By darkw1ngs

370K 13.9K 14.8K

I highly recommend reading the rewrite, which is still in the process of being updated, if you want a more ma... More

i n t r o d u c t i o n
❃ failure
❃ fuck you
❃ liquid luck
❃ brown eyes
❃ alone
❃ regret
❃ accusations
❃ good wife
❃ unbreakable vow
❃ in my sleep
❃ overprotective
❃ skyscraper
❃ a perfect storm
❃ the black lake
❃ unforgettable
❃ the paintings under my bed
❃ familiarity
❃ pain never heals
❃ sunrise
❃ healer
❃ calming draught
❃ she doesn't love me
❃ children of war
❃ stop
❃ not a chance
❃ promise
❃ fireplace
❃ bedrest
❃ skipping dinner
❃ paris
❃ vivienne
❃ penelope
❃ lightning has struck
❃ don't cry
❃ filthy little mudblood
❃ mirror of erised
❃ all over again
❃ I'm sorry
❃ boulder
❃ woolworth building
❃ it's okay, flower
❃ stabbed
❃ tell her I remember
❃ I love you, penelope
❃ never safer
❃ incendio
a u t h o r ' s n o t e
b o o k r e c s
r e w r i t e

❃ agent

4.5K 243 277
By darkw1ngs

Hey y'all 😘 enjoy this chapter I already know y'all are gonna love this oml. Don't forget to vote teehee

𝑴𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒅𝒂𝒏𝒆

Stepping into the Ministry for the first time in two years was nothing less than intimidating.

A lone woman, twenty years old with my beige coat and dark purple purse, hair curled the way I had the past eight years.

Whispers spread through the halls like wildfire, my heels clicking along the green tiles as I made my way to the elevators, up to the Healing Department's Special Victims Unit.

Three knocks to the stained black wooden door, and I was greeted by a tall man in a black suit.

"Unit Chief Henry Selcouth, it's great to meet you," he smiled, his handshake firm as I was led into his office. "Take a seat."

Tugging down at my sleeve, I sat in a chair across from his desk.

"I've heard amazing things about you and your team," he exclaimed, taking a sip from a mug of coffee.

"Thank you,"

"Over three hundred cases solved in under two years. Impressive,"

"We try our best,"

"Most impressive unit in all of MACAUSA's history. That's an accomplishment."

"Thank you, sir."

"Are you settling back into London well?"

"I'd like to think so," I smiled, "I moved into my apartment, my daughter is set up with a caretaker and I'm settling in nicely."

"Great," he sighed, checking his phone. "I'd love to continue conversing, but we've just gotten an important notice. I'll introduce you to the team, yeah?"

He placed his mug down on the table, motioning for me to follow him back into the hallway.

"You know, I hear you talking, but I still don't have my damn coffee," a voice exclaimed angrily from down the hall, the office door slightly ajar.

A small female voice was heard from inside, "I'm sorry sir, I can fix you another one right away-"

"All you ever do is screw things over, you know that? You're fired. Pack your shit and go,"

"But Sir, I-"

"Get out of my sight."

The woman scurried out with her bags, tears streaming down her cheeks as she stormed down the hallway out of sight.

"You're one of my best agents, but you really are a prick," Selcouth yelled through the door. "We've got a big case, get your ass out of your office,"

"I'll be out in a damn second."

"Yeah, you better," Selcouth shut the door, and continued walking. "Sorry about him. Excuse my language, but he's a real dickhead,"

"It's alright, I've dealt with a lot of men with anger issues in my life," I chuckled, entering the business room where the other agents were already sitting, papers ready.

"Maybelle, meet Agent Blair Loredana, our hostage negotiator," she was petit with a pink blouse and black pants, her blonde locks pinned into a messy bun behind her head, giving me a small nod.

"Agent Lina Saoirse, our computer analyst," he motioned to a girl with light green eyes, dark skin with golden accents in her box braids, matching bracelets around her wrists as she gave me a soft wave and smile.

"Agent Roman Metanoia, whom you've already worked with has been transferred to work this case,"

"Roman," I gave him a peck on the cheek, pulling him into a hug, "How are you?"

"I have jet lag, but I'll be fine," he exclaimed, settling down into a chair as we continued to converse, Selcouth checking his watch.

"I'm here, I'm here," a voice groaned as I continued to chat with Roman.

"You're ten minutes late."

"And it's another Tuesday. What's your point?"

"My point, is that you need to stop day drinking while on the job, Agent Malfoy."

My heart lurched in my chest; I turned in my chair, taking him in, breathlessly.

Stubble had grown on his chin from a recent shave, blonde hair combed messily to the side. His style was, not much to my surprise, still impeccable, black blazer hanging lazily over his shoulder which gave a view of his white dress shirt, the top three buttons undone as his muscles flexed through the thin fabric. On his waist was a belt containing his credentials.

And a handgun.

He raised an eyebrow intently at me, almost surprised I was staring at him. As though he wanted me to be intimidated.

His voice was gruff and gravelly, so much so I hadn't been able to recognize it. He'd changed into a cold, sarcastic, unloving bastard.

The last thing I saw was the plain wedding band that sat wrapped around his left ring finger.

"I never get drunk, Henry," Draco scoffed, sitting down in a chair.

"What's wrong, May?" Roman whispered, placing a hand over my shoulder to soothe my suddenly tense stance.

"Nothing," I gave him a small smile, turning back to the case files.

"Draco, meet Agent Maybelle Cliffdane. You've probably seen her on TV or in The Daily Prophet," Selcouth exclaimed, motioning a hand towards me.

"Mhm," Draco hummed, "the very hot woman who won't stop staring at me," he eyed my curves and slightly unbuttoned white blouse.

"She's been in here for five minutes, and you're married, I swear, men can't control what's in their pants," Blair scoffed, twiddling a pen between her fingers.

"Arranged marriage, Blair," he corrected her, "Arranged marriage."

"Can we start this case, please? There's been a breakout," Selcouth scoffed, placing more files down on the center of the table as we all settled in.

My heart was beating so quickly I could hardly pay any attention.

"Roman and Maybelle have already worked this case, two months ago to be exact. His name is Drazhan Grimaldi, a former death eater. Calls himself the shadow killer,"

"I remember this case, we caught the guy," Roman said confusedly.

"He escaped from MACAUSA's prison a week ago, and was sighted only an hour ago in Hyde Park," Selcouth exclaimed, "Here's May and Roman's old profile. It's all still accurate, the only difference is his location has changed. Lina, I need you running points on every security camera in the city,"

"You got it," she nodded, turning to her computer with a swivel of her chair.

"Blair and Roman, I need you to go through the case files we already have,"

They nodded.

I let out a small scoff. "Draco, take May to pick up the rest of the case files that were shipped from the New York office. Be back to go through them in an hour,"

"You got it," Draco sighed, motioning his hand with a click of his tongue as to follow him out the door.

"I'm not a dog," I muttered, crossing my arms as we got into the elevator.

"I never said you were a dog," he exclaimed defensively, "but really, you do need to stop staring. I have a wife, you know," he said with a wink, toying with the credentials attached to his belt buckle.

"Oh silly me, I didn't notice the silver wedding band on your damn ring finger," I rolled my eyes, staring intently at the doors as we were dropped in the parking garage.

"Great, just another sarcastic woman to add to our already lovely team," he scoffed, practically slamming his car door shut, and began to drive.

He turned the radio onto the frequency for local police cases.

"We're just picking up files. Can't we listen to music?"

"Turn on whatever you fucking want, I don't care."

I hesitantly turned the radio onto a music channel, twiddling with my fingers nervously.


I felt my blood run cold.

"Excuse me?"

"It's on your handbag," he pointed to the cursive word engraved into the side the my purse that sat beneath my feet. "What's it mean?"

"It's my middle name," I exclaimed, trying to hide my disappointment.




"You married?" He had finally noticed the Malfoy family ring, which I'd moved to my left ring finger.


"That's a shit answer," he scoffed.

"I don't see why you care."


"You were at my wedding,"

"I was."

"Interesting," he hummed.

"Why's that?"

"Just wondering if my parents knew you from somewhere or something. I don't know."

"Yeah, sure," I rolled my eyes with a huff.

"Somebody's got a bit of a temper," he smirked, tapping his ringed fingers against the sides of the steering wheel.

"I could say the same for you," I gave him an angry glare, which he responded to with a chuckle.

"I think any man in an unhappy marriage would acquire a bit of a temper,"


"Arranged. It's bullshit, really. But it doesn't matter," he muttered, staring out the front windshield.

"Do you-um, do you have kids?" The question broke my heart to say, but I had to know.

"A son."

"What's his name?"


I stared at the passing streets, trying to hold back tears.

"What about you?"

"A daughter," I tried to keep my voice composed, "her name is Penelope."

"Penelope... Penelope."

"Pen for short," I smiled somberly.

"Interesting," he exclaimed, stopping in the post office parking lot, "stay here, I'll pick up the packages. Don't go anywhere."

"Why can't I come in?"

"Sketchy people, Cliffdane. I don't need any posties hitting on you," he slammed the door shut, walking inside.

Suddenly, the realization of my current situation hit me like a fist to the stomach.

I worked a unit with Draco Malfoy.

He doesn't know who I am.

And I am still nowhere close to figuring out that last piece of the puzzle; the puzzle of creating an unobliviate potion.

"Fuck," I exclaimed in anger, slamming my fist against the dashboard, setting off the car alarm, "Shit, shit, shit, God fucking damnit," I groaned, clasping my hands over my ears, squeezing my eyes shut.

Draco's expression was pure anger as he exited the building, clicking a button on his keys before placing the file boxes in the back seat.

"What the fuck were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry, it was an accident," I exclaimed, my hands still clamped over my ears.

"Why are you doing that?"


"It's just a car alarm, calm down," he started the engine, staring at me in confusion.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but the alarm isn't going off anymore."

My hands didn't move.

"Hey," his fingertips met my wrists, making me jump at his sudden touch. His firm grip pulled my hands from the sides of my head before dropping them in my lap.

"Do you always flinch when people touch you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um-I.. I'm just not used to...physical affection. I guess."

"You're a shit liar," he exclaimed, pulling back onto the main road.

"Yeah, yeah, why don't you kiss my ass," I groaned, leaning back against the seat.

"Woah there, do I have to tell Agent Selcouth you're using that filthy little mouth of yours during your first day on the job?"

I went quiet.

"I just found a way to make you shut up, didn't I?" he smirked, "do I have to file a report, saying you've been a bad, bad girl for me?"

"Shut up," I snarled, crossing my arms.

"You're going to regret using that tone with me, sweetheart," he chuckled, rolling his tongue against his inner cheek.

"Why don't you go talk like that to your wife?" I scoffed, burying myself deeper in my seat.

"Wow, way to ruin the moment, Cliffdane. How many times do I have to tell you, it was an arranged marriage,"

"You're ridiculous."

"So are you."

The rest of the ride was silent.

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