Goddess of the Elements

By sparky1607

486 12 5

Loki, Thor and Odin used to wander the nine realms often when the boys were young. As they grew their adventu... More

Chapter One - Betrayal
Chapter Two - Friends From High Places
Chapter Three - Sisterly Love
Chapter Four - Princess
Chapter Five - Played Into His Hands
Chapter Six - Battle Ready
Chapter Seven - Escaping Death
Chapter Eight - Downfall
Chapter Nine - Not A Date
Chapter 10 - Humble
Chapter Eleven - Stories
Chapter Twelve - Stories Pt2


84 1 0
By sparky1607

AN- credit for the image goes to a dress up game, hobbit scene maker, as I cannot draw to save myself. Hobbit scene maker, site Azalea's Dolls

In Ancient Greece, there was an old couple, just outside of Athens. They had a small farm, herding sheep. But over the course of their lives they had eventually come to the conclusion that they were unable to have kids; which didn't bother the pair too much. They were content. But they grew older, weaker, and realised a pair of young hands wouldn't be a miss. Adoption fees were too high for them to pay, but a strange woman offered them an orphaned baby for nothing more than to keep said baby on their property at all times. So the couple took the child and raised her to tend to lambs, feeding them bottles, keeping them entertained, with the end goal of her eventually being able to tend to the sheep.

They never did get the chance to see her take over their duties, however. The pair had always known the girl was... Odd. Strange things would happen around the farm. Small floods from nowhere. Fires when it was raining. Roots suddenly growing obscene lengths over night. They could have sworn they saw a three foot twister once... But they thought nothing of it. Neighbours thought the gods angry with the village, but the old couple paid them no mind.

Although wrong, the villagers weren't too off the mark.

When she turned six, the girl was fed up of being confined to the farm. She wanted to play with the other children in the village, the ones that would run by almost everyday. So one day she did. As usual, she saw the children run past the fence and off into the forest. When her caretakers weren't looking, she made a run for it and chased them. It wasn't long before she was in the forest, trying to listen to the laughing so she could find them. But eventually the laughing died, and the girl realised she was lost. It didn't bother her; she had been told it was only a small forest. She knew she just had to get to the edge and walk around.

For about an hour, the sweet, innocent girl took her time walking through the forest, enjoying her freedom. It smelled so differently there, the different trees, different flowers. The ground felt strange against her bare feet, completely different to what the usual mud and hay felt. Even the different birds fascinated her. Sure, she'd seen them before. But the trees were somewhat far from the farm; she'd never seen the birds this close, yet they were still a good distance away.

Her excitement and wonder was short lived when she heard a voice. "My, you're a curious little thing." The girl looked up from the leaf she held in her hand, seeing a woman stood by one of the trees. Her voice was soft, but it felt fake. Her eyes were large and doe like, her hair very dark. The dress she wore was exquisite, several layers of thin, flowing fabric wrapped around her with metal embellishments here and there. "What could possibly be so interesting about a leaf?" She asked, tilting her head slightly.

"It's pretty. If you look close, it has patterns on it," the girl told her, still happy as can be.

The girls smile almost was enough to make the woman rethink her plan. Almost. "Your innocence will only be your weakness, my dear," the woman coldly smiled.

The girl raised an eyebrow. "I don't understand?"

"You don't need to. All you need to know, is your grandfather is a bad man, and this is his punishment." The girl stared ahead blankly, causing the woman to sigh. "Children, pathetically unintelligent little creatures... You will bare a curse. The curse of immortality. You will grow only to see those around you leave this world. You will also be sent from this time to another, and be a stranger to the world you grow up in."

The girl had a bad feeling in her gut. "I think I should go home now..." she said, slowly turning before sprinting away in the opposite direction.

"You'll forget this! This day, and this life!" The woman called, before raising her hand and causing clouds to appear before the girl. Before she could react, she had ran right through them, and disappeared... The woman smirked triumphantly. "You need not remember it... Your horrible grandfather will. It's one thing to have an affair to create its mother, but to provide for it and keep her a secret? That won't do."

A thousand or so years into the future, the Norse God, Odin and his sons were visiting the nine realms. He wanted to show his sons their families empire. Today, they visited Midgard. But unlike in other realms, they did not walk through the people, instead they visited woodlands, untouched by man.

"I must say... The nature on this planet is some of my favourite." Loki announced as the three walked through the woods.

"Yes, yes... It is quite beautiful this time of year. I once visited here regularly. To clear my head, while courting your mother actually. Her mother was... Not as pleasant." Odin recalled. His sons laughed at him and continued laughing.

The three had adventures like this regularly when the boys were children but now they were teenagers, approximately 13-15 in mortal years, their trips became less frequent. But on occasion they would still visit places to spend time together. And usually, it would go without a hitch. Midgard in particular was uneventful. Not once had there been any problems. Until this day...

Loki held his arm out to stop his brother and father. The two gave him a confused look. "Do you not hear that?" He asked them. They all listened carefully. Thor opened his mouth to speak but then he heard it. Crying. A child's crying. Leaves rustling. Unless their ears deceived them, there was a crying child running in their direction. "It is but a child." Loki announced, loosening up.

"It could be a trap brother..." Thor countered, stepping into a defensive stance. His father followed suit, drawing his sword. Loki shook his head and sighed at the two and continued on.

"Loki." Odi warned.

Loki didn't turn around to reply, he kept moving forward. "Father you are ridiculous, it is a child." He countered.

"In the woods, hundreds of miles from the nearest town? Mortals do not venture here my boy, they think this woodland cursed." Odin's warning tone became more urgent and severe, causing Loki to give in. His helmet appeared on his head and he drew his daggers. His father had a point after all.

The rustling got closer, the weeping stopped, the three became more weary. "Should we call for Heimdall?" Thor asked in a hushed tone.

"Not yet... Only if danger arrives." Their father replied.

The rustling got louder. And louder. And louder... And suddenly, to the left of Loki, a small child burst through the bushes and tripped over, falling flat on its face at Loki's feet. The small girl started to tear up, silently sobbing as she tried to sit up. Both her knees were bleeding, with skin hanging off them. Her hands were grazed as well. Thor and Odin didn't lower their weapons but upon seeing the child's injury, Loki pocketed his daggers and knelt down.

"Hello there." He said, a warm expression on his face.

"H-hi..." she stammered.

"That looks like it hurt. Can I help?" He asked. The girl eyed him, a range of emotions flashing her face. Fear, relief, sadness... But eventually, she nodded.

"Loki, you cannot. She is mortal." Odin warned, still cautious of his whereabouts.

"I don't belive she is father," Loki said, his back still turned to his father and brother, "father she is immortal. She bleeds mortal blood but she is in fact immortal." He informed the pair. He looked the girl in the eyes with a soft smile. "This might hurt alright? But it will be over quickly, you have my word." He promised the girl. She nodded and braced herself for the pain she'd been warned against. It stung, but she didn't flinch. She looked at Loki gratefully when she looked down and saw that her hands and knees were in perfect condition.

"Thank you." She whispered. "A-are you magic?" She asked the older boy curiously.

"Why yes I am." Loki smiled at her. "You are very brave, you didn't even wince. What's your name?" He asked. The girl thought for a moment.

"I... I don't think I remember." She said, confused herself. Loki stood up and offered her his hand. She allowed him to help her up but she didn't let go of his hand. He didn't have a problem with this, he allowed her to follow him. When she saw the man and another older boy with weapons drawn, she was scared. But also intrigued. She dropped Loki's hand and slowly walked towards Thor.

"Darling I wouldn't-" Loki tried to warn. She ignored him and kept on forward, stopping just in front of Thor.

"I like your clothes." She told the boy.

"Um... Thank y-"

"And your hair. It's really pretty." She said. Thor couldn't help it, his ego was flattered by the girls opinions.

"Thank you young lady." He couldn't help but smile at her innocence and fearlessness. He chuckled when she reached out to touch his cloak. "Do you like it?" He asked her.

"I like red. Red's a pretty colour." She said mindlessly. Thor sensed something about her. For a child, an immortal one as Loki had mentioned, she had a powerful presence around her. Even Odin could sense it.

"Father...?" Loki piped up.

"We should take her to her home boys." Odin announced. He turned to the girl. "Where do you live, my dear? Surely your parents are worried." He asked.

Thor had picked up the girl and she was fiddling with his hair and loose parts of his armour. "I don't know. I can't find them. It's been a few days I think." She replied absent mindlely, having fun with Thor's armour.

Odin sighed. He knew the right thing to do was take her to Asgard, not just because she didn't know where to go, but because she was immortal and there was something about her. She wouldn't be safe in Midgard. She could pose a threat here. "My boys... We should take her. She's... There's something..." he just couldn't explain it, but there was something. The boys knew it too.

Thor handed the girl to Loki so she would be more secure, as Thor had a sword in one hand. "Heimdall!" Thor called.

"This will feel strange alright?" Loki told her. She nodded, looking excited. She had already witnessed magic today, what else could she witness? She was about to find out. A colourful beam surrounded the four and they were suddenly flying through space before the teenager carrying her walked into a room that seemingly appeared from nowhere.

Odin and Thor stopped to talk to Heimdall, but Odin told Loki to take the girl to his mother and inform her of the situation. Loki placed the girl on his horse and told her to hold on tight as he climbed up himself, holding onto the girl and the reigns.

"I've never been on a horse before. It's fun! What's his name?" She asked him, pure glee in her voice as she stroked the horses mane.

"Her name is Rivera. Would you like to go faster?" Loki asked. The horse was already at a slow trot but Loki thought the girl would enjoy it.

"Yes please!" She squealed. Loki laughed at the girl as the horse picked up speed and they raced across the bridge to the Palace. It wasn't long before the pair reached the Palace and made their way to the library, where Loki suspected his mother, Frigga, would be.

He pushed open the heavy doors, holding the girls hand in his as they entered the library. Frigga was sat on her own, a few guards in the corners of the room, reading a book. She looked up and smiled. "Hello my dear. And who might you be?" She asked, referring to the young girl.

The girl looked up at Loki before answering the woman. He gave a nod of encouragement. "I don't have a name miss. Not one I remember anyway." She told the woman.

"Where are your parents?" Frigga asked.

"I don't have parents miss, I can't remember them." The girl said. Frigga thought for a moment, before reaching behind her and pulling a thin book from the shelf.

"Here, why don't you sit down and have a look at this? It's mostly pictures, of Asgardian clothes throughout time." Frigga offered, handing the book to her. The girl smiled and did as told, taking the book and folding her legs under her immediately, dropping on the spot, earning a laugh from Loki and his mother. Frigga turned to her son for an explanation, which he gave to the best of his ability.

"What are you going to with her...?" Loki asked his mother, glancing at the girl. She lay on her front with her legs dangling in the air and she flipped through the book, pausing to run her fingers across dresses from to time. Frigga smiled at him.

"You're already attached to her aren't you?" She observed.

"She's a sweet child. Innocent. She deserves to be safe. She deserves a family." Loki told her, finally turning to meet his mothers gaze. "We always wanted a sister after all..." he hinted.

"Alright dear boy, I will talk with your father. In the mean time, why don't you have someone bathe her and give her clean clothes? Supper won't be long." Frigga announced as she rose from her chair. She stood watch a moment as Loki lay down beside the girl, reading the book to her and telling her what the garments were called. She listened intently, asking questions about the colours and materials. Frigga smiled warmly. She'd never thought Loki to be the one good with children. She was clearly wrong.

Over the coming weeks, Odin and Frigga had let it become public knowledge that they had adopted the girl. All that was left was a small ceremony to celebrate. And to announce the girls name. Since she could not remember, Frigga had suggested that she read to the girl, a list of names from books and such. She could tell her tales and perhaps she may name herself after her favourite. Loki had assisted in this effort, writing a long list of names simply from going around the city and asking people what they thought were appropriate names for the soon to be princess.

Loki burst into the library one morning where Frigga sat with the girl who'd affectionately been nicknamed Honey for the time being, after her sweet smile. Honey sat on Frigga's lap as Frigga told her an old story from Roman mythology, featuring the goddess Diana. He ran through, a six foot scroll trailing behind him.

"I'm not sure I like the name Diana." Honey announced as Frigga closed the book.

"Understandable darling, but you need to choose a name today, the ceremony is in but four hours." Frigga reminded her.

"It's hard! There's just so many! Did you know there were so many names?!" She looked up at Frigga in astonishment, only to be met by laughter.

"You amuse me so child. Go, Loki has his list completed, perhaps you'll find something on there you like." Frigga helped her down from her lap and watched as she ran at Loki, who took a U turn as he grabbed her hand and they ran to Honey's Chambers where they would spend the next three hours going through names.

Honey lay on her bed, her head and shoulders hanging off the edge upside down. Loki sat in the chair by her desk, his back leaning against one arm and his legs slung over the other. "Zoella?" He suggested.

"Nah, too girly."

"Honey darling you ARE a girl!" Loki laughed from exasperation. He had reached the end of his six foot three column list... And she hadn't liked any of them. "Still no idea?"

"I have one." She lied, sensing the boy was worried. "I'm keeping it secret!" She said, jumping up from the bed as there was a knock at the door.

"Enter." Loki called. The dress maker entered with a small frock in hand for Honey.

"I am here to dress the young lady sir." She announced.

"Alright. I shall see you soon Honey. You'll be officially my sister when I see you next." He said proudly. Honey ran to the boy and gave him a tight hug, wrapping her arms right around his thighs.

"I can't wait!" She exclaimed. Loki smiled, returning the hug before hurrying off to get himself ready.

The dressmaker hung up the dress and helped the young girl undress before putting her new dress on. "Do you like it?" She asked. Honey turned to look in the mirror and gasped. Frigga had it specially made, asking Honey for what she wanted. The girl asked for green and black, with a flower on it. She stood now in her dream dress.

"I love it! Thank you miss!" She hugged the dress maker who couldn't help but smile.

"You're very welcome dear. Now run along to your family, they will be waiting." Honey nodded and ran to Thor's room first.

She hit the door several times before the young god opened it. He smiled at the girl. "You look so pretty Honey. Have you thought a name yet?" He asked as he closed the door behind him and took the girls hand to walk to the throne room.

"I haven't... Thor it's so hard!" She whined.

Through chuckled. "Well I've been thinking. You quite like watching the stars, yes?" She nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! I love the stars! I feel drawn to them." She informed the boy.

"Well, I found a name you may like. It is from the Midgradian Greek mythology. The daughter of the god of stars. Astraea. What do you think?" He asked the girl. She thought for a moment.

"Astraea... I like it!" She smiled up at him. "Thank you Thor!" She gave the boy a hug before running towards the throne room, closely followed by Thor.

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