Payback · UshiTenHina

By x0jupiter0x

223K 6.1K 2.6K

I hate this story. I hate it. I don't know why I wrote it but looking back now I regret it... Ima leave it up... More

Truth · Pt 1
Transfer · Pt 2
Shared Dorms · Pt 3
Cheater · Pt 4
Such a Tease · Pt 5 🍋
New Cafe · Pt 6
Meeting and Leaving · Pt 7
On Hold (not a part)
I'm Back <3
New Opportunity · Pt 8
Efforts · Pt 9
Nervous · Pt. 10
Game Time · Pt. 12
Celebrating · Pt. 13
The End

A Little Jealous · Pt. 11

11.9K 413 126
By x0jupiter0x

Guess who's back 😛
After a few minutes he calmed down and was about to leave the stall when the door slammed opened. He didn't think much of it as he grabbed the lock but quickly pulled his hand away as he heard a familiar angry voice.
"Damn it where is he?? Stupid Boke was supposed to be back yesterday!"

Oh shit... Hinata thought, slowly removing his hand from the stall door and stepping back. There was no way he could let Kageyama see him, not here, not now. It would ruin his reveal plan, plus from the tone of his voice, he could tell Kageyama was pissed.
Hinata had just been completely ignoring him, and most of the teams texts and calls. He hasn't been at the school either. Kageyama was probably the most angry since Hinata had always communicated with him when he was gone, but this time he never did. Hinata hadn't even told Kenma about him switching schools, he didn't want anyone to give it away.

He listened carefully as Kageyama walked towards the sink, mumbling somethings Hinata couldn't make out clearly. Taking a few deep breath to calm himself down, he stepped back away from the door again, though this time, accidentally tripping back. He fell but managed to catch himself before landing, though he had knocked over the trash can in the stall, causing Kageyamas attention to go to the noise.
Footsteps could be heard approaching the stall before a light knocking on the door. "Hey uh- you ok in there?" Kageyama asked, making sure whoever was in there was ok after hearing the somewhat loud crash of the trash can falling. Hinata froze. If he spoke, he was sure Kageyama would recognize his voice, so he let out a quick "mhm!" before straightening himself out.
"Are you su-" Kageyama was cut off by the bathroom door opening. Hinata sighed in relief that someone else had walked in before he continued to question. Though that didn't last long. He didn't hear the person walk in, just the door open.
There was a brief pause as Kageyama didn't move either. After a pause he spoke up. "Oikawa where have you be-" he was once again cut off by the door closing. Kageyama growled before storming out to follow. Hinata remained frozen for a few seconds to make sure Kageyama wouldn't come back in. He took a few breaths before quickly washing his hands and leaving.
That was a close one. Also I guess Oikawa really is ignoring Kageyama now. That was kind of awkward not gonna lie..

He finally reached the team after running to avoid being seen. "What took you so long?" Shirabu asked somewhat annoyed. "You ok Hinata? Why were you running?" Semi asked as Hinata tried catching his breath. After a minute Hinata finally replied. "Heh yeah I'm alright! Sorry I just ran into someone and they wanted to talk" he told them, hoping they'd just accept the answer, and they did. Hinata looked around and everyone was kind of doing their own thing as they waited for instructions from the coach, but he was confused when he didn't see Ushijima or Tendou anywhere.
"Hey Goshiki, do you know where Ushijima and Tendou are?" he asked the bowl cut boy.
The team found it kind of odd that he didn't use honorifics when it came to Ushijima and Tendou like most 1st and 2nd years did, but they didn't think much of it. Plus the 2 third years had told Hinata not to, which is why he doesn't, though no one else knows that.
"I think they went to go look for you since you were taking a while" he told Hinata. "Hmm ok thanks!" Hinata said before walking away to go look for his 2 senpais. After a few minutes of looking he almost decided to go back to the team and wait. He didn't want to be roaming around too long and be seen by an ex teammate or someone who might tell them he was here.

He turned around and bumped into someone, almost falling over. Luckily the person managed to catch him by the arm and pull him up before that could happen. "Hey, you alright Chibi-chan?" "Huh?" Hinata looked up to see Oikawa. "Oh, hi great king! Yeah I'm ok, thanks" Hinata said. "What are you doing?" Oikawa asked. "Well I was looking for Ushijima and Tendou but I can't find them anywhere, what about you?". Oikawa sighed and slouched over letting his arms fall to his sides. "Well I was running from Tobio since I've been ignoring him. Also we are playing against that one school Date Tech next next" he told the younger.
Date Tech? Hinata thought. "Really? The iron wall?" He asked and tilted his head. "Yeah, you'll be rooting for my team right Chibi-chan??" Oikawa asked with both hands on his hips and a smirk. Hinata thought about it for a moment. "Hmm well I have another friend from Date Tech, so I'm gonna be rooting for them, sorry" he told Oikawa, trying not to laugh at his reaction. Oikawa pouted saying "you're mean chibi chann, I'm your friend now too".
"Haha, well good luck! I should probably get going, I'll talk to yo-" he was cut off by a sudden weight on his shoulders as a pair of arms wrapped around him. He quickly tried to regain balance as he looked up to see Tendou hugging him from behind protectively. "Hehe uh I'll just get going, byee" the setter said nervously as he walked away quickly, and Hinata giggled at his reaction.
"Sho~ where were you?" Tendou asked once he was sure Oikawa was gone. "I went to the bathroom and ran into someone on the way there, sorry I took so long!" he replied, turning to around to return the hug. "It's ok" Ushijima said coming from behind Tendou out of no where, making Hinata jump a little. Ushijima looked down at Hinata hugging Tendou and Tendou had a smug look on his face. Well until Hinata let go of him to give Ushijima a hug too, now it was Ushijimas turn as he looked at Tendou who just replied with a small growl.
"We should head back to the team now, we have a game starting soon" Ushijima said, pulling away from the hug. Hearing this made the shorter boy perk up with a bigger excited smile on his face. He was nervous playing with a team he'd only been with for a week, but excited to be able to play in an actual game again. It wasn't Karasuno they were playing against but that didn't matter. He was just happy to play.
Tendou and Ushijima had a small smile on their faces as the first years eyes lit up. "Let's go then!" he said grabbing the 2 third years hands and dragging them along side him.

The school they played against was Hakusuikan. A school Hinata hadn't heard of before. He was a little nervous playing against a school he'd never heard of before but his team reassured him everything would be fine. I mean, he is playing with Shiratorizawa.
The game went by quicker than Hinata liked, ending with Shiratorizawa winning 2:0, 25-17 then 25-19. It wasn't that the other team was bad, but Shiratorizawa was a tough opponent and power house school.
Hinata went to go see who was playing next. Shiratorizawa, Aoba Johsai, Karasuno, along with 1 other school had advanced to Semi Finals. Hinata felt kind of bad for Aone for losing against Aoba Johsai, but he figured he'd go talk to him later.
Now he had something else to focus on, his next match and Aoba Johsai vs Karasuno. He wouldn't be able to watch that game though because of his own match.
Karasuno vs Aoba Johsai

hiratorizawa vs Kesenike West
Another school Hinata hadn't heard of, but he was pretty confident after their last match.
The next match was a little tougher than the last, but again they still won. 2:0, 25-20 and 25-21.
There was a little trouble though and this was when the team, except oblivious little Hinata who was too focused on the match, realized how jealous his 2 third years could get.

During the game
Hinata was on the front row on the right. He doesn't know how he made it to the starting line up, but he did. Anyways they were in the 2nd set after winning the 1st set. Kesenike West's #5, a second year wing spiker was right across from Hinata.
"Hey cutie tangerine, I guess I underestimated you huh? How about after my team wins this next set you give me your number and we can hang out sometime" he said to Hinata who felt a bit uncomfortable but shrugged it off. "Nah, you're a good team but I'm sure we'll win, thanks for the offer but I'll pass" Hinata said with a competitive smile, disappointing the second year. Ushijima and Tendou who were both also on the court had overheard, they were a little mad at the 2nd year flirting but that faded as Hinata rejected him. Though the #5 wasn't giving up. Halfway through the 2nd set he tried again.
"Come on I'm not that bad, just a date or two wouldn't hurt right? From the looks of it we've got more points than your team anyways" he said pointing at the score board that was at 15-13. Hinata ignored him this time, he knew that score wouldn't be there long anyways. Ushijima and Tendou were not happy that he tried again after already being rejected by their tangerine. Though Ushijima was better at hiding it than the red head who was mumbling curses under his breath, with a threat every now and then. Even poor Shirabu who was standing next to him was desperately trying to back away. Ushijima still had the same straight face he almost always had on though.
They switched rotations and Ushijima was up front now. After getting it, Shirabu set the ball to Ushijima who put almost all his power into spiking it. Right at West's unlucky #5. The poor 2nd year desperately tried to receive it, and though he did successfully, from the sound of the impact it was definitely going to leave a mark. He winced as another teammate touch his arms to make sure he was ok. He shrugged off the pain and the game continued. Once again though, he was forced to receive yet another powerful spike along with a glare from the ace and middle blocker. This time asking to sit out for a bit as a bruise was already forming and to get away from the two.
Tendou was a bit shocked by his best friends actions, but proud of him at the same time. Hinata felt a little bad for him but shrugged it off as there was still a game to finish.
Let's just say, the #5 got the message and didn't try talking to Hinata again.

Back to after the game
Hinata took a deep breath as he saw who he'd play against the day after. It wasn't Aoba Johsai, but Karasuno. He was a bit surprised the won against Seijo without him, but kind of glad.
The Shiratorizawa team packed their stuff and made their way back to the bus.
Tomorrow is going to be a long day
Sorry for not updating sooner! I hope you enjoyed :)
If you saw any mistakes, no you didn't.
Also Wattpad is being weird so sorry if anything looks messed up :\
Have a good day/night 🖤

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