By SitaMah7

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Rishi , please don't leave me alone rishi... I am scared rishi... I won't leave you, my love... No matter wha... More



32 1 0
By SitaMah7

Finally update is here.

Sorry for the delay.
I was caught up with studies and finally got time to sit and write.

For forgiveness...

3+1 update..

First chapter is here



"I am done today. Don't come in eyes of vanajakshi." I mumbled to myself while i was walking slowly to escape from her. If she gets me... I am done...

"Saranya, akka, Thattha, I am going to groove." I informed in general and walked fast to avoid any questions... But...

"Wait. I told yesterday that we will first visit Temple to fix date for engagement and then go for harvest. Now where are you escaping?" Vanajakshi asked in a loud voice which boomed from kitchen entrance.. I face palmed myself..

"You all go to temple. Sashi called me at riverbank now. You told to give those clothes na. I'll do it. In fact I had already been to temple today so. Meet you at fields." I said in a hurry and made a real excuse. Everyone except Aadhi Anna and Rishi were downstairs.

"Vishwa, give your bike keys." I said turning to him forwarding my hand.

"What happened to yours?" He was about to give but took it back dangling in his finger.

"Umm. It's sleeping you know." I said like stating a fact pointing index finger.

"I won't give. Go." He said with am ignored face and turned to go.

"Dei. Give it." I went behind him but he started running with the keys..

"Po di" he ran from side corridor connecting stairs without turning back and...

"Dei ahh" I bumped on someone so bad that is stumbled but the person held me. That person was none other than...


"Sorry" he said looking at our position. My hands on his chest and his one hand on my arm other on my waist.

"Thanks." I mumbled and moved.

"Um.." he tried to say something but I had ran off.

"Why dear, you are running always? Come to temple with us. It is good for family when visited Temple together." Mathi aunty said sweetly.

"Even she is asking. Come." Saranya joined her.

"I'm getting late. See you all." Ignoring all of them I informed and ran away jumping the thresholds.

"This girl!" I heard Saranya's chuckle

"Keeps on running off" Mathi aunty told

"Baby, lakku.. that seempal.." Stace shouted as she came down.

"Seempal ah.." vanajakshi exclaimed coming to central hall with a tin on her hand

"Sorry baby" I gave Stace a 'sorry' look and ran off


"So what took you all so much time? Even I came from backwaters." I questioned walking towards them.

What! They tested my patience! I was waiting for them from almost half an hour!

"Talks later, first pooja." Vanajakshi shut my mouth with her glare. I too glared her.

Vanajakshi!! You took revenge right!

"Sambandhi, you all too join us." Appa told to Raghavan uncle and his family who were standing at a far.

Not so far. Yet

"No problem you continue. We will wait." They refused to join us politely.

"It is never a problem to join to worship which gives us food. This mud, these grains don't differentiate people as if these belong to the owner only to satisfy their hunger. These grains, the farmers who work hard on this holy soil don't have any partiality or any pleasure for money. The farmers only need their crops grown fully whom they look as their only way of life. Infact we city people need to worship the food grains whose value can't be imagined. Don't hesitate and come." Satyam thattha gave them a long super speech. That's why I admire him the most. No one would be as inspiring as him. Being an ex service man from Air force and now being in agriculture is my pride to be his grand daughter.

"Guys stand there with them." Saranya told the men sorry guys indicating us- me, akka, Stace and Vishwa.

Elders first did small pooja worshipping the annapurna for a healthy diet and with the sickle we all harvested our first crops of the field.


"Can I give a hand for help?" I asked Vidya who was busy in harvest.

"Do you know how to do it?" She asked not looking up at me.

"I can do it if someone teaches me." I said with some hope in me. Hell! I don't know even 'A' of agriculture.

"It is not so easy." She told.

"What is there to try? If you don't want me to do harvest then I am okay with it." I told. I like to spend time around her. I like her whether she likes me or not.

"Dei Vishwa eruma (buffalo in tamil.)!" She called vishwa correcting her pallu.

"Eyy. I am your mama (cross cousin). At least call me Anna. Give me some respect." He shouted.

"Respect should be earned not asked da" she mocked him. I was trying not to laugh.

"See, you are our guest. And we don't make our guests work. Plus..." She told turning to me.

"Plus what?"

"Nothing. You are new here so it would be nice if you don't do this." Why the hell she doesn't wante here?

"Did you listen what Satyam thattha said? He said the grains, the farmer doesn't differentiate between people to whom they grow crops. Then who are you and me to say who need to work and who need not. Those who are willing to be with this holy soil, this soil won't leave them. It would be my wish if I am let to be a part of this." I told.

"At your own risk" she mumbled

"Be careful. You are holding a sickle in your hand. While cutting you may cut your hand too." She explained how to do it.

And yes I was learning it!

Suddenly I lost my attention and  winced in pain.

"What happened?" She asked  with concern.

"I cut my hand... " I said looking at hand which she was holding it. I felt joy.

"Cut is deep I think." She examined hand while I was admiring her.

"Come with me.." she dragged me from there made me sit under the tree. She opened a small knot from her tied end of her dhavani(dupatta).

"You have turmeric powder handy.." I asked her.

"Yeah. Stacy is quite clumsy. And myself get some wounds sometimes." She said clearing my wound slowly as if it was hurt for her.

"Here. Now stop wandering and silently go home and ask akka to it dress properly." She dusted her hands.

"You are not coming? Your atthai called for lunch, right." I told it was almost 2.45 pm.

"Why do you always question?" She asked making a weird face and gave a last look for her work.





"Dei.. blood from your hand da!" Amma exclaimed looking at my blood dripping hand.

"Oh god.. it is a big wound!" All eyes were on me.

"Vrushali have a look at this, fast!" Saranya aunty made me sit.

"How did you get hurt Rishi?" Anni (SIL) asked me cleaning the wound.

"While cutting crops Anni"

"And who asked you to do them? I suppose you don't know about harvesting." She retorted.

"Where is Vidya?" Patti asked me.

"At fields probably" Stace said.

"No. Back at house for lunch" and there she came.

"No lunch for you today"

"Vanajakshi!! Why on the earth!!" She was hell exhausted and this was a surprise for her.

A worth watching scene.


"It's done. Don't try to wet your hands or do any work using your left hand. It may get septic." Anni ordered me.

"Take rest son." Uncle told patting my shoulder.

"Kaveri, bring his lunch dear.Vrushali, make soup for him. Stace, tell your Patti to make herbal medicine for him." Saranya aunty was ordering everyone to look afer me.

And hence..

I got all the attention of all people in the house.. yay!😉😉😉

"Mathi, make sure he takes rest atleast now without being on this phone and laptop and all.  Son, Don't take stress if you want anything don't hesitate to ask.I'll call you at evening okay?"
Saranya aunty and Patti were too much concerned about me.

Everyone was just ordering me to sit idle and do nothing but enjoy their care.


"No no..I am not going. Ask Stace to go.." I snapped at vanajakshi. She wanted me to call Rishi for bhogi.

I am feeling awkward to see him. Because of me he got hurt.


I didn't do anything.. I warned him earlier.

So why do you feel guilty? Is it guilt or care? ' 

'Care of course' my subconscious girl asked.

"Stace is busy. You go and call him." Vanajakshi broke my thoughts.

"How busy she must be? Eating paruppu poli's stuffing.( Paruppu poli aka puran poli in hindi) Hkhum.. always load me up with work.." I love to mess with her every single time. My hobby.

"I just asked you to call him. Why are you making a fuss?" She said cutting veggies for dinner.

"Eyy.. while going filter that herbal juice and give it to him. It would help to make his wound heal faster." She said and pouring it in a glass I went to his room.

"I told you to make those files yesterday. Why the f**k has it not sent to me till now? Yes.. okay.. forward it to me in the scheduled time. I'll attend from here. Have an eye on that project I gave it to Rahul. He's messing up things. I just left the office for five days. Till then manage there and update me...and.." I heard him scolding so badly. It reminded me of my boss/senior at work. I hesitantly knocked the door and went in.

"Did.. I disturb you.." I asked but her was staring at me.

"How's your hand?" I asked looking at his dressed hand.

"Why are you here?" He said sternly more like a cold tone with a straight face

"Patti gave told to give you this. Medicine" I forwarded my hand.
He asked me the same again

"I just told you. Medicine. Can't you hear properly?" I got irritated.

"Yeah but why is it in green colour...and oh god..It will taste bitter. I am not having this yuck juice" he made disgusting face like a kid who does not want to eat vegetables.

"Ok. PAATTTIIII!! See here.." I fake called her to make him drink. From today's scenes I knew he listens to Patti.

"Medicines are meant to be bitter. Hold your breath and gulp it down." I said and he did the same.

"Good. Now let's go. They are waiting for us.. I mean you." I said getting up.

"Who's waiting?" He asked

"Bhogi (bonfires ritual)" I said and smiled. I gave him some sugar trying hard to stop my laughter seeing his expression.

We both went out at front yard where stack of wood was kept. All were present and Daddy burnt it by camphor. Bhogi shone gold in the night making and end of all evils and gives a happy start.

It will...


Hey cookies...

How are you all

After a long time I am updating.

It's been two months since I gave an update.

Vidya was haunting in my dreams every night may me remember her.😄😄

Thought to give you quadruple chapters update.

Pity Rishi..😟 got hurt..

Also Got people to heal too..😁

Don't go away..

Read next..

Don't forget to⬇️

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Keep smiling and read next.. go go...

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