š“š”šž š¬š®š§ ššš§š š­š”šž ļæ½...

By hannnnaaah

1M 26.2K 16.3K

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Selena Mae Gilbert
Act One
Katerina/ By the light of the moon
Daddy issues
The last dance
The last day
The sun also rises
Act two
The birthday
The Hybrid
The end of the affair
Disturbing behaviour
The reckoning
Smells like a teen spirit
Ghost world
Ordinary people
The new deal
Our town
Bringing out the dead
Dangerous liaisons
All my children
The murder of one
Heart of darkness
Do not go gentle
Before sunset
The departed
Act Three
Growing pain
The rager
The five
The killer
We all go a little mad sometimes
The end of the war
My brothers keeper
Living the moment
Oh come all ye faithful
After school special
A view to kill
Into the wild/ Down the rabbit hole
Stand by you
Bring it on
Because of the night
American Gothic/ Picture of you
The End

As I lay dying

28K 711 337
By hannnnaaah

Vanish into the night with me
We're rasing heartbeats
Feel the power arrest me
Like shadows on concrete

Gotta get away, gotta escape
From the daylight
I can see the way painted beneath the moon
Fear on fire

Death is the permanent, irreversible cessation of all biological functions that sustain a living organism

Many people are afraid of dying. Discussing, thinking, or planning their own deaths causes them discomfort

Selena Gilbert was no stranger to death, many people had died around her but what was she truly terrifying her is the people she cares about and live die

Selena fluttered her hazel eyes open as she felt the light and warm of the sun beating down her skin, she sat down slowly as Elijah handed her some clothes causing her to blush furiously. Klaus smirked at her causing her to glare at him harshly

"Privacy" she said and he chuckled amusingly

"We're in the woods" he stated and she faked a smile

"I thought we were in the Royal Palace" She sassed as Elijah threw some clothes at his direction

She began dress up quickly as Klaus kept staring at her with lustful eyes causing her to blush more when she felt his gazes burning her back

"You've been busy" Elijah remarked as Klaus stood in front of Selena blocking her from Elijah's eyeline

"That was amazing" Klaus said with a smile as he began to dress up too causing his soulmate to smile too

"How long has it been?" She asked when she finished dressing up as she joined them and kept her eyes on Elijah causing Klaus to smile when he saw the blish on her face

"Almost Two days. The full moon came and went and you two remained wolves" Elijah said and Selena looked at him with widened eyes

"Two... what?" She asked in shock causing Klaus to chuckle amusingly at her reaction

"We both can change at will. That's good to know" he told her putting his shirt on and she rolled her eyes

"If you're waiting for a thank you, you're not gonna get it" she told him and he rolled his eyes while Elijah was smirking at them, someone was finally able to have control over his brother

"I remember every single kill" Klaus said with a proud smile and Selena looked at Elijah

"I didn't- I didn't kill anyone. Did I?" She asked hesitantly afraid of the answer

"Don't you worry, love. I killed for you" Klaus said teasingly and she narrowed her eyes at him

"What is wrong with you, honestly?" Selena asked him with furrowed eyebrows

"No you didn't" Elijah assured her before turning to face his brother "I've been cleaning up your little mess along the way"

"Just like old times, brother" Klaus smiled as Elijah handed them both their shoes

"Well, you've had your fun. I believe we have a bargain" Elijah said as Klaus shifted his gazes from Selena to his brother

"That's right. Now what was it again?" Klaus asked with a fake confusion causing Selena to sigh at his childish actions

"Oh yeah wait I remember" he mocked "That's it. You wish to be reunited with our family"

"How old are you again?" Selena asked him in annoyance and he scoffed

"You gave me your word, Niklaus" Elijah stated with an annoyed tone

"What kind of brother would break his bond?" Klaus retorted "Even though you did try to kill me... and almost kill my soulmate"

"I'm right here" Selena said pointing at herself "I can defend myself. Thank you"

"I could have but I didn't" Elijah stated as he showed Selena her necklace causing her to move up her hair as he placed her necklace around her neck and Klaus watched them with clenched jaw as jealousy coursing through his body

"Now, no one can. Not even you" Klaus said as he finished dressing up "Relax, Elijah. All is forgiven"

"Where are they?" He asked impatiently and Klaus chuckled

"You need to lighten up. I'll bring you to them soon enough"

"Well now if you excuse me. I have a funeral to attend... oh right I was a wolf for two days with a psychopath. So I didn't get to attend my sister's funeral" Selena said bitterly with a fake smile before walking away

Klaus tried to follow her to stop her but his brother placed his hand on his forearm stopping him "She already lost too much" Elijah said and Klaus looked at her direction


Selena stepped inside her house and took a deep breath as a tear escaped her eyes, she looked around to see Jenna standing in the kitchen causing her to run into her arms

"Auntie J" Selena cried as she hugged her tightly

"Oh my God! You're alive" Jenna kissed her forehead as tears streaming down her cheeks "Where were you?"

"Lennie?" Jeremy and Elena approached them causing Selena to gasp in shock

"You're alive" Selena breathed out in disbelief as she hugged her sister "How?"

"Long story" Elena said as Selena pulled Jeremy into a hug too

"It doesn't matter. You're alive" She cried joyfully


After she took a shower, Elena told her that they were going to watch a movie in the park to distract themselves from reality

"You brought me here to see a girl movie" Jeremy complained to his sisters

"We had to get out of the house Jer, if I'm seeing this movie so are you. I mean come on who could resist Scarlett... she's hot" Selena pointed out as he smiled at her amusingly

"Is that what we're doing? Pretending like our lives aren't screwed?" He scoffed in disbelief

"Well because our life is screwed... it's so much more fun"

"We need to do this okay" Elena argued with him "Breath, eat, sleep, wake up and do it all over again until one day it's not just as hard anymore"

"I hate to agree with her but yes. She's right" Selena said as they sat down at the blanket on the floor

"Hey! There you are Guys" Caroline walked over to them with a basket in her hand "Oh my God Leenie!"

"I missed you two, Care" Selena hugged her bestfriend tightly

"Who's hungry?" The blonde asked and Selena raised her hand

"Agh! Me I didn't eat in two days" Selena groaned as she grabbed an apple

"Are we really doing this?" Jeremy asked them in disbelief

"Yeah we are really doing this. Now sit down" Selena sassed

"Yeah, we're going to take a page from Scarlett" Caroline added "We made it through the war"

"Yes we did!" Selena cheered clapping her hands

"I know you guys went through hell and my mom knows I'm a vampire so basically it's like Atlanta has burned" Caroline told the Gilbert siblings "And yet in spite of everything we preserve"

"All right what are we eating" he said and Selena smiled at him

"Something good" Caroline told him and Selena began to eat her apple

"Aren't we going to talk about how Selena burned down the whole forest?" Jeremy asked and she sighed

"No not today"


After an hour they were watching and Selena's head was resting on Jeremy's lap as he played with her hair. He knew that she was always been there for him and never treated him like a child

"Hey look who couldn't resist an epic romance" Elena said when Stefan approached them as they all smiled at him

"Hey! Stef" she greeted and he smiled at her warmly

"Will you come take a walk with me?" He asked his girlfriend and she nodded "You too Leenie"

"You're breaking the rules, you know?" Elena told her boyfriend and Selena nodded

"Yep, Stef. We were trying to be normal for a day..." Selena said and Elena chuckled

"Movie night supposed to be a distraction" Elena added and her sister scoffed

"Being in denial sucks" Selena stated with an American accent "We just wanted a day with no supernatural drama"

"I know I wish this could wait. But it can't" he told them and they looked at him in confusion

"What is it? What's going on?" Selena asked im concern

"The other night when uh... Damon was helping Tyler, something happened" he said "Tyler was starting to transform and Damon was bitten"

"What?" They asked in unison "Is he-? Is he gonna...?"

"Yeah" Stefan said as tears welled up in his eyes

"Oh my God" Selena gasped in shock as she placed her hand on her mouth

"He came to the house this morning and tried to apologise" Elena told her boyfriend "I-I practically slammed the door in his face"

"He told me not to tell you but I figured if you both wanted to talk to him. I wouldn't wait" Stefan told them and Selena turned to Elena

"El, go. I'll be right behind you" Selena told her sister "I'll be okay"

"There must be something we can do" Selena told Stefan when Elena hugged him before walking away "I- I can't lose him. I won't"

"There might be a cure" Stefan revealed and she smiled hopefully "But I have to find Klaus to get it"

"No, we have to find Klaus" Selena corrected and he shook his head


"Stefan he's not going to hurt me. We know that for a fact" she stated "Well at least not physically but I'm going to go with or without you"


When they made it to Alaric's apartment They saw Katherine "Hello Katherine" Stefan greeted the doppelganger

She got up from the bed angrily "Two days, I've been waiting. I'm supposed to be free from Klaus's compulsion"

"We ran into complications" Selena said

"Complications" the doppelganger scoffed in disbelief

"Doesn't really matter. Do you have any idea where he might be?" Stefan asked her

"Katherine please it's really a matter of life or death, we need to find him as soon as we can" Selena told her pleadingly

She opened her mouth to say something but she heard Elijah and Klaus were about to enter.

She quickly sped over them and pushed Stefan against the wall and grabbed Selena's wrist pulling her closer to Stefan as she motioned for them to be quite

"Klaus you're back" Katherine greeted him bitterly "Look who decided to come for a visit"

Klaus and Elijah stepped inside the house and they saw Katherine grabbing Stefan by his shirt and Selena by her arm

"Let me go!" Selena demanded and the doppelganger obliged letting go of both Stefan and her

Stefan wrapped his arms around her waist protectively as he pulled her behind him causing Klaus look at them with clenched jaw "You just keep popping up don't you?"

"We need your help" She pleaded as he looked at her with a smirk

"Look, I need your help for my brother" Stefan told him and Klaus smiled slightly at his soulmate and the vampire

"Whatever it is he's gonna have to wait a tick. You see I have an obligation to my brother that requires my immediate attention" The Original hybrid told them with an arrogant smirk just as Elijah stepped forward

"You understand how important family is or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own" The Original vampire told them

"And you believed him? He's ly-" Selena began and Stefan glared at her causing her to shut her mouth

"And so I shall" Klaus said causing them all to look at him as he sped over to Elijah and stab him in his heart. Selena let out a gasp in shock watching him dig the dagger further with an amused smile

"Oh my God!" She stepped back as Stefan wrapped his arm around her shoulder protectively

Klaus sped over them and staked Stefan near the heart "Now what am I going to do with you? Do you feel that?" He digged the stake further "It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead"

"He's just trying to help his brother" Katherine defended him fearfully

"Please Klaus" Selena pleaded him with teary eyes "Klaus!"

"The witches said you had a cure... I'm here to make a deal" Stefan grunted in pain "Just give me the cure I'll do whatever you want"

"Trouble is I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now. You are just shy of useless" the hybrid teased and Selena rolled her eyes "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917 he went to Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village... A true ripper. Sound familiar?"

"I haven't been that way in a very long time" Stefan retorted sadly and Selena looked at him sympathetically knowing it wasn't a good memories for him

"Well that's the vampire I can make a deal with. That is kind of talent that I can use when I leave town" The Original hybrid said with a shrug

"Wait what? Stefan is not leaving town with you" she told him firmly and he chuckled shifting his eyes toward her

"You're coming with us too" he said to his soulmate with a smile

"No no Selena is not going anywhere, she's not part of our deal. I'll do whatever you want but let her go" Stefan pleaded desperately and Selena's eyes never left the hybrid's

"If you want to keep Damon alive and cure him you'll accept" Klaus told her ignoring Stefan

"The cure first" She demanded with a calm tone but fiery glare

"Katerina come" he called the doppelganger but his eyes were still on Selena. Katherine obliged as he grabbed her arm and bit her as his eyes flashing gold

"No no" Katherine panicked in fear as the werewolf bite spreading on her skin. The Original hybrid bit into his wrist and forced it to the doppelganger as she drunk his blood

Selena and Stefan eyed them warily as they saw the bite started to heal causing them to share a look

"You want your cure?" Klaus smirked at them proudly as blood dropping from his chin "There it is"

"Perfect" Selena muttered sarcastically

"Gotta love mother's nature" he mocked and she glared at him harshly "Deal?"

"We have a deal" she muttered fearlessly

"Now let's talk you and I" he told Stefan and the he turned to his soulmate once again "You have one hour to say goodbye to your family... one hour, Selene no more or it will be no deal"

"Okay" she said as a tear escaped her eye causing him to look away "Stef, I'm coming back... wait for me"


Selena entered the house to see no one was in the house, she made her way to her bedroom and packed aome of her important stuff like photographs... she sat down and bwgan to write a letter for her Aunt, sister and baby brother

So by the time you're reading this letter I'd be long gone. So where should I begin? I'm sorry for leaving all of sudden but I had to.

In order to keep Elena safe I have to leave town with Klaus and Stefan and I know I'm not exactly a selfless person but I will do whatever it takes to keep my family and the one I love safe.

Please keep each other safe and I promise you one day I'll be back but now Klaus doesn't need to know that my sister is alive. I love all of you and I will miss you all

With love Selena


Selena re entered Alaric's apartment she saw Stefan filled with blood all over his mouth and neck causing her to gasp "What the hell happened here? I need a drink"

"Look who finally joined us" Klaus said with a taunting smirk causing her to glare at him

"Stefan was having fun" Klaus answered and she faked a smile

"That was a rhetorical question, jerk" she spat and he rolled his eyes

"Can we go?" She asked him and he shook his head

"Not until Stefan finish his hunt" he told her and she narrowed her eyes at him

"You're an arsehole" she spat and he chuckled lightly as she sat down in agitation waiting for Stefan to clean himself

"Selene" Klaus called and she looked at him while her arms were crossed around her chest "You know I'd never hurt you"

"Soulmate or not I will kill you" she quoted what he had said to her in the Grill

"I didn't mean that"

"You killed my sister" she said and he sighed "You know what? I'm in no mood for this conversation right now so please... just don't"

"And for the last time it's Selena!" She snapped and he chuckled

"I'm sorry" he apologised softly and she looked at him with no emotions in her eyes "I've waited for a thousand years to break this curse"

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" She asked in disbelief

"No but I wanted you to know that I am sorry" He told her and she looked into his eyes and saw nothing but honestly

"Is everything okay?" Stefan approached them and ahe stood up hugging him tightly as Klaus glared at them as jealousy boiling inside him

"Now we can go" Klaus told them and they pulled apart as they began to walk away

Klaus would do anything so she could see the good in him and maybe trust him one day and give him a chance

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