Cant I Just Be A Background C...

By bubblecakespattykiss

459K 19K 12.6K

All Suna Katsumi ever wanted to be was a background character. But fate has other things in stored for him... More

000; prologue
001; crisis indeed
002; the butler
003; The Past Of Collins Wright
004; a day with dad
005; brothers conflict
006; grounded
007; crown prince
008; this is not home
009; pretty little thing
010; vanilla
012; disgusted
013; just an average day
014; a new beginning
015; sudden confession
016; Arumnia
017; forest

011; history with some salt on top

21.3K 946 385
By bubblecakespattykiss

(Lol just imagine if they switch personalities , or when Sumi is trying to get sweets by using his seduction skill. Oh yea, btw theres like tons of curse words here in this chap.)

Trivia: When Byton is not bothering Louis, he likes to spend his time shopping for clothes.

Byton had never really had the perfect childhood. His father was strict and would never let him play. It was always books, sword training, etiquette and he even made Byton learn how to suppress his emotions. Not to mention, his father hates commoners, so obviously, Byton had the same mindset as him.

Byton hates commoners.

Not only that, but since Byton was the first and only child, he is to be heir and to be prim and proper always. That was why his training regimen was unbelievably difficult. Byton was constantly looked at under those watchful eyes of his father.

The captain of the royal knight was Byton's childhood friend. He was the only one who had been with Byton from day one. It was probably also because they shared some kind of a similar lifestyle. They kinda instantly became best friends as soon as they started talking about their parents.

They both that the shittiest luck being born with strict parents.

But its great to know that they'll always have each other's back. Nobles can be quite distrustful. An ally in the nobility world would give you some kind of advantage. Anyways-

Those stupid regimens were enough to make a normal person go insane. Obviously, Byton had that mindset that the first child should be brought with strict care and given no love to toughen the child up, and while the second child should be dotted and nurtured on. Where did he get that type of mindset from? The author also doesn't know.

Ah, to be the first child.

When Byton was young, his mother had set him up to an arrange marriage with a marquis' daughter. She was truly the apple of Byton's eye. So the first time they met, they both instantly clicked.

The duchess was a beautiful woman. Not only that, but she was extremely smart too, it was one of the traits that made Byton fall for her. For Byton, that was perfect. No, it was enough. It made him happy to know that someone cares for him, as he didn't really get lots of care when he was a child.

The duchess had silky green hair and a perfect figure. She was not the kindest, but she was extremely cunning and could even rival a princess in elegance. As the first daughter born in the house, she has been brought up strictly, and is used to promote her brother's status so that they'll gain more popularity and influence.

So the marriage between Byton and her worked well for both houses. They came to love each other and even made some cringy cheesy lines here and there.

And then, George was born.

Byton looked at George with those cold eyes that his father used to look at him with. He couldn't stand George's crying, it was annoying. Were all newborns that annoying?

Not to mention, George took his own trait of looks. Yes, the boy still had silver-white hair, but his features were completely different. It reminded Byton of his father. How how he hated his father so much for giving him such a tough life.

As George grew, he resembles more and more of his father, and it made him terrified. He knows that he's being a coward. Like seriously, scared of his own son?

George absolutely looked up to Byton. Even though he was mean, there was this faith that made him believe that Byton would love him as a child one day. Obviously, George was jealous of Louis, but he also didn't want to be pampered to that extent. Sometimes it even made George pity his little brother.

When Louis was born, Byton thought that the other one was going to be another annoying baby, but once he actually gotten a close look-

Oh, god. Louis looks just like his mother. Not to mention, as Louis grows, he has a more feminine  body.

'Maybe the younger one's not that bad..' Was what Byton thought at that time when Louis was born. The first few years of Louis' life was perfect. Louis had a perfect dad, mom, albeit not the perfect brother but that's okay. Not everything was meant to be perfect.

George on the other hand, faced a completely different treatment. He got no love from his father, and his mother only spoke to him when she needed to. Books were his best friend, but books still couldn't heal his numb heart. But thanks to the crown prince, he wasn't that lonely anymore. Still, nothing could replace a family's love. And the crown prince's love was not enough. Not to mention, the prince's hobby kind of freaked him out a bit..

It was always Louis, Louis, Louis. 'God, if they were so obsessed with Louis, why don't they just marry him?' Was what Young George thought as he bitterly looked at the happy family that excluded him.

Louis was in his own perfect little world to realize that George felt left out and unloved.

George craved for that love.

One day, the duchess passed away due to some illness that the cure hasn't been found yet. What was the illness again? Sumi couldn't really remember that but in his old world, they probably had a vaccine for it. So basically, medicine from medieval times suck. Sumi would hate to be sick in this world.

Byton's heart snapped in half.

Byton still remembered her last words. "Protect the boy." Which boy? Isn't it already obvious? She was talking about Louis. But his brain probably couldn't function at that time and he took his anger out on Louis, who was meant to be protected. It seriously made him regret what he had done to his youngest. But there was nothing he could do, as he had already hurt his youngest.

Byton's eyes glowed blue (no longer silver) as he created a spear of ice and literally stabbed his youngest on the right leg. He only snapped out of it when he heard Louis' painful cries. It was only then that Byton was hit with a wave of guilt and terror. He was just so angry that he couldn't control himself.


Oh God. What the hell did he do?!

He couldn't handle the guilt anymore and ordered an elite mage to erase Louis' memories of the accident. The stab was that deep that Louis' leg couldn't even function properly. Even though Byton felt bad, he also didn't want Louis to hate him because of the incident. The leg could still walk, its just bothersome. This part was kept hidden in the otome game, so Sumi doesn't know about this, teehee.

The incident was never discussed again after that. And Louis never knew the cause of the incident. They weren't a happy family anymore.

At that point, Byton grew insane. Yes, Byton became toxic without even knowing it himself.

He started to take the words of the duchess seriously and excessively protect the boy. Perhaps it was due to guilt? Byton closed the doors to the outside world, only leaving it open when he has to. Because after that incident, Louis was already trapped into the Cliffard household. Seriously, what a shitty dad.

When Louis wanted to go outside, Byton would always make some kind of excuse. But if it cannot be avoided, then Byton would personally come with Louis. Sometimes, Louis would even ask Byton to invite George, but he would always make some type of excuse saying the elder is busy because of his heir duties.

Because of the shitty father, Louis became spoiled. He didn't know why his dad was suddenly pampering him, insisting on leaving George out of the picture even though Louis had asked about him many times.

Then one day, Louis stopped asking about George, completely forgetting about his brother and shutting him out.

It didnt help as Louis started to grow up, his features became more similar to his mother. Infact, it made Byton much more protective and dotting to the point that Louis became the devil of all devils. But it was fine, as long as Louis stays like that, then he would be completely dependent on Byton. It even came to the point where Louis had thought that the excessive coddling was normal.

His youngest doesn't need to know about the outside world.

But- It only started recently, but his youngest seemed to be interested in the outside world. That cant happen. He doesn't want to lose his son as he lost the mother. It was because the duchess caught some kind of illness from the outside that she died.

Not anymore.

As long as Byton was there to protect his son, then his son would be fine.

Byton also didn't understand how his personality took a literal 180 every time Louis enters the room, but enough of the past.

As long as his youngest was there to keep him sane, then its okay. He's happy. But it honestly made Sumi wonder that if Louis wasn't manipulated from such a young age, would Louis still be a bitch?

Good grief. Seriously, Louis is so dumb to not know the signs of manipulation. Well, Sumi couldn't really blame Louis because the boy was probably still in a vulnerably state after losing his mother. Its not like Sumi is much better. Even though he knows that they're manipulating him, he couldn't do anything about it.

He has no experience in breaking out of a toxic relationship. Because of his insane father, Sumi had to spend his days in the manor in agony every single day. So much for a genius prodigy.

"LuLu~" Sumi rolled his eyes before looking back at his father. "Father, 5 steps back." Sumi warned his father as Byton was getting close to him. It seems as if Byton completely ignored Sumi or just didn't hear it and hugged him tightly.

Sumi groaned, his cheeks pressed on his father's chest. But Sumi did not make any attempt to resist the clingy bear because the bear will hug him tighter if he does.

By the way, after the incident with the portion of the sweets being a little too small, Sumi had been acting a little bit salty. Its much better than before though. Though they only limit his sweet intake to 1 a day. Did you know that the more sweets Sumi ate could easily make Sumi's mood better?

Now that he has sugar to keep his mind kinda sane, he could atleast function properly. But the sweets were still not enough, so this resulted in a new personality called, 'Salty Sumi'.

Yes, meet another version of Sumi that the author just created in 5 minutes. Salty Sumi. A personality that can only be activated when Sumi didn't eat enough sweets, his mood turns salty. Some people could also call him, 'Sour Sumi'. But the author likes the term Salty Sumi better. 🤗🤗

"What do you want, old- i mean, Father." Salty Sumi corrected himself. Even though the old man is useless and irritating, he was still his father. If it was his father from his old world, his ass would have been whooped if he called his father old man.

'I'm starting to think that Louis' father is a macho. The old man seems to be enjoying the rough treatment i gave him. What a pain.'

"Nothing. You were just so cute engrossed in your work like that~"

Sumi: .... *stares at the old man with judging eyes*.

"Father, have you gained weight?" Byton sweatdropped. Did he seriously looked that bad? He made sure to use his most expensive cologne when Louis is with him, and he also maintain a strict diet so that he could look his best infront of his youngest.

"E-eh?" If its another thing Byton cared about, he cared about his appearance. Salty Sumi scoffed looking at the old man with eyes that can make anyone shiver.

"Disgusting pig."

After what Salty Sumi said, Byton didn't eat for 3 days.

A knock on Sumi's room was heard. Sumi actually expected it to be another nuisance called Collins, but this time it was Byton's personal attendant and the head butler of this house, Baleywick.

"Young Master, please help us." Baleywick wore a grimace on his face. Sumi uninterestedly look at the older man. Yes, Sumi is still in his rebellious phase. He is not the Sumi everyone loves, he is.. 'Salty Sumi'. Cue the dramatic drums.

"What is it?"

"The duke wont eat anything.. He's starving himself. Please give the master some words of encouragement! At this rate, he's gonna starve himself to death!" Oh? That would be more convenient to Salty Sumi. "Young Master is the only one who can get The Lord to eat!"

'Oh? Let the pig die then.' Is what Salty Sumi wanted to say, but fortunately, Sumi had controlled his tongue to not say that. Seriously, what a pain.

"Fine. Bring me to him." Sumi demanded dejectedly. It would be a problem if the duke suddenly died. Baleywick bowed and escorted Sumi to his father's study.

"Please do your magic, Young Master!" Baleywick encourages him, making the boy sweatdrop. Byton is such a handful. Nevertheless, Salty Sumi nodded his head and only then, Baleywick finally left.

When Sumi walked further into the large study, he heard murmuring. It was scary. He looked at the source of sounds only to find Byton at the corner, hugging his knees.

Sumi had almost flinched out of shock because of his father's state. Did his words affect him that much? There were no more fats in his cheeks and his body had gotten much more thinner. It almost made Salty Sumi become not so salty anymore and pity the old man.

Once Byton's dull eyes met Sumi's, his silver hues immediately brightened and a happy smile was instantly plastered on his face. "Louis!" Byton got up and in a blink of an eye, he was infront of Sumi and was hugging the life out of Sumi- Sorry, Salty Sumi.

Jeez, what a monster. Even though he hasn't eaten in 3 days, Byton's strength is still so amazing. As expected of the Duke of Arumnia.

"Am I good enough? I'm not fat anymore right?" Just what is this old man talking about again? Oh yeah, it almost slipped out of his mind. Be a good boy, and then you'll be rewarded.

"Shitty father- I mean, father. You are an idiot."

"H-huh?" Byton always wanted to look his best infront of his youngest.

"I didn't mean it. Why do you always have to take my words so seriously? You were perfect the way you are." Sumi's voice didn't come out genuine but not suprisingly, Byton seems to be satisfied hearing his son's words.

Byton's eyes glowed in delight as he sniffed his son's hair. A sincere and gentle smile was shown on the elder's face. Byton lifted Sumi's chin up and kissed his forehead. Just for today;

"Louis, do you want some sweets?" Byton wont be stingy for today. Yo, Sumi was kinda expecting this to happen. Yes, the reward is here~ No more will Sumi have to deal with Salty Sumi. Goodbye, bad moods.

Sumi's eyes sparkled and drool begin to appear as he nodded vigorously. "Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes." An excited smile was shown on Sumi's face. Ah, now that you think about it, its been a long time since Sumi sincerely smiled like this.

Even though Byton is annoying, he truly cares about his son.

After that, Byton.exe started working again.


Sorry i just had to put this in

Fun fact: The cliffards were supposed to have blue eyes, but dumb me made it silver and now its too late to change ;-;

By the way, do you guys like salty sumi? Im just asking hehe. Btw sumi doesnt have a double personality, i guess salty sumi is just when Sumi is in a bad mood.

Btw in each chapter, i decided that i should write a trivia, so that you guys would kinda know them better. Like, i had already gotten attached to most of my characters and even made useless facts about them.

But just look at this!!! The bear that he's holding kinda gives me Danganronpa vibes. I have some kind of obsession for anime boys with white hair.. 😥


Sumi when he learned that Byton was the cause of his right leg: "That old man again?! Why am i not suprised!" 💢💢

When Sumi came home with a 75 on all his test:

"Y-young master.. you passed in every single subject.." Collins asked, flabberghasted.

"Mhm. It was soooo soooooo toooootalllllly hard but i passed. Collins where is my sweets?"

"This is great! I shall inform the duke and we shall have a celebration!"

Gee, why they acting like he couldnt even pass the test?

"Whatever, as long as there are sweets, im down."

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