Life is a Fairytale

Par sweetordinary

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Athena, Jason, Cameron, Cole, Dylan - What do they all have in common? What happens when they clash at the mo... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
*Chapter 5...Hottie here!
*Chapter 6...School is so blah!
*Chapter 7...The Game part 1
*Chapter 8...The Game part 2
*Chapter 9...No!!
*Chapter 10...Disaster
*Chapter 11...Mate?
*Chapter 12...Moving?
*Chapter 13...Bliss
*Chapter 14...Coma
*Chapter 15...Life
*Chapter 16...Change
*Chapter 17...Pups in Pain
*Chapter 18...Hurt
*Chapter 19...Stubborn Much?
*Chapter 20....Pups? Going soft? NNOO!
*Chapter 21....Meeting or torture?
*Chapter 22....Rogues and HIM?
*Chapter 23....Where are they? Europe?
*Chapter 24..Late? Check. Badass? Check.
*Chapter 25....What the fuck?!?!
*Chapter 26...Oh My
*Chapter 27....I might be a what?
Chapter 28....New Information? Good or Bad?
Chapter 29....Something Worth Mentioning
Chapter 30....Date? Trouble? Both?
Chapter 31....What's happening?
Chapter 32....Chaos. Ooops.
Chapter 33...My Monster, Captor, and Hell creator
Chapter 34....Past Replay
Chapter 36....Learning, Kind of
Chapter 37....Getting Her Part 1
Chapter 38....Getting Her Part 2
Chapter 39....Home Again
Chapter 40...Fae? Cool! Visions? Not Cool
Chapter 41....Never Ending Fight
Chapter 42....Who's Gone?
Chapter 43....Craziness
Chapter 44....Pain and a World of Hurt
Chapter 45....Forever and Always
Epilogue....Somewhere in Neverland

Chapter 35....Life Like

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Par sweetordinary

Athena's POV:


That's the only thing running through my head. Not why or what or who or anything like that. Just run. I was running as fast as I could; for just a mundane human I run really fast. I have yet to get my wolf so, for now, I'm just human.


That's all I have been doing for the past hour and I still have no idea where I am going. I huffed out a long breath finally feeling the exhaustion seeping in. I know that if I continue to run it will soon turn to numbness and then I will be able to continue without worrying about my body once again.


My eyes quickly flick over the scenery, not absorbing it or enjoying it but assessing it and seeing all the advantages and disadvantages this area had to offer. Yes, that's how my brain works. I analyze the surrounds as if I was going to fight at any moment.

Run! To HIM!

My eyes landed on a figure quite a distance away the second my brain made the quick decision to run to him. I ran but started to slow my pace down when I see three people walk up to the person I am running to.

The three of them look so familiar but I can't place them. I know they all must be wolves just by how sensitive of their surrounds they're aware of. The boy I am running to looks familiar as well now that I think about it.

Screams cut through the silence going straight to my ears and left scares all over my body. I immediately stopped running and looked down at myself. With every scream of pain and agony coming from the boy gave me a deep internal cutting pain leaving physical scares on my body.

It hurts a lot but probably nothing compared to what he is feeling. But what hurt me more than the scares appearing or the deep internal pain was his screams. His screams were something that I could pin point and know exactly who it is.



I ran for all that I had. I ran through all the pain I was feeling because I knew I had to help him, no that's not right. I need to save him. Because he was my savior he deserves nothing less than for me to try everything I have to be his.

I ran working my way around so I was running up behind the three people and Dylan could see me. I stopped to catch my breathe and worked on controlling it and slowly began working my way towards them.

As I get closer I notice that the group of three is made up of a girl and two boys that all look irking familiar. Still slowly working my way closer I am finally able to hear the words they are saying.

"Where is she?!" The boy, no man growled furiously at Dylan. The man still had the boyish characteristics but held a dark pain and hatred so closely around him that it made him seem older.

Dylan doesn't say anything just smiles his gorgeous smile.

"What? You think this is funny?" The familiar man deeply growls.

"Yes, you still think I will tell you." Dylan says slowly like he was talking to a five year old.

Clearly the man didn't like it so he punched Dylan breaking his nose and jaw then proceeded to break his arm as well. I felt the pain so much that I thought that he broke my arm as well as my nose and jaw.

I was about to attack the two who stood slightly behind the man when I heard, "Daisy, hand me the chains, whip, and the syringe. Oh and don't forget the video."

"Yes, Alpha."

I froze and suddenly everything clicked. The girl is Daisy from when Jay and I were tortured. The boy next to her is Tanner and the boy turned man is none other than Mich.

I quickly muffled my gasp at not only this realization but also at the fact that Daisy seemed to have pulled the requested items from thin air.

I shook off the surprise and acted. First I attacked Tannor by putting him in a choke hold. I kicked the back of his knees making him buckle. Now he hung struggling to get his footing to releave the pressure around his neck.

I tighten my grip around his neck forcing him to struggle more. The only way to win this and get Dylan free is the element of surprise.

I was so focused on what I was doing I didn't know what was going on around me.

"No, A-"

The pained voice ulled my attention back to the big picture. I look up and my eyes focused on the bloody mess of my savior.

Out of no where a shar stilleto heel knocked into my side. On instinct my arms loosened creating the perfect opportunity for Tanner. Damn did he take it.

Next thing I know I was picked up and slammed back to the ground. I groaned my back aching.

Daisy raises her leg and tried to bring her sky high stilletos back down on my face. I quickly rolled away and got to my feet standing ready to fight.

Pain. Pain all over.

Not just from my fight against Daisy and Tanner but also from the on going torture of Dylan.

My head slams down forward Tanner and Daisy using their quickness grabbed my arms pulling them behind me. My head slammed against the uneven ground creating a jagged cut open up along my brow.

A loud thunderous laugh broke through the pain and fogginess of my head. Slowly and stiffly I was able to raise my head to see a barely concious Dylan hanging limply from his shackled wrists. My eyes turned hard when they focused on Mitch.

Mitch stood proud a tall without a single drop of blood anywhere on him. I brought my lips into a sneer which lead to loud gafaws that held a dark dangerous edge to them.

Dylan slowly raised his head just enough for me to see his gorgeous eyes.

His eyes held sadness and pain. I felt the pain he felt and damn did it hurt.

"I'm sorry." I whispered looking at his gorgeous sadden eyes.

"No-I'm-sorry." Dylan choked out slowly shaking his head painfully.

A deep monsterous laugh echoed. My eyes quickly flickered over to the man who was the cause of all of this. I glared up at him filled with anger.

"Aww. Would you look at that?" Mitch jokenly coos shattering the sadden quietness.

Tanner and Daisy lowly chuckled along with Mitch gribbing tighter on my arms until their nails pierce my skin. I grind my teeth together but refused to give more.

Mitch grabbed Dylan's face and roughly moved it side to side as he jokenly coos, "Doesn't he look so good."

"Hahaha, he looks so much better." Daisy laughs as her grip slightly tightens her nails digging into my skin just a little more.

"I agree the red really does great things for him. But I think he's missing something, maybe more red will fix it." Tanner added with a devilish chuckle.

"I couldn't agree more." Mitch hissed.

He elongated his nails to turn into his wolf's claws and I watched in horror as they slowly pierced Dylan's face.

Blood slowly began to dribble down from Mitch's claws still latched on Dylan's face. As he held tightly, he raised his left arm and sliced Dylan accross his stomach with his claws.

Dylan's shirt tore even more as more blood started to pour out of him. I screamed in horror and pain as Mitch did it again and again and again.

"Make sure she watches every detail." Mitch growled as he finally released his grip on Dylan's face.

Daisy and Tanner shift their hold on me so fast I didn't have time to move in anyway. Tanner stood behind my still kneeling body hold onto my arms pulled right behind me.

Daisy stood to my left holding fiercely onto my hair. She jerked my head forcing me to look at her in the eyes.

"Enjoy the show." She said with a wicked smile coated her dangerous lips.

With that she snapped my head back to Mitch torturing Dylan. Mitch pulled one weapon after the other from thin air and did as he pleased with it.

He didn't just cut, punch or anything like that. He wrote words all over Dylan's body. Long, short, big, small it didn't matter he did it all.

My head started to get foggy and harder for me to concentrate. Tanner elongated his claws and started digging and scraping my arms.

Daisy constantly was jerking my head side to side and periodically smashing it down onto the uneven ground.

My throat was getting scratching and dry from all my yelling and screaming of nothing.

"You two are pathetic. No wonder you're destined for each other." Mitch spat as he threw Dylan down towards me.

Tanner and Daisy let go of me with loud laughter and shouts of agreement. But I couldn't her them.

I scrambled towards Dylan and gently picked up his head.

"Hey, Gorgeous." He choked out with a bloody boyish smile on his cut lips.

I choked out a sob as tears came running down my face, "Hey, Dipshit." I said with a pained but grateful smile.

He sat up and grunted with the effort and as I tried to help him he shooed me away. So I leaned back and watched him reposition.

Once he was sitting up he opened his arms and flew into them completely forgetting about his wounds. He wasn't expecting how fast or how hard I would fly at him so he fell back with me on top.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." I told him as I slowly got up after the fall and hearing him groan.

"No, it's fine. Come here."

With that I laid back into his secure safe arms. We both held onto each other tight and firm, neither one of us wanting to release.

Loud laughter broke our serene moment. I looked up to see the two devils and Satan laughing at us.

"I won't let them take you from me again." Dylan whispered quietly into my ear before kissing my cheek.

"I love these moments. They're the perfect time to do whatever the hell I want." Mitch said with a wide dark smile.

Suddenly I was being pulled out of Dylan's arms. I screamed and kicked and fought back.

Some how I was able to wiggle my way free just enough to land a solid punch on Daisy, hitting her jaw perfectly, and kneeing Tanner where the sun doesn't shine.

"You bitch." Tanner growls as he kept at me with a deafening howl.

Within a few short minutes I was again held down by Tanner and Daisy and forced to watch whatever the hell Mitch wanted to do to us.

"You know timing is everything." Mitch was saying to Dylan.

"It's over. I survive the beating, now it's time to hold up your end of the deal."

"What deal?" I asked before I even really thought aboutg it.

Mitch looked down at Dylan with a dramatic 'oooo this is gonna be good' look.

"Well, Sweet Cheeks-" Dylan growled cutting him off as I shiver in disgust.

Mitch rolled his eyes and stomped on Dylan's leg breaking it. I screamed out as I saw his leg bend in the wrong direction and hear the shattering snap.

Dylan yelled out in pain, as I felt every single thing. Tears again streamed down my dirt blood stained mangled face.

"Well, as I was gonna say, Sweet Cheeks. Dylan and I made what he calls a deal. I take him instead of you and gives him a beating of his life. Now if he survives the beating he gets you back. But if he doesn't survive I get you no questions asked and you become mine." He told me as if it wasn't a problem.

"But you see he moved you so I couldn't get to you and I still have no clue where you where. See now, I needed to know where you were so I could get you after he died." He squatted down in front of me an looked at me questioning.

"And you didn't know where I was." I said in a duh tone.

"So..." He said dismissing it.

" couldn't get me."


"He needed to live to tell you."

"Which ment?"

"He had to survive."

"But now you're here! Which means what? Can you figure it out in your pretty little he's of yours?" He asked like a little kid as he tapped on my head hard.

I grimaced. What is he going on about? Wait does that mean? No, no it couldn't be. D, said it was over. But if I'm here then he doesn't care if he survives or not. Or does he?

I looked up at Dylan hoping him to deny what I was thinking but he didn't. My face grew slack and the blood drained from my head.

"No." I whispered.

"Haha, yes!" Mitch said laughing, clapping his hands like an excited three year old. Which looked odd to say the least. "You figured it out! Your brain is actually capable of things still."

"No." I whispered again.


"No!" I said louder.

"Haha, yes!"

"No! You can't do that! It's over, he survived!"

"Haha! Such a naive little girl. It's not over until I say it's over an since you're here you know what that means..." He paused waiting for me to fill in the blanks but I didn't.

"Say it!" He growled grabbing my face in his now claw hands.

"It's not over." I whispered in defeat.

He laughed and let go, "Good girl."

I looked over at Dylan to see determination and anger on his face.

"Don't worry, I can survive." He told me looking me in my eyes.

Mitch let out a dark unhumorous laugh that severed the air around us.

"If only you knew." He said as he pulled out a gun.

And not just any fun but a silver gun filled with silver bullets. The only parts that weren't silver were where you held the gun and the trigger.

I screamed and started to thrash and kick.

"No! You can't do this! No!" I screamed.

An evil grin played along Mitch's lips as Dylan's head turned towards me and mouthed, "Don't look."

I continued to scream and thrash about. Tears pricked my eyes once again.

"Please look away." Dylan pleaded again.

But I couldn't. With a quiet dark laugh and pure white canines elongated Mitch pulled the trigger.


I awoke with a start with my body covered in a thin layer of sweat. I looked around panting out of breath.

Seeing where I was I relaxed a bit.

"Just a dream. Just a horrible, horrible dream." I whispered to myself.

I shivered. But it felt so real. Did it really happen?

No. No it couldn't have happened. I would still feel the effects and feel that Dylan was no longer alive.

"Just a dream." I whispered again. Clinging onto that fact as a slipped once again into a fitful slumber.

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