The Walking Dead/Teen Wolf Cr...


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All rights go to the creators of The Walking Dead and Teen Wolf and AMC/MTV. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2


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A police car is driving down an empty road, slowly coming to a stop.

Cars are strewn on either side of the road some are even flipped upside down.

Rick Grimes gets out of the drivers side door, looking around, he opens the back seat pulling out his sheriff's hat, he closes the door and puts his hat on his head walking towards the trunk.

He grabs a fuel tank walking past his car, upside down and damaged cars, while he looks around.



Ricks walks towards the gas station, looking around the upside down cars and trash laying around on the street, looking in some cars seeing dead and decomposing bodies in their cars flies buzzing all around them, looking slightly grossed out, walking past them.

There's tents next to almost every car but it's like abandoned and super quiet.

Rick walks towards the gas station noticing a sign that says No Gas , turning around looking at the cars again.

He stops when he hears footsteps.



Rick kneels down, putting his hat on the ground, looking under the car.

A young girl wearing a night gown a pair of slippers shuffles forward, stopping in front of a teddy bear, picking it up, starting to shuffle away.


Rick quickly stands up, following the little girl.

"Little girl? I'm a policeman." Rick said but the little girl didn't stop her back facing him.

"Little girl?" He said again and this time the little girl stops.

"Don't be afraid, okay? Little girl?" Rick said.

The little girl finally turns around to face Rick her lips and check has been riped off, showing raw teeth and muscles, shuffling towards him growling and groaning.

"Oh my god." Rick said as he backs away.

He pulls out his gun and shoots.

The bullet hits her square in the forehead and she falls to the ground dead as Rick stares at her in shock.


AMC Presents

A doorknob is moving.

Inside a dark house, the only light that's inside is from the outside.

Ricks photo is in the newspaper. Andrew Lincoln

A store is shown to be abandoned, blood all over the floor.

A picture of Shane Walsh in his police uniform is shown broken. Jon Bernthal.

A ripped in half picture Emma Grimes smiling is shown laying on the floor. Marie Avgeropoulos

A picture of Lori Grimes smiling, broken a few rocks are laying around the broken picture. Sarah Wayne Callies.

A house is shown from the outside, JR Bourne. Linden Ashby.

A RV is slowly shown. Dylan O'Brien. Eliza Taylor. Theo James

On an empty road only a bloody teddy bear is shown. Crystall Reed. Michelle Rodriguez .

There is a quick look of Atlanta, the streets and roads are empty. Laurie Holden. Holland Roden.

There is a quick look at the buildings of Atlanta. Melissa Ponzio. Jeffrey Demumm

A quick look at the hospital in Atlanta. Daniel Shermen. Steven Yuen.

nside an abandoned building, lights are flickering. Chandler Riggs. Tyler Posey.

Outside Kings County Sheriffs Executive producers, Robert Krikman and David Alpert.

A quick shot of the railroad tracks under a bridge. Executive producer Charles H. Eglee .

There is a quick shot on the road of Atlanta, cars abandoned . Executive producer, Gale Anne Hurd.

In a road two crows are attacking a dead cat laying on the ground.

In a field. Executive producer, Frank Darabont .

Quick shot of Atlanta. The entrance is empty and the exit is full. Developed by Frank Darabont . Based on the series of graphic novels by Robert Krikman , Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard .

The Walking Dead.




Rick and his best friend Shane Walsh are sitting the car.

Rick is in the drivers seat as Shane sits in the passenger seat.

They are talking and eating hamburgers and fries.

"What's the difference between men and women?" Rick asked.

"Is this a joke?" Shane asked him.

"No, serious." Rick asked.

"I've never met a woman who knew how to turn off a light." Shane said.

"They're born thinking a switch, it only goes one way. On. They're stuck blind the second they leave a room. I mean every woman, I ever let have a key, I swear to god. Come home, house all lit up. " Shane scoffed.

"And my job apparently because my chromosomes happen to be different causes. I then gotta walk through the entire house and turn off every light this chick left on." He added.

"Is that right?" Rick asked.

"Yeah baby. Mhmm." Shane said and Rick looks at him.

"Oh Reverend Shane is preaching to you now, boy." Shane sad and Rick chuckles as Shane smiles.

"Then - the same chick, mind ya. She'll bitch about global warming. That's when Reverend Shane wants to quote from the Guy Gospel and say 'Um darling? Maybe if you and every other pair of boobs on this planet just figured out that the light switch goes both ways, then maybe we wouldn't have so much global warming. " Shane finished.

"You say that?" Rick asked looking at his best friend / partner.

"Yeah, well the polite version," Shane said while laughing.

"Still man, that --- that earns me this --- this look of loathing you would not believe. And that's when the exorcist voice pops out 'You sound just like my damn father. Always yelling about the power bill, telling me to turn off the damn lights. " Shane said and Rick chuckles.

"What do you say to that?" Rick asked.

"You know what I want to say." Shane said.

"I want to say 'Bitch you mean to tell me that you've been hearing this your whole life and you are still too damn stupid to learn how to turn off a switch?" Shane said and Rick chuckles again.

"You know I don't say that though." Shane said.

"That would be bad." Rick said with laugh.

"Yeah." Shane agreed.

"Go with the uh, polite version there too." Shane added.

"Very wise." Rick said laughing.

"Yes sir," Shane said chuckling and then there was a moment of silence.

"So how are things with Lori man?" Shane asked

"She's good at turning off lights." Rick said and Shane smirks.

"Really good. I'm the one who sometimes forgets." Rick said.

"Not what I meant." Shane said.

"We didn't have a great night." Rick said sighing.

"Hey, look man, I might have failed to amuse with my sermon, but I did try. The least you could do is - speak." Shane said.

"That's-- that's what she's always saying." Rick said.

"Speak. Speak." He added shaking his head.

"You'd think I was the most closed mouth son of a bitch if you'd ever hear her tell it." He said

"Do you express your thoughts? Do you share your feelings, that kind of stuff?" Shane asked him.

"The thing is ..." Rick trailed off.

"Lately whenever I try, everything I say makes her impatient, like she didn't want to hear it after all. It's like she's pissed at me all the time and I don't know why." Rick added.

"Look man, that's just shit that couples go through, yeah it's - it's a phase." Shane said and Rick scoffs without humor looking at Shane

"Last thing she said this morning, 'Sometimes I wonder if you even care about us at all.' She said that in front of our kids. Difference between men and women? I'd never say something that is cruel to her, and certainly not in front of Emma and Carl." Rick said mentioning his children. Emma is 19 and Carl is 10. There is another moment of silence then the car radio starts

"All available units, high speed pursuit in progress Lincoln county units request local assistance. Highway 18 south GTADD W217 243. Proceed with extreme caution."

Shane and Rick quickly put the food in the bag.

Shane leans out his window throwing it away as Rick starts to drive.



Two crows are in the middle of the road, attacking a dead cat. Two police cars are speeding down the road, their sirens blaring.



Shane and Rick are listening to the caller on the radio as they drive and Shane is fixing his hat.

"Suspects are two male Caucasians. Be advised they have fired on officers." The dispatcher said.



The crows fly away as the cars speed past them.

The police car behind Rick and Shane makes a U-turn come to a stop.

Rick and Shane continue driving before coming to a quick stop.

Shane gets out and runs to the trunk, grabbing a spiked strip as the radio inside.

"Unit 1, unit 3, to Eastbound Route 18, 2 miles west of interstate 85. We'll patch in Lindon County Sheriff radio."

Rick gets out of the drivers seat quickly running forward and Shane follows.

An officers voice comes through the radio.

"Roger that. We're 5 minutes out on the out 18 interstate."

Rick and Shane set up the spike strip on the road.



The two policemen are watching in their car behind Rick and Shane.

The police officer in the drivers seat has the radio in his hands.

"Dispatch, Unit 1, Unit 3, we're 10-97 in code 100." He said as Rick and Shane get in their car.

"Highway 18, EB of interstate, please advise ." He said putting a emphasize on please advise.


On the road

Rick and Shane drive their car backwards



Rick is still driving the car backwards.

A police officer's voice is heard from the radio.

"10-9, we just got the word from Linden County, that they're off 18 now southbound.

Rick stops the car.



Rick and Shane's car stands on the other side of the other two police officers car.


Rick, Shane and the other two officers get out of their cars moving to stand between the two cars.

Shane puts his hat on the hood of his car.

They all pull out their guns.

A police officer voice is heard from the radio.

"Old French Road is closed down there so they're gonna head back down onto 18"

"Sounds like they're chasing those idiots up and down all the roads we got." The first police officer said.

Shane is to be focused on what needs to get done the he doesn't hear what the second police officer said until he heard the second police officer say: It would be pretty cool to be on one of 'em craziest cop chases.

"What I think, Leon, is that you need to stay focused. And make sure you have a round in the chamber and your safety is off." Rick said and the second police officer, Leon looks at him, looking at his gun realizing that it didn't happen so he fixes it.

"Would be pretty cool to be on one 'em shows." Shane said from behind Rick.

Rick turns around and looks at his best friend shaking his head in amusement.

(End of Song)



A 1964 blue Chevrolet Impala is driving past the speed limit.

Two police cars were following.



Two police officers are behind the blue Impala, chasing it.



Rick, Shane, Leon and the first police officer are still waiting between their cars, guns ready to shoot.

The Impala is speeding towards them the two police cars following.

The Impala hits the spikes dead on, flipping upside down and then onto the side of the road flipping some more before crashing.

"Holy shit." Shane said.

All deputies aim at the men in the upside down impala.

Rick slowly walks towards the car.

The first criminal opens the drivers door and gets out with a gun.

"Gun! Gun! Gun!" The third cop yelled.

"Put it down! Put the gun down!" Rick yelled.

The first criminal shoots at them.

Several shots are exchanged, the first criminal shoots Rick.

Rick falls to his knees and Shane the other deputies shoot the first criminal down killing him.

The second criminal comes out holding a shot gun and starts shooting at them.

The deputies shot the second criminal killing him.

Rick groans.

"Rick!" Shane yelled.

"I'm alright." Rick said.

Shane walks towards Rick looking at the car.

"I saw you getting tagged man scared the shit out me." Shane said.

"Me too." Rick said standing up.

"The son of a bitch shot me. You believe that?" Rick said.

"He got you in your vest." Shane said.

"Yeah." Rick said as the third criminal crawls out of the backseat of the Impala and nobody sees him.

"Shane, don't you tell Lori or Emma that happend. Ever. You understand -----" Rick started but is cut off by a gun shot when the third criminal shoots Rick in the upper chest.

Rick groans and falls to the ground.

Shane shoots the third criminal repeatedly killing him.

Shane kneels down next to Rick.

"Rick! Rick! No! No! No! Shh. Shh. Shh." He said as Rick groans in pain. Shane rips the vest open to apply pressure to the wound and to stop the bleeding

"No! No! No! No! He's hurt! Leon! You get that ambulance down here, and you tell 'em there's a officer down! You do it and you do it now!" Shane yelled at Leon before looking at Rick.

"Shh. Shh. Shh. Hey, you look at me, stay with me, you hear me? Shh. Shh. Okay. Shh. Shh. Stay with me, you hear me? Shh. Shh. Okay? You stay with me , okay? " Shane said

The camera moves above them.

The police officers run up to Rick and Shane (Slow Motion)




Shane walks up to Ricks bedside, holding a full vase of flowers, looking at his best friend.

"Hey, bud. We're still here, still hanging. Sorry man, I know I keep saying the same shit everytime I'm here." Shane said sighing looking at the vase full of flowers.

"Everybody pitched in on these. They uh ..." Shane scoffed.

"They want me to bring them down, they send them love and they just --- they want you to come back soon." Shane said chuckling.

"Linda and Diane from dispatch, they picked these. Probably could tell, huh. I'm just gonna set this on your side table, alright?" Shane said and put the flowers down before walking away.



Rick blinks a few times.

"That vase has somethin 'special bout it. Fess up. You steal that from your grandma Jane's house?" He asked chuckling dryly.

"I hope you leave her spoon collection alone." Rick said chuckling before coughing and breathing heavily.

He looks around and there's nobody in sight.

"Shane?" Rick called but gets no answer.

"Shane, you in the john?" He asked but gets no answer again.

Rick looks at the bedside table the flowers are dried up and dead.

He reaches out and pulls one off letting it break.

He looks to his other side spotting the clock and notices that it's stuck on 2:16.

Rick looks around confused, he blinks a few more times, he slowly tries to get off the bed.

Being weak from having no food or water as well as his wound he falls off the bed onto the floor the heart moniterary follows.

"Nurse help. Nurse help." He said his voice weak.

Nobody answers him.


Rick opens up the door walking in he looks at his reflection in the mirror.

He turns on the water and drinks some of it.



The lights are flickering in the hallways, overturned beds and papers laying everywhere.

There is a bed in front of Rick's door.

Rick opens the door, pushing the bed out of the way.

He looks around confused, walking forward slowly to the front desk, he grabs the phone but can't get a dial tone.

He pushes the phone out of the way and looks through stuff on the desk, finds a pack of matches, he picks them up and takes one out and lights to make sure that it works, he blows it off.

Rick walks down the barely lit hallway, he looks through the window on the closet door.

On the other side of the door there was a dead woman laying on the floor with her guts spread out around her and the abdomen was missing.

Rick backs away disgusted and confused.

He turns around, walking down the hallway he sees bullet holes littered through the walls and blood all over the walls and floor.



Rick walks into another hallway seeing a door that says:


The door starts to push open the but the lock and the board that's placed on it prevents it from opening.

Rick takes small steps backwards.

From the inside pale and dirty hands reach out.

Rick backs up faster and walks away quicker



Rick pushes the door open and walks towards the elevator.

The elevator doesn't work so he walks away and goes towards the stairwell.



Rick opens the door walking in and closing the door.

The building's dark.

Rick lights a match, cringes and coughs.

He slowly walks down the stairs, he lights another match as he continues to walk down the stairs and he lights a third match.

He points it up and sees a 'Exit' sign, he drops the match and opens the door and leaves the hospital.



Rick leans against the wall covering his eyes as he tries to get used to the sun.

He starts to walk down the stairs and slows to a stop when he reaches the last step, he slowly starts to walk again.

There are 100s or more bodies laying around the parking lot, they are all wrapped in body bags.

Flies are buzzing around them.

Rick walks past them disgusted.



Rick walks out of the hospital parking lot up onto the embankment, seeing a helicopter, tents and military vehicles set up.

The place abandoned and trashed.



Rick walks down the quite street, he finds a bike on the side of the road.

He walks towards seeing a mutilated body laying on the ground near it.

The body opens it eyes, turning to face him. It's a dead woman missing her lower half.

Rick falls back dropping shocked.

"Holy shit." He said.

The dead woman crawls towards him slowly.

Rick gets up and gets on the bike ridding away.



Rick reaches his house, gets off the bike and runs in.



Rick walks in the house looking around.

"Lori." He said calling out for his wife and got no answer so he went into his room.

"Lori." He said again and she's not in there so he walked to Carl's room.

"Carl!" He yelled walking in Carl's not in his room.

He panics and runs to Emma's room.

"Em! Emmy! Emma!" He yelled and she's not there.

"Lori! Carl! Emma!" He yelled.



Rick goes to the living room, falling to the floor crying and panicking.

"Is this real? Am I here?" He asked touching the floor before he started slapping himself in the head.

"Wake up. Wake up." He said as continues he slapping himself in the head.

Rick looks up teary eyed.



Rick walks outside and sits down on the steps looking out at the street. A 'man' in a suit is shuffling down the road.

Rick looks at him in confusion before waving towards the 'man'.

Someone comes up from behind him.

He hears noises so he turns his head and gets hit in the face with a shovel, he falls onto the ground.

The boy Duane Jones looks from Rick to the street.

"Daddy! Daddy." The boy said.

Rick looks at Duane and says: "Carl ... Carl I found you"

Rick looks away from Duane.

"Daddy, I got the sum bitch. I'm gonna smack him dead." Duane said.

Morgan Jones the boys father runs over shooting the other guy in the head.

He walks closer to Rick and Duane.

"He say something? I thought I heard him say something." Morgan said

"He called me Carl." Duane said.

"Son you know they don't talk." Morgan said noticing the bandage around Ricks upper chest.

"Hey, mister, what's the bandage for?" Morgan asked.

"W-What?" Rick asked and Morgan points his gun at Rick's head.

"What kind of wound? You answer me damn you. What's your wound?" He asked again but Rick didn't answer.

"You tell me or I will kill you." Morgan said and Rick passed out.



Rick wakes up in a bed much more comfortable bed with his wrists tied up.

Duane sits by the door holding a bat.

Morgan's drying his hands with a towel.

"Got that bandage changed, it was pretty bad. What was the wound?" Morgan asked.

"Gunshot." Rick said.

"Gunshot?" Morgan asked unconvinced.

"What else? Anything?" He continues his questioning.

"Gunshot isn't enough for you?" Rick asked.

Morgan walks closer to him.

"Look, I ask the questions you answer. It's common curtsey won't it?" Now did you get bits? "He asked.

"Bit?" Rick asked confused.

"Bit? Chewed? Maybe even scratched, anything like that?" Morgan asked and Rick shakes his head.

"No, I got a shot. As far as I know, I was just shot." Rick said.

Morgan sits down at Rick's side, reaching his hand out to touch his forehead. Rick turns his head away

"Hey, just let me." Morgan said and felt Ricks forehead before looking at Duane.

"Feels cooler now." He said and looks at Rick.

"The fever would have killed you by now." Morgan said.

"Don't think I have one." Rick said.

"Would be hard to miss." Morgan said pulling out a knife and showing it to Rick.

"Take a moment, look at how sharp it is. You try anything I will kill you with it, and don't think for a second that I won't." Morgan warned and Rick stays still.

Morgan cuts Ricks hands free and gets up.

"Come out when your able." He said and walks past Duane almost leaving.

"Come on." He said.

Duane gets up and follows his father out.

Rick looks at the door holding his wrist.



Rick walks into the room seeing Morgan and Duane setting the food on the table as he looks around.



Rick continues looking around as he says: "This place, it's Fred and Cindy Drakes."

Morgan looks at him from the dinning room saying: "Never met 'em."

"I've been here, this is their place." Rick said.

"It was empty when we got here." Morgan said as Rick walked over to the windows that were covered by blankets he reached out towards them

"I wouldn't do that." Morgan said and Rick looks at him.

"They'll see the light. There's more of them than usual." Morgan said.



Morgan sighs, turning back to the table.

"Never should have fired that gun today, the sound it draws them, now they are all over the streets. Stupid using that gun" Morgan said as Rick walks closer.

"It all happened too fast." He added as Duane sits next to his dad.

"You shot that man today." Rick said.

"Man?" Morgan asked.

"It weren't no man." Duane said.

"What the hell came out of your mouth just now." Morgan said looking at his son.

"It wasn't a man." Duane corrected himself.

"You shot him, in the street, out front, a man." Rick said.

"Friend, you need glasses. It was a walker." Morgan said and Rick looks at him like he has three heads.

"Come on. Sit down before you fall down. Here. Eat." He said and Rick sits down in front of Duane.

"Daddy. Blessing." Duane said.

"Yeah." Morgan agreed, looking at Rick holding his hand out.

Rick takes his hand as Duane takes both his fathers hand and Ricks.

"Lord, we thank thee for this food. Thank you. And we ask you to watch over us in these crazy days. Amen." Morgan said.

"Amen." Duane said.

They start eating.

Morgan looks at Rick saying: "" Hey, mister, you even know what's going on? "

"I woke up today, in the hospital, came home. That's all I know," Rick said.

Morgan and Duane share a look before looking at Rick.

"But you know about the dead people right?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, I saw a lot of that. Out on the loading docks, hauling trucks." Rick said.

"No, not the one's they put down. The one's they didn't. The walkers. Like the one I shot today. 'Cause he would have ripped into you. Try to eat you, take some flesh at least. Well, I guess if this is the first your hearing of this, I know how this must sound. " Morgan said.

"They're out there now? In the street?" Rick asked.

"Yeah, maybe it's the cool air or ... Hell, maybe it's just firing that gun today. But as long as we're pretty we'll be fine. Most likely wander off by the morning. But listen, one thing , I do know is don't you get bit. I saw your bandage and that's what we were nervous about. Bites kill you. The fever burns you out. But then after a while ... You come back. " Morgan said.

"Seen it happen." Duane said.

Rick looks at him.

Duane looks down.

Morgan rubs Duane's shoulder saying: "Come on."



Duane, Morgan and Rick are laying on mattresses.

Duane's already asleep laying next to Morgan.

Rick and Morgan are the only ones awake.

"Carl... He your son? Well you said his name today." Morgan said.

"He's little younger than yours." Rick said.

"And he's with his mother?" Morgan asked.

"I hope so and his sister ." Rick said.

"You have another kid?" Morgan asked.

"Yeah, Emma. She's my oldest." Rick said smiling thinking about how Emma is like him.

Duane wakes up.

"Dad?" He said.

"Hey." Morgan said.

"Did you ask him?" Duane asked and falls back asleep.

Morgan looks at Rick.

"Your gunshot, we got a little bet going. My boy says that you might be a bank robber." Morgan said.

The two men chuckle.

"Yeah ... That's me. Deadly as Dillinger. Kapow. Sheriff's deputy." Rick said.

"Uh-uh." Morgan said nodding.

A car alarm starts going off causing Duane to sit up in a panic.

"Hey, it's okay. Daddy's here. It's nothing. One of them must have bumped one of the cars." Morgan said.

"Are you sure?" Rick asked as he slowly stood up.

"Happened once, went off for a few minutes." Morgan as Rick stands up.

Morgan grabs his gun saying "Duane gets the light."

Rick and Duane turn the lights off.

Morgan moves the covers that are over the window and looks out as Rick stands next to him.

"It's the blue one, down the street." Morgan said and Rick looked through seeing multiple walkers shuffling around.

"The same one like last time. We should be good." Morgan said.

"That noise ... won't it bring more?" Rick asked.

"Nothing we can do about it now." Morgan said as Duane walks under them.

He looks outside as Morgan says: "Just will have to wait 'em out' till morning."

Duane sees a female walker walking towards the house and starts breathing heavily.

"She's here." He said

"Don't look. Get away from the window." Morgan said but Duane keeps looking.

"I said go. Come on." Morgan said and Duane walked away jumping on his mattress crying.

Morgan follows after him and wraps his arms around him saying: "Duane. Duane. Quite now. Come on. Quite now. Shh. Shh."

Rick keeps looking outside

The female walker Jenny - Morgan's wife and Duane's mother walks closer to the house.


Rick walks to the front door looking in the peephole, he sees Jenny walking up the steps.



Duane is still crying.

Morgan hands him a pillow.

"It's okay, here. Cry into the pillow. Remember? Shh. Shh." He said


Rick is still looking at Jenny.

Jenny looks at the door in confusion as if she was staring at Rick.

She looks down and starts to turn the door knob left and right but the door was shut tight.

Rick looks down at the door knob backing up slightly


Duane is calm now.

Rick sits down on his mattress.

"She, uh ..." Morgan trials off.

"She was died in the other room on the bed. There was nothing I could do. Man, that fever, her skin gave off like a furnace. I should've-- I should've put her down man, but I ... You know what? I just didn't have the guts. She's the mother of my son. " Morgan said.

Rick looks back at the front door.

The door knob continues to twist left and right.




A walker is lying against the fence.

Rick, Morgan and Duane walk out of the house.

Rick is wearing blue jeans and a white T-shirt, with a face shield holding a bat looking at Morgan.

"Are we absolutely sure they're dead? I have to ask at least one more time." Rick asked.

"They're dead, except for something in the brain. That's why it's gotta be the head." Morgan said

The walk off the porch.

The walker that's lying on the fence slowly stands up looking at them shuffling towards Rick.

Rick walked towards it beating it over the head multiple times with the bat until it was dead.

He falls to the ground gasping for air.

"You alright?" Morgan asked.

"Need a second." He said getting his breath back.



Rick walks in as Morgan and Duane follow him.

"They're alive. My wife, and kids. At least they were when they left." Rick said

"How can you know? By the look of the house--" Morgan started

"I found empty drawers in the bedrooms. They packed some clothes not a lot but enough but to travel." Rick said cutting Morgan off.

"You know anybody could've broken into this house and stolen the clothes, right?" Morgan asked.

"You see the framed photos on the walls? Neither do I. Some random theif took those too? Our photo albums, family pictures all gone." Rick said.

Morgan starts to get chocked up.

"Photo albums." Morgan said laughing without humor sitting down on a chair.

"My wife, same thing. There I am, packing survival gear, she's grabbing photos alb--" Morgan cuts himself off looking away teary eyed.

"I bet they're in Atlanta." Duane said.

"That's right." Morgan said in agreement.

"Why there?" Rick asked confused.

"Refugee center, a huge one they said before the broadcast stopped. Military protection, food, shelter. They told people to go there said it'd be safer." Morgan said.

"Plus they got that disease place." Duane said.

"The Center for Disease Control, said they were working on how to solve this thing." Morgan said.

Rick turns around walking over to a cabinet, opening it and takes out the key sets walking away.



The station is dark.

Rick opens the door holding a flashlight walking in.

Duane walks in after Rick also holds a flashlight.

Morgan walks in following his son holding a lantern.



Rick turns on the shower letting the water run.

"Gas lines have been down for about a month." Morgan said.

"The station's got a propane system of it's own." Rick said putting his hand out onto the water feeling it.

"Pilots still on." Rick said.

Duane Smiles.

The two men and the boy decide to have a nice hot shower.

Rick shaves his beard.

"Oh my lord." Morgan said.

"Hot water" Duane said dancing around.

"That feels good, right?" Morgan asked his son.

Rick smiles as he continues to shave.



Rick, Morgan and Duane are out of the showers towels wrapped around their waists.

Rick is sitting with Morgan on the bench looking at Duane as he olds out some clothes.

"Duane, dressing room's back there." Rick said pointing towards the back.

Duane takes the clothes and starts to go to the back when Morgan stops him.

"Duane what do you say?" He asked and Duane turned around to face Rick.

"Thank you." He said.

"Hmmmm --- mmm." Morgan hummed with a smile.

"Atlanta sounds like a good deal. Safer anyway. People." Rick said.

"That's where we were heading. Things got crazy. Man you won't believe the panic. The streets weren't fit to be on. And then my-- My wife couldn't travel ... No not with her hurt. .. So we had to find a place to lay low. And then after she died we just stayed hunkered down. Guess we just froze in place. " Morgan said to him

"Ever plan to move on?" Rick asked and Morgan shrugs.

"Haven't worked up to it yet." He said putting on a shirt as Rick nods.


Rick unlocks the door turning on the lights walking in.

He's wearing his police uniform as Morgan follows after him dressed.

"A lot of it's gone missin '" Rick said as Duane walks in.

"Dad, can I learn to shoot? I'm old enough now." The boy asked.

"Hell yes, your gonna learn. But we've got to do it carefully. Teach you to respect a weapon." Morgan said.

"That's right. It's not a toy. If you pull the trigger you have it to mean it. Always remember that Duane." Rick said grabbing a rifle.

"Yes sir." Duane said nodding his head.

Morgan hands Duane a bag saying: "Here. Load up."

Rick hands Morgan a rifle.

"You take that one nothing fancy. The scope is accurate." Rick said as Morgan takes it.



Rick leads the way outside.

"Converse your ammo. Goes faster than you think. Especially at target practice." He said as they walked up the stairs.

They reach the cars.

"Duane" Morgan said and Duane turns to his father.

"Uh-huh?" He said as Morgan holds out the bag.

"Take this to the car." Morgan said as Duane takes the bag from his hand.

"Okay." He said walking to the car.

"Are you sure that you won't come along?" Rick asked as he put his bag down in the passenger seat of his police cruiser closing the door.

"A few more days, then Duane will know how to shoot and I won't be so rusty." Morgan said as Rick opens the passenger side door.

He grabs a walkie turning it on to see if it was working before handing it to Morgan.

"You've got one battery. I'll turn me on a few minutes every day at dawn. You get up there that's how you find me." He said.

"You think ahead." Morgan said taking the walkie from his hand.

"Can't afford not too. Not anymore." Rick said

"Listen one thing. They may not seem like much one at a time but in a group all riled up and hungry ... Man you watch your ass." Morgan said as Duane walks towards them.

"You too." Rick said.

Morgan and Rick shake hands.

"Your a good man, Rick. I hope you find your family." Morgan said.

Rick nods before looking at Duane shaking his head.

"Be seeing you, Duane. Take care of your old man alright?" He said and Duane smiles at him.

"Yes sir." He said as Morgan looks behind Rick.

Rick and Duane follow Morgan's gaze.

On the other side of the fence a walker dressed in a police uniform is shuffling towards them.

Morgan pulls Duane to him.

"Leon Basset? Didn't really think much of 'im. Careless and dumb ... But I can't leave him like this." Rick said as Leon reached to the fence trying to get them.

"You know you'll hear the shot." Morgan said.

"Let's not be here when they show up." Rick said walking towards Leon.

"Let's go son. Come on." Morgan said to his son.

Duane and Morgan run to their car as Rick stands in front of Leon who is now a walker.

Leon has his fingers through the fence trying to grab Rick but cant grab him.

Rick grabs his gun from his holster aiming it at walker Leon before taking the shot

Leon's head flies backwards as he falls his fingers slipping down the fence. (Slow motion)



Morgan and Duane drive away honking the horn as they leave.

Rick drives in the other direction turning on the sirens once as he leaves.

~~~~~~~ ~


Morgan nails the door looking Duane as he hangs the blankets smiling at him.



Rick pulls the car to a stop on the side of the road, getting out, closing the door.

He walks around the car holding his sheriff's hat in his hand looking around before putting it on.



Duane is sitting on the mattress reading a comic book.

"Read your comic's for a while, daddy'll be upstairs." Morgan said as he grabs a brown suitcase.

Morgan grabs the rifle as he walks upstairs leaving Duane downstairs by himself.


Rick continues looking, reaching the park, looking around.



Morgan looks at the photo album, looking at multiple pictures of his wife.



Rick is still walking looking around.



Morgan is still looking at pictures of Jenny



Rick is still walking looking around.



Morgan hangs one of Jenny's pictures on the window frame, turning the chair around and resting the rifle on the head of the chair.



The mutilated walker that Rick saw when he was outside for the first time was crawling in the other direction.

Rick walks behind it taking a few steps forward so he's able to face her kneeling down.



Morgan whistles to one of the walkers causing it to turn around before he shoots it in the face.



Walkers start to turn around at the noise.

~~~~~~~ ~


Duane gets up looking up the stairs calling up to his dad.

"Daddy?!" He yelled.



"It's alright Duane. You stay there son. You don't come up here." Morgan said.



Duane hesitates for a second before turning around and sitting on the mattress covering his ears muttering to himself.



Morgan shoots another walker as he whispers: "Jenny. Come on baby."



The mutilated walker is still crawling

Rick is kneeling in front of it.

The walker notices him and starts to crawl towards him.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." Rick said pulling out his gun shooting her in the head putting the woman out of her misery.



Multiple walkers are walking towards the house.

Morgan sees Jenny in the crowd aiming at the rifle at her, looking at her through the scope.

Breathing heavily he stares at her before pulling the rifle away.

"Come on, come on." He said and starts crying.

"Come on. Yeah." He said sniffling.

Morgan puts the knife back up and aims it at his walker mate staring at her.

The walker turns and starts to walk away.

Morgan still couldn't shoot Jenny he pulls the gun away crying again.



Rick walks away from the dead walker leaving.



The police crusier drives down the road.



Rick is in the driver's seat driving broadcasting on the radio over an emergency channel.

"Will be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anybody reads please respond." Rick said but no one answers.

"Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice?" Rick said but again nobody answers.

"Anybody out there? Anybody hears me, please respond." Rick said through the radio but once again nobody answers.

"Hello can you hear my voice." Rick said.



A older man Dale Horvath is sitting on the roof of a RV with Noah sitting on the chair when they hear Rick's voice coming through the emergency channel.

"Hello. Hello. Can anybody hear my voice?"

A young girl Amy comes closer and answers saying: "Hey? Hello?"

"Can you hear my voice." Rick said

"Yes, I can hear you, your coming through. Over." Amy said

Rick doesn't hear her so he says: "Anybody reads please respond."

Amy's younger sister walks up.



Rick is still broadcasting on the radio over the emergency channel.

"Broadcasting on emergency channel. Will be approaching Atlanta on Highway 85. Anybody reads please respond." He said



Amy is still trying to contact Rick.

"We're just outside the city." She said but she gets static as an answer.

"Damn it. Hello? Hello?" She said before looking at Dale and Mike.

"He couldn't hear me. I couldn't tell him." She said

"Try to raise him again." Dale said as Emma Grimes Ricks oldest daughter walks over with his wife Lori and their youngest child Carl behind her.

Lydia and Melissa are standing side by side

Jessica and Jared stand next to each other as Shane's younger sister Sarah walks up.

Emma turns to Lori and Carl before looking back at Dale, Amy and Noah.

"Come on son you, Noah and Shane know best how to work this thing." Dale said looking at Stiles, Allison and Shane who have just come back.

Stiles walks over slamming an ax onto a tree stump trying to work the radio as Shane walks over to Lori, Carl and Emma.

Allison crosses her arms.

"Hello. Hello. Is the person that called still on the air?" Stiles said but Rick doesn't answer.

"This is Stiles Stilinski, broadcasting to unkown person, please respond." Stiles said but Rick doesn't answer and Faith sighs running a hand through his hair.

"He's gone." Stiles said looking at Lori and Lydia

"There's others out there. It's not just us." Emma said.

"Yeah, we knew there would be right? That's why we left the CB on." Shane said.

"Lot's of good it's been doing Shane." Lori said to the man

"Okay." Shane said and looks away.

"Shane, Emma and I have been saying for a week. We 'ought to put signs up on 85 and warn people away from the city." Lori said as Carl walks away with Scott following after him to make sure he's okay

"Folks got no idea what they're getting into." Amy said.

"Well we haven't had the time." Shane said as his sister Sarah nods.

"I think we need to make time." Lydia said and Shane sighs as Stiles goes to stand next to Lydia 

"Well that is not something we can afford to do Lydia. We are surviving here. We are day to day." Shane said.

"And who the hell do you suggest we send?" Dale asked from where he's sitting with Noah .

"I'll go. Give me a vehicle." Lori said and Shane runs a hand through his hair.

"Lori, you know no one goes any where alone." Shane said

"Then I'll go with her. She won't be alone." Emma said and Shane bites his lip as Lori nods in agreement.

"I said no alright!" Shane snapped.

Emma and Lori share a look of annoyance.

They look away rolling their eyes before walking away as Melissa follows after Emma.

Shane looks at Stiles.

"Shane? Where did my mom go?" Carl asked coming up from behind him.

"She most likely went back to the tent." Shane said to the boy

"Okay thanks." He said and walked away leaving Shane to stand there.

"Don't give me that look Stiles. I'm trying to keep my best friend's family safe." He said turning to Shane who is looking at him like he is not happy with his choice

Chris puts a hand on his shoulder as Shane looks back at him before looking at Stiles.

"Yeah, but at what cost." He said and walked away leaving Shane to stand there in his own thoughts.

Shane sighs running a hand through his hair.

Chris looks at him before walking away.

Shane sits down on a tree stump thinking as Sarah sits next to him



Emma is sitting on a log sharpping a stick out of bordem when Carl walks up to her.

"Em?" He said causes the raven haired teen to look at her little brother.

"Yeah buddy?" She asked as Carl sits next to her.

"You and mom aren't going to are you? It's too dangerous." He said.

"Tell me about it." Emma said with a chuckle.

"I don't want you and mom to go." Carl said.

"I don't think we are." Emma said wrapping her arm around his shoulders.

"Don't worry." She said as Shane walks by with Stiles, Sarah and Scott.

Emma looks at them asking: "Am I going."

"Nope." Shane said and continues walking as Scott stops and sits on the other side of Emma.

"Don't be too mad at Shane. He's just trying to keep you guys safe." He said and Emma sighs nodding.

"Alright." She said and smiles at him before he gets up and walks away.

Emma turns to Carl and makes a funny face mocking Shane.

Carl laughs.


Jared Londan sits at the table staring at a picture of his baby sister Sam Londan.

"Hey man." Shane said walking in.

"Hey." Jared said putting the picture in his back pocket.

Shane sees the picture and sighs a sad look in his eyes.

"Is that Sam?" He asked and Jared looks down nodding.

"Yeah. I just needed a second." He said and Shane nods looking down.



Rick pulls out a family picture of Lori, Carl, Emma and himself out of the rear veiw mirror staring at it before putting it in his pocket.

He grabs the bag from the station before getting out and closing the door.



Rick walks away from the car his hat on his head carrying a fuel tank and the weapons bag.



Rick slowly comes to a stop seeing the house.

"Hello?" He said as he puts the bag on the ground.

"Police officer out here." He said but no one answers him and Rick walks towards the house.

"Can I borrow some gas?" He asked putting the fuel tank on the ground before walking up the porch steps taking off his hat.

"Hello?" He asked.



Rick looks through the window on the door before knocking.

"Hello? Anybody home?" He asked.

Rick walks over to the other window not seeing anyone, walking to another window that leads to the living room.



Rick looks like he could get sick.

There's writing in blood on the wall beside him saying

"God forgive us."

A male dead body is laying on the couch a rifle in his hand and his head is half gone.

A female dead body is laying on the floor.

Flies are buzzing around them



Rick walks backward feeling sick.

He turns around and walks away from the windows getting off the porch sitting on the bench leaning forward before spitting.

He lets out a sigh brushing his fingers through his hair as he looks to the side.

There is a truck sitting in the driveway.

Rick stands up and walks to the truck.



Rick opens the door and looks for the keys but doesn't find any.



Rick closes the door and starts walking back to his bag and fuel tank when he hears a noise from the left of him.

He stops and turns to the left seeing a horse.



The horse is still there.

Rick opens the gate walking towards the horse with a harness in his hand.

The horse moves back away from slightly.

Rick holds up his hand as an attempt to calm him.

"Easy now easy. I'm not gonna hurt you. Nothing like that." He said lowering his hand.

"More like a proposal." Rick said walking towards the horse.

"Atlanta's just down the road ways. It's safe there, food, shelter, people, other horses too I bet. How's that sound?" Rick asked wrapping the harness around the horse

"There we go. Good boy. Good boy. Now come with me. Come with me." Rick said leading the horse out.



Rick is riding the horse down the fields his hat back on his head, carrying the bag.

"Let's go easy, okay? I haven't done this in years." Rick said and the horse starts to run faster.

"Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Easy. Easy boy. Easy, easy, easy" He said and the horse slows down.


Rick reaches outside of Atlanta and the horse stops.

"Let's go." He said and the horse starts walking.

One side of the highway is empty while the other side of the highway is crowded with destroyed and abandoned cars.

Rick rides the horse down the empty side of the highway to come into Atlanta.



Rick rides into the city along the street.

The streets are abandoned and trashed

Rick continues down the street.

There are helicopters, cars and even a tank destroyed along the street.

Rick rides past a bus.



There are a few walkers inside the bus looking up seeing Rick, getting up and walking out of the bus.



The horse notices them and starts panicking.

Rick doesn't panic as he says: "Whoa. Whoa."



The few walkers start to walk out of the bus.



Rick calms down the horse.

"Steady. It's just a few. Nothing we can't outrun." Rick said calming the horse down.

Rick rides away from the walkers continuing down the street.

The walkers follow them.



Rick leads the horse down the street stopping looking at the tank seeing a dead body that is being peacked at by the crows.

He rides past the tank hearing noises above him he looks up at the sky and around the building.

There's a reflection of a helicopter on the windows of the building in front of Rick.

"Hyah!" Rick said kicking the horse's side.

Rick rides in the direction of the helicopter.



Rick turns at a corner he stops the horse seeing a lot of walkers. (Slow motion)

The horse starts panicking.

All of the walkers look at Rick and the horse slowly shuffling towards them.

Rick turns the horse around (Slow Motion)



Rick rides faster down the street he originally came from.

The walkers follow him.

There are more walkers in front of Rick.

Rick stopped saying: "Oh shit."

Rick turns the horse around.

The walkers surround the horse and Rick slowly reaches to grab the horse causing Rick to fall from the horse.

The horse panicks are falling down to the floor.

The walkers soon surrounded the horse tearing on the skin.

Rick watches in horror as he says: "Oh god."

A walker comes towards Rick but he kicks it away from him.

Rick turns around and crawls away seeing the walkers in front of him moving to the other side.


Rick crawls under the tank as a walker follows after him grabbing his foot.

Rick kicks the walker away turning around, crawling forward.

He stops seeing walkers slowly crawling from the front.

He pulls out his gun and shoots some of the walkers looking to the side seeing that he's surrounded.

"Lori, Em, Faith, Carl, I'm sorry." Rick said and prepares to use the last bullet on himself when he sees the hatch on the tank above him.

He opens it and quickly climbs in.



Rick moves away from the door breathing heavily, stopping next to a dead soldier saying: "Oh god."

Rick reaches to the army waist, grabbing his gun, taking it.

The soldier opens it's eyes.

It's a walker.

Rick looks at the soldier with a gasp.

The walker growls at him.

Rick points his gun at the soldier succusfully shooting him in the head.

The sound of the bullet in the enclosed space makes Rick's ears ring.

He looks up and sees the top hatch quickly getting on top of it.



Rick crawls on the top hatch looking outside, seeing the weapon bag on the ground nowhere near his reach.

Half of the walkers are still tearing into the horse.

Some of the walkers are crawling up the tank.

Rick gets back in the tank.



Rick lands on the floor, his ears aren't ringing anymore.

He sits up breathing heavily he looks to the side seeing the soldiers gun and grabs it checking if it's loaded hesitating.

The radio in the tank starts making static sounds.

Rick looks at the radio confused.

A voice on the other end of the radio starts talking.

"Hey, you. Dumbass. Hey, you in the tank. Cozy in there?"

Rick then realizes that he's not alone.



Some of the walkers are still eating the horse.

Others are converging on the tank still trying to get Rick who is still staring at the radio in shock.

The camera moves up showing a full view of the top of the tank and the walkers.

(End Song)

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