Can We Find A Way Out?

By alltimelow_therapy

801 54 18

(Book 2) It's hard enough to fight for love in the world, as disputes try to separate true love. Now, with A... More

1. Skylar's POV
2. Skylar's POV
4. Skylar's POV
5. Alex's POV
6. Skylar's POV
7. Jack's POV

3. Skylar's POV

128 7 2
By alltimelow_therapy

I could hear Jack's screams all the way from down the hall. It pained me so much to... hear?... how he hurt. I wanted to run over to his room and tell him that it wasn't true, that he wasn't dead. But I couldn't. Only that much was the truth. Alexander William Gaskarth was gone.

I looked away when Damon walked out of the room almost in tears. This was really happening. My entire life was falling apart because the most important piece of it was gone.

I ran down the hall as fast as I could, trying to get out of there as fast as possible, only to bump into Patrick.


"Patrick?" I managed to croak.

He smiled sadly at me and held me in his arms, giving me a desperate hug.

"I'm so sorry. Skylar, you don't deserve anything that's happening to you." he kept whispering in my ear. Starting with how I didn't need more drama in my life, to what an amazing guy Alex was.


I would never get used to that word. For as long as I remembered, it was always Alex and I against the world and now I was alone, crying in my friend's arms while my bestfriend mourned the death of... someone who was like his brother.

"Patrick... you have to help me." I mumbled into the crook of his neck.

"Anything for you..." he smiled down at me.

I tried to return his bright smile, only for a huge guilt to take over me.
Alex wouldn't be okay with this. He didn't like the way Patrick looked at me... he saw Patrick as a rival. There was a rivalry between them, one that I had started... and the winner got the girl. But I only wanted Alex. Everyone around me was hurting, everyone only wanted him back. I hated that mystery guy that was the cause of all this. Why had he saved me? Why not save Alex too? If he wanted to kill someone, why not me!? Because without Alex... I was going to die anyway.

"Skylar?" A voice brought me out of my daydream and I looked up, into Patrick sweet hazel/green eyes. They were warm and welcoming, like he was willing to do anything to make me happy.

I hummed in response only to earn a weary look from him. "Sky, I can't help you unless you tell me what's going on in that pretty little head of yours."

I sighed as I began to walk back to Jack's room, Patrick following behind me. You could still hear Jack weeping as we walked up to the door and it took everything I had not to break down again.

"Jack..." I croaked as I stepped in.
But he didn't look up, he continued staring out the window, his look distant and cold.
"Patrick is here." I added when I got no answer... from anyone.

I looked over at Rian, he had the same look. As did Zack and Damon. I couldn't stand it. All of them, mourning the death of someone who was murdered! For heaven's sake, we should be after the murderer, not in here making ourselves miserable as the minutes passed!
Outraged, I slammed my fist against the wall, causing a loud bang to echo throughout the room. Immediately, an immense pain shot through my hand and wrist, but I payed no attention as I glared at everyone.

"You didn't believe me. No one did, all because that stupid police report... it was corrupted. He was murdered!" I shouted at the top of my lungs, not caring that we were still in the hospital.

"Sky, I'm sorry. We're all sorry, we just chose to believe what seemed easier to deal with." Zack mumbled.

I faked a bitter laugh. "Meanwhile, I was dying inside. But that's okay, right? Because you just wanted to have the easy way?"

He turned his gaze to the floor while my eyes sent daggers in his direction. Damon coughed awkwardly from the corner in which he stood, catching everyone's attention.

"So what do you suggest we do, Sky?"

I sighed. I was no match for myself. I couldn't pretend to be strong, to be mad at these people who shared my pain. I couldn't pretend to know what I was doing, pretend to know what I wanted. What did I want? Justice? The truth? Or something to forget my pain?

"I don't know." I whispered as tears began to flow down my cheeks.

I heard someone breathe in heavily behind me, then a hand was placed on my shoulder. There was no need to turn to look at his face, I knew who had my back. Patrick. In my slight moment of rage, I had forgotten he was there.
But he had stayed. While I screamed at everyone, Patrick had stayed behind me all along, supporting me.

"For one, I believe the officer in charge of this case will be here soon to get Jack's side of the story. Then that's it, case closed."

"Dan." I spat. That lying, sinister, corrupted cop was hiding something... he was covering up what had really been a murder. "He won't accept the truth. He'll just keep Jack in this place longer until he admits that it was an accident and not something done intentionally."

Patrick smiled. "If they want to lie... we'll lie too."

I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion, looking at him like he had gone mad.

"Fight fire with fire." I heard Rian say from across the room.

"I don't understand." Damon chimed in. I nodded in agreement.

"Jack..." Rian called out.

Jack, finally showing signs of life, looked up at him. But that was it. He didn't smile, he didn't laugh, there was no dirty or sassy comment coming from him. But worst of all, his eyes seemed to fade into darkness... no longer gleaming.

"When they ask what happened, you can't tell them the truth. They'll hold it against you."

"Tell them the car swerved. Tell them the last thing you remember is crashing into the street light. Do not tell them about the black truck." I said, recalling what Officer Dan had told me about the report done.

He nodded, then looked down. "What good will this do? Will it bring him back?"

I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at him. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes yet I fought against them. Now it was Jack that needed the support of his friends.

I slowly walked over to him and hugged him while he rested his head in my chest and hugged my waist like a little kid, needing the comfort of his mother.

"Jack... listen to me. We'll find the truth, we'll make whoever did this pay. We will get justice for Alex." I carefully placed a kiss on his head and remained with my face against his head, hiding my pain.

But I believed those words. I believed that we were the only capable ones of getting the truth to surface. We: Damon, Rian, Zack, Jack, Patrick, and I, we would find Alex's murderer.

We would crush Alex's murderer.


I don't think you guys understand how hard writing an update is when you have writers block

Damn it.

Anyway, here's another update... kind of just a filler but just wait a couple more chapters and you'll cry Hopefully tears of joy though.


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