The Titan Living Amongst Huma...

By Moki_Moke

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Kaisha Jeager was Eren's Big Sister, She Joined the scouts against her parents will, She and her Parents have... More

Chapter 1: Home
Chapter 2: Shortage
Chapter 3: Training
Chapter 4: Attack of the Colossal
Chapter 5: Titans Among us
Chapter 6: Plugging Wall Rose
Chapter 7: The Survey Corps
Chapter 8: New Members
Chapter 9: Female Titan
Chapter 10: Capturing a Titan
Chapter 11: Beast Titan?!
Chapter 12: Armored and Colossal
Chapter 13: Saving Some Asses
Skit~ :))
Chapter 14: New Enemy's?!
Chapter 15: Old Friends
Chapter 16: Bottled Feelings
Chapter 17: Reiss Teritory
Chapter 18: Hardening
Chapter 19: Memories
Chapter 20: Before the Mission
Chapter 21: Going back Home
Chapter 22: One Special Shifter
Chapter 23: The End??
Series 2!!

Chapter 23: Choosing

404 12 1
By Moki_Moke

Once Reiner was all tied up, I was sitting on the ground wondering what happened to the cadets in the other side

To what I remember.... Erwin was ready to charge them to their deaths...

Hange was interrogating Reiner, I walked up to her and patted her in the back, She looked at me and backed away

I kneeled in front of Reiner and looked at him straight in the eyes, He seemed like he is so done with life all he wanted to do is die

I looked at his shirt and Saw a letter on his pocket, I took it and looked at it not opening it yet

"Reiner.... What's this?" I said my voice was in pure Authority but if you listened closely there would be a small hint of softness

"A.... Letter" he replied more weakly than his current state, He sounds so miserable that even a baby would feel sorry for him

"For who?"


Historia?..... Could it be from Ymir..... Talking about Ymir.... Is she already.....

I didn't dare to complete the thought, It was already too much for me to handle.

The fact that in the other side of the wall, Some of my beloved comrades is already dead

"I promised ymir to send Historia her letter" Reiner said as he looked down at the ground avoiding eye contact

"We'll make sure it'll reach her, But we have to see through it first" I replied gently giving it to Hange

"You take care of him, I'll go look for my little brother" I said before flying off to him

I still have half a gas tank left, I was able to reach Eren without using it up too much

There I saw Armin laying down there.... Being burned or Crispy to say. My eyes widened in shock

Is this... What he said by.... Eren and Him could take care of it!?

I knelt down to my knees and was about to touch his face when I hesitated

"Oi, Dipshit... Are you okay?" I asked as I turned to him, He nodded at me as he had his hands on Berthloltd

Suddenly the four legged titan was in front of us, My eyes widened as I saw the man resting at the top of it

I quickly grabbed Bertholtd and took my blade putting my blade to his neck giving The Titan and him a menacing glare

Titan marks?! Could he be the beast bastard?!

"Take one more move... I dare you, and you'll kiss your Colossal Titan Goodbye" I warned them

"Are you..... Eren and Kaisha Jeager?" The guy atop the four legged titan asked with his soft eyes

"If nothing else is to be discussed, Do you want me to Kill him or you? You are free to choose!" I retorted

"You look nothing like your Father." The guy said looking directly at me, I snarled at his response

"Mind your own god-damned busi—" I was cut of by him continuing his words

"Believe me, I know what you two are going through" he said, I raised my brow at him

"If you think your going to sway me to give him to you, then that's not gonna happen buster!"

"We're both victims of our father.... You two were both brainwashed by him..."

My eyes widened as I saw the resemblance between that man and our dad, They were completely alike

The man Looked up noticing Levi and cursed under his breath, I looked up to where he was looking at and saw Levi... His eyes were white

"Argh, are you kidding me?! He even chased me until here?! Let's call it a draw levi, Were not in good shape to fight!" He said as he was about to leave

"Eren, Kaisha... Someday I'll come back to rescue you" He said before going off with the Titan

Levi Went down to us checking his gas realising he had used up all his already and he looked for Eren

"Hand me your gas, And I'll chase him down hurry!" Levi said extending his hands to my brother

Eren was about to give it to him when he noticed that Armin was heavily breathing

"Eren?" I asked him, Eren slowly walked towards Armin and leaned over to him to really check if hes senses weren't messing with him

Mikasa came to us and saw the scene in front of her, She was shocked at what she saw I could see her tearing up

But who could blame her.... She and Armin were best of friends, Of course she would cry

"Armins breathing again!! Captain get the syringe!" Eren said as he was very desperate to revive Armin

"Yeah" Levi casually said as he was searching for the Syringe, "Hurry up, Well have Armin eat Bertholtd so we could revive him"

Levi slightly nodded and took our the small box, Mikasa fired a red flare for Hange as Levi was about to give the box

Floch came to us with Erwin at his back, My eyes widened at this situation

Could Erwin be alive?!

"Captain Levi, I finally Found you... Commander Erwin is badly wounded, he's stomach is gouged and his organs are demolished"

"The blood won't just stop, I thought the blood might be able to help but... What do you think?"

Everyone paused at their Places, The decision.... It's either Armin or Erwin, The decision on who to Revive....

Levi withdrew back the box placing it at his chest rethinking who would he give it too

"Captain?" Eren asked as he looked up at Levi, Floch laid Erwin down to let Levi see if he's alive

And he surely is, I was Glad get also Not since I know only one would make it alive

"I'm using the injection on Erwin" Levi said as he stood up, Eren stood up and faced him, He was getting pretty bold since his friends life was on the line

"You said.... You'd use it on Armin"

"I'm reviving the one who can save humanity"

"But Armin could do that too!" Eren retorted very desperate and would do anything to get Armin back even if it means confronting the Strongest soldier

I turned and looked at Mikasa as she drew her blade at Levi, she was tearing up

"You guys... Do you have a damn clue on what your doing?!" Levi said calmly, I wasn't the one who will be arguing and I won't be siding with anyone at this moment

I don't want Armin to die so young, as I also don't want Erwin to die as he is also my close friend

"It's Erwin, Commander of the scouts... And your saying to watch him die? Stay out of my way" Levi said

Eren held onto the box stopping him still looking down on him, "keep your emotions out of this" Levi said

Suddenly he kicked Eren sending him flying a could of feet down which made Mikasa trigger a killer mode

She lunged towards Levi and placed her blade at his neck a tear slipping through her cheeks

Eren started going through some of what Armin did and that he was the reason why we were here. standing, alive

Then Floch started talking trash About Erwin, How he is a Devil and he ought to taste more of this hell

I gritted my teeth and drew my blade suddenly going behind hind placing my sharp blade at his nape making him shut up

"I dare you to say something like that.... And let's see whose going to bite the dust early"

"Let's just give it to Erwin! The one who can truly save humanity!" Floch said as he was shouting the truth

"Say, Split the Serum in two... Give the half to Armin and the other to Erwin" I said calmly

Everyone looked at me confused especially Levi and my little brother, I sighed

"Kaisha... Don't tell me your going let yourself get eaten" Hange said dropping down beside us

"Yes... I plan too, I don't want Neither two of my friends to die" I said lowering my blade on floch

"No don't do that, We need you.... We witnessed that you are one rare Titan.... And your the only one who mastered that" Hange said

"Then.... We can't let Armin die just like that!" I said unknowingly taking Eren and Mikasa's side

"There are people I wanted to bring back too.... Kaisha... You would understand that..." Hange said looking at me

I scoffed looking at the ground completely annoyed about who'll die and who'll live

Mikasa and the others finally accepted the fact of what Hange said, They calmed down

Me and the others distanced ourselves  from Levi and Bertholtd whole he was the one who will really choose between them

I didn't dare to look at what happened, I didn't want to see how it does

Either one of them..... I don't want to see them eat a person, It really is a bland day for the scouts

Suddenly I heard Berthloltds screamed, I turned around and saw Armin? Eating Bertholtd

After he transformed back to normal, Eren and the other cadets went to him while Hange and me went towards Erwin

"What made you change your mind?" I asked him looking down at Erwin as he was slowly breathing away

"I think that Erwin needed to rest this time... He's done a lot" Levi said, He then turned his attention to Erwin

"Do you think, you can forgive him? He had no choice to become a devil" he Said as I looked down at Erwin too

"It was us who wished for that....and in the end it was us who was set free from hell"

"We wanted to bring him back once more.... But I think it's time for him to let you rest"

Hange checked if he's still alive by opening both his eye balls, She then closed it and looked at us with grief

"He's dead"

Everyone of us was quiet mourning the death of our dearly beloved Commander Erwin smith

We watched as the four of the cadets went to Armin and held him in the arms with tears in their eyes

I was the first one to snap out of it, We led The others atop the wall and care for them till Armin was awake

"Morning sleeping beauty" I said as I saw him awake confused as hell, I sat down next to him giving him a gentle head patt

"W-what happened?" Armin asked as he looked at me, Eren and Mikasa rushed towards him engulfing him into a big hug

"Levi gave you the serum.... And now your one of us bastards" I said a slight chuckle escaped my lips

Armin was given time to think about this, I have him something to vomit on and he gratefully accepted it

"B-but what about Commander Erwin?"

All of us went silent, Armin looked down in guiltiness as he was being saved instead of Erwin

"Why me? Why didn't you just save the Commander.... He has a high chance of saving humanity!"

"Just be grateful my little brother and Mikasa came out of their way to even try to kill Levi just by trying to convince him to Revive you" I said

"B-but who will be the commander..... It can't be me could it?!"

"Sadly no, Erwin Appointed me as the next Scout Commander, you'll be the only one who will think like him" Hange interrupted

"So you and Hange would be in the same boat" I said adding it as a tease to Hange

"Shut up" Sasha suddenly said as she was getting annoyed by the too much noise we were emitting

"We are really no match for Dearest Sasha" I said laughing, I looked at her then to Armin who was still processing Life

"Hange, Levi, me, Mikasa, and Eren, come with us to the basement, the others stay here" I said

They all nodded and left, We were now heading towards the basement, While we were passing Mikasa and Erem felt nostalgia just by remembering where we are

"Is your house nearby?" Levi said cutting through their nostalgic Moment, They nodded and they led us to our house

The house was in wreck and there was hardly anything visible there, We split up in teams to find anything that can be a door down to the basement

I saw a trapdoor that was covered with a huge boulder, I called out to the others and they went to me looking at it

"Don't worry I transform into a titan an—" I cut off Eren from finishing his sentence and pointed to a lever like wood

"Let's use that instead of wasting our energy shall we" I said pointing to it, Eren felt a little embarrassed and nodded

We managed to get the boulder out and went inside, We were now in front of a locked door, Eren took out his key and realised it didn't fit this one

"I-it doesn't fit" Eren said as he looked at the Key that was given to Him by our father

"I'm tired of this bullshit, Stand back" I said, Everyone took a few steps back, I nodded and kicked the door wrecking it

"There... It's open.... Not let's go find what dad wanted you to see and get out of here"

They nodded and started searching, Eren searched through the desk and saw that the key that dad given him matched they key hole to a desk compartment

"Guys come here!" Eren called out to us, We came to him and he opened the desk finding nothing

They were about to give up when I stopped them, I felt the compartment inside and noticed that the bottom was moving

"There's an Secret compartment" I said, Everyone went back to see what I was looking at

"Books...." I said as I took out three of them, I opened one and out came a picture with dad, and two other people I didn't recognize

"Who is this?"

Everyone didn't know as they weren't familiar with my family, I put the picture back and we headed back to the others

They were tending to Sasha and Armin, It seemed like Armin finally caught up to the situation I told him he was in

"Come in, Let's go back know" I said as We picked up the Horses and began to gallop back to Wall sina

I wouldn't say this mission is a successes yet this mission is also a fail, I don't want to think that it was a success because we've lost Erwin

Yet I also didn't want to say that this mission isn't since we achieved our go on retaking wall Maria

We managed to get back there safely, Everyone cheered for us and everyone didn't at the same time

Because we were the only ones that survive the Mission, and knowing the relatives of those who died would be devastated

"Let's report it to the higher ups.... Commander Hange" I said as I changed the way I spoke to her, Mostly I changed her calling status

She looked at me and halfly smiled and Laughed patting my back nodding

"Let's go then Squad Leader Kaisha~"

Once we reported what was going on we were invited by Historia, She was giving us a reward as we were able to take back Wall Maria

"If only you revived Erwin instead of Armin....." Floch said as we were waiting for Levi in the corridor

"Excuse me?" I asked as I Came up to him with a raised brow and crossed arms

"I said—" I didn't let him finish as I tripped him in the leg making him fell face first to the ground

"Mind watching your tone around me mister...." I said as I winked and went back to the others 

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