Naruto 1/2

By OtsutsukiAuthor

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The Event

The best place to start a story...

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By OtsutsukiAuthor

We start this story with Naruto Uzumaki, a young boy who had sun kissed blonde hair and deep cerculean eyes, he was currently sat in a classroom at the Hidden Leaf Village's Shinobi Academy, at the front of the class stood a man, he had tanned skin, a triangular scar one his nose and wore the typical attire that a ninja at the rank of Chuunin would wear.
Naruto was sat, listening intently to the constant drivel that the Chuunin Instructor was moving his lips to.
"Alright class, allow me to remind you that tomorrow we are going on a trip, outside the village, to the ancient Uzumaki..." at the mention of the name 'Uzumaki' Naruto started to become interested "...Water springs, these land are sacred to the Uzumaki clan, so please be careful tomorrow" Iruka, the chuunin Instructor, explained.
At this point a pink haired trash can... I mean girl raises her hand with a smug look on her face "But Iruka sensei, there is no such thing as the Uzumaki clan!!! My mommy told me all about that DEMON'S mind control" Sakura shrieked causing everyone to cringe, until every, civilian born student begins to cheer in agreement, chanting that the should kill the 'Demon' that is until...
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" Everyon turned to look at the raven haired boy who was stood up in a defensive position in front of Naruto "WHY! WHY IS IT THE HE GET BEATEN AND TORN DOWN WHILE I'M PRAISED, WERE BOTH ORPHANS!!!" Sasuke's sudden out burst brought the room to silence until a low sniffling sound was heard, everyone turned and looked at the blond boy, who had just jumped out the window.


The next day, the class had gathered by the village gates, they were being escorted by a team of Chuunin, the journey took 3 hours but once everyone had settled down, after arriving, the tour, led by Iruka, commenced, as the tour went on, Naruto, for the first time ever in the academy, showed a genuine interest, almost as though grasping for any straw he could about his family.
Near the end of the tour, Iruka brought the group to a small spring, it was said that any Uzumaki, if judged unworthy, would be killed, by if shown to be worthy would be granted a 'gift' (A/N in my AU the Uzumaki clan have rebuilt a small village in the ruins of Uzushiogakure and have have been waiting for the perfect moment to save their heir) after one of the civilian students heard this, a group of them, believing Naruto would be judged as unworthy pushed him over the rails into the spring.
After a few moments of the class walking a soaked Naruto stormed upto the civilians.
"Fuck... you..." he said taking sharp breathes inward, in exhaustion.
"Naruto?" Sasuke questioned uncertainly earning a small, yet shy nod.
After that the class returned home, unaware of Naruto's new 'situation'.

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