Date with a death eater

By ph0ebevines

2.4K 30 16

He leant into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck, "They seem pretty busy," he whispered, mischief lacing... More

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-chapter 2-
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-chapter 21-
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-chapter 32-
-chapter 33-
- chapter 34-
-chapter 35-
-chapter 36-
- chapter 37-
- chapter 38-
- chapter 39-
- chapter 40-
- chapter 41-
- chapter 43-
- chapter 44-
- chapter 45-
- chapter 46-
Some time in the future

- chapter 42-

26 0 0
By ph0ebevines

Delilah Snape, age 19, 1979
A child. A little girl. Y/n Snape, my little girl, our little girl. My own blood. Mine and Tom's little girl. She has his eyes, those beautiful dark brown eyes. She has my name, and his face, a perfect mix, a beautiful child. My child. Lily and James had Harry, I have y/n, my girl. They will go through Hogwarts together, side by side, overcome the world together. Be like Lily and I were, however the same age. We will watch them grow up as best friends.

We were getting very good at staying in Dracos room out the way of everybody. We hadn't left for about 6 weeks, which personally I didn't think seemed that bad, but Narcissa thought differently, she seemed pretty insistent that we come downstairs today.

I woke up with my hand tightly held in the blonde's and my other was underneath the pillow, I went to lift my head up but a sharp ringing shot through my ears, causing a headache and my whole body to stiffen up. I managed to let out a small whimper before falling off the bed from rolling around in pain.

I began to hear voices echoing through my head, they sounded very familiar but I couldn't quite place my on who it was. They sounded angry though like it was in the middle of a heated argument. I led on the floor holding my hands over my ears in some hope it would stop the noise. Then I heard a hissing noise, a lot like a snake, but I could understand every word it was saying.

' i have been found, but we are impossible to destroy.'

then suddenly it just stopped. I stayed lying on the floor trying to figure out what had just happened, between the hissing and the arguing I only really understood that something had been found and potentially was trying to be destroyed.

Draco peered over the edge of the bed with his brows furrowed. " What are you doing down there."

I smiled at him awkwardly then pulled myself off the floor and back onto the bed, laying my head on his lap and looking up into his eyes to try and find the comforting glisten, but it wasn't there.

All of a sudden my mind was taken over again and I lost all sense of reality. It felt like someone was trying to break into my head so I let them. I began to see Harry wearing a silver locket, he was in a tent with Hermione in the middle of the woods, a white flash appeared and I saw an old man cowered in the corner begging to someone. Then I saw a vault, number 720, it was full of all sorts of gold and silver items, but one, in particular, seemed to catch my attention, a very small gold cup that was hidden in the corner. I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the small details of the cup but the visions disappeared before I could take a closer look.

My head felt heavy and my eyes felt weak. I blinked a few times to try and grab hold of reality again, I looked up and the blondes were staring down at me with a concerned expression. I could tell you whatever just happened was far from normal. Voices and visions. Was I going insane?

" Okay, what was that?" His voice laced with confusion and worry. I pressed my head further back into his lap and just looked at him.

" Something isn't right, I need to get out of this room, I'm going insane," I laughed awkwardly. I wave of sickness came over me and I jumped off the bed. " and now I feel like I'm going to throw up."

I ran out of his room and down to the bathroom. He appeared behind me and rubbed my back as I leant over the sink. Was this all linked together or was I just having a brain malfunction from staying in my room for so long? I sat down with my back to the edge of the bath and dropped my head between my legs.

" this is not Normal."

He crouched down in front of me and put his thumb under my chin, lifting up my head so I was looking at him.

" What is going on."

I really wanted to tell him but I was terrified, I didn't even know what was happening to me, and telling him just didn't seem like a good idea.

" I just feel really Ill, probably the lack of fresh air," I replied, convincingly as I could. He gave me a nod and pulled me up of the floor, giving me a tight hug.

"Let's get dressed and we will go for a walk, see if it makes you feel any better."

I let out a long sigh and buried my head into his chest. I really hope it was just fresh air I needed and I wasn't being controlled by someone else, as crazy as it sounded that is what it felt like.

I opened the wardrobe and sighed once more as I realised the entire wardrobe was made up of black dresses and black suits.

" Well, what a fucking variety, I could go for the black dress, or the black dress or even the black dress." I groaned, grabbing hold of the same satin dress. "And for you, sir, would you like the black suit or the black suit."

" Think I might go for the green suit." he joked half-heartedly.

I rolled my eyes and threw him over his suit and tie. Admittedly he did look hot in it but I was very bored of seeing him in the same colour every day, but I'm sure he thought the same.

Once he was dressed, he appeared behind me and zipped up the back of my dress then span me round to face him. " must say, black is defiantly your colour."

I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as best I could.

He hardly ever smiled anymore, that's why the familiar glisten in his eyes had disappeared. Thinking about it neither of us smiled much, only at each other on the off occasion. So I suppose the black really was just reflecting our moods.

" Good because it's not like I own any other colour."

I planted a soft kiss on his lips and we walked towards the door, as we approached it flew open and Narcissa stood in the doorway.

"oh your coming," she said, sounding very surprised. Draco and I exchange a quick look then nodded. She was clearly quite desperate to see us. " Come with me, we have something to do."

I grabbed the boys hand and we followed her down to the room where the piano was, but it had been replaced by four chairs and a table. I looked at the blonde with furrowed brows and he just shrugged, I scanned the room quickly, it was dark and gloomy and gave off the feeling as the meeting room the other day. I heard a faint cry coming from the back of the room and went to rush over but Draco pulled me back and Narcissa stood in front of me and held her finger to her lips.

" I suggest we bring out the girl, the goblin and the cooky old man." Bella cackled.

I glanced to my left and she was stood dancing around in circles surrounded by a few other death eaters. One of them walked over to the back of the room and down a flight of stairs, which I had never noticed before. He came back a second later, with three people following behind him. First, my eyes found the small creature, he looked pretty angry, following him was a girl with long blonde hair dressed in a rather peculiar purple and pink outfit. It took me a second to realise who it was. Luna Lovegood, I took a deep breath in as caught my eye, to my surprise she gave me a sweet smile. Finally, I held my breath as I saw then man from my vision appear.

I leant in closer to Draco and placed my chin on his shoulder so I was able to subtly whisper into his ear. " Who is the man?"

Without taking his eyes off of the trio in front of him, he replied with a low, " Olivander, the wandmaker." As the words left his mouth I lifted my wand to my eye line and looked between it and the man. " Now you're making it obvious." I gulped and slid my wand back in my waistband.

" Here we have, the ugly little goblin, Mr wandmaker and the absolute nutjob." Bella cackled once more, taking a few steps closer to the three of them.

I squeezed the Draco's hand tightly out of frustration, I really wanted to say something to Bella about calling Luna a ' nutjob.' admittedly, she was different to your average person but I really admired her for that, I wouldn't say she was crazy.

Bella kept walking toward them until she was only inches in front of Luna, " And this one likes to help her father write about us," she lifted her hand and smack the girl right across the face, leaving her with blood dripping down her lip.

" Draco, I want to leave." I managed to say, trying to hold back my tears.

He squeezed my hand tightly and began to rub circles on it. I looked down at our hands then up at his face, his expression was blank, I couldn't quite tell what he was thinking.

" Stick it through, please." he pleaded.

As much as I wanted to leave, I knew he was right. I took a deep breath and turned back to the trio, Luna still had a small smile, even though her face was bruised and bloody. Seeing her sweet innocent smile, made me feel sick to my stomach, she was always to kind, no matter what, she didn't deserve it. I pulled away from Draco and ran out the door. I didn't know where else to go other then back to my room.

I got up there but could still hear Bellatrix yelling so I turned on the radio to drown out the sound. I sat on the end of the bed, dropping my head into my hands and letting the tears finally roll down my cheeks. I heard the door creak open, I glanced up and forced a small smile as I saw the blonde. He came and sat next to me and I dropped my head onto his lap.

" How did you get away."

" I told them you were feeling ill so I was going to check on you."

The radio began to crackle, then a song began to play faintly. Malfoy pushed me up off his lap then got up, stretching his hand out towards me. I tilted my head, looking at him through my teary eyes, " Come on darling."

I gave him my hand, and picked myself up off the bed. We began dancing around the room together, he twirled me under his arm and pulled me into his chest, swaying us both from side to side.

" I love you."

" I love you too."

We continued dancing around his room together, like no one else in the world existed, but little did we know there was a couple across the country doing the exact same thing.


I was sat opposite the fire, with the Draco led on my lap, reading a book, we had been there for about an hour when a death eater came up to us and demanded we follow him.

I slammed my book down on the side and we both got up off the sofa, I smoothed the creases out of my shirt and straightened out my skirt then turned to the blonde and tightened up his tie.

" Alway best to look presentable."

He rolled his eyes and we hurried after the death eater. He had led us to the empty room where they had Luna trapped. I grabbed Draco's hand and gulped, hesitantly following the man into the room. I froze in the doorway as I saw ron and Hermione being held at wand point by two snatchers. I snapped my head to my left and Bellatrix had hold of a brown-haired boy, she caught my eye and gave me a wink, yanking back the boys head with an evil smile.

" Well ?" she cackled.

We moved directly in front of the boy and I studied him closely. His face was all swollen and almost unidentifiable, but I could still tell it was Harry Potter. I squeezed the blonde's hand in an attempt to catch his attention, he looked over to me and gave a subtle nod.

We both stood up and took a step back, " Couldn't be too sure." Draco replied.

" You couldn't possibly tell with his face like that," I added, trying to sound as convincing as possible.

I noticed Lucius approach us out the corner of my eye, He grabbed hold of the back of Draco's neck and hissed something into his ear, I couldn't quite understand what he was saying but from the change in expression on the boy's face, I knew it wasn't good. I glanced back at Narcissa, waiting for her to help.

" How dare you talk to me like that in my own house." Lucius, yelled, making both Draco and I flinch. Narcissa must have noticed our reaction and rushed over and dragged Lucius away from us, hushing him angrily.

" Don't be shy, sweeties, come over" Bellatrix insisted, grabbing the pair of us and forcing down to the eye level of the boy she had hold off. We crouched down and I stared into Harry's open eye. "Now if this is who we think it is and we don't call him, he will kill us all."

I gulped at the idea of watching everyone die and even debated for a second, telling Bella it was Harry, but I couldn't do it.

" What's wrong with his face," Draco said lowly. We both looked between Bella and Harry, expecting some sort of answer.

" he came to us like that, something he picked up in the forest I reckon." some behind us responded.

I turned my head and returned my attention back over to Harry. Bella edged walked away from us and I took this opportunity to have a very subtle conversation.

" Draco, it is isn't it."

He looked between Potter and I and gave a tiny nod.

" Blink if you are who we think you are."

I didn't want to make it obvious that we were interacting with him so it was the best thing I could think off. Sure enough, he gave a quick blink and I squeezed Malfoy's hand. We sat staring at him, trying to figure out what to do next but Narcissa appeared and tapped us on the shoulder, dragging us both away so we didn't have a chance to make a decision.

" What do we do."

" Keep quiet."

I drew my attention back over to Hermione and Ron who were being slowly approached by Bella until something else caught her attention. I couldn't quite see what it was but it defiantly got under her skin as she began yelling at the snatchers and throwing spells at them. The blonde ran behind a chair, then pushed me behind him.

" Stay there, I don't want you getting caught up in this."

I watched from behind the boy as the snatchers stumbled off and Bellatrix walked over to Ron and grabbed him by the shoulders. " Cissy put the Boys in the CELLAR." she spat, throwing ron and harry over to Narcissa, who rushed them over to the flight of stairs. " I need to have a conversation with this one, GIRL TO GIRL."

She was now only inches from Hermiones face. I stepped out from behind the boy and walked over to join Narcissa, who still had hold of Ron and Potter.

" Let me do it." I insisted, taking hold of the pair and walking down the flight of stairs. I could feel the cold hit my cheeks as I reached the bottom, it was pitch black down there, only a single candle was lit. I let go of Harry to unlock the door and I pushed them both and shut the gate behind me. " Did you find it, The cup, did you find it?"

" No," Harry whispered. I rubbed the bridge of my nose, then looked around the room for luna. She slowly emerged from the darkness and I let out a sigh of relief. I ran over and gave her a quick hug.

" I am so sorry, are you okay, I wish I could have come to see you sooner." I sighed. I felt awful, seeing the conditions they had been in for weeks. I turned back to harry and pressed my finger to my lips. "Keep quiet, trust me." with that I ran back out the room and locked the gate behind me, giving the group one last look.

As I reached the top of the stairs, I heard an ear-piercing scream, I froze as I saw Hermione pinned down on the floor by Bella. I scanned the room looking for somewhere I could hide behind, I saw Draco stood only a few centimetres away and ran to him, wrapping my hands around his front and burying my head in the crook of his neck. Suddenly the screaming stopped and it fell deathly silent. I was too scared to look up and see for myself what was happening. " Draco what's going on." but not a single word was spoken.

I looked up to see Hermione, led out on the floor, her head facing away from, I also saw the goblin being cornered by Bellatrix, she once again began to yell then sliced the things face with a dagger she had pulled out her pocket.

Suddenly my attention was drawn to something behind me, I snapped my head around and thought I saw a house-elf, I shook it off and put it down to my mind playing tricks on me again but then Harry and Ron appeared at the top of the stairs. I widened my eyes and let go of Draco taking a step back to clear their way. I looked between the pair and Bellatrix, then gestured for them to do something.

Only ron seemed to get the hint as he threw a spell directly at Bella sending her wand flying. Lucius went to pull out his wand but Harry stunned him. Then it just so happened the responsibility fell on Narcissa, Draco and I, I mouthed a silent 'im sorry' in their direction and threw a weak spell towards them.

Draco, out of fear, grabbed my hand and we fought with Harry, mainly blocking all of his spells, whilst Narcissa dealt with Ron until I heard a faint cry come from Hermione and we all stopped and span around. Hermione was being held up by Bella with a dagger to her throat.

" Drop your wands." Bella demanded, but neither of the boys moved an inch, " I SAID DROP THEM" I heard them both clatter to the floor, " Draco Now."

He pulled away from me and grabbed the wands off the floor and ran over to the other side of the room.

" Well, well, look what we have here, its harry potter, all bright shiny and new again, just in time for the dark lord."

I brushed past ron and whispered to him, "come and get them back, we will give them to you, just look like your putting up a fight." He gave me a subtle nod but his attention was too fixed on Hermione to take much more notice.

I walked over and stood behind Draco and leant into his ear, " Let them have the wands when they come over."

Bellatrix looked over to me and Draco with an evil smirk on her face, " Y/n My dear, Call you father for me."

I looked over to ron whose mouth had dropped open slightly, I gave him a nod and pulled up my sleeve. Before I could do anything, I got knocked back onto my feet and let out a sigh of relief, at least ron could understand signals, but the Lucius tugged up his sleeve. A burning pain shot through my chest, and I pressed my hand to my ribs trying my best to breath through the pain.

I looked between Harry, Ron and Draco in some hope one of them would stop him. I heard a faint squeaking and snapped my head up to the ceiling, There was a house-elf hanging from the chandelier above Bella and Hermione, so my mind wasn't playing tricks on me I really did see one.

The chandelier came crashing down to the floor just missing the pair, Hermione flung herself into Ron's arms and he looked over to me. I gave him a weak smile to let him know I was happy Hermione was safe.

Harry came running over and snatched the wands from Draco, and they all congregated in the middle of the room, grabbed hold of the elf. The blonde sat next to me and pulled me into his chest, stroking the top of my head, "You're okay? your not hurt are you?"

even though im pretty sure I had a broken rib, I shook my head so id dint worry him.

" You stupid elf, you could of killed me." Bella shrieked.

" Dobby never meant to kill, he only meant to make or seriously injure." the elf admitted.

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh, sending another harsh pain through my chest. Narcissa began flicking her wand above her head but the elf snapped his finger and it went flying into his hands. Normally I would have thrown mine over to her, but I was in too much pain to actually move.

" How dare you take a witches wand, HOW DARE YOU DEFY YOUR MASTERS," Bella yelled.

" Dobby has no masters, Dobby is a free elf and Dobby has come to save harry potter and his friends."

The group grabbed onto the elf's hand and began to apparate but Bella threw her dagger in their direction and it disappeared along with the rest of the group. I widened my eyes as I realised, one of them was going to get impaled. I glanced up at the blonde who looked as if he was about to burst into tears, I needed to think of a way to get him out of here, so I could either get someone to fix my rib and cry due to pain or so he could let out his emotions.

" Can you please get me some water, I feel a bit dizzy I think I hit my head."

He shot straight up and disappeared out of the room. I let the tears roll down my face and I let myself slide down the wall until I felt a minimal amount of pain. Something was defiantly broken, I could hardly move my upper body without massive amounts of pain shooting through me. I let out a small whimper, catching Narcissa attention and she came running over to me.

" Are you okay."

I shook my head and lifted up the side of my shirt. Sure enough, there was a black bruise right across my bottom rib with a dent in the middle.

" Help." I managed to croak, even speaking was hurting now. She ran her fingers across the bruise and I grimaced as the burning pain filled my body.

" Does Draco know?"

I shook my head as best I could and pulled my shirt back down. She wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled me up off the floor gently, I felt something crack as I stood up straight, sending a tingling sensation all over me, I curled over in pain and took a couple deep breath to try and relax myself.

What bloody spell did ron throw at me, I didn't know there was one to break ribs.

I straightened myself back up slowly and let most of my weight rest on the woman's shoulder. As we approached the door Draco came running in and froze in front of us, dropping the glass on the floor.

"I thought you said you were okay," he growled, looking between me and his mother. I let out a sigh, pulling up the side of my shirt, his mouth parted slightly and he hooked my other arm around his neck.

I hobbled up to our room and they sat me against the head of the bed. Narcissa disappeared, whilst Draco unbuttoned the front of my shirt and studied the bruise.

The woman appeared at the beside again with a towel, pressing it carefully on my rib, I flinched as the cold and the pain hit at the same time. The blonde placed his hand over his mother's and gave a small nod.

She moved her hand away and stroked the side of my face, " Call me if either of you need anything." then left, closing the door behind her. I wiped my tears away and tried to take a deep breath. The boy perched him on the edge of the bed, holding the towel with one hand and my hand with the other.

" You are a walking accident."

I shrugged my shoulders and forced a small smile. The littlest bit of movement seemed to hurt at the minute so I tried to lay as still as I could without saying a word.

" Still beyond me how you get yourself into such a mess all the time."

" still beyond me how you don't. Your really clumsy."

" Oh, so you can speak to insult me." he scoffed,

I gave a small nod and he just rolled his eyes. I looked down at myself then over to Draco, we were such a mess, it wasn't suppose to be like this anymore.

" It's still all wrong, why is it still wrong?."

He turned to me with soft eyes, as grabbed hold oh my shoulders. A single tear rolled down my cheek as i looked into his dull eyes, "We did what we were suppose to, its not fair."

He gently pulled me into a hug and placed his hand on the back of my head, he didn't say a single word, he just held me tightly for a few minutes. I felt the pain begin to ease as i just let myself melt into his touch. Nothing felt the same anymore, not even our relationship, everything we did was treated as if it could be our last.

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