BbangNyu β€’ Imagines

By nyu_niverse

32.6K 545 201

A BbangNyu one-shot stories (smut). This will contain mature content so please read at your discretion. Bye D... More

A L P H A O M E G A Pt.2

A L P H A O M E G A Pt.1

3.5K 66 42
By nyu_niverse

"A L P H A   O M E G A"

Top: Younghoon
Bottom: Chanhee


Chanhee's POV

"Father please let me join the hunt pack" I begged my father who's the Leader of our pack.

"No Omega is allowed to hunt and cross beyond the borders----" My father said and I just scoffed on his remark.

"------You should keep that in mind Chanhee" He added before softly patting my head.

"Yes Father" I said before bowing my head as he dash out of our hut.

I just stayed still and focused on sniffing my fathers scent so I can track whether he's already far enough for me not to get busted on my escape. When his rosewood scent is completely vanished I stealthily dash out of our hut and look around me to make sure that no Beta and Alpha wolves were roaming around our hut.

When I'm completely sure that no one is around I started to run into the woods swiftly brushing my hands on each cedar wood that I passed by to cover my sweet vanilla scent which is a very rare fragrant for a male omega like me.

I completely understand that my father is  just trying to protect me from the danger that my scent can cause. I hated my scent for a reason that I am not allowed to join a Hunting pack or Fighting pack that usually have missions beyond the borders. I have heard from the other Alphas that beyond our territory there is a world where mortals and commoners live.

I wanted to see that world and I have been training my self on hunting while studying the world outside our territories through books and photos that came from the mortal world. Omegas like me usually stays inside the border to farm and to make sure the ration is enough to feed the whole pack.

But I'm no ordinary omega, I wanted to see the world beyond our borders. With a determined smile I can finally see the stones that serves as the end mark for our territory. I stopped in an instant once my feet is near to cross our borders and I can no longer contain my happiness.

With my heart thumping so fast from extreme happiness I crossed the border running fast as I can and excitedly explore the new world beyond our borders. Different flora is scattered all over the place and some unfamiliar fauna joined me on my sprint into to this new world.

I heard a flowing sound of a river and I have never seen one in my entire life as we only have  small streams connected from a river on the northeast border of our territory. This streams serves as an irrigation for our agricultural lands and I am so thrilled to see a river for the first time.

The two adorable fauna that have been sprinting with me is I recall to be classified as a squirrels and racoons. Once we reached the river I was in awestruck as the water is shining like crystals reflecting the ray of sun.

"Look the water is shining" I said filled with joy. The squirrel and racoon jump with me in excitement.

"Hmmm you two have been following me since I crossed the borders I think you two need names" I said in excitement and the fauna just gazed at me with sparkle in their eyes.

I walked towards a tree and then sat down under its shade before gazing at the two fauna who's looking at me adorably.

"I think I should name you two Min and Sun" I said which made the two fauna stared at me in confusion.

"Your name is Min" I said pointing at the adorable squirrel.

"And you will be Sun" I added while patting the raccoons head.

Both of them climbed up to me making me hug these two tightly. I wanted to swim into the water so I put Min and Sun down before starting to take my clothes off. I ran towards the water with my bare skin before splashing my body into the crystal clear water.

Min and Sun followed me into the water and surprisingly these two knows how to swim and we played together under the heat of sun while our bodies are submerged into the cold water of the river.

An hour later I felt tiredness creep all over my body so I decided to head back to the tree where my clothes are neatly hanged. I dried my self first before wearing my clothes on then I asked Min and Sun if they are hungry so I explored the riverbank until I found fruit bearings trees.

I joyfully picked some Apples and also I found some blueberries near the apple tree. We head back to the tree and enjoyed the fruits that we have picked together.

Min and Sun merrily took bites on the apples and blueberries that I have given to them. I noticed that the sun is about to set so after finishing all of these tasty fruits I decided to head back into our pack.

Min and Sun climbed up to me as if telling me that I should carry them because I can see on their eyes the exhaustion from all of the running and playing that we did together. I just giggled at their adorableness before standing up and started to walk.

I was only able to make a few steps until I felt dizzy and my vision started to get blurry. I dropped the two fauna from my hands and I can see how they worriedly prance around me. I felt so weak that it made me fall onto my knees .

I started to feel worried as I can smell Cedarwood scents and Mountain Pine scent. These scent are so unfamiliar and I can already sense danger from it.

There are a lot wolf pack aside from us Forest wolves. Mountain Wolves reside in the northern part while River wolves thrive on the eastern part of the region. The commoners realm is found here on the west side of the region where rogue wolves are also thriving.

Rogue wolves are those wolves who have committed hideous crimes that caused their banishment from the wolf pack.

"ARRRGGGGGHHHH" I screamed in pain as my body started to feel like it's burning up with fire.

The smell of the Cedarwood and Mountain pine is getting stronger which is a clear sign that they are near on this area.

My body started to exude sweet scent that is a nightmare for any omega at my age. I never thought that this day would come where I'm outside our territory where my life could be in danger because of my negligence.

I forgot that winter is days away and omegas like me who's on the right age will undergo in this cycle where our urge to mate is at it's peak.

An omega like me outside our territory while on it's heat is a clear example self slaughter because once an Alpha found and inhaled my scent during my vulnerable state it will automatically drive them crazy that they will mate with you and it will cost your wolf life.

Omegas like me should mate with the Alpha that is destined to our consort or we will die if the wrong Alpha will be the one to mate with us. Omegas like me has the ability to attract their chosen Alpha who can endure our irresistible scent when we are in heat.

In our pack all unmated Alphas are being kept inside a hut guarded by Alphas and betas who already found their mate as they are already immune from the irresistible scent of unmated omegas.

Unmated Alphas can't resist our scent and It will drive them crazy to follow where the scent is coming from so the Mated Alphas and Betas job is to secure the Unmated Alphas behavior and protect us omegas from dying or getting killed. Only the unmated Alpha who can endure an omegas scent can stay sane and this is where the guards will let them out of the Hut and let them find their destined omegas.

Once the heat season is done some of the Alphas will stay unmated and they will wait again for the next winter to come to find their destined Mate. While all of the omegas who had their heat will have their matrimony with their destined Alphas.

In our pack Heat season is the symbol of a new beginning as most of the omegas will get impregnated and soon to bear their pup. As for my case I am a female omega on my wolf form and a male omega on my human form which made me a one in a millennium occurrence.

I tried to stand up and take shelter for safety but to my dismay my heat won't let me and it made weak and vulnerable. I can't move any limbs and this made me cry in pain as the burning feeling is starting get unbearable.

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed catching the attention of the two wolves making them howl. I can already tell that they are both unmated rogue Alpha wolves base from the howling sound they made.

This made me cry in fear and regret started to creep all over my body and because of my negligence I put my life in danger. I just crouched in pain and embraced my self tightly trying to endure the burning pain all over my body.

I can hear Min and Sun squeak in terror when the strong scent of Cedarwood and Mountain pine lingered all over the place. I can feel that they are in their wolf form base on the growling sound they are making.

This is one of the reasons why omegas in heat are being guarded by Mated Alphas who has immunity from our irresistible scent. Unmated Alphas like these two can't resist our scent that it drives them crazy and it's either they will mate with you or end your life so your body will stop excreting heat scent.

"S-Stay away from" I screamed and I just heard them howled like crazy wolves.

I just cried in terror as I can already tell that these two can no longer resist my scent. I felt them ran towards my direction which caused me to shut my eyes in fear and prepare my self from their fangs and claws.

Seconds later I didn't feel anything touch me so with all might I opened my eyes and greeted by a Raven colored wolf fighting the rogue wolves. The Raven Wolf is a bit larger and has a better built than these two rogue wolves.

He has this fighting capability that exhibits a Strong Alpha Leader and his strong Sandal wood scent is lingering all over the place and it helped me to ease the pain that my heat is causing. The Cedarwood and Mountain Pine scent was completely overpowered by his Sandalwood scent.

The last time that I smelled a scent like this was from the Mountain Wolves Alpha Leader
but this Sandalwood scent is different from that as this one accentuates Power and Authority.

Never in my life I have encountered this overpowering scent and I am completely sure that he is the exact representation of the Legend "Alpha of all Alphas".

He is indeed the King of all kings because even my father who has this strong rosewood scent it is still incomparable into this strong Sandalwood scent.

The two rogue wolves scurried away as this Raven colored wolf howl like a King. His howl resonates all over the place which can make Anyone bow down to him.

"Ahhhhhhhhh" I screamed in pain when my Heat start to kick in and I saw how he transformed gracefully into his Human form. A tall young man appeared in front of me with a well built physique and I was in awe as I gaze into his striking features.

"You are safe now" His sonorous voice resonates like a King is speaking to me.

"T-thank you" I softly said.

He bend down and wrapped his masculine arms on me before lifting me up into the ground. He carried me without any struggle and I love how his naked body release his comforting sandalwood scent which eased the burning feeling of my skin.

"A Male Omega?" He said in confusion because like what I've said I'm a one in a millennium occurrence. I just scoot my head on to his chest to sniff his comforting sandalwood scent.

"You're in heat?" He asked and I just nodded shyly because it is a pure stupidity for an omega like me to cross the border.

He brought me into a cave where we can take shelter and safety. He put me down on the cold ground making me quiver in pain as my skin is so sensitive right now.

"Stay here! I'll be back I promise" He said which made me nod.

"Ahhhhhh" I whimper in pain as a burning sensation started to build up in my groin area.

"I'll be quick I promise" He said with a reassuring smile.

"It's too painful" I cried but the next thing happened left me speechless.

He kissed me softly on my lips which helped to eased up the burning pain all over my body. His kisses trailed down to my neck and I can feel him licking my neck making sure to leave his scent through his saliva.

"Take your shirt off" He said and I just obliged on to his request. Once I'm done taking my shirt off he grab the cloth and started to wipe the sweat on his neck and chest.

"Here! My scent will help you ease up the pain! I'll be back I promise" He said then he hand me my shirt back filled with his sandalwood scent. His scent calms me and the burning pain eased up a bit.

"W-Who are you?" I asked and he just smiled at me.

"I'm Younghoon from the Mountain wolves" He answered then he stand up and started to touch the walls of the cave making sure that he is filling the place with his sandalwood scent. I felt my self blushing as I realized that Younghoon is my Alpha and I couldn't believe that such handsome Alpha will be my mate.

My face heat up as I stared on to his naked body and I gasped when my eyes landed on to his soft member and I can already tell that he has a huge manhood. But this isn't the right time for me appreciate his physique because I'm still in danger so I need to prepare my self as my heat will start to kick in again once his scent is gone.

"How about you?" He asked while he is still leaving his sweat all over the cave.

"I-I'm Chanhee from the Forest wolves" I answered.

"Don't worry my scent is strong enough to drive away rogue wolves" He said before transforming into his wolf form.

"Please come back" I said and he just responded with a soft growl before jumping out of the cave.

I felt Min and Sun climbed up to me and their fur is also filled with Younghoon's scent which calms me.  Half an hour later I can smell Rogue wolves outside the cave but I can feel that they are hesitating to enter as the Sandalwood is still lingering all over the place and this made the Alpha rogue wolves feel afraid of trespassing this marked territory.

An hour passed his scent started to fade away and I can already hear the rogue wolves howling loudly outside the cave and it scares me as I can smell not just one but more than ten rogue wolves scattered outside the cave.

My body started to release another wave of Sweet scent and this time one rogue wolf finally entered the cave.

"Y-Younghoon" I whispered as my tears began to fall.

The rogue wolf growled at me and I can see how he started to ran towards my direction.


The rogue wolf was sent flying and a strong scent of Sandalwood started to linger again all over the place. The rogue wolf hurriedly ran outside the cave and I can see some scratches all over younghoon's wolf body.

He Transformed into his human form and I saw scratches from wolf claws all over his body. He fall on to his knees while panting heavily my heart was shattered with him seeing his wounds and bruised body.

"Y-Younghoon" I cried and he just smiled at me.

"Don't worry I'm fine! No one's gonna hurt you now" He said before standing up gathering the things that he have brought for me.

I just watched him hurriedly pile up the woods and make a fire by rubbing twigs together. He was able to ignite fire and this warmed up the cave.

Then he grab a coconut and with a powerful smash he was able to cracked it open and make sure that I will drink it's juice.

"Drink this" He said.

After drinking the juice he transformed again into his wolf form when my body started to excrete a stronger scent that attracted rogue wolves.

Younghoon ran out of the cave and I can hear growls, whimpers and wolves screaming in pain. I am completely terrified and I feel so worried about him but his Sandalwood scent became stronger.

Few minutes later I heard a loud howl coming from younghoon.


His howl resonates on a great expanse and this a very rare occurrence as only strong and capable Alphas can howl like this.

But Younghoon is indeed a King and he is my Alpha. He entered the cave with scratches all over his body and my Tears fall down.

I gathered all of my strength to crawl on to his direction and he transformed into his human form before falling on to his knees.

I can see how he is panting heavily but he still managed to smile at me.

"I won't let anyone hurt you Chanhee" He said and this made me excrete another sweet scent.

This made him groan and I saw how his eyes started to sparkle with desire. This is the effect of my scent to my Alpha it will give him a strong desire to mate with his Omega.

"C-Chanhee" He said and I crawled up to him snaking my arms around his nape.

I can no longer endure the pain and my urge to mate with my Alpha became stronger. I can no longer contain my self so I crawled up to him before pushing him down and flopped down his body onto the cold ground.

I can see how his eyes is begging me to please him. Younghoon can no longer resist my scent and I feel so guilty for making him went through of all this battle.

I want to satisfy him and I want my King to have what he deserves. I sat on top of him positiong my self onto his already hard member.

I swiftly removed my shirt and stripped down my pants. Once I'm done taking my clothes of I bend down and crashed our lips together.

I felt him wrapped his arms around my waist while his hard member is poking me on my entrance. I love how the burning pain suddenly washed away when my bare skin touched his naked body.

I hungrily savored his addicting taste while rubbing my butt on to his huge member.

"Uhmmmppp" He moaned.

I trailed down my kisses going to his neck softly biting his skin leaving red marks. It made me feel like I'm marking my own territory and Younghoon is that territory.

"Ahhhhhhhhh C-Chanhee" He moaned when my kisses moved down to his chest.

I can still see the scratches on to his body and I mindlessly Licked the wounds making him whimper in pain.

"Aagghhhhh" He whimpered but something strange happened.

His wounds started to heal quickly and I tried to do the same thing making him whimper in pain but afterwards his wounds started to heal.
I licked all of his scratches and now his body is no longer covered in scratches.

I moved my kisses down on to his well toned abs and tracing the lines using my tongue.

"Ugghhhhh Chanhee" He moaned loudly.

As I moved downward my lips finally reached his huge glory. I wrapped my hands around his huge member making him groan in pleasure.

I took his wholeness inside my mouth choking myself when I attempted to deep throat him. I succeeded on my following attempts and this made Younghoon a moaning mess.

I start bobbing my head on to his huge length making him scream my name as I excrete another wave of my heat scent.

"Ahhhhhhh Chanhheeee" He moaned loudly and I felt his legs are shaking from immense pleasure.

"I'M CUMMMINGGGGGG" He screamed and pushed my head deep down on to his length planting his seeds down to my throat making me swallow his wolf cum.

I pulled his cock out making a popping sound which made him moan. I can hear him panting heavily and once he is done catching his breath he flipped our position making him hover on top of me.

"You look so breath taking Chanhee" He complimented before leaning down to kiss me on my lips.

"Uhmmpppp" I moaned when he bite my lower lip.

I felt him spread my legs positioning himself between my legs. I felt him align the tip of his member on to my entrance.

His huge member is coated with my saliva mixed with his cum that made it lubricated enough to slide it easily on my entrance.

"AHHHHHhhhhhh Y-Younghooonnn" I moaned loudly when his whole length is already inside of me.

"Uhmmmmppp You're so tight Chanhee" He said before moving his hips in a slow pace making me wrapped my hands onto his nape and back.

"Ahhhhhhhh Faster" I said and he just handsomely smiled at me before moving his hips faster.

"Ughhhhhh That feels so good" He said and I can see how his eyes sparkle with the immense pleasure.

"Thrust Faster my King" I said which made him locked our eyes together before smiling at me.

"Aggghhhhhhh Chanheee" He howled sexily and he started to thrust deeper making me a moaning mess.

"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed when he hit my pleasure spot.

"Younghoon please hit that again" I said and he just obliged on to my request making deep thrust and repeatedly hitting my pleasure spot abusing it with his huge member.

"I'm Close" I said as my eyes dilated in immense pleasure.

"I'm also near Chanhee" He said before making an unsteady pace of thrust but Maintaining his deep thrust to hit me on my spot.

"I'M CUMMMINGG" I screamed as I released my load all over my body making my wall clench his huge member who's still moving in and out of my hole.

"I'M ALSO CUMMINNGG" He moaned loudly and with one final deep thrust he filled my hole with his cum.

"AHHHHH" We both moan in over stimulation when he made a few more thrust before pulling his huge member out of my abused hole.

"You feel better now my beautiful Omega?" He asked and it didn't fail to make me smile when he called me beautiful.

"Yes my handsome Alpha I feel better" I answered before wrapping my hands around his nape pulling him into a gentle kiss.

I felt my heat sup-side as we both found our own release. But this just the beginning as he need to stay and protect me until my heat is gone. That is his first duty as my Alpha.

This will last for a week and I just hope that Younghoon will stay with knowing that he is a mountain wolf. He has his own obligation back in their pack and I just that Him being a Mountain wolf wouldn't be a problem for our matrimony.

Younghoon is my destined Alpha and I was so happy to finally meet him despite of meeting him in a very dangerous way.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you my Omega" he said making me smile and feel extreme joy.

"I'm also happy to finally meet you my Alpha" I responded before smiling at him sweetly.

Younghoon lean forward crashing our lips together kissing me gently and passionately.

He pulled away from the kiss before lying down beside and he pulled closer to his body then wrapped me in his arms protecting me from the danger that my negligence brought me.

"Good Night my Omega" he said before giving me a quick peck on my lips.

"Good Night my Alpha" I responded before scooting closer to his body.


Hope you like it!
What do you think?
Do you want a Part 2?

Bye Deobitxh 😉

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