched in wonder as he skillfully chopped the veggies finely so they could be cooked easier and quicker. 

Miyamoto felt pretty helpless, but she did observe a lot while watching everyone work to make dinner together. 

As they ate dinner, the taste of the curry may not have been the best, but everyone was so hungry they didn't care. Every student was happy to eat their fill regardless of taste in order to replenish the energy they had lost throughout the day. 

Once everyone finished, they all went to their rooms to clean up a little before changing into something more comfortable to do their camp activity. Miyamoto ended up wearing one of Momo's outfits she had made her; this one was a light purple. 

Momo had said purple was a great color for Miyamoto, so Miyamoto wanted to make sure she wore it in front of her friend at least once.

They all ended up somewhere in the forest with the Pussycats. To her dismay, Kirishima, Sero, Mina, Kaminari, and Sato are all caught by Aizawa and taken away for additional classes to make up for their exams, exempting them from the test of courage the rest of the class was about to go through.

Miyamoto couldn't say she was all too thrilled about the idea of class 1-B intentionally trying to scare them. She scared way too easily. But since she didn't have an excuse to not be there and Aizawa had intentionally told her earlier to participate in class activities, she stayed.

They ended up drawing lots after the explanation of the game was done, and Miyamoto ended up being paired with Midoriya. It was a small relief to at least be paired with someone she talked to before.

"Oh, you're my partner!" Midoriya smiled at her. "It'll be nice to talk to you while we go through the forest."

Miyamoto nodded her head to him. "I hope it's fun and not too scary."

Miyamoto looked around as the groups were about to start, her eyes meeting Bakugo's. He didn't look all too pleased with Todoroki being his partner, but he looked even more displeased when he saw Midoriya was Miyamoto's partner. 

He shot Midoriya a small glare before he huffed, looking at Miyamoto. She gave him a small thumbs up to which he grunted and turned away, about to head out to the forest for his turn. 

The more time passed, the more screams they heard from the forest. Miyamoto was getting fidgety and scared. She could only imagine what strategies class 1-B were doing to scare class 1-A. She was dreading walking in there, even if she knew Midoriya would be there beside her.

After a few more minutes, Pixie Bob sniffs the air, her eyebrows furrowed down. "Something doesn't seem right."

Miyamoto raises an eyebrow at her, looking through the trees to see if she could see anything off. Before she could come to a conclusion, Pixie Bob goes flying across the opening, catching everyone off-guard. When they turn around to see what had happened, Miyamoto's eyes grow wide when she sees Pixie Bob unconscious underneath someone's foot. 


Nausea filled Miyamoto's body and she immediately thought back to Dabi's words. She wanted to get to Aizawa. 

Miyamoto could hardly comprehend what was being said as she tried to force herself not to panic. She kept taking deep breaths, pleading with her mind to calm down enough so she could focus. 

One of the villains introduced themselves as Spinner, drawing out a nasty sword that was a cluster of different types of swords all melded together. Tiger prepared to fight and Mandalay turned to the students.

"Go back to camp! Iida, get everyone back to Eraser Head, now!"

It wasn't until Iida and Midoriya began to move that Miyamoto came out of her trance, jumping and looking around, her panic quelled but another sense of dread filling her entire body. 

The group began to run, but Miyamoto stopped halfway into their run, breathing heavily as her wide eyes turned to the forest. A bad feeling that had soaked into her bones was telling her she shouldn't go to camp. 

Before the rest of the group realized she wasn't with them, Miyamoto found herself running in an opposite direction.



Aizawa heard Mandalay's telepath about villains attacking and felt his stomach fill with dread. His first thought was Miyamoto as he ran outside, leaving Vlad King with the students. This was bad. He didn't want to think about what would happen if they were here for her, or if they were going to try to kill any of his students.

He saw blue flames in the distance, smoke travelling high up in the sky. 

"Is your worry taking precedence, Eraser?"

Aizawa looked to the side just in time to see a hand up near his face. He hardly had time to react before blue flames exploded where he had just been standing. Aizawa was able to pull himself up out of reach from the flames. 

When the flames disappeared, he looked down at the villain who had attacked and felt anger boil up inside of him. 

A man who had burn scars across his body and appeared to have his skin stapled together to hold it in place. 

The villain who had threatened Miyamoto: Dabi. 

"Well, I guess you are a pro, after all." Dabi crooned, a half-grin on his face as he stared at Aizawa. 

Dabi lifted his hand to fire off more flames, but Aizawa had already erased his quirk. His eyes were red as he threw out his cloth to Dabi. "Nothing's going to come out!"

Aizawa pulled Dabi up to him out of anger, grabbing his head with his hands before smashing his knee into Dabi's face. It didn't take much to flip Dabi around with his cloth and pin him to the ground.

He held one of Dabi's arms in his hand while the other held his face into the ground. As much as Aizawa wanted to remain professional, knowing this was the man who had terrified and threatened his daughter pissed him off.

"Tell me your purpose, numbers, and position, scumbag."

Dabi chuckled. "And if I don't?"

Aizawa broke his arm. "Your other arm is next. It'd be preferable to take you in while you can still walk, Dabi."

"Oh, you know me?"

"How would I not know the name of the trash who threatened one of my students?"

Dabi chuckled. "So she did tell. Well, I figured she would eventually. Oh well, it's of no consequence to me."

"Huh?!" Aizawa hissed, losing concentration at what sounded like an explosion off in the distance. He looked up. "What was that?"


Aizawa looked over to see Iida, Ojiro, Koda, and Mineta all breathless, but safe. Miyamoto was not with them. The bad feeling in his chest only got worse.

"Are you in a hurry, Eraser?" Dabi crooned, fighting back against Aizawa enough so he could get to his feet. Aizawa glared at Dabi, tightening the grip he had on his cloth so he could yank the villain back to him.

But when he did, the cloth went through Dabi, who now was turning to a gray glob. 

"Are your students important?"

Aizawa's eyes widened in both shock at Dabi's disintegration and because of what he said.

Dabi turned to look at Eraser, a sick smile on his scarred face. "Hey, hero. I hope you can protect them all till the end. See you later."

Fury and fear went through Aizawa's body as he saw the pile of gray goo that was now where Dabi had been. He turned to his group of students.

"Get inside, all of you! I'm going out there. Vlad is inside with the others. Don't leave!"

With that, Aizawa begins to run into the forest, desperate to find the remainder of his students; his top priority being the one student he knew was already being targeted.

"Please, Miyamoto," Aizawa begged. "Please be safe."

And here's the next chapter! Things are heating up (quite literally, thanks Dabi) so I hope you're all ready for the next chapter! Let me know what you think of this one.

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