By baebaeluv23

185K 4.7K 3.2K

dudes dawg females every day all day what happens when moe does the same ? Will she find love or will continu... More

Bullshit . Alot of it ...
Real shit .
Ohh shit . (Part1)
Oh shit (part 2)
Dumb shit
Straight up bull
Grown shit
Extra shit .
Clifhanger shit .
What the -
Laugh at this shit
No Name .
On go type shit !
Im outside .
Go big or go home
confusion type shit
well well well
new bullshit ....
Sneaky shit
Welcome type shit
good and bullshit
Broken hearts and lies
oh my fuck ..
Right or wrong
just when everything was good
Farewell bullshit

Lowdown shit .

9.6K 258 217
By baebaeluv23

Enjoy !!
Next morning:

Dice slowly blinked his eyes opened. It was dark in the living room since the blinds were closed. It was a pinch of light coming from the flight screen , Netflix was asking "are you still watching" . Since they had fell asleep on the movie last night..

He looked down to notice Moe all up on him . They were in a cuddling position, she had her backside towards him while his front towards her. Her mouth was lightly gapped open. She had this frown on her face as if she was having a bad dream .

Instead of dice being all lovey dovey he pushed Moe , so her body landed on the floor hitting her Forhead . She groaned cause she was being awoken. It was like when Moe went to sleep she was literally dead to the world , and she when she was woken up she wanted to kill the world. She set up and stretched. She rubbed her eye for a good 10seconds getting her senses together.

While she was doing that, dice walked over her and went to the bathroom to take care of his hygiene. Instead of staying on the floor Moe went and flopped down in her bed while pulling the covers over her whole body including her face. She wasn't worried about dice in the bathroom, she had already seen Julez dick she really didn't want to see another.

Dice was in the bathroom for a good 50 minutes . He came out the bathroom with some gym shorts on and a black tank top . He sported this silver chain. His slimness looked good with his attire.

He looked over at Moes bed and saw she went back to sleep, he had already knew she wasn't a morning person, so she was about to be really mad when he tell her she had to get up .

Moe didn't wake up from just you calling her name or shaking her you really had to get under her skin. Which was A okay with dice he loved seeing her mad. He opened her blinds so now the bright ass sun was shining in , she couldn't really see the sun since the covers was over her face. Here came dice favorite part. He grabbed the end of her cover and dragged it off her .

She immediately grew irritated cause now her body was exposed and Moes apartment was cold as fuck . So she was cold and the sun was hitting her dead in her face. "What the fuck could you possibly want" she groaned while grabbing a pillow and placing it over her face.

Dice watched her, she had on these blue boxers and a black shirt. Her hair was in a messy high ponytail. Strands of her straightened hair were sticking out . Not in a bad looking way , it was cute. Her plum lips were dry since she had just woke up and eyes had little crust in them.

"Come on we got business to attend too" Dice replied. In the bathroom Cash had called him they needed for him, Julez, Moe to go to New York on business . They had to make a deal and Moe surprisingly was good a making good deals . More like finessing people , she was a good talker. She could make you feel like it was 50/50 but in reality it was 80/20 . Guess who the 80 was...

"I was supposed to go shopping with Melody today how I'm supposed to explain to her" Moe said making an excuse. No offense to her friend but she didn't really care if she miss what they planned all she wanted to do was sleep in today. Tomorrow she had school.

"Listen Moe I don't give a fuck , so all that shit you saying is going one ear out the other, so pack your bags and bring your bony ass" dice said walking out the room . "I'm finna go and get some clothes from my place when I get back your ass better be ready I'm not playing. I already broke your arm don't think I won't break the other one" with that dice left and locked the door.

Moe rolled her eyes. She got up and went to take a shower. She had to call her girl melody.

"Goodmorning" melody answered groggily she had just woken up from Moe calling her .

"Goodmorning, girl I can't make it to the mall today" Moe said hoping her friend wouldn't be mad. Her and Melody hadn't really caught up or hung out in over a month. Only time they saw each was at school , barley that because either Moe left early or melody was helping out the school year book people . She took bomb ass pictures , she could draw too ...

"Girl they got you going on a business meeting again" .

"Yes girl I hope it's quick so we can leave and I can come back home, but speaking of home Monica came over here yesterday"

"What, how is she , how's the babies" Melody asked, she knew Moe and Monica hadn't been talking as much as they usually would.

"I don't know - hold on" Moe said Turning off the shower and getting out. "But um when she came I was sleep so she decided to let me sleep, Dice told me she said she was going to come back later or whatever"

"Ohh okay, well are you still mad"

Moe didnt know what the hell she was, one minute she was cool the next she was salty about the situation all over again.

"Honestly Mel I don't know imma talk to her though because I do miss my sister, and the situation she in is fucked up .I don't wanna be too distant imma be right there for her" Moe assured Melody .

"Yeah you can that again two babies, two baby father that has to suck but that's besides the point you staying by her is the best thing you could do despite the bullshit"

"big facts bestie but girl let me tell you what happened between dice and Julez "

"Bitch fuck Julez what's up with dice Im rooting for him y'all soo cute" melody cooed.

"Aye chill but let me tell you girl.. Moe trialed off . She told Melody everything including her feelings which she didn't do to nobody expect melody and Monica those the ONLY people she talked about her feelings with . She didn't trust people, everybody was a snake until proven a lion in Moes opinion..

"Wow - WOW, that was a lot and this morning you woke up cuddled with dice" melody asked .

"Yeah" Moe said dryly .

"Bitch you in a fucking love trio but the million dollar question is who are you feeling the most right now"

"I - I don't know" Moe stuttered she already knew who she wanted . She just wasn't sure.

"Bitch your lying, you know already if it's dice make a bird sound or some shit" Melody laughed , for some reason she really wanted Moe and dice together only because he was quiet and Moe already had a mouth on her , but Julez she wasn't a big fan of at all .

Moe busted out laughing, Melody was a trip.

"Girl but how you and Drew you never told me how the trip went" Moe said plugging up the flat iron . Right now she had on black boxer panties her sport Bra matched it. Even tho she was skinny she still was curvy. She got that from her mama.

"Girl let me tell you girl I had a blast, I'm really finna make official with him. But that's not even the best part. We had oral sex" melody said doing a little dance. Right now she was sitting up flipping through channels.

"You freaky hoe. But I anit surprised I already knew you was going to put that pussy on him" Moe said hyping her friend up. Melody was indeed a freak just shy but when she learn her way around anit nobody going be able to tell her a damn thing.

The two girls talked for about 19 more minutes until dice started calling . He was downstairs ready to go.

"Alright girl let me put my clothes on dice downstairs but I love you and imma call you when I touch down in New York" with that Moe ended the call and answered dices.

"Damn"'dice cursed he had talked to Moe about 10 minutes ago and she said she was coming down. Their plane was supposed to leave around 1:34pm and it was already 12:45pm. He was dreading walking up them stairs. All he wanted was to come ,pick her up, and that was it . Right now was extra shit to him .

He swiftly made his way upstairs, he saw this fine girl , she was shaped up real nice ,light-skinned her face wasn't as pretty as Moes but she was alright. She had some Indian weave in it looked like a middle part sew in . She turned and noticed dice, she instantly started blushing .

Instead of dice spitting game he chose not to say anything to her she looked hot in the ass to dice .She kept eyeing dice, but dice didn't acknowledge her . He walked right pass her and she like the stupid bitch she was decided to speak up .

"Aye my names Carmen what's yours" she said seductively . Dice didn't stop walking instead he just dryly replied "dice" .

"You cute dice can I get your number" she was hoping he didn't leave her hanging. Dice smirked.

"If that's what you want come here" she quickly walked over to him . She was desperate for that number and dice could tell .

"Imma call you later" she said blushing. Dice nodded his head and continued walking to Moes apartment. Carmen noticed him stop in front of Moes apartment. She turned her nose up when she seen him walk in. Carmen and Moe used to go to school together expect Carmen was one grade higher then her.

Carmen was always jealous of Moe just because of how people respected her, she wanted that.

Dice brought his key out and walked into Moes apartment. He walked into her bedroom without knocking. When he walked in she still had on her underwear .

Dice noticed her body. Moe was indeed fine she had curves in all the right places even though she was skinny.

He cleared his throat which caused Moe to look over at him. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm coming okay I just had to put last minute shit in the bag" Moe replied.

"Wheres your clothes , you up here lollygaging around and not being serious" he semi yelled.

Moe could tell he was pissed off but she  didn't care he told her last minute so what the fuck did he expect.

"Here take this to the car I'm right behind you" Moe said throwing the duffle bag to dice. She honestly didn't care if he saw her in her under gourmets. She was in a rush.

Dice caught the bag and eyed Moe before walking out. "Bring your ass on" he said slamming the front door. Moe rolled her eyes still moving around the her room making sure she didn't forget anything .

"Why you took your cast off anit the doctor supposed to do that" dice and Moe were now in the car they were almost to the airport.

"yeah but I'm not going up here with that shit on my arm" .Her arm cast had really been aggravating her it was kinda hard trying to adjust her clothes to fit around her arm. And she also didn't want to go up there looking weak especially if anything popped off. Moe wasn't going out like that .

Dice didn't say anything back instead he just kept looking straight trying to get to the airport.

"So it's just us?" Moe said starting a conversation.

"Naw ma your boy going be up here too"

"Who is my boy? Julez?" Moe quickly regretted saying his name instead she wish she would've played clueless.

"Look see what I mean you know who your nigga is" dice retorted back . You could hear the jealousy in his tone

"We're not together we're just friends. You reading to much into it"

Dice waved Moe off, in his mind he just knew Moe was feelings Julez more then him, and after seeing that naked tickling shit happen yesterday that fucked his mind up even more. Why do I care? Dice thought. Feelings were new to dice , he never been buddied up with hoes all these females was to him was a quick nut . Dice lived a fast life he never had time for women emotionally only sexually.. and if they got too complicated and started catching feelings he would cut them off in a quick blink.
That's just how he operated.

They drove in silence for the rest of ride. They finally arrived at the airport. They got their bags out the trunk and went in .

Julez was standing talking to some lady, she looked older . She was white with a tan , you could tell her body was made of silicone and her face was caked with makeup that wasn't even her skin color.

Moe rolled her eyes, "wanna be black silicone hoe" Moe muttered but loud enough for dice to hear. He chuckled at little .

"Can you please bring your ass" Moe said eyeing the lady and then back at Julez.

Julez looked at Moe like she had lost her mind but instead of saying anything slick he whispered into the ladies ear and then walked off with dice and Moe .
"Hi were boarding this plane today" Moe said in her nice voice. Honestly it wasn't very nice you could still hear the hood in her voice.

"Yes right here" the lady behind the counter said smiling . She glanced over at dice and Julez , she thought they was fine she wanted to talk to them both.

She stamped Moes and Julez ticket but not dices. Moe farrowed her eyebrows.

"Ugh why is his not stamped too ma'am"

"Oh well you see y'all plane timing is at 1:34 while his is at 3:35pm" she said showing Moe the different timing.

"What the fuck I booked my shit with them why I don't have the same time" dice said .

The lady explained it one more time showing them everything off her computer, which was against the rules but for dice she'll take that chance.

"Bunch of bullshit" dice said rubbing his face.

The time now was 1:29 it was almost time for Julez and Moe to board the plan without dice .

"Well me and Moe will go and get checked in and we'll wait for you Alright bruh" Julez smirked . He booked the tickets and made sure dice got a later time he wanted to spend time with Moe , he felt like dice was under her to much.

Dice didn't like the sound of that for some reason he knew this was Julez doing , but instead of him going off and killing his homeboy right then and their in the airport , he shook his head and watched as they boarded the plane.

Moe didn't really care who she got on the plane with long as she went so she could come back as soon as possible. She told dice she would call or text him when they arrived. Dice was just going to have to trust Moe wouldn't fuck with Julez how he knew Julez wanted to mess with her. Hopefully

Julez and Moe checked into their hotel suite , Moe , dice and Julez were in the same room . They were on the 12th floor the 3rd room .

When Moe went in her face automatically farrowed. She didn't like it . "What the hell is this shit" Moe said pointing at the couch. It wasn't that the room was ugly it was nasty. One of Moes BIGGEST pet peeves were filthy places that were just nasty or smelled for no reason at all especially a hotel.

Julez walked in behind her he didn't think nothing was wrong with it considering this is where they had to be located . "I don't see nothing wrong with it" he said putting his bag on one of the beds .

They had a 4 beds in the room . 2 were on the left and the other 2 on the right sides of the wall. Their bathroom wasn't all that spaceish they had 2 sinks and just a shower not tub and in the middle their was their toilet but it was just going have to work. Their was a window view but not that big all you saw out of it was the McDonald's sign, the roof on the top of some other buildings that were around the hotel and the sun.

The kitchen was a quick walk in, they had stoves and cabinets and surprisingly they put forks,spoons, cups etc in there.

"Yeah of course your ass wouldn't.." Moe trailed off . They had to be there however long the deal would take so Moe was definitely going to go out and clean up.

"alright just stop tripping and come on so we can get something to eat" Julez said waving Moe off.

"Fuck food take me to the nearest Walmart I got supplies I need to pick up" Moe said all in the bathroom she was checking everything out . It had that hotel smell and Moe wasn't a big fan of that smell.

Julez laughed . Him and Moe left and went to Walmart. They had a rental it was an all black 2017 jeep truck that dice rented. He loved trucks cars made him feel like a little bitch.

"So Moe when you gonna stop playing with me" . As of right now they were in Walmart in the cleaning products isle .

"uh who said I was playing" Moe asked smelling the pine sol .

"Oh so you do want me " Julez smirked he knew getting Moe wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to try. Moe was a the definition of a true bad bitch to him . She kept herself up , she didn't need to call people to come to her rescue, she had her own money and then on top of that she didn't take shit from nobody. The typa women he wanted to bring home .

"Who said that" Moe wasn't really engaged into the conversation all she wanted to do was clean the hotel , make the deal and go home . Barely make the deal but she needed the money .

"Oh here we go Moe I know you anit feeling old dude" Julez said eyeing her . "That nigga old as fuck he 23 and your only 18 while me I'm 21 your 18 doesn't that make sense.."Julez was trying to build up his case but he couldn't tell if it was working because Moe was still trying to see which bleach she wanted to get .

"Listen Julez I hear you ,but if I wanted to fuck with a nigga that was 30 years old I'll do that you know why because I'm grown as fuck and been grown not just cause of age but mindset been up there" Moe replied, she didn't like that Julez pulled the age card . He hit a nerve .

Julez grabbed her by her waist close to him . Her back was facing his front.

"All I'm saying is give a Nigga a chance" he whispered. He knew exactly what he was doing . He even was bold enough to push his print up on her. She couldn't lie and say her panties weren't wet because they were.

"U-um whatever Julez" Moe said pulling away from him. She loved what he just did, she was just so tempted to fuck him, and that exactly what Julez wanted and she knew that so instead she fought temptation .

"Yeah okay I'm not going to be chasing you forever" Julez said a little irritated. Moe was on games.

"I didn't ask you too" and with that Moe pushed him out the way of the buggy and turned the corner. Julez just followed behind her cause right now she was doing to much .

Dice arrived to the hotel , he got a key from the front that Moe had left and went upstairs. He opened the door fast to see if anything was going on . But instead he saw Moes bag and other little bag on one bed and Julez on the one across from hers.

He did a once over around the room and he just knew Moe was freaking out about the nastiness and since they couldn't relocate he knew she was finna go crazy.

On perfect timing , Moe and Julez came in laughing with bags in their hands. After they came from Walmart they went to this joint that Julez knew about .they made the best waffles and chicken.

Dice had this very not so friendly look on his face while eyeing them both as they came in . He peeped the cleaning products. It had Moes name written all over the bag .

"Hey when you got back" Moe asked dice who was plugging his phone up .

"Just got back actually, I'm about to take a shower and then lay down , Cody already told me the plan" dice said taking off his hoodie now he just had on a black t-shirt from earlier and some grey Nike joggers. He had the grey Nike hoodie to match.

"Wait before you do that let me pour some bleach in there and scrub it down a little bit" with that Moe grabbed the Walmart bag and made her way into the bathroom.

Julez was kinda mad that him and Moes alone time was cut short but he didn't say anything instead he just digged into his waffle and chicken he just bought .

"Cody and cash flying out here too they gotta sale the guns and shit" Julez said sparking up a conversation.

"Yeah Drew told me" dice replied but him being him that stunt that Julez pulled earlier didn't sit right with him . "And also men why you booked my shit back to 3:35 and not 1:34 with y'all" dice said scrolling threw his phone he had just texted Carmen back from earlier .

"Cause I did I wanted some alone time with Moe" Julez answered honestly.

"Okay my nigga next time say that anit nobody stopping you especially not me . I don't even like Moe on that level this just a work thing" dice said bluntly.

"Yeah alright" Julez said still smacking on his food.

Moe heard what they were saying, mostly dice he kinda hurted her feelings it wasn't what he said it's how he said it that made her feelings hurt a little ,considering that's who should would of chosen . The answer to the million dollar question that Melody asked was dice . A single tear fell but she Quickly recovered. "Fuck Him I don't need him" Moe muttered . She went back to cleaning the bathroom .
Next morning:

"How you been girl we missed you down there at the club" Tyler said . She had came to pick Monica pregnant ass up they decided to go out for breakfast. Candy was sitting in the backseat agreeing with her friend.

"I know yo ass see this belly" Monica pointed to her big belly , she was kinda big for a 5months but that was okay cause she was carrying twins.

"Bitch you always managed to get yourself in some mess more then your sister" candy laughed . "And you really out did yourself with this one" candy added . Which was the truth , Moe was gangsta and dogged niggas but she didn't really have as much mess going on as Monica , she stayed in drama . Fights, niggas, shootings , drugs and now she pregnant with not one but two niggas babies.

"Candy shut the fuck up you see Monica having a hard time and shit" Tyler said taking up for Monica. They had been cool since elementary days , they met candy the beginning of high school she was transitioned from bronx New York to Chicago . And all them been cool ever since .

"I mean it is what it is , it's gods plan not mine" Monica reassured candy .

"Hoe it's your coochie too, you gotta push two fucking babies out of your little ass coochie" Tyler butted in .

"Okay first of all it anit little and imma get epidural or whatever they give to stop the pain" Monica said .

"Mane that's why I have abortions , anit no babies fucking up my shape" candy said in her thick New York accent.

Tyler and Monica busted out laughing . They finally arrived to the ihop . It was a group of girls coming out when they were going in.

One of the females was bold enough to address Monica.

"Hoe" she said out loud causing her friends to look over at Tyler them .

"You wanna repeat that shit again" Monica asked the skinny girl . Monica wasn't a hothead at all she was more on the chill side , now her sister is the one that popped off while Monica just brushed it off and kept going but since she was pregnant it's like her mouth got reckless and she got sick of people running over her . One for starters "cash"

"I said hoe problem" the skinny girl snapped back.

Candy was about to talk until Monica cut her off . "Aye lil bitch it's all good just wait till my hoe ass drop these babies have the same fucking energy" Monica said pointing at the girl .

The girl didn't dare say anything back . She just tooted up her mouth and walked away with her little ass friend group .

"Ignorant ass bitches" Tyler said . They had found a table to sit at.

"Girl like I said everybody been talking bout me like a dog ever since cash said something so when these babies drop imma be more then happy to deal with these weak ass bitches" Monica spat. Everybody knew about It , that was even more embarrassing for Monica .

The girls had their breakfast and then left to go back to Tyler's crib ..

"Aye so where we gonna sleep" cash asked. Him and Cody had made it to New York finally they woke Moe them up when they arrived .

"Shit I don't know but I know I automatically get the bed by myself y'all ugly dudes gotta share" Moe bluntly said . She meant what she said she was not giving up her bed .

"Naw Moe can sleep with me" Julez gave Moe a seductive look , she noticed and looked away fast .

"Noo Moe is not , like I said - matter of fact fight me and whoever win can have the fucking bed" Moe snapped . She knew they wasn't going to square up . Not because they were scared never that . Only because Moe don't stop until she wins .

"Girl anit nobody stunting you, I'm finna put your bony ass in that recliner chair" Cody voiced .

Everybody laughed expect Moe . She just rolled her eyes and sat back down on her bed . She was surprised she was up and not grouchy .

Her phone dinged indicating she had a text message.

Yoo what the play is you don't fw me no more- MARCUS .

Moe smirked . Marcus was indeed her favorite only because he didn't nag her all damn day , wasn't always under her he let her breath . He even told her he just wanted to fuck with her relationship or not . He didn't care .

Naw we cool I'm outta town right now but when I get back imma Link up with- MOE .

Bet ma hit me up - MARCUS .

She was in deep thought while looking at her phone until Cash got her attention.

"You heard what I said" he quizzed her .

"What you say"

"Mmcht me and you going in the office while the rest of them going be on stand by understand" he asked .

Moe shook her head , she had to go get ready . She got her duffle bag from off the side of her bed and went into the bathroom . The rest of the boys were loading up . Good looking out from their mans billy he owned trucks so she was able to get their equipment to them . He made a good profit and so did drew them .

Moe came out the bathroom dressed but not to much . Her natural hair was long and silk pressed she had a side part. She had on this skirt suit that looked hella good . Julez couldn't seem to get his eyes off her , even dice was stealing peeks of her .

"Aye Moe you packed the wipes" Dice asked . Moe didn't really show him any type of emotion she dryly said yeah and tossed the wipes at him .

"So professional enough" Moe asked cash . He nodded his head . He couldn't even say Moe wasn't looking like a snack but that was his little sister so he chilled .

"Alright the men name is Aaron he's Spanish so talk a little Spanish and try to be all in his face he obsessed with pretty girls" cash coached her . She wasn't tripping over the fact that that he called her pretty , hell she knew she was fine fine .

"Alright damn cash I know what I'm doing" Moe said .

"I'm looking out for you so when we get in here don't fuck up we really need this" cash whispered. They were getting close to his office door . It was a big silver door in the Lonely hall his receptionist had let them in , Moe felt like they had been walking down the hallway forever .

Cash shot the group chat a quick text making sure everybody was on standby just in case anything popped off . Moe had her gun in the band of her skirt . She stayed ready .

When they got closer to the door it opened it was indeed a Spanish dude sitting at his desk , he wasn't bad looking though, he had his hair braided down and wore a suit trying to look somewhat professional. His facial features is what caught Moes eyes. He was beautiful he didn't look beat up he looked like he took care of himself. Real good.

It was 2 body guards standing on the side of him one was white the other was black they both were buff and wore black suits and glasses like the men in black .

"So tell me why should I invest in these guns" Aaron asked . Cash had brought some product with him right now they were trying to sale the guns because they had a shipment of them coming in .

"Why not man they good guns , update too the serial number and everything is scratched off so nothing is traceable" cash said getting a little upset .

Aaron still wasn't moved and this is where Moe came in .

"No offense Arron but from the looks of it you could use a little more security. And why not get it through us you see where giving you the cheapest deal other people charge more but since we're being generous ..." Moe trailed off .

Aaron didn't hear a word Moe said , he was looking at her facial features and boy was she pretty . He never seen no one carry themselves like her and on top of that she was fine . He wanted her . Before Moe could even finish her big ass speech Aaron cut her off .

"Give me the original prices, no deal and also give me your number" Aaron licked his lips .

Cash looked dead a Moe and waited for her answer .

"Okay I'm down" if just talking to Aaron or going on a date would get her the deal she sure enough was going to take it .

"Great" Aaron smirked and snapped his fingers . Stripper hoes came in with 4 cases of money . Aaron motioned for them to hand it over to cash . Cash gave Aaron all the shipment information for the weapons . Before leaving Aaron and Moe exchanged information and then they left .
Cash called Drew to make sure the shipment went out to Arron since they got the money .

After that it was time to leave New York for everyone expect Moe she still had to go on a date with Aaron . Cash, Cody,and Julez left while dice and Moe stayed behind . Julez was hesitant about leaving but he had hella business tend to back in Chicago so he left .

Aaron said he was going to come pick Moe up but she didn't want him to know the hotel she was at so she decided to meet him .

She began getting ready since she had to be at the restaurant around 8.

"You good" dice noticed Moe was distant usually they would be laughing right now or talking about something . But ever since the dudes left earlier Moe had been very quiet . Which to dice was weird because Moe talked a lot .

"Yeah" she dryly said .

"What's up with you why you acting weird"


"Moe why you acting like that right now you must don't want to go on this date" dice said he was sitting on his bed watching godfather since it was only thing interesting on the hotels tv .

"never said that"

"What's up with you and these dry ass responses"

"Dice why the fuck you bugging me" she snapped back .

"Say no more" dice muttered . He damn sure wasn't about to talk to her ass if she didn't want to talk to him . He was not about to chase her ass .

Moe came out the bathroom looking good . She had on this short black dress , off the shoulders. Her make up was done lightly and her hair was now in a middle part .

How the dress looked.

Dice glanced over at her . He had to do a double take . He wanted so badly to rip Moe outta that dress and fuck her senseless but he fought against it .

"Problem" Moe saw him staring at her with his face scrunched up .

"Hell yeah you not wearing that to no damn dinner"

Moe laughed , she fount it funny that dice was checking her about her clothing when they weren't even together.

"Ion see what's funny cause you not leaving out in that so you got your little hopes up go change" dice calmly said he was still sitting on the bed looking at tv .

"You funny that's what the fuck is so funny , I'm wearing this and not changing" Moe snapped back .

"Go change" dice waved her off still interested in the tv.

"If you anit going make me then no imma go however I wanna go I'm grown as fuck"... Moe was still going off while going back in the bathroom . The show went on commercial and dice got up and made his way towards Moe .

She was coming back out the bathroom so here they were in the middle of the room .

"I said take it off you look like a hoe , I'm surprised you packed that whatchu came out here for dick or sum"

"Yep I want him to ram in my cat ,problem!"Moe snapped back , she didn't care she was going to wear whatever the hell she wanted .

" either you can take that shit off or I will" he was looking dead in Moe eyes . He held an irritated expression on his face .

"Why you so worried I thought it was just a work thing I don't like Moe like that -" she was cut off by dice grabbing her neck and smashing his lips against hers . He kissed her deeply adding a little tongue action . She didn't pull back either .

Dice let her go and seen the a surprised expression on Moes face . "Now go change your clothes" dice said laying back in his bed .

Moe was caught off guard it's like she was stuck but she managed to go change her clothes . That kiss brought hella attention to the fact dice might like me. Moe thought . She changed into a jeans and nice Ralph Lauren collar shirt . She slid some nice slides on and decided to put her hair in a long high ponytail. She came out the bathroom and noticed dice texting someone .

Instead of her being all in her feelings asking what the kiss meant and shit , she grabbed her purse and just left out .
"So Moe you going tell me your real name"
Aaron asked eyeing moe . She didn't have on anything flashy since dice made her take it off but she still managed to look good .

Moe titled her head to the side a little. "It's Moe that's my real name"

"Okay imma find out sooner or later" Aaron replied .

"So whatchu doing running with cash and his crew for"

"I work with them" Moe took a sip of her soda . She wasn't 21 yet and the restaurant they were at didn't allow that . But they did put the general rale in a champagne glass .

"What's a pretty thing like you doing working with them rough necks for"

"Cause I'm good at what I do" Moe smirked .

Her and Arron spent the whole night talking about nothing in particular just getting to know each better .

"So Moe or should I said Moria" Aaron said getting up from the table . They had been done eating a while back and now the restaurant was about to close .

Moe farrowed her eyebrows. "You had your little gooms do research on me or some" Moe said standing up with him .

"Something like that" Aaron had indeed texted one of his connections to get information on Moe . He didn't really find much out expect her name is Moria Yvette Peterson . 18.and her dad is a sex offender and doing time , and she has one sister . Monica kasandra Peterson . 21. Her mom never came up on her profile.

"Well don't be checking for me you won't find much" she assured him . He just nodded his head . They made their way out the restaurant.

"Well when I see you again" Aaron said kissing Moes hand.

"Just let me know whenever your ever in Chicago or I'll let you know when I'm here"

They said their goodbyes and Moe left . Aaron liked Moe alot and would hope to see her again sooner then later .
Moe and dice made it back to Chicago successfully they still hadn't been talking much since the little even from last night .

Instead of Moe riding with dice she caught a Uber . Too Moe it didn't seem to bother dice he just said okay and waltzed to his truck and left Moe right at the airport .

She finally made it home and took a shower and her hygiene. She informed Melody she was back she even texted Monica and tell her to come up later .

Moe was almost sleep until banging on her door . She waved it off hoping they'll go away but they didn't seem to budge . She groaned and got up . She grabbed her robbed and placed it on her body , she quickly made her way to the door . She opened it and there stood .

Chrissy. With her nappy head little brother .

"Hey Moe i need your help it's your dad"

Long chapter right ?

Julez ?

Dice ?


Monica ?




Leave feedback hope you enjoyed . 💕💕

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