By 1-800-JisungStepOnMe

152 2 37

Park (Y-n) only has a short amount of time to get her six friends and boyfriend to hate her. More

Sometimes the fear of loss, is the cause of hate.
One who was never weak, will never be weak.
But one who was never strong, will never be strong.
Violence is caused by fear.
Loving from afar, is sometimes better than loving up close.
Sometimes, it's better to not know what you hoped you wouldn't.
Graffitist's are artists of their own. They love their canvas, not their work.
Only good things end without an ending.

Is one truly avoiding someone? Or is it themselves.

17 0 3
By 1-800-JisungStepOnMe

"Hey," Lisa jogged up to me, "You didnt wait for me to walk together this morning. It looks like you're avoiding me." She chuckled, but the smile faded when she was met with my cold stare. 

"You're... not avoiding me, right?"

I narrowed my eyes at her and she flinched, not used to being on the receiving end of my glare. 

"(Y-n)..." She reached out to touch me, but was slammed against the lockers instead. She yelped at the force, tears brimming in her eyes, "What's going on with you??"

I simply hardened my glare, so she knew I was being serious, "Don't ever fucking speak to me again." I spat.

Her tears finally spilled down her cheeks and I felt my heart clench.

I'm so sorry, Lisa.

"What's going on here?" Lisa's boyfriend, and my best friend, Hoseok, ran up, "Hey, (Y-n)-ah, cool it, you're hurting her." 

I only tightened my grip on her, surely to leave a bruise. 

Hate me. Come on, hate me.

"(Y-n), please." Lisa whimpered, staring deep into my eyes, trying to see if this was all a sick joke, but she couldn't see past my glare.

Lisa, Hoseok. I'm sorry for this.

In a flash, my fist met Lisa's nose. Her blood splattered over my knuckles. She cried out, crumpling to the floor in pain.

"(Y-n), what the fuck!" Hoseok yelled at me, dropping to the floor to comfort his girlfriend, "Why the fuck did you-" I kicked him as hard as I could in the side, winding him.

I squatted down a few feet away from them and spit on them, "Stay the fuck away from me if you know what's good for you." I stood straight and stalked away, shocked students watching.

Hate me, please. It'll be better if you hate me.

I marched to the roof, knowing it was off limits, and collapsed, sobbing. Lisa's blood shimmered in the sunlight on my skin, "I'm so sorry."

I cried until I couldn't anymore, then stood as if nothing happened, feeling numb, and went to my class late. 

I kicked the door open and slumped in my seat. 

"Ms. Park," The teacher looked at me, appalled as I was usually quiet and well-mannered in her class.

"Shut the fuck up, would you?" 

The students gasped, no one ever swore at her, let alone told her to stop talking. She was everyone's favorite.

She gaped at me, "Detention, Ms. Park."

"Go fuck yourself," I snarked, "damn, you're so annoying."

"Ms. Park! I don't know what has gotten into you today! Go to the principals office, now!"

I chuckled, kicking my desk over for good measure as I stood, "What a fucking waste of time."

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