BbangNyu β€’ Imagines

By nyu_niverse

33K 556 201

A BbangNyu one-shot stories (smut). This will contain mature content so please read at your discretion. Bye D... More

A L P H A O M E G A Pt.1

A L P H A O M E G A Pt.2

2.6K 53 21
By nyu_niverse

"A L P H A O M E G A"

Top: Younghoon
Bottom: Chanhee


Chanhee's POV

I woke up with a soar body and I whimper in pain when I felt sting on my lower body then I recalled what happened last night. I quickly sat up to look for Younghoon and to my dismay I can't feel his presence but the cave still lingers with his sandalwood scent.

I tried to stand up but I just fell on the cold ground which made me wail in pain.

*Squeak Squeak*

Min and Sun climbed up to me making me smile as they scoot their tiny bodies to me.

"Younghoon" I merrily said when I saw his figure entered the cave.

I just stared on to his wolf form as he is breathtakingly gorgeous with his Physique larger than mine and his raven colored fur is dazzling as the ray of sun shines on it. I put Min and Sun down and let Younghoon walk towards my direction.

Once he's in front of me I lean forward and lifted my hands brushing my fingers on to his soft fur. I kissed him on top of his snout.

Younghoon paced backaward then Transformed into his human form and I was awestruck as I get to see his perfectly sculpted naked body being hit by the ray of sun.

Younghoon smiled at me before kneeling down into the ground leveling his face in front of me then slowly lean forward. I felt his soft lips touched mine and this sent thousand of butterflies flew all over my stomach.

I placed my hands on top of his bare chest and I can feel how his heart is beating so fast just like how my heart beats so fast for him. My cheeks instantly blushed after realizing that I mated with him last night and I can't believe that this happened outside our territories.

I pulled away from his kisses and this made him gaze at me with a questioning look.

"Why? What's the matter Chanhee?" He asked then softly caressed my cheeks.

"My Father must be worried sick about me------" I said then it made me look down in embarrassment because it is an act of indiscipline when a wolf disobeys a wolf pack rule.

"--------and he must so disappointed because I disobeyed him" I added and I also feel guilty for putting our lives in danger.

"Shhh! Don't worry I'll take you home" He shushed me by sealing our lips in a gentle kiss.

Younghoon pulled away from the kiss and he smiled at me before standing up and quickly transformed into his wolf form.

"Y-Younghoon this is too risky, What if the rogue wolves inhales my scent" I worriedly ask and he just replied with a soft grunt which means that I need to trust him.

I just nodded before transforming into my wolf form and I felt shy for having a smaller physique as I stand beside him. I love how his Raven colored fur compliments my Snow colored fur.

He walked around me brushing our fur together because he is trying to over power my scent by excreting immense amount of his sandalwood scent. He circled around me while brushing our fur together before halting in front of me and he licked me in to my fur completely coating me with his sandalwood scent.

After making sure that my body lingers with his scent we dashed out of the cave. Min and Sun joyfully climbed up to him making me smile cutely as he is oozing with power yet he still have this soft side.

He gazed at me and Signaled that I should lead him the way. I sprinted with all my might and as I got away from them I felt extremely happy as I was able to out run such a capable wolf like him. I can already smell his scent which means he's catching up to my pace so I tried to run faster. I have never felt this so happy in my entire life and I can feel rogue wolves scattered all over the place but they didn't bother to do anything as Younghoon's strong scent is enough to stop them from attacking us.

As we go deeper into the forest, trees are getting more thicker and I can already smell the strong Rosewood and Bergamot scent as we approached the forest wolf territorial borders.


I immediately halted when we got surrounded by the Alpha wolves of out pack. Younghoon was surrounded with Alphas from our pack snarling at him and this made Min and Sun jump out of him then scurried towards my direction shaking in fear.

The Alphas and Betas that surrounds me are in a Defense formation as if the are trying to protect from the foreign Alpha that is running along with me which is Younghoon.


I growled loudly trying to give orders to stop all the Alphas that is surrounding Younghoon preparing themselves to attack.

I can see how the other Alphas Snarled at him and all I can do is to cry when I saw how my Father came in to action and Attacked him.

Grunts and Snarls were the only thing I can hear as two Strong Alpha wolves are clashing together. My father's fighting capabilities are in par with Younghoon's fighting ability which shocks everyone as he is clearly a Younger wolf.

I gathered all of my strength and before they could land another attack on each other I sprinted towards their battle and halted between them to stop the fight.

I snarled on my father which made the fury in his eyes vanished. My father transformed into his human form and Omegas ran towards him then Immediately wrapped my fathers body into his robes.

I did the same and other omegas sprinted towards my direction wrapped my naked body with a robe.

"Father" I called and my tears began to fall.

I dashed towards him and he immediately wrapped me in his arms. I sniffed his rosewood scent to seek for comfort as I felt so stressed watching his battle with Younghoon.

"I am so worried about you Chanhee" My father cried and guilt started to creep all over my body.

"I apologize for disobeying you Father" I said and pulled away from the hug before bowing to show my sincere apology.

"What matter is you are safe and you came back my Son———" He said before planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

"———I can't afford to lose you just like how I lose your mother Chanhee" He added before tightly engulfing me into his arms.

"You're in heat?" My father asked with his surprised tone. He probably smelled my sweet heat scent mixed into Younghoon's Sandalwood scent.

"How did this happened? How did you manage to came back?" He asked in amusement then this made me giggle before pulling my self away from the hug then walked towards Younghoon.

I gently caressed Younghoon's soft fur before he transformed into his Human form. I can hear how the other Omegas gasps in amusement from Younghoon's striking visual and it just made me roll my eyes at them.

Some of the omegas immediately offered him a robe to cover his bare skin which activated my possessive wolf spirit so I immediately grab the piece of cloth before throwing a deadly glare at them. I hand it to Younghoon before scooting closer to him to show everyone that he is my Consort and none of these omegas are allowed to ogle over him.

Once he's done to wear the robe he wrapped his hands around my waist which made me blush. Younghoon just handsomely smiled at me before gazing back to my father who is so confused on what is happening right now.

"Father I would like you to meet Younghoon" I started to introduce him which made him take his hands off me before bowing down to my father.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, The legendary Alpha Leader Baekhyun——-" he greeted and the way he speaks exudes power without showing any disrespect towards my father. He stand up straight showing gratitude to my father which left me in Awe as this was the first time I am witnessing such a great encounter between two powerful Alphas.

"——- My name is Younghoon and I'm from the Mountain wolves, the only Son of our Alpha Leader Sehun" He added which made everyone gasp including me as we are so shock on his announcement.

"I-I never knew that Sehun had a child?" My father asked in confusion.

"It's because my father wants to keep my existence as a Secret" He answered which made us more confused.

"What do you mean?" My father asked.

"Because he is the Great Alpha of all Alpha" Our gaze turn towards The Healer of our pack.

Our healer is a dowager whom I respect the most aside from my father. She is a very Powerful omega. She secures and holds a great knowledge about the history of the three wolf packs.

She knows all the prophecies and legends. Hearing this from her left me in awe because I have heard that the Appearance of The Alpha of all Alphas is also a once in a millennium occurrence who was destined to bring peace and harmony.

The entire region is in chaos right now as all of us is securing our territories from the battles that the rogue wolves might bring to us.

But with Younghoon's presence we found hope from this catastrophic event from destroying the Peace and Harmony of all the Packs across the entire region.

"The Alpha of all Alphas is destined to meet his great omega who will help him bring peace and harmony to the new Kingdom" The healer added.

"Chanhee and Younghoon your fate is to bring peace and unity in this region———-" She said.

"———Younghoon you need to prepare yourself  for a battle and Chanhee you need to take care of yourself as you will bear your puppies that will be the symbol of hope and unity for the Arising Kingdom" The elder added before softly caressing my stomach.

"Please help us to have peace and bring the three packs into a one harmonious Kingdom, the future is in your hands Younghoon" The healer said before circling her thumb on to Younghoon's forehead.

We are both confused on what is happening right now but the only thing I could absorb is that I will bear pups that will symbolize the fruit of our love.

After the shocking announcement The Elders and Alphas brought us into our hut so we can have a rest.

It's been an hour since father called Younghoon for a talk and I can clearly feel the panic occurring all over the pack. I can smell scent of Alpha wolves preparing themselves for battle and the Betas are also training themselves for reinforcement.

Things are happening so fast that I couldn't absorb it well. I smelled Younghoon coming inside our hut which made me wear a faint smile.

I just silently sat on my bed before gazing at him, once he entered the hut. I immediately felt stingy pain all over my body when my heat started to kick in and also I am filled with worry as the thought of his future battles scares me.

"I know you're worried but remember what happened back in the cave? You healed all my wounds after battling those rogue wolves———-" he said before pulling me into his arms making me straddle him.

"———I will be safe because I know you are right here waiting for me" He added before gently kissing me on my lips.

Now I can finally understand how destiny works because I only met him for a day but every beat of my heart is really destined for him. I can't believe that finally I have met my Alpha.

"I LOVE YOU CHANHEE" He said which made my heart beat fast.

"I LOVE YOU TOO YOUNGHOON" I replied which made him smile before crashing our lips sealing it with a passionate kiss.

I felt his hands traveled around my body and it made me excrete a heat scent.

"I-I can no longer resist your scent" He whispered and I can see how his eyes dilated.

"UGghhhhhhh Chanhee" He moaned once he inhaled my scent and this made my body heat immensely rise.

"Uhhmmmmppp" I softly moaned when his lips moved down to my neck giving it soft bites.
I laced my fingers on to his raven hair to deepened the kiss and guide it down to my collarbones.

He ripped my shirt off then throw it somewhere, I felt his tongue swirl around my nipples and this made me throw my head back from the sensation. His hands traveled down to my waistband then abruptly pulled my pants off before placing both of his hands on to my bums softly squeezing it making me moan.

"UHmmmpppppp" I moaned when he sucked my nipple before pushing his two fingers inside my mouth making me suck on it while his tongue is busy swirling around my nipple. Once his fingers are fully coated with my saliva he pulled it out then placed it on to my entrance circling his lubricated fingers.

"AHHhhhhhhhh" I whimper in pain when he pushed both of fingers inside my hole. My body excreted another wave of sweet scent which made him groan when he inhaled my irresistible fragrance.

"Your scent is driving me crazy" He said with his eyes filled with desire and pleasure.

He flipped our position and he pinned me down on my bed without removing his fingers inside my hole. I felt him pulling out his fingers then pushed it again making me arch my back flaunting my petite body. This made me a moaning mess as his fingers scissors me and prep me for his large member.

"Ugghhhhhhhhh Y-Younghoon" I said when I started to feel that I'm near on releasing my load. He bent forward crashing our lips together before moving down to my neck while he's scissoring my hole. I felt pressure building up in my groin area which made me claw the sheets and arched my back from the immense pleasure.

"Y-Younghoon I'm cumming" I screamed when I felt my member started pulsating hot liquid, shooting my loads all over my body. I felt my body excreted heat scent which made Younghoon groaned in pleasure. He pulled his fingers out before flopping down beside me while panting heavily.

I can clearly see how he wanted to have his own release as my eyes landed on to his crotch and I instantly gulped down the lump in my throat when I saw how his huge bulge is twitching under the thin cloth. Heat rise all over my body and I climbed up on to his body positioning my self on top of him, then rub my bums on to his clothed manhood which made him groan in pleasure.

"AHHHhhhhh Chanheee" He moaned when I started kissing him on his neck then leave red marks on it making sure that it is visible to all omegas who will try to ogle over my future husband.

Younghoon is mine and I'm the only one who can tame this handsome beast who can take down hundreds of rogue wolves. I pulled his shirt up revealing a jaw dropping sight of his well toned body which made me put my lips on to his buff chest kissing and sucking it to make sure that I am leaving marks on my territory.

"You are mine and I'm up for a brawl to anyone who dares to dally on you" I warned which made him grin at me.

"I didn't know that my Omega would this be possessive--------" He said with a smirk before squeezing my butt which made me moan.

"----------but I'm loving this feisty attitude of yours Chanhee" He added with his sonorous voice which sent thrill down to my spine and this made me excrete another wave of hear scent which made him groan.

"Chanhee please control your scent baby! I can no longer resist it" He said with his eyes closed trying to control himself.

"I might end up hurting you and I don't want that to happen" He worriedly said which made me mindlessly responded to his remarks.

"Then do me rough my Alpha" I seductively said then I trailed down the lines on to his well toned abs making him groan in pleasure.

"P-Please I want to cum" He begged and I just proudly smile from his hot reaction. My tongue reached his huge bulge which made me rub my face on his crotch feeling every twitch of his dick from the friction.

"AHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh Chanhee" He moaned loudly and this made me pulled his pants down to free his huge dick out of the thin cloth. It's a mouthwatering sight when he's finally fully naked and his dick is already leaking with his pre cum.

I stick out my tongue licking the two large dangling balls containing all of his wolf glory which made my body heat insanely rise. I wrapped my hands around his length before stroking it gently making Younghoon moan and throw his head back.

"AHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh UGhhhhhhh" He moaned loudly when I move tongue upwards licking his huge length.

"You're so big my Alpha" I said while eyeing his huge cock leaking with his tasty wolf pre cum.

I erratically licked the tip of his cock to taste the leaking pre cum from his slit which made him groan loudly and I just smile proudly on his reaction before swirling my tongue around his head. This made him claw the sheets and I felt immense pleasure building up on my groin area making my soft dick rock hard again.

"Please suck it" He begged and I looked up to him meeting his pleading eyes. I obliged to his request and I pushed his whole length inside my mouth without taking my eyes off from his handsome face.

This made him throw his head back and Laced his fingers on my hair to have a better control on the situation. I started to bob my head on to his huge length making him a moaning mess and this made me put my left hand on to his large balls while rubbing it softly and my right hand travel around his perfectly sculpted body.

"AHHHHHhhhhhh CHHhhhaaaannnheeeee" He loudly moan when my head started to bob faster and I can feel his huge length deeply fucking my throat. I love the sensation of his dick twitching inside my mouth and I also love how his manly moans resonates all over the place.

My eyes are still lock on to his striking features and the sight is too enticing that it made me feel pressure started to build up on my groin area. I moved my head on a faster pace making him moan louder and I can already taste his juice leaking from his slit.

"Chanhee I'm about to cum" He moaned loudly and he started moving his hips to meet my head bobbing in to his huge dick. I can already feel his legs started shaking and he started to thrust harder which is a clear sign that he is near on his orgasm.

"I'M CUMMMIIINGGGGGGGGG AHHHHHHHHH" He groaned loudly and pushed my head deep on to his length making my nose smell his manly scent coming from his well grown hair.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh Chanhee" He moaned as his dick pulsated inside my mouth planting his juice leaving me no choice but to swallow his liquid.

"AHHHHhhhhhhhh" He moaned softly once he's done shooting his last load before freeing my head from his tight grip and flop down on to my bed while trying to catch his breath.

"Uhhhhmmmmmppp Chanheeee" He softly moan when I started to bob my head making his dick rock hard again.

"UGHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh That feels so good" He groaned from over stimulation as his dick is more sensitive because of his orgasm.

I swirled my tongue around it and this made him moan crazily. I stopped sucking his dick and pulled it out of my mouth making a popping sound and formed a string of saliva.

"Ugghhhh That was so hot" He said and abruptly pulled me on my wrist flipping our position making him hover on top of me.

"Are you ready to get banged my gorgeous Omega?" He asked sexily which made me bite my lower lip.

"Y-yes I'm ready" I nervously answered when my eyes landed on to his huge cock twitching. Watching him hover on top of me sent butterflies in my stomach as he looks dazzling with his sweat falling from his forehead down to his neck and well toned body.

"You look so dazzling my Alpha" I complimented and this made him show his contagious smile.

"And you look gorgeously amazing my Beautiful Omega" He said before crashing our lips together sealing it with a kiss.

I excreted another heat scent and this made him let out soft groans as my scent is surely helping him to increase his desire to mate.

I am so fortunate to be mated to a strong and powerful Alpha who can resist my strong scent. I wrapped my hands around his nape to deepened the kiss.

I felt him position himself between my legs aligning the tip of his dick into my entrance. I felt him push inside and it felt like I was cut in half as he's just too big for my tight entrance.

"Shhhhhh It's okay! Just relax I'll be gentle I promise" He assured which helped me to calm down a bit and caressed his back giving him a sign to push more of his length.

"AAArrrghhhhhhh Y-Younghoon" I groaned as I can feel every Inch of him entering my hole and this made him lift both of my legs positioning it on to his biceps to make sure that he has a better access of my hole.

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I whimper in pain once his whole length is already inside of me.

"Shhhhh! Relax the pain won't last long" He said softly which made me relaxed a bit.

"Uhmmpppp  Younghoon" I moaned when he pulled his dick and pushed it again.

"How was it?" He asked sexily as he repeated the cycle and slowly thrusting inside my hole.
The pain is slowly replaced by immense pleasure and I started scratching his back begging him to thrust harder.

"Ahhhhhh Fasstterrr" I moaned mindlessly as he is thrusting so deep that I can feel his dick fills me up so good.

"UUHHMMmmmppp You're so tight" He groaned and made faster pace of thrust making me claw his back.

"Ahhhhhhhh Younghhoooon please harder" I plead and he obliged to my request as he started to move faster and deeper.

"Ughhhhhhh Chanheeee you're so warm" He said which made me laced my hands on his raven hair pulling him into passionate kiss.

His thrust is becoming more faster and deeper that I almost screamed in pleasure when he hit my pleasure spot. This made him smirked at me before pounding me harder making sure that he is hitting my pleasure spot abusing me with immense pleasure.

"I'm about to Cum ahhhhhhhh" I moaned loudly and excreted another heat scent making him halt from thrusting once he inhaled my scent.

"Fucckkkk! Control your scent or I might end up ruining your pretty hole Chanhee" He snarled at me trying to resist my sweet scent.

"I'm sorry" I sweetly said making him smile at me before crashing our lips together then kissed me torridly. He started moving his hips again and thrusted deep to make sure that he is hitting my spot.

"Younghoon please faster" I moaned once I felt pressure building up in my groin area. Our eyes met and I stared into his eyes filled with desire and love. He gazed at me with a smile on his face with sweat dripping from his forehead down to his mouth dropping physique.

"Ahhhhhh I'm about to cum" I moaned loudly and my nails started dig in to his skin making him groan and I just tightened my clasp on to his back as Immense pleasure is creeping all over my body.

"Ahhhhhhhh Channnnheeee" He moaned when my walls started clenching his huge dick.

"I'M CUMMINGGGG" I howled loudly as he made an insane pace of thrust making sure that he is hitting my pleasure spot. I arched my back and throw my head back as I released my hot liquid all over my body.

"Chhhannnheee I'm Cumming also" His moans resonated all over the place. He wrapped his right hand on to my arched back while his other hand traveled down to my thighs and softly squeezing it.

"I'M CUMMINNGGGGG" He moaned loudly and his grip on to my thigh tightened. This made him bury his face on my neck softly biting the skin on it. I felt his dick pulsated inside of me and making me moan loudly because of over stimulation as his girth becomes more bigger as he shoot his hot load inside of me.

"Uhhmmmmpppp" He softly moan once he's done releasing his final load. He just buried his face on to my neck and pants heavily which made his warm breathe brush on to my sensitive skin.

When he regains his energy He push himself up without pulling his member out before sexily brushing his hair back which made me stare on his breath taking visual.

I felt him made a Deep thrust and I can see how his lips curved into a smirk which sent thrill all over my body. He started to make soft thrust and I can feel his dick soften a bit but still hard enough to make me moan from over stimulation and I just lifted my hand to wipe his sweat dripping down on his forehead which caused him to thrust hard hitting my pleasure spot. Due to over stimulation my body released another heat scent.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh" He groaned once my scent lingered into his nose and this made him throw his back making him to thrust hard and this made me moan as he penetrated me well.

I felt his dick twitching inside of me which is a clear sign that his huge cock is getting rock hard again. My heat scent probably helped him regain his stamina.

Without any warning and without pulling his cock out he flipped my petite body and pressed my face and chest against my sheet. He placed both of his hands on to my waist aligning himself in a kneeling position. He started to move his hips making deep thrust which made me scream in pleasure as he penetrates me much deeper.

"Aagghhh Younghoon please thrust harder" I begged him. He obliged to my request by making slow deep thrust making slapping sounds resonates all over the place.

"Urghhh You're so warm and tight " He groaned and I just clawed on to the sheets as he penetrates my hole deep and rough. My tears started to fall as Immense pleasure is creeping all over my body.

I can no longer explain what I feel right now. All I know is that I'm getting pounded and my body felt like it's floating in the air from the insane amount of pleasure flowing all over my body.

"Aahhhhhhhhhhh Fasterrrr " I screamed as I felt my pre cum started to leak from my slit. I felt him laced his right hand into my hair pulling it which made me throw my head back.

"Ugghhhhhh Younghoon" I whimper in pain and pleasure. He pounded faster and deeper which made me arch my back and moved my hips meeting his thrust.

His deep penetration made my eyes dilate due to immense pleasure. I just clawed in to the sheets as he started to thrust rougher and faster.

"Ahhhhhhhhh Chanheeeee" He groaned when my walls started clenching his cock as I felt pressure builds up in my groin area.

"Y-Younghoonnn I'm gonna cum" I said sounding like almost a whisper. I can no longer move any muscle nor speak because he keep on thrusting while making sure that he's hitting my pleasure spot.

He abused my hole to the extent where it sent tingling sensation all over my body and it felt like I've been drained.

He freed my hair from his grip making my face and chest pressed down into the sheets and I felt him placed both of his hands into my waist making sure that he has a better control on his movement.

"I-I'm Cumminngggg" I moaned.

My tears began to fall not because of pain but because of over stimulation. I can feel his huge length in every thrust he made and it was so deep that I just clawed into the sheets letting my cum spewed.

Every shoot of my load made my walls clench his dick and I can hear him sexily groaning.

"I'm also cumming" He said and I can already feel that his thrust became unsteady. His grip on my waits tightened and I can already feel that his girth became larger.

"AHHHHhhhhhhh I'm Cummmiinngggg" His loud moan resonates all over the place and I felt his dick pulsated his hot liquid making me wail because of sensitiveness.

"UUHHMMMPPPPPPPP" He softly moaned making his final thrust and shooting his last load. I can feel his hot liquid fill my hole and I can hear him catching his breath.

"Ahhhhh Chanhheeeeee" He groaned when he pulled his cock out making a popping sound and I just clawed into sheets when electrifying sensation rushed all over my body.

I can feel how his cum leaking from my abused hole and It's dripping down to my thighs. He freed me from his tight grip and my body collapsed into my bed.

I just watch him flop down beside me and I'm awestruck on how he handsomely catch his breath.

"Chanhee" He called before gazing at me.

Our eyes met and his lips immediately curved into a sweet smile. He gave me a quick peak before pulling me close into to his body.

"You look gorgeous" He said while staring at me.

I scoot closer to his naked body then placed my head into his chest. I wrapped my arm into his well toned body and I felt his hands softly caressing me on my back.

"I Love you my beautiful Omega" He said which made my lips curved into a sweet smile.

"I Love you too my handsome Alpha" I replied.

He just smiled at me before crashing our lips passionately kissing me. I can feel how he gently caress my cheeks while kissing me softly. He pulled away from the kiss and he stared at me with his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

"I will protect you no matter what happen" he said and I just smiled at him. He tightly wrapped his arms around my body and together we drifted to dreamland.

Third Person POV

Several weeks have passed and all of the three packs spent their time by training and preparing themselves for the approaching war against the rogue wolves.

The three wolf pack is well aware that the rogue wolves have manage to form a massive army that can be par with the current number of the fighting Alphas and Betas of all three wolf pack combined.

There will be three battle packs and each pack is governed by Baekhyun, Sehun and Junmyeon the three legendary Alpha Leaders.

The three packs is now united as one and with the power of the three Alpha Leaders, Younghoon was bestowed to be the King of the new Kingdom of all three wolf packs.

"Promise me you will comeback" Chanhee said while caressing Younghoon's face.

"I will———" Younghoon said and gave chanhee a quick peck on his lips.

"——- I promise" He added before tightly wrapping his hands around his omega.

"I Love You my Omega" Younghoon said.

Chanhee is in the verge of crying but he manage to control it and forced a smile.

"I Love You too my Alpha" He replied before standing on his tippy toes kissing Younghoon passionately.

The kiss lasted a minute and chanhee broke it off before giving his Alpha a last hug. Younghoon transformed into his wolf form and started to Howl loudly.

His howl resonated on the entire region which only proves that Younghoon is truly the Alpha of all Alphas who possess great power. The other wolves heard Younghoon's powerful howl and all of them started howling.

The Battle pack charge into the forest beyond the borders to face a war between the rogue wolves.

The war lasted for days and the sleepless night for Chanhee ended when the Battle Pack Cameback all together with the Three wolf pack leaders.

"Fatherrrr" Chanhee immediately ran into his fathers arms and engulfed himself into Baekhyuns arms.

"I'm so glad that you are all safe" Chanhee said with a smile on his face. He looked around and all of the other Alphas who went for the battle was welcomed by their omegas.

Chanhee excitedly searched for his own Alpha and to his dismay Younghoon is not around. Younghoon's Sandal wood scent is also out range and Chanhee instantly felt nervous.

"Father where's Younghoon?" Chanhee asked worriedly and this made Baekhyun look away. Chanhee felt a hand land on his shoulder and this made him look at Younghoon's father.

"He got separated from the Battle pack when the leader of the Alpha wolves tried to flee" Sehun answered which caused to make Chanhee's tears fall.

"Don't worry we are trying our best to find him" Sehun added and Chanhee just engulfed himself into his fathers arms.

Chanhee is so devastated with the news and he was not able to eat for days. The three Alpha leaders is doing their best to find Younghoon by sending Search packs.

Another day have passed and Chanhee is starting to lose hope. Today Chanhee went for a stroll to distract himself from Younghoon's absence.

His feet brought him to the same spot at the river where they first met. Chanhee just watched the water flow into the river with tears falling from his eyes.

Chanhee fell on to his knees and cried with his hands covering his face.

"Chanhee" He stopped crying when the Sandalwood scent that he have longing to smell lingered all over the place.

Chanhee immediately stand up and faced the direction where the scent is coming from.

"Y-Younghoon" Chanhee merrily said when he saw his Alpha standing meters away from him filled with bruises all over his body.

"The war has finally ended" Younghoon said with a smile and this made chanhee charged himself towards his Alpha.

Younghoon engulfed Chanhee into his large arms which made the smaller wolf tighten his hug into his Alpha.

Chanhee stand on his tippy toes kissing his Alpha passionately which Younghoon gladly responded by wrapping his hands around Chanhee's waist.

Chanhee wrapped his arms on Younghoon's nape to deepen the kiss. The bruises and wounds from Younghoon's body started to heal.

Chanhee pulled away from the kiss and he was greeted by Younghoon's breath taking smile.

"I Love you my lovely Omega" Younghoon said and this made Chanhee smile sweetly while staring into his Alphas breath taking features.

"I Love you too my handsome Alpha" Chanhee replied and again they crashed their lips together passionately savoring each others addicting taste.

—- Few months later —-

Younghoon and Chanhee had their matrimony after the war ended and their conjugation brought harmony to the new Kingdom.

Younghoon maintained the peace on the entire kingdom by governing all the Alphas and Betas by serving and protecting the pack from danger. On the other hand Chanhee lead the Omegas to maintain a prosperous and harmonious Kingdom.

The Legend of the Black and White wolf built a new Kingdom where all of the three wolf pack live in peace and harmony.

~ The End ~

Bye Bye deobitxh
Hope you like it 😉

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264K 4.2K 29
Have some drarry oneshots because my lazy butt can't write a full on story. Please enjoy the different and random stories that will contain, fluff...
329K 2.8K 64
25.6K 325 25
This is the compilation of smut teukchul one-shot story. Coming from many writers that feed your thirst of our leaders. This will always update as...
391 2 8
kyuwook / ryeowook oneshot collection from my asianfanfic account, I will delete my story there and move it here instead. I wrote back in 2015-2017...