
By Carmella_McKlain

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"Why didn't you tell me?" Everyone has secrets they prefer not to tell. Secrets of self, of learning, of betr... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI

Chapter VI

181 7 21
By Carmella_McKlain

"Ya know, even after all the action you two bring, I still get a thrill watching the games," Nima heard Greez admit from the cockpit as she got some water.

"As long as you keep your habits in check," Cere commented.

"Oh, yeah, no, of course. I'm... I'm just a spectator. No gambling, or... nothing goin' on."

"Really?" the woman asked dubiously, causing Nima to grin as she took a sip.

"Yeah. We're talking pure entertainment. Nothing gets me going more than watching a couple of slubs square off. Just slick moves and brute force!" He made some fight noises, punching the air with his free pair of arms as Nima strolled up next to Cal who was selecting the course to Kashyyyk.

"Captain, I am slightly troubled by your enthusiasm for something so... barbaric."

"Oh, yeah, I mean... I, uh... it is. True. Totally barbaric. But still... kind of entertaining."

She went to the cockpit and peeked her head in. "Hey, Captain."

The Latero glanced over his shoulder, startled. "Uh, yeah?"

"I wanna make a bet with you. A safe bet," she added upon seeing Cere's disapproving glare.

He raised a gray brow. "Shoot."

The scrapper grinned. "I want to see how long you can last without gambling. If you can last this whole mission without giving in to temptation, I will fix any and all damage that happened to this ship for free. If you lose..." A devilish grin dressed her lips. "...then I get to pilot the Mantis whenever I want. After you teach me the controls, obviously."

His eyes narrowed, but she could feel his intrigue. "What's the catch?"

"No catch. Just a fun little game I thought you'd be interested in."

His lips tightened in thought. She could sense a slight bit of hesitance and doubt for a moment, but it quickly vanished as he smiled. "You're on, kid."

She beamed and reached out to shake his hand before she let Cal pass to sit in the co-pilot chair, hanging on to the small railing above to keep herself steady.

Greez glanced at the redhead as he seated himself. "I like her. She's fun."

Cal chuckled, looking back at the noirette. "She sure is."

Nima sent him a wink, clicking her tongue.

The crew suddenly lurched a bit as the ship came out of hyperdrive, and Cal heard his friend giggle in excitement. His eyes focused on what was outside the windshield, grinning at the sight of the planet.

White clouds could be seen scattered about in the atmosphere. The land was luscious and green, full of life. The oceans were a sapphire blue, the system's star glistening off the water.

"Welcome to Kashyyyk, Nima," he heard Cere declare. "What do you think?"

Cal's brows furrowed in confusion when he didn't hear a response. He turned his chair, frowning. "Nima?"

Her jaw was practically on the floor, her eyes wide with awe as she stared at the planet in wonder. "It's amazing," she murmured in a voice so gentle that he had never heard before. Her gaze met his, and he caught a glimpse of her he had never seen— tender and docile and benign, not witty and mischievous and full of vigor. She grinned.

Something about that smile made his stomach flip. He wanted to make her smile like that every day. He wanted to protect that smile.

He couldn't help smiling back.

The Mantis' engine rumbled as it touched down on the cargo pad, its weight lightly bouncing on the landing gear. As soon as it was settled, the bridges opened and two figures walked out.

"But I wanna help!" Nima insisted as she followed Cal outside.

The ginger shook his head, holding up his hand to stop her. "No. You heard Cere. You stay on the ship. It's too dangerous."

"What about you? What do you think? You trust me, don't you?"

"Of course I do."

"Then let me come with."

He hesitated. He wanted to bring her, but a part of him agreed with Cere. As much as he would appreciate the extra company, he didn't want her to get hurt. Plus, he doubted that she had all of her energy back; she had only been out for a couple of hours. "I... Just stay here. Please."

"But..." She trailed off as she looked past him.

His brows furrowed. "What?" He turned.

The station was abandoned. Debris was everywhere. Streaks of ash stained the walls, possibly from blaster gunfire. Crates that were neatly stacked the last time he was there had been broken open and torn through. An AT-ST had been destroyed over on his right.

Cal felt a pull in his gut and let his eyes trail to the ground. A partisan's blaster lay stranded. He approached it and kneeled, hovering a hand mere centimeters above the barrel. A familiar sensation of energy flowed through his fingers and up into his mind, showing a white light.

"Normally, I wouldn't waste my time with the likes of insurgents," he heard the Trilla say before him as the feeling of defiance and fear mixed inside him. "But I'm looking for a Jedi Padawan. And I know he's been here. And for that... all of you must suffer."

His eyes snapped open as a throbbing pain came from his chest. Dread filled his stomach. The Inquisitors had been here because he had been here. He swallowed and rose to his feet, staring at the object that no longer echoed. I'm sorry.

"You're not coming with me," he finalized as he turned back to Nima. He couldn't let her get hurt. He had just found her again; there was no way he was going to risk losing her.

The noirette crossed her arms. "I just came from a crime syndicate battling a bunch of creatures I'd never seen in my life. I think I can handle it."

"I know you can. But this is a completely foreign planet. Plus, you need to be filled in on what's going on right now."

She snorted. "I know what's going on. We're fighting the Empire."

"Do you know why we're fighting the Empire?"

"Do I really need to give you a reason?"

He had to fight the urge to smile at her comment. "Cere and Greez can fill you in while I'm gone, okay? I promise I won't take too long."

"You seriously think I'm gonna let you go by yourself?"


She grabbed his vest and tugged him to a stop. "I just got you back. You can't expect me to let you go again."

His chest ached. Of course she felt the same way about him. He hadn't thought about how sudden this all must be for her. It was probably overwhelming. He put a hand over hers and squeezed her fingers. "I'll be okay, Nima. I'll be back before you know it. Promise."

She bit her lip. "Just..." He watched the gentleness slip away as she pulled her hand back and punched his shoulder. "Come back alive, alright? If you don't, I'll kill you."

He grinned at her concern and gave her a quick side hug. "I'll keep that in mind."

She squirmed and pushed him off. "Yeah, yeah. Keep an eye on him for me, alright, BD?"

The little droid on Cal's back whistled.

With that, Cal gave her a small wave and headed toward the fighters.

BD-1 trilled happily.

The redhead chuckled at his companion's comment, thinking back on that smile he had seen back when they were coming into the atmosphere. "Yeah. Yeah, she is."

Cal hopped off the Shyyyo bird, glancing back at it thankfully as BD-1 dropped to the ground and ran ahead, scanning a few things. The ginger waved at the mighty creature before going after him. "Looking for something?"

He jogged into the branch's tunnel and emerged to see a carved statue of the now-familiar Zeffo Sage with markings below it. Grinning slightly at the sight, his attention shifted to the projection BD was displaying.

Once again, Eno Cordova appeared, now holding up a strange artifact. "At last. I found my quarry," he announced in awe. "The Astrium. Used by the Zeffo Sages millennia ago. I hold in my hand a piece of galactic history."

Cal placed his hands on his hips, eyes flickering down at the droid to check on him before letting them return to the hologram.

"Oh, I will never be able to thank Tarfful enough!" the Jedi exclaimed with an incredulous laugh. "Do you know what this means, my friend? No need to return to Dathomir. The darkness clouded every attempt at finding the Astrium inside Kujet's Tomb, but the Force... The Force has provided a new path."

Cal didn't hear the last sentence. He was already letting the location repeat inside his head so he could memorize it, already stepping back as he looked down at the droid. "Kujet's Tomb," he recited aloud, turning down another path.

BD-1 beeped, running up a small branch and leaping onto Cal's back as he passed.

There was a soft squawk and trill as the duo came to a nest-like dock in the tree, causing the redhead to smile. He slowed to a stop before the great Shyyyo bird as it landed and bowed its head to see him closer, purring softly. A sense of great respect came over the Jedi upon seeing it again.

Suddenly, laser blasts cut through the air and erupted on impact, damaging the platform. The creature shrieked as its perch collapsed underneath it, dropping below.

"No!" Cal barely took a step forward before the entire tree seemed to tremble. He stumbled and listened to his head instead of his heart, running in the other direction. A blast landed inches from his feet, nearly blinding him with debris. He looked around horrified as sparks began to light the wreckage, turning around to see a familiar masked face. He ignited his lightsaber instantly after they did, ready to defend.

"Found you again," bellowed the Ninth Sister.

"You're done hurting this world," he condemned.

She scoffed. "I don't know what's got Second Sister thinking you're so important. She likes her souvenirs, but... I'm not in it for the memories, and honestly... you're not worth my time." She grinned maliciously, letting her crimson saber spin as she readied herself. "So let's make this quick!"

Cal narrowed his eyes watching closely as they began to circle one another. He waited for her to make the first move, reminding himself to keep his guard up.

Sure enough, she slashed her weapon through the air.

The teen blocked, gritting his teeth as she came one after the next. He waited for an opening and parried as soon as he caught one, aiming for her left side.

She warded it off with ease, deflecting the hit and causing him to stumble. "That was nothing," she taunted, using the Force to push him away.

Cal grunted as he skidded back across the platform, planting his feet firmly to regain himself. He looked up with wide eyes as a shadow cast over him. Thinking fast, he dove out of the way, feeling the heat of the saber as it came down. He rolled and shot to his feet, peering over.

The Dowutin sneered as she yanked her weapon from the dock, leaving a singing hole where he once stood. She sliced the air, forcing him to step back. Using her momentum, she spun then came crashing down with an overhead strike.

Caught off guard, he almost didn't counter, his knees nearly buckling from the impact. Still, he was able to move the hilt over her hands and pull her down. Seeing an opening, he made his move.

The Ninth Sister cried out as the hilt of his saber slammed against her helmet. She seized her opportunity and used the Force again, sending him through the air.

Cal yelled in surprise and landed with a grunt. Not wanting to waste any time, he scrambled back to his feet.

The Inquisitor put a hand to her visor which now had a spiderweb of cracks. She scoffed and glared. "Not bad for trash."

The redhead swallowed the dryness in his throat. "What about for a Jedi?"

She smirked mockingly. "Is there a difference?" Her blade spun through the air and poised high. There was another buzz as her second saber ignited.

Oh, great.

Cal hardened his gaze, readying his stance as the enemy came charging at him. He timed his evasion almost too late, feeling the heat of the opposing lightsaber as he used the Force to help launch him into the air and frontflip. Once he landed, he staggered and spun around, crossing blades as she came down.

He gritted his teeth as the Inquisitor smirked, pushing on his weapon. He pushed back with slight difficulty, feeling his legs shake as he tried not to let up. He had anticipated this lock-up, but he had underestimated her strength.

Cal shifted his stance and quickly ducked between his arms, letting his lightsaber go over his head. As the Sister stumbled, he turned and slashed at the opening.

She groaned and clutched her side, growling as he stepped back. Her double saber began to spin. Then she threw it at him.

If he had taken another second to process what was coming at him, he would have been decapitated. But he blocked and ran at her as it flew back to its owner, narrowly dodging her first swing and deflecting the second.

Again, the two locked their blades. Cal grunted as his arms began to ache, trying to think of how to get out of this a second time. As soon as she got too close, he crouched and slid between her legs before lashing out as he stood.

The Inquisitor's hand flew to her visor once more. Her sneer curdled. She swung at him relentlessly, refusing to let up.

He dodged and evaded and blocked as much as he could, but it wasn't enough. A small cry left his lips as she grazed his side. He forced himself to ignore the pain as she once again crossed his saber and pushed down on him.

This time, he was prepared.

Once she came close enough, he jumped back to let her lurch forward. Then he spun with his blade out and open, barely feeling the resistance as it cut through her wrist.

The weapon clattered and receded as the Sister fell to her knees.

Cal stood proudly as he watched her clutch her arm close. "It's over."

He expected her to give up, to surrender. He expected her to accept her defeat.

But to his naive surprise, she gave him a mysterious smile.

"Being an Inquisitor taught me no setback is too great," she proclaimed as she pushed herself to her feet. "When you've already lost yourself... a limb's easy." She raised the cauterized stub to display it.

"You know, I was a Jedi," she admitted. "It'd be fun to bring you in. Watch you crack like the rest of us!"

Cal ducked as soon as he heard the buzzing behind him, feeling the heat as the double lightsaber returned to its master. His jaw clenched. She had betrayed the Order. She had helped kill them.

The Dowutin chuckled. "Angers you. Just wait 'til the isolation! Torture! Mutilation!" With each word, she attacked him, amused with his desperate deflections and dodges. She took advantage of his position and crossed their blades. "And your friends...!"

He struggled to adjust his stance to keep her at bay. "I won't let you touch them!"

She flashed a cold smile. "Too late for that."

Her words took a moment to process, but once they did, he faltered.

The Ninth Sister seized her opportunity, slashing down and kicking him back, sending him flying.

A shock of pain went through his back as he hit a gnarl of branches, knocking the air out of him. He collapsed back to the platform, groaning and clutching his soon-to-be-bruised stomach.

The Dowutin smirked as she stalked closer, taunting. "You know, your little trash friend... she refused to crack."

The words hit him like a train. Cal tensed, horrified, but tried to shake it off. She was trying to get under his skin. There was no way she knew about her. How could she? She couldn't—

"It was impressive. Almost admirable. Turns out she wasn't lying when she said she had nothing useful." She sneered in disgust. "What a worthless piece of scum. If I'd had my way, she would be dead, not traded with those barbarians. But like I said, the Second Sister likes to take her time with her little games."

His eyes slammed shut, trying to block out the images of his friend in pain, but his imagination reeled. He saw her scream, saw her writhe as she pleaded for it to stop, saw the horror on her face. His fists clenched. "No..."

She chuckled, readying her stance. "Though I have to admit... I did get a kick out of watching that disrespectful skank beg for her life."


The Sister easily blocked him as he slashed through the air, causing him to stumble as she applied her incredible strength. She snarled. "Face it, rat! You can't stop the Empire!"

Doubt crept into his mind. He remembered climbing the remains from the Clone Wars, the destruction when he'd first arrived. Could they really stop them? Was this all for nothing?

No. They would succeed. Maybe not yet. But for now...

"I can stop you."

The Jedi forced her weapon to roll off of his and knocked it away from him. Before she could react, he relied on the Force to help him leap over her once again and cut into her back. He landed behind her, and before she could charge, he used the Force again, shoving her back.

She flew back into the planks and disappeared.

Cal stood there in shock, panting softly. He hesitated before letting his hand fall back to his side as BD-1 let out a concerned beep.

"Yeah... We just took down an Inquisitor," he said breathlessly, coming to terms as the adrenaline subsided.

The little droid let out a cheerful whistle as a roar echoed through the atmosphere. The two turned to see a large creature perch nearby, looming its head into the area.

Cal let out a sigh of relief at the sight of the Shyyyo bird while BD whooped in celebration. "Hey! We thought you were dead." He retracted his saber as he approached and let it rest at his hip.

The avian leaned down with a soft bellow and let him pet its throat.

"Glad you're okay."

He climbed up a nearby branch. "We should get back. Cere and Greez are expecting us," he told the small droid before hopping onto the creature's back. He clutched some of the soft feathers as a thought crossed his mind, tightening his jaw. "And I need to talk with Nima."

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