By Mello_Boo

31 1 0

The femboys are caught red-handed, what happens now you may ask? Its simple, a war is declared and everything... More

♡Explaining (must read)♡

<Chapter 1>

15 1 0
By Mello_Boo

If there is one thing to get right about the catgirls and femboys, is that they were relatively peaceful with eachother, often exchanging 'tea' as some may call it, no no reader this isnt your regular tea you have with biscuits. In this case tea is referencing to gossip, this was usually about other nations, specifically the dogboys. Oh how they absolutely despised the dogboys. Maybe it was their wealth, or maybe it was because they were always ever so cocky and full of themselves.


Usually the leader of the catgirls would be seen around the royal gardens, she was formally known as 'Candice', though most called her Candy for short. Moving onto the other side, the femboys. If you were lucky you could see the leader Kai at the local park, other days he could be found lounging beside the pool near the royal tower. Most of the time you couldnt find him, unless you went to the castle in person and buzzed for him. Even then he would probably not come.

For years now there had been a secret group of femboys sent out every Thursday to the catgirls new shipments, often stealing skirts, dresses, tunics, blouses, heels, you get the drift. It had always been blamed on just simply the fact that the items had been accidentally left out at sea, or not shipped correctly. For years these excuses always worked. And it would of that time if it wasnt for the sheer fact the catgirls had installed cameras in their ships. And with that, this fateful Thursday, the catboys were caught red handed.

A meeting was called between the two leaders, which took several weeks due to Kai never answering his door. Eventually, when they did meet up it was over formal dinner.
A couple weeks pass and finally both nations finally get the announcement they had all been waiting for.
Both leaders stood on a stage made of the finest wood, and after a handshake and a hello to the others nation it had been announced.
The catgirl nation and the femboy nation were both officially declared at war. Honestly it's quite hard to make this sound dramatic when both leaders were actually laughing whilst announcing, causing the whole thing to seem much less serious then it actually was. At one poing Candice even started hysterically laughing. Im this close to quitting my job as the person that writes all of this down.

Anyway moving on, both nations went their own ways, soldiers were geared, the boarders were closed and so on.

But obviously some people forget about the underground tunnels dug between both nations.

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